Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 54 Do you believe in fate?

FLAG just stood there, and his concerns were not without reason.

The purity of Hailou Stone can be adjusted, as long as the proportion of PYROBROIN is changed.

But this technique is secret in Wano country, and only craftsmen in Wano country have this technology.

Hailou stone is extremely hard, it is very difficult to process, and the content of the ore is random. The purity of sealou stone handcuffs in the hands of the navy depends on the purity of the ore. G4 is located in the first half, and the previous base chief is a veritable hawk.

What he advocates is elimination rather than arrest, so most of the Hailoushi handcuffs in the base were taken by him to support the brother units.

Ability users are not Chinese cabbage, and often you don't meet one in a few months, leaving one or two for emergency is enough.

"Lieutenant General, are you worrying too much? This is a naval base. What can you do?"

"Have you forgotten the lesson of Branch 277 so quickly?"

"Lieutenant General, that is the branch of the Four Seas. This is the great route. We are different from those people. And I have tripled the number of guard posts. Lieutenant General, don't worry."

But they didn't notice that with the arrival of new soldiers, there were two more people in Kaido's prison who shouldn't be there.

As for how they got in, this is a temporarily remodeled prison, and the size is based on Kaido's size.

And Kaido's arms are thicker than Olga's waist, and the temporary prison built only to imprison him is no different from being undefended for Olga.

But at this time, her head was already sweating, and the fruit ability required physical strength. Although her real age was more than a hundred years old, her physical age was still more than 8 years old. It was already very good to be able to maintain the phantom for such a long time.

Creating an illusion of Kaido still bound, she gestures to Elizabeth to unlock it.

She is an ability obtained after transformation by an ability user, and it will be affected when she touches Hailou Stone, but Elizabeth is different, she does not have the influence of Devil Fruit on her body.

Facing Kaido's chain, it condensed a stream of water on its fingers, and then poured the stream into the keyhole.

With the sound of clicking, clicking, the chain obviously began to loosen.

Relatively speaking, Olga encountered new difficulties.

How to wake up a Jiu Mengzi, wait online.

There are only two ways for her to retreat, either wake up Kaido and let Kaido take them out, or declare the mission failed and wait for Arceus' rescue.

In fact, she didn't know that Arceus had an idea. When he found the slate of the fighting system, he would let most of the Beasts learn to wake up the slap, so that Kaido would not wake up.

Well, falling asleep drunk is just as effective as falling asleep.

She almost pulled Kaido's beard off, and Elizabeth's locks were picked, but Kaido didn't mean to wake up at all.

In the end, she had no choice but to see some wine barrels left on the side. Although Kaido looked like he was drunk, he could only fight poison with poison at this time.

He walked up to Kaido with a barrel of wine in his arms and poured it directly on him. Facts have proved that this is effective.

"Hi~ kid, what are you doing? Do you want to drink too?"

Kaido hiccupped, then sat up against the wall, looked at the chains on his body with disgust, and then continued to drink.

"Captain Kaido, please share the occasion! This is a naval base! Not a place for you to drink!"

The first official operation came to the naval base. One can imagine how nervous she was, but she had already honed it.

She used to be very timid, but she has experienced too many things during the more than a hundred years spent in the stomach of sea kings, dinosaurs, plant poisoning, stomach acid tsunami, man-eating plants, it is not easy to survive .

Olga's words seemed to wake Kaido up. Looking at Kaido who was silent, Olga thought he understood the current situation.

"Okay, Captain Kaido, the navies outside haven't discovered my phantom yet, let's go back to the ship now." In her opinion, it's good to leave now, after all, there is an entire navy base outside.

And the duration of her phantom is coming to an end.

But the next second, she saw Kaido crying, and then she had a bad premonition.

After drinking too much, Kaido would either fall asleep or play drunk. This is something everyone on the ship knows, and one of the biggest characteristics of his drinking madness is that he starts to cry after losing control of his emotions.

The next moment, he threw the wine barrel in his hand violently and smashed it against the fence outside.

"Oh~! I'm really useless! I was caught by the navy and had to be rescued by a trainee. Damn it, bastard!" He said and began to smash the surrounding walls.

"Hey! Captain Kaido, my phantom won't last if you do this."

Under Kaido's drunkenness, Olga's physical strength could no longer maintain the phantom. In fact, it was meaningless to maintain it, because when Kaido smashed the wine barrel against the fence, the navy outside discovered the abnormality.

"Who! How did you get in!"

Several guns were pointed at the temporary prison, and at the same time, several cannons were also turned around. For ordinary naval soldiers, firearms are still the thing that gives them the most sense of security.

Compared to Olga and Elizabeth who suddenly appeared next to Kaido, Hadro looked at the chains on the ground, which means that Kaido is no longer bound at this time.

"Illusion. Ability user? Damn it." An unrestrained Kaido would definitely cause great damage here, but to his surprise, Kaido didn't seem to have any plans to kill.

I saw Olga and Elizabeth grabbed Olga and Elizabeth one by one, turned into a dragon and rushed out of the prison, and walked away in front of countless marines.

"The wine at your base is good. Goodbye, bastard Marines."

There is no reason, I just don’t want to, he does things based on his mood, last time he wreaked havoc in the research institute, this time he had no intention of doing damage, and brought Olga and the others with him, although Olga’s infiltration proved her ability .

But she is not qualified to face a base navy with Kaido.

Just because he wanted to leave, it didn't mean the navy also wanted him to leave. The gunner adjusted the angle of the cannon, and dense bullets were also fired at him.

"Really, you bastards, I want to leave!"

A thick pillar of fire spit out from Kaido's mouth, and the ammunition of several turrets exploded. Looking at the navy busy fighting the fire, Kaido also left here contentedly.

When they returned to the ship, they were greeted with the carnival of a group of younger brothers. In their opinion, this was the proof of Kaido's strength, except for one person-Arzeus.

The pirates below were still having a carnival, and Arceus found Kaido alone.

"What's the benefit of you doing this, what have you gained other than wasting time? What's the point of this behavior?"

Kaido's face was still drunk, but his eyes were very clear, and he said something Arceus didn't understand.

"Do you believe in such things as prophecy and destiny?"

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