Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 785 Quinn’s Paranoia, Beasts Immigration Bureau

Time passed, and 1516 was coming to an end. Quinn was eagerly waiting for Arceus' return, thinking about his bright future, and his figure was getting bloated day by day.

By the end, he had regained his original mellowness.

At this time, Quinn had just left the Pokémon Center. He was not here to check up, but to check on others.

The original self-aggrandizement has disappeared with Kaido's help. He once again realized the gap in his own strength. Being able to fight does not mean that he can win.

However, the idea of ​​​​not even thinking about the door has disappeared a lot.

Just to prevent himself from encountering misfortune again, he will still check the internal security environment from time to time. The permanent population in Wano can now be divided into four parts.

The aboriginal people of Wano, the pirates of the Hundred Beasts, the fur tribe of Zou, and the technical talents attracted under the policy conditions of the Hundred Beasts.

The pirates stationed on the island are basically old people. He is not worried about the isolated aborigines and the fur tribes of different races. These talents attracted by the high salary conditions are the targets of his suspicion.

Relatively speaking, this group of people is most likely to have problems.

Although these people have been living in Wano for a long time, it does not affect Quinn's periodic paranoia of being persecuted.

After some investigation, he reconfirmed the safety of these doctors.

In fact, after so many years, if there was a real problem, it would have exploded long ago. Quinn was just a little nervous, but when he wanted to leave, a doctor found him.

"Master Quinn, please wait a moment, I have some questions to ask you."

"Huh? What's the matter?"

"Um... I had some friends at the time, but now they can't live in the local area because they offended some people. They want to change their lives. He is also a very good doctor. Do you think there are any new immigration policies recently?"

Most islands and countries don't care, except for the World Government, which checks identity documents at all times.

Just wanting to change my life is not an easy task on this sea.

The participating countries also have their own passenger ships to ensure the safety of shipping as much as possible, but ordinary people are just betting on luck. No one knows what the ship will encounter on the sea and whether it can reach its destination smoothly.

Umit's shipping business includes this part. As long as the money is available, in most cases, the destination can be reached safely.

As the beasts develop, they are also attracting people from the outside world, and even have special preferential treatment for talents, so he asked Quinn.

"It's not possible on this island, but it's possible on the islands in the outer territories. You know the rules. Go back and write an application yourself."

If you miss some things, you will never have them again. The country of Wano has now entered a new era. The same level of technology was available more than ten years ago, but it is not necessarily the case now.

Quinn is responsible for things like personnel movements, which is also related to his current mental state. He doesn't want to give other undercover agents a chance to sneak into the island, and has been trying his best to prevent this from happening.

"Ok, I see."

The internal recommendation system has always existed within Baishou. If there is a relationship, it is usually easier to complete some things.

For ordinary people, the most trustworthy ones are still the World Government and the Navy. Residents in the towns of Marinefando are also the ones with the highest sense of security, but not everyone has this luck.

Those nationals of non-franchised countries and residents of certain islands along the Grand Line do not have such luck. They will also make their own choices amidst the changes of the times.

On a certain island in the New World, a country once existed here, but it was destroyed in the war with the franchising countries. In order to pay the heavenly gold, that country attacked the island and plundered a large amount of wealth. Since then, it has become a lawless place.

But then, a new order was born here. Due to its geographical location, this island was used as a transit station. Goods, people, and a large amount of resources were concentrated here and re-sent to all parts of the world. It can be said that A special gray center.

"My dear, is this really okay? This is the territory of pirates."

At the port, the family gathered together slightly nervously. Regarding the move, the family's conditions were not completely unified.

"Believe me, I found out with House. Even some rich people from the New World have moved to the island ruled by beasts. If it is really so unbearable, do you think they will go?

Those people may be immoral and vicious, but if they can get to that point, they are not fools. They value their lives very much and will not move to a dangerous place. "

The feeling of family and country basically does not exist in this world. In the context of the Age of Discovery, there are very few people who have a destination for their country. In order to live a better life, they do not mind moving, especially those who cannot be said to have a country. .

"Oh no! Honey, the wallet is missing!"

"Forget it, it's just a little money, you can still make more."

"But... that's our last savings."

"Let's start over from the beginning and wait until we leave here."

There is order here, but only in relative terms. Compared with the disorderly illegal zone, at least there will be no apparent turmoil here. The people in power in the underground world do not allow them to affect the operation of this place.

But privately, petty theft and human trafficking are not uncommon.

They just followed the address given by their friends and came here to wait for someone.

There were many people around them staring at them, seeming to be looking for opportunities. At this moment, a pirate ship began to dock at the port. The flags of the beasts were fluttering in the wind. Even the ship that was already ready to enter the port The shipping lane has also been given way.

"Step aside."

Several people climbed down from the boat along the ladder. Compared with the pirates around them, they were dressed very formally, and their appearance was above average.

They are a special team of the Beast Pirates, responsible for bringing some high-value talents into the territory. They are a special immigration administration.

There is a mandatory requirement for being selected, you must be good-looking, at least to make others think you are a good person.

In Baishou, this requirement is not too much. Regardless of men or women, they have many good-looking people. It is enough to select some people with certain abilities.

As for the more special people, it has nothing to do with them. Cadres will personally invite them.

Relying on the reputation of the beasts, the people on the dock quickly moved out of the way, and he also found the person he was looking for.

"You must be Mr. and Mrs. Wilson. Doctor House has entrusted us to take you to your new home. Please come with me."

After comparing the photos in his hand, he quickly determined his target.

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