Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 51 Wrong Analysis Caused by Wrong Intelligence

"Spandyne, if this kind of thing happens again, please stop contacting me and take the blame and resign."

"Yes, I'm sorry, I'm very sorry, please."

Facing the roaring phone bug, Spangdine behaved very humbly. This accident required him to use a lot of connections to settle the matter.

Previously, he wanted to take most of the credit for finding the Rocks treasure, so he hid some key figures and directly contacted people higher up.

Unexpectedly, the treasure was not found, but both Follett and the two CP0s had accidents. Fortunately for Follett, he was in charge of CP9, and Follett was not the strongest one. Reserve personnel could fill his vacancy. .

In the rear, the CP organization has an island dedicated to cultivating talents.

But CP0 is different. There are some outstanding people there. The most important thing is that these people are very loyal to the government. If such people suffer losses for no reason, someone must bear the responsibility.

Before Spandam burned down the office, "Plite"'s life card had been in good condition, so that after the life card was lost, Spandam completely lost control of the situation in the Natjo Kingdom.

The owner of the life card was also a member of John's group, so the life card naturally disappeared after death.

CP0 would not contact him, and Follett's last reports were that all was well.

The two CP0s might not be John's opponents in a head-on confrontation, but logically speaking, it would be no problem if they wanted to retreat.

Marie Gioia's life card had confirmed their deaths, and other personnel had already gone to investigate the specific situation. Under this situation, Spangdyne could only tell all the information.

In view of the fact that his information had a certain value, he found a lot of connections, and the matter was finally let go.

However, in order to deal with those people, he could be said to have suffered a heavy hemorrhage, and Spandam, who had lost the information, also received Spangdyne's eager care. Until now, he is still lying on the bed unable to get up.

After Spandine's false intelligence and subsequent investigations into the Nathaw Kingdom, they believed that Plitt was the culprit of all this.

This man actually deceived everyone and secretly obtained Rocks' treasure, which is why there was such a special reward.

This matter is not over yet, government personnel have conducted a more detailed investigation here.

Subsequently, people investigating the situation in the Natho Kingdom made new discoveries. Unless they knew the secret of Rocks, no one would have imagined that there was such a large space under the central lake of the island.

They were able to find some clues thanks to John. His awakened ability led to changes in the terrain of the Natho Kingdom. After Kaido and the others left, there was a small earthquake here.

A hole opened in the underground cave. After some corpses and a small amount of treasures were washed out by the water, the hole completely collapsed in the aftershocks.

The physical strength of these people is not only reflected in life, but also after death. After such a long time, the corpses have not decayed yet, and their original identities can still be identified.

In the end, they got their own judgment, and those people fell into internal fighting over the treasure, and finally died at the hands of unknown people.

There was no result in continuing the investigation. At the urging of the Natjo Kingdom, they also planned to end the investigation.

The Kingdom of Natjo has protested many times. What they do is a gray business. A group of navy and government personnel are here to investigate the situation. Coupled with the previous earthquake and the abnormal low tide, the national economy has been severely damaged in recent days.

If they delay for a few more days, they will soon be unable to pay the heavenly gold.

However, among the evidence they collected, there was a simple knife, which was exactly the knife that Olga had lost.

Not everyone knows about ancient writing, and it was a coincidence that Follett could recognize Alchemy's writing. These investigators only collected the evidence and had to wait until other personnel were responsible for analyzing the situation when they returned.

Also discovered was Follett's body. Compared to CP0 and others whose cause of death was unknown, Follett's body had already been taken into custody by the Natho Kingdom.

Although the Kingdom of Natjo has regulations, there are always pirates who die due to armed fighting on the island, and they have long been accustomed to such people.

"Severely burned, most of the body was broken, and his head was hit with a blunt object for a long time. He seemed to be tortured, what exactly did he find."

"I don't know. Let the people above investigate slowly. It's time for us to leave. The king of the Natjo Kingdom has called Mariejoia several times."

Then a group of professionals conducted so-called exploration on the recovered clues, and the dagger produced in Alkemi also attracted their attention.

With Spandaine's solemn assurance, the World Government successfully misunderstood and believed that Pliart planned all of this.

Either Locks found pure gold, or Plitt discovered clues to the new Alchemy, and finally placed a special reward on Plitt.

This is also the reason why Spangdyne can operate successfully without even being punished by demotion.

But no matter what, they didn't have the ability to catch a dead person on the sea. For a while, the person in charge of this matter was in a deadlock. Based on a bunch of wrong intelligence, they put the clue on Alchemy.

They believe that as long as they can find the missing Alchemy, they can find Prirt.

A few months later, after a period of sailing, their beasts' ship also arrived at the Shampoo Islands.

This ship can be said to have become a gathering place for ethnic minorities.

The only two survivors of Alchemy, the two survivors of the Lunaria tribe, and the basilisk lizards, a race that has long been extinct, are just that the crew's style has been unusual recently.

Everyone was bruised and bruised, no, to be precise, only Quinn was bruised and bruised.

Asier was not part of the training and was not originally a combatant.

Olga's physical training had just ended and she had not yet entered the stage of being beaten.

Jhin covered himself tightly, and Shaina was almost the same. Even if there was an injury on his body, it would not be visible. But Quinn was different. He was already larger than outsiders. Under Kaido's teaching, even if he had an animal type, Resilience and a lot of bruises on his body.

But it was effective. After this period of time, the domineering level of several people on the ship has been significantly improved.

At the same time, Olga's cabinet of clothes of the same style was also modified, and the conspicuous Alchemy text on them was removed.

The lesson she learned last time made her understand that it was not a good thing for this kind of information to be exposed.

She had never seen what Shaina and Jhin's faces looked like, and they had no intention of taking off their masks or canceling their transformation in front of Olga, at least not now.

However, Asier has a certain guess. Like Alchemy, they are things that are difficult to expose.

A hundred years ago, there were many more Lunarians than there are now, and the government's arrests were even greater.

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