Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 699 The face of the franchise country

"When did the Kingdom of Beasts and Standing offend them?"

Oron Booth used to be an adventurer in the kingdom. Of course, there is not much difference between this kind of adventurer and a pirate. However, the protection of the joining countries prevents them from being wanted and they become a different kind of legal person.

He has a kind side in his heart and will help the weak unconsciously. According to normal development, after joining the Straw Hat Fleet, he originally wanted to rob like a pirate. However, because the place he robbed was too poor, it turned into a poverty alleviation movement.

But this cannot hide his identity as a villain, a murderous master, and a cunning adventurer. Most people would not be given this title. The nickname on the sea still has some credibility, at least the nickname is not completely unrelated to the real person.

As an "adventurer" who traveled in the first half of the Great Line and even the New World, eyesight is a must. To survive in the New World, it is impossible not to recognize the flag of the Sea Emperor. Those people they cannot afford to offend.

Especially the Big Mom Pirates, they often tell the world not to forget the terror of the Sea Emperor. Among the three current Sea Emperors, Whitebeard is the most tolerant of the territory and does not have too many requirements.

The beasts spend most of their time doing business, and for the sake of long-term business, the islands in their territory also live in peace.

But Big Mom is different. Due to the old problem of siphoria, eating is one of the most important things for the Big Mom Pirates. If they can't get enough food within the time limit, the entire island will be destroyed.

As the three equally famous pirate groups, there is no reason why Hyakju and Whitebeard cannot do what the Big Mom Pirates can do.

It seems that the twelve ships of their own are not enough to deal with this situation. They have a numerical advantage, but even if they sink three of the opponent's ships, they will face greater trouble in the future.

The other party is a pirate. No matter what the cause is, they will retaliate if their ship is sunk. However, the Kingdom of Standing cannot deal with Kaido's madman. They can choose to ask for help from the navy.

But this is not a long-term solution. The navy, or the world government, will not break the balance they can maintain for the sake of a kingdom, which means that they will not take the initiative to attack the beasts.

Similarly, even if they let the admiral stationed in the Kingdom of Standing, they can only deal with it for a while. The admiral cannot stay here forever. When they leave, they will also encounter hardships.

As for whether the World Government will be embarrassed, no, they will not. They have 10,000 ways to explain their reasons. Why do other kingdoms also need to be protected? The casualties are too great. The other party has not yet taken action, so they cannot attack in advance.

These were the outcomes Oron Booth could have predicted.

Then Oron Booth adjusted the angle with the telescope in his hand. In the lens of the monocular telescope, Jack's figure filled the entire field of view.

"Steel Mammoth Jack"

The cadres of the Imperial Regiment are also on the focus list. If the disaster-level cadres are considered the first echelon, Jack is now the top cadre of the second echelon. Oron Booth does not feel that he is the opponent's opponent.

What he is good at is legion-level combat. His "Admiral Majesty" allows his men to have better discipline. Absolute command and prohibition on the battlefield is one of the important factors to win a battle.

But people like Jack have broken the meaning of numbers. The steel mammoth is a solid metal body, not the ultimate reckless man who exchanges ivory for bounty.

In addition, there were two giant beasts that looked very ferocious and terrifying. He didn't think these were inflatable toys that were meant to scare people.

Before he could think about what to do, Bankila's locking was completed.

A thick beam of light was ejected from Bankira's mouth. The destructive death light that had finished charging penetrated the hull in the blink of an eye, followed by a large-scale explosion. Not only the explosion caused by the destructive death light, but also the explosion caused by the death light. Detonated ammunition depot.

The huge shock wave set off a huge tsunami, almost overturning the nearby ships.

After the blow, Bankila's body temporarily became stiff, but this did not have much impact. Oron Booth's men did not fight back. The terrifying beam had already stunned them.

Even Oron Booth stared at Bankila in the distance with wide eyes. He could clearly see that the monster released this terrifying attack after charging up.

And Bankila is still standing there. He doesn't believe that the monster can only attack once and destroy a ship with one strike. If it weren't for the angle problem, he feels that the damage caused by the beam will be greater. What's more deadly is that The ship was completely out of range of their guns.

They did not know that the release of the destroying death ray would lead to stiffness, which would last shorter and shorter after training. Bangira, who had just evolved, had not mastered this ability. In the opinion of Oron Booth and others, This is the precursor to Bankila's accumulation of strength.

The power is so huge that a longer charging time is a reasonable performance.

He did not order anyone to rescue anyone. In an explosion of that scale, unless you dive in advance, there is no possibility of survival. It was at this time that Jack's flag soldiers sent out their own signal.

"Admiral, those guys asked us to hand over 10 ships and then leave by ourselves."

"These bastards."

"Yes, Admiral, those bastard pirates have gone too far, let's fight them!"

"Why didn't these bastards say so earlier if they wanted a boat?"


Oron Booth's complaints reached the ears of the people around him, making them feel unbelievable. Listening to his tone, they thought that their admiral was going to fight with him, but Oron Booth was thinking about something else. .

The ship can be rebuilt, but it's over when a person dies. After his development of the Yotamaria Grand Ship Group, these crew members have long been his loyal subordinates. They obey the orders of Oron Booth more than the king.

If the ship is gone, it can be rebuilt and repurchased. Anyway, it costs the kingdom's funds, but every time he loses a subordinate, he himself will suffer losses.

"Admiral, what do you mean?"

"Abandon ship, we can't afford to offend that guy. Let's go back and let the king have a headache. By the way, remember to inform the navy that this is beyond our ability to handle."

In order to reduce losses, Oron Booth made the decision to retreat. As long as the manpower was still there, he could accept it. As for the headache, he left it to the king.

In the end, a group of people crowded into a boat and escaped with lifeboats of various sizes.

Jack was very satisfied with this. He believed that his plan was successful. Under the threat of force, the other party did not choose to fight, but directly took out what they wanted and chose to spend money and avoid disaster.

The king was furious after receiving the news and strongly condemned Oron Booth's behavior of fleeing without a fight, but there was nothing he could do.

The Kingdom of Standing still relied on him, and the beasts really couldn't afford to offend him, so they had no choice but to complain to the World Government. The king of a franchised country still had some status.

He asked the World Government to immediately impose the harshest sanctions on the murderer, otherwise he, the king, would be shameless. The result was very clear, and the World Government simply ignored his subsequent words.

The World Government sent the task to the Navy, so on the Navy's intelligence table, the photos of King Yanwu, Bankila, Jack, and Quinn were once again placed on the blackboard by the meeting king Brannew.

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