Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 277 What is it like to meet your parents?

"Your name is Zeraora?" Although Zeraora didn't introduce herself, the roar just now made everyone nearby hear Zeraora's name.

"Well, hello, auntie."

"My name is Ling, and I'm Setsuna's mother. Come with me first. I'm afraid the two of them will have a good time."

At this time, Setsuna had already run to the other side, and Hutch was still chasing after him. Although he was gasping for breath with his tongue sticking out, he still didn't give up.

"But you big bird. Is it obedient?"

The appearance of the Millennium Dragon is still the ancestor of the big bird, and there are many special animals on Zou. She is just worried that the Millennium Dragon will cause trouble.

"Don't worry, it can understand me." He is not Elizabeth, but the leader of the Millennium Dragon has a transformed form of Pokémon, so Zeraora can communicate. This is the difference between transformed animals and humans.

Animals in Pokémon form can communicate with any Pokémon, while humans with Pokémon abilities can only communicate with Pokémon of the same type. For example, Mandelfish can only understand the words of the Carp King.

Gyarados can also understand, but the character of Gyarados will not communicate with him, unless it is the Gyarados evolved from the first generation of carp kings directly transformed by Arceus, they will pay attention to this aspect.

Under the instruction of Zeraola, the leader of the Millennium Dragon followed him to the place where their home was located.

"Have Setsuna caused you trouble these past few years? That child won't be worry-free when he was young."

"No, she lives very hard outside."

"Really? How did you meet? How did you know each other?"

"Well... I was born in the sea, and my parents are long gone. I met her on our ship, but let her explain the details to you."

It is better for her to explain the matter of the organ trafficking assassination group herself.

The location where the Millennium Dragon landed was not far from Setsuna's house, and it didn't take long to arrive at her house, and most of the spectators were attracted by the chase between father and daughter, and temporarily ignored Zeraola.

"You wait here alone for a while, I'll do something, and I'll be back soon."

After bringing Zeraora back to her home, Ling poured him a glass of water and left the house first, leaving Zeraora at her home with confidence.

There is no currency available in Zou. The fresh water is rainwater or sea water purified by plants. A large part of the food is brought up by elephant owners. This is almost a utopia with no worries about food and clothing.

Moreover, the sense of trust among the residents is also very strong. It is not a joke in Zou to not close the door at night and not pick up lost things.

The interior decoration of the house is very ordinary, but also a little warm, but from the photos on the wall, Zeraola found something special. There seems to be a fourth person in this family besides Setsuna.

About ten minutes later, the door was pushed open again. Sometimes the door was closed not for safety, but for privacy. This time it was not Ling who opened the door, but Setsuna.

"Phew, I finally got rid of my dad. He is still so healthy after so many years."

The moment she returned to her home, she took out a chair and sat down with ease, and all the things were still in her familiar position, so it can be seen that her home has remained the same as when she left all these years.

"Well, my house is not bad, although it's a bit small."

"Not bad, you have a sister?"

"Sister, no, what's the matter?"

"Look at the pictures on the wall."

Although Zowu is relatively closed, there are also a lot of fur tribes who left Zowu. Many things in Zowu were brought back by these fur tribes who went out, such as cameras and looms, or some outer clothes, which are important to them. way of replenishment.

In the photo on the wall, apart from Hutch, Ling and Setsuna, there is also a yellow dog-fur girl.

Setsuna inherited Ling's race and part of Hatch's coat color, while the girl was just the opposite.

At this time, a thick male voice came from outside the door. Hutch, who was led by Setsuna for a long time, just ran back and was looking at Setsuna panting heavily.

Not to mention anything else, this running speed already shows that she has not wasted her time in the past few years. Although he has never left Zou, he is also a member of the musketeer team, and a member of the elite fighters in the fur clan. He couldn't keep up with him.

"Ha, you really ran back home."

After leaning against the door frame for a long time, Hutch regained his strength.

And Setsu knows that she will be blocked when she goes home, but there is no way, she can't keep running.

Moreover, after chasing for a long time, Hutch's energy was almost exhausted, and he had no interest in hitting her for a while, so he just put his hand on her head.

"Don't leave without saying a word again, do you know how worried your mother and I were at the beginning."

"Well, but Dad, can you tell me who this is?"

"It's your sister, her name is Wanda, she is also six years old this year."

Ling, who was out, also came back at this time, and explained Setsuna's question.

She had just left to find Wanda and came back. The fur clan didn't have a school or anything like that. Unless they were learning about moon lions, they spent most of their time freeing them. That's why those young people had the chance to leave Zowu.

And this is also an unspoken rule of Zowu, the king of Zowu has no hereditary system, the previous king can designate a successor, and those who have opinions can also choose to challenge this person.

As long as you can defeat the opponent and get the approval of the residents of Zow, you can become the new Duke of Zow, and compared with unilateral practice in Zow, people who go to sea can often become stronger.

Yang Jisi Khan also left Zow when he was young, but he left with a few partners when he was an adult. It is rare for Setsu to run out of Zow without adult fur tribes following him.

This is also the reason why Hatch and Ling were worried about her, but they didn't go out to look for them and gave her a younger sister. This is also a way of growing up in Zowu.

So their departure only caused quite a stir and had no follow-up impact.


Wanda was standing behind Ling, looking a little apprehensive about the presence of two strangers in the family.

"Don't be afraid of Wanda, that's your sister, you saw it in the photo."

Although I had never seen it before, the same blood flowed after all, and it didn't take long before I became familiar with it.

"Okay, now, take your sister back to the room first. It's next door to your previous room. You should also get acquainted with it. We have something to ask this Zeraora."

Setsuna's family environment is obviously different from that of Yamato. She would choose to run away from Hutch, but under the threat of Ling's eyes, she can only return to the room honestly.

And the rest of the process is a three-room trial. After all, my daughter has been away for nine years and brought a man with her when she came back. It is impossible for the two of them to have no idea at all.

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