Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 284 Another Modifier for Escape

The most unique thing about Pokémon is that ordinary beasts grind their claws or roar just to deter the opponent, but these actions of Pokémon can bring about a real increase in combat power.

The action of Zeraora touching the claws is the claw grinding of the evil system. The sharper claws make it easier for him to hit the enemy and cause greater damage.

The iron block played a big role in the face of ordinary fur people, but it was not enough to face Zeraora. The chest muscles were cut open by Zeraora, and the lightning attached to the claws instantly shocked the wound. It was burnt, and a foul smell radiated from it.

Although his storage fruit can absorb lightning, the lightning attached to physical attacks makes him powerless. Unless he can absorb the lightning in Zeraora's body at once, there is nothing he can do about it.

"Uncle, you go somewhere else, leave this place to me."

He flicked his right hand. For Zeraora, this enemy has nothing special except that it can charge him. The energy is good, but it is not enough for Zeraora.

No matter how strong the iron block is cultivated, there is still a gap compared to the armed color. Paper painting and iron block are just low-end skills for the knowledge color and armed color.

Although it was not fatal with a single blow, Zeraora's attack did not stop because of this, the sharp claws grabbed the opponent's body one after another, and every time he swung the claws, he could pick up a piece of flesh and blood, and the iron block was just a living creature in front of him. It's just a target.

"Hatch, Setsuna seems to have found you an incredible son-in-law and returned."

A tiger fur stood up, with many bruises on its body, but it did not affect his fighting.

Recently, Hutch has been making a lot of noises on Zowu. Although he is a little unhappy that Setsu, who disappeared for nine years, brought back a boyfriend, but this does not prevent him from showing off those high-end goods outside.

The result of this was that the Musketeers basically knew who Zeraora was, and the opponents they couldn't even siege seemed vulnerable to Zeraola's hands, which made them feel the gap.

"Of course, you don't look at whose daughter Setsuna is, why is her vision so bad?"

"Well, yes, after all, she is Ling's daughter, but it's a pity that Ling's eyesight is only once in her life."

"Well? What do you mean by that? Explain to me!"

"Ah, don't get me wrong, hurry up and help, those people are a bit difficult to deal with."

Tiger Fur rushed towards the battlefield on the other side first, and Hutch also chased after him, but he had a lot to say about Ling's vision.

The battle between Zeraora and the opponent also entered a weird cycle. He had to use the ability to accumulate fruit to absorb the lightning released by Zeraora, otherwise he would not be able to withstand the lightning strike from Zeraora.

But his storage fruit has a storage limit. After the power reaches the limit, he has to release the lightning, and once he releases the lightning, the current will be absorbed by Zeraora, making him become get stronger.

"Asshole beast, die here!"

The existence of the world government for 800 years naturally has its own background, especially in the training of agents. Most of the agents who can work in the world government are diehards.

After the judicial island incident, Rob Lucci and others were almost wiped out by the world government, but after that Rob Lucci passed the selection and became CP0.

And the agents who carry out such dirty things are naturally cronies of the world government. If someone who is not credible exposes such a thing, even the world government will have to face some criticism.

Although they don't care about such remarks, it doesn't mean they like this kind of thing to happen.

After finding out that he was not Zeraora's opponent, he made his own decision, and hugged him desperately while Zeraora was attacking. This time he didn't release the electric current, and the energy bar on his chest flashed.

"Die! Accumulate energy and self-destruct!"

Since the electric energy is invalid, he chose to detonate the energy stored in himself. For him, Zeraora is an existence that must be cleaned up to endanger the world government.

He had already made a plan not to let go no matter what, but Zeraora below him didn't feel any struggle.

"Farewell, big man."

Looking up, Zeraora was sitting on the eaves not far away and looking at him. What he grabbed was just a substitute that Zeraora had differentiated with physical strength. A guy who only dared to avoid suddenly rushed up and let anyone will feel wrong.

Although a lot of stamina was wasted by the stand-in, it seems that the stamina was well worth it so far.

A cloud of mushrooms exploded here. Although many buildings were destroyed, because the people were all celebrating outside, there was no impact.

And this explosion also attracted the attention of others. Although the anesthetic put most of the fur tribes into a deep sleep, the strongest Musketeers and Knights remained.

They didn't know that it was the influence of the Milk Fairy, and they only regarded it as Caesar's unreliability. Except for these two capable users, the other agents did not have much advantage in the battle.

Originally, this fruit-accumulating ability user held back the elites of the Musketeers, such as Hatch, and Sheep Khan was also entangled by the leader, but with the intervention of Zeraora, the short-term balance was broken.

Hutch and the others, who freed up their hands, concentrated their breakthroughs and began to liberate more fur tribe combat power, launching a counterattack with the superiority in numbers.

"Lei Guang Jie Raola... Is that guy also in Zou?"

The members of the world government who were dealing with Yang Jisi Khan saw Zeraora, and he did his homework before going to Zou. Zeraora is the most famous "fur tribe" in the sea.

The reward of 550 million and the identity of the leader of the Hundred Beasts Pirates made him study the opponent a little more. He thought this was a very difficult opponent.

The natural system is not invincible, as strong as the three generals of the headquarters in the later period, and weaker than Caribou. In the new world where domineering is common, the natural system is just one of many abilities.

However, he thought that he shouldn't appear in Zou as the opponent's beast, but it turned out that he made a mistake in his judgment.

But it doesn't matter, he still has his own plan.

"Plan No. 2 started!"

It sounds like Plan No. 2, and it sounds bad that the plan failed and he was about to retreat, but at this time he did not forget the original mission goal, a few rope clouds were released from his body, and a few unconscious fur tribes were caught in his body .

Then a large cloud was released to serve as a pedal, and the agents below were also his subordinates.

But this is the home of the Fur Race, so it is impossible to take people away in front of them, not to mention taking away those people, even whether he can leave by himself is unknown.

On the night of the battle, the first three shifts will be made, and the fourth shift will be in the middle of the night or early in the morning

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