Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 571 Queen Gyarados, a brand new slate

There are many things in the Beast Pirates' warehouse that are gathering dust. For example, a certain Renren Fruit has never had a suitable eater.

Renren Fruit - Phantom Beast Species - Great Entrance Form. There is no complete record of its abilities in the illustrated book. However, as a Phantom Beast Species, theoretically it must have special abilities. The Great Buddha form of the Warring States Period also has the ability to have a golden body and shock waves. It makes no sense. Nothing can be accomplished by the Great Entrance.

So this fruit has been stuck in the warehouse. Gyarados is an aquatic species. Eating the Devil Fruit is not a good thing for her. After all, it means sinking to the bottom.

But she is the first Pokémon to bring back the stone slab from the deep sea. Even if she encourages the enthusiasm of others, she will be rewarded heavily. The King's Certificate and language ability are just one of them, and the Great Entrance Fruit is also included in his list. Inside.

Compared to humans, the Renren Fruit is more suitable for suitable animals to eat.

As for the fear of water, he also had to work overtime.

He no longer wanted to do that troublesome job after eliminating the side effects of Oguchi Shinjin last time, but the appearance of the stone slab made him decide to make an exception.

Everyone who brought back the stone tablet got what he gave. If you had to rank them, Sasaki got the worst, but this was the result of him only worshiping Kaido in the first place.

He had almost offended all the senior cadres except Kaido, but he still had the abilities he was given and integrated into the ranks of cadres. If he had paid more attention, he might have gotten better things.

"Rotom, take out the Everyone Fruit."

"As you command, Lotto, I will find what you are looking for immediately."

Under Rotom's intelligent processing system, the fruit was quickly delivered to Arceus. To ordinary people, it was just a devil fruit, but to Arceus, it was a trouble.

Although there is experience in eliminating the side effects of Oguchi Shinshin, that experience is not very useful when it comes to the Great Entrance Fruit, because no Devil Fruit is exactly the same, which results in their structures being completely different.

Although Arceus's transformation experience is beneficial, it cannot be copied in its entirety.

But it is not without progress. He has more slates now, which makes his power more comprehensive, and he can do this detailed manual work much faster than before.

As for the properties of the slate, apart from Arceus himself, Quinn should be the one who likes this slate the most, because it represents a poisonous slate with a poison attribute. With this slate, Arceus can create antibodies to any toxin. It can also freely generate terrifying poison.

For Quinn, who has not even studied the stinky mud body fluid, this means that his workload has increased again, but this increase also means that he will be in a state of pain and happiness. After all, this is his favorite s things.

Arceus was preparing new things for Gyarados, and the group she led also stayed in the inner sea of ​​Onigashima, but her status now became very transcendent.

Logically speaking, these Gyarados living near Wano are the first generation elders, but their mission is to guard the nearby sea areas and have no interest in going out.

It was their privilege to appear near Arceus every day, but today, one of their descendants suddenly became the king of the group.

It doesn't matter if it's unbalanced, because that is the king appointed by Arceus, and has the certificate of king given by Arceus. Unless she betrays Arceus, no Gyarados will disobey her.

It's just that none of those Gyarados have entered the inland sea now. Their descendants, and I don't know how many generations later, have become the queens of the tribe. They are still a little embarrassed facing each other.

Now only Yamato takes his Yukila and Gyarados on the coast every day and talks about various deep-sea things.

"Really, is the depths of the sea so interesting?"

"Interesting. Maybe, I don't know if it is interesting, but some interesting things can often be found in the abyss of the deep sea."

As Gyarados spoke, he twitched his tail and brought the seawater to the shore. Because Yukila was eating sand, the sand that stirred the seawater was not essentially different from sesame paste to it.

Yamato chatted with Gyarados for a long time, until Yukila ate a large piece of sand on the shore, and then left with it.

"I'll chat with you in a few days. It's time for training again."

Watching Yamato leave, Gyarados dived into the sea again, waiting for Arceus' return.

And this wait lasted for twenty days. During these twenty days, someone would bring her specific food every day, all of which were poffins made according to the taste of Gyarados. There were many Gyarados living in Wano, and their The taste has long been figured out by the people of Baishou.

Yamato also appeared here again, but with an extra bandage on his head.

And Gyarados finally waited for Arceus who came back with the fruit.

"Your Majesty."

"Nereus, this will be your name from now on."

"Nereus thanks you for your name."

At this time, Nereus's eyes were filled with smiles, and there was a touch of tenderness on his fierce face.

"And this, too, is for you."

As he spoke, Arceus threw the Great Entrance Fruit that he had processed into her mouth. The huge mouth allowed the Devil Fruit to slide directly in. After that, she also noticed the changes in the fruit.

Gyarados's body re-expanded after being twisted, and its scales formed brand new clothes. It has long white hair, but the two locks in front of the ears are red. The overall clothes are red, and its skin is fair. The iconic crown is still on the top of the head, and both ears are red. It is also an object similar to the dorsal fin of Gyarados.

At this time, she has become a female sea giant. This is her human form, or the Great Entrance Form. Because she is female, the manifestation of the Great Entrance Fruit in her body is completely different, but she still retains it. The original huge size.

Because the prototype of the fruit is a monster from Wano, it also inherits some of the characteristics of the banshee.

And her voice has also changed. It is no longer the rude and hoarse voice. Although it is slightly neutral and cold, there is no longer any misunderstanding. Looking at her hands, she seems to be not familiar with her new body. .

"Where do you want to stay in the future? You can choose this for yourself."

"I'd better continue to look for things for you, Your Majesty. There are still many places in the vast ocean that I haven't been to. I will work harder."

"Then I'll leave it to you, but don't be too reckless. Just keep everything as usual. Those islands were our territory before. You can go there to find help when needed. Your crown is a token."

Arceus has energy hands composed of stone energy. You don’t need to mention it specifically every time.

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