Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 561 Human Heart

Regardless of gender, age or race, they were all included in the slaves that Tiger rescued.

The giants returned to their own country, the fishmen followed Tiger to form the Sun Pirates, and ordinary people chose to live in seclusion.

During this period, some people also chose to return to their hometowns. No one here knows whether they were recaptured or whether they died on the way.

Among all the slaves on the island, Kerla is the most special because she is only eleven years old this year.

Eleven years old in itself has no special significance, but it has been three years since they escaped from Mariejoia, which means that the little girl was captured and made into a slave when she was less than eight years old.

"Tegern, you rescued this child from Mariejoia three years ago. Although we really want to send her back to her hometown, we cannot cross this dangerous sea with our ability and these small boats."

Several old-looking people entrusted Tiger with the task. Their faces were very old, but their bodies did not look like people of this age.

In fact, they are not elderly people at all. Their faces are aging due to the devastation of slave life.

Tiger did not refuse this request and chose to take the other party back to his hometown. At that time, they just regarded her as an ordinary girl until Aaron impatiently knocked her aside.

Even if his perception of humans has become a little more complicated due to Manderfish, it still doesn't change the fact that he hates humans.

It's just that when Xiaoba grabbed him, his resistance wasn't that fierce.

Then he was stunned, because the little girl who was slapped did not cry or roar. Even though her nose was bleeding, she only tore off a piece of clothing and kept wiping the deck.

"I'm sorry, please don't kill me. I'm still of some use, so please don't kill me."

Crying = death, this was the knowledge she gained from her young life as a slave. No matter it was laziness or whatever, the result would be to be ruthlessly abandoned.

For the Tianlong people, slaves without value have no meaning of existence. If they find it troublesome, they will choose to kill the other party directly.

Aaron once again realized the "evil" side of human beings, but he was different from other people who sympathized with Kerla. Human beings and the descendants of their clan could be so ruthless, so how could they accept the fish-men who had always been discriminated against.

This is Aaron's true thoughts at this time. He has never agreed with Otohime's philosophy. In his opinion, only fear can make the other party stop, but he will obey Tiger's order. As long as Tiger is still there, Aaron It won't be out of control.

He didn't do anything else, just left here alone. Then Tiger used a soldering iron to cover the marks on Kerla's back, and used the most direct and violent way to force her out of the shadow.

As time went by, Kerra quickly integrated into the Sun Pirates. Except for Aaron, most of the people on the ship had accepted Kerra's existence. Jinbe, who was originally on the same side as Aaron, also joined Tiger. Under the influence, he gradually changed his views.

It’s just that he still hasn’t understood what Tiger said to him back then.

[Princess Otohime is too idealistic. In her eyes, there is probably no difference between Aaron and I. But to me, this is nothing. The devil living in my heart is the most terrifying thing. 】

The first half of the sentence was not difficult to understand, but he didn't know what the devil in Tiger's heart was.

The Sun Pirates' voyage continues. At the same time, they also found the eternal pointer leading to Korra's hometown - Forchart Island, and followed the eternal pointer to the other party's hometown.

It was precisely because of this eternal pointer that Manderfish successfully found the other party's traces.

The Sun Pirates are also wanted by the government. Naturally, they found the Eternal Pointer through illegal means. There are not many fish-men and pirates on the sea, and the beasts have a complicated network of relationships in the underground world.

Many people wanted to flatter but couldn't find a chance. Doflamingo not only didn't get angry because of Tezzolo's identity, but instead seized the opportunity to establish cooperation with him. In this case, Manderfesh found him without much effort. Got this news.

"Folchatt Island?"

"Yes, I still have the eternal pointer here to go there, do you need it?"

If it is not to go to a certain island, then people will not deliberately look for the eternal pointer. This is the disadvantage of the Grand Line. If there is no eternal pointer, if you want to go to an island, you must follow the designated route.

If you change the route rashly, you will be led to strange places due to changes in the magnetic field of the recording pointer. The eternal pointer and the life card are the few things that can guide the direction on the great route.

"When did this happen?"

Listening to his younger brother's report, Manderfish suddenly had a bad feeling.

"The man said that two days ago, a group of fishmen bought an eternal pointer. They should have set off now."

"Hurry up and replenish supplies, and then move forward at full speed to cover the two-day journey."


Then Manderfish's ship's outer wheels were fully opened and chased in the direction recorded by the eternal pointer.

"Brother Manderfish, do you need to be in such a hurry?"

Jack stood behind Manderfish, teasing the Frostmilk Fairy above his head, and asking Manderfish.

"Be prepared. Although the Navy's intelligence agencies may occasionally make mistakes, they are the most well-informed forces on the sea, and they can only believe half of what underground businessmen say.

There is no reason why the Navy can't find out things that we can all find out. Maybe that guy sold Tiger's information to the Navy.

If he had been bolder, our information would have been sold by now. Lord Arceus' request is to keep Tiger alive and not to affect the Lord's plan. "

As a veteran, Manderfish has always been wary of outsiders, especially those black marketeers. There is nothing they dare not do for money.

In fact, his guess was correct. He sold the news about the fishmen to the navy. Although there was no specific trace, the navy had already deployed a fleet around Forchart Island.

This is also the reason why they were able to arrive so quickly in the original timeline. Less than 30 minutes after Tiger sent Krall home in the original timeline, the navy had already surrounded the place. Forchart Island is not a naval base. If not Even if they were prepared, they would never be able to do this.

The deployment of a fleet takes time, and no matter how well-trained the navy is, it cannot change this fact.

"How about Jack, are you scared? This is the life of a pirate."

"No, just the navy. If they dare to come and block us, let them try."

"It's good to have courage, but Jack, you have to be careful when you go out. You don't want the Cream Fairy to get hurt, right?"

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