Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 863 Blue Flame Blade Ghost, the Sword of Abandonment - Sword of Regret

Blue Flame Saber Pokémon, the Fire Swordsman Pokémon, and the branch evolution type of Tan Xiaoyu, are Pokémon that need to rely on Cursed Armor to evolve in the game.

A slightly futuristic purple armor wraps his whole body, and blue will-o'-the-wisps burn on the back of his head and on the sword blades on both arms. According to legend, the flaming swords on both arms of the Blue Flame Blade Ghost are swords that died before they could succeed in burning. The resentment of the scholar.

However, the Blue Flame Blade Demon is not a swordsman. For it, the sword is just a tool for fighting. In order to win, the Blue Flame Blade Demon will use any means, whether it is a sneak attack or a plot, as long as it can win, it is enough.

What he is best at is using his own speed to get close to the enemy, and then attacking from a blind spot.

The demon fire cut out by the Seven Star Sword is just nourishment to the Blue Flame Blade Demon, just like the Demon King of Song is to Darkrai.

"Sister Misu, are you really okay?"

Even though Misu has completed the transformation, Tiger still doesn't believe her. After all, Tiger has never seen her fight.

"Alla, Alla, didn't we already discuss it on the way? I can still deal with opponents of this level, and how can the Lord's nuns be so incompetent? They have to try something."

The way Misu and Tiger judge the enemy's strength is through the people in the previous navy dojo. Through the strength of the cadres, the strength of a force leader can generally be judged, except for Bucky.

Previously, the people in the Navy Dojo were easily killed by Tiger. From this, it can be deduced that the enemy leader is not too strong. What needs to be considered is what the Seven Star Sword can do.

After determining her ability to restrain herself, Misu also gained more confidence.

"And this way of swinging the sword is quite familiar. It's a bit like the Shuangyue family's moves."

The previous church had never taught Misu swordsmanship, but later in Wano, she did learn some swordsmanship from the local dojo, including the swordsmanship of the Shigetsuki family.

In a sense, Saka and Misu happened to come from the same school.

Many years ago, Kozaburo Shigezuki, a famous swordsmith from Wano Country who created the Yama and Wado monograms, violated Wano Country's ban and left Wano Country with 24 tribesmen, including Shigetsu Ushimaru. His sister - Shuangyue Zhenzi.

After coming to the East China Sea, they fought with bandits who attacked a village in the East China Sea and won easily. Then 10 people settled here and established Shuangyue Village.

Kosaburo married a woman in the village and gave birth to Koshirō. After Koshirō took charge of the Isshin Dojo, he accepted a disciple named Saka.

He and Sauron grew up at the same time and determined to wield the sword of justice.

While fighting a group of pirates with Sauron, Saka's arms were tied by chains, and then the ship exploded, causing him to lose his right arm. After several twists and turns, he came to Askar Island.

Here he and Maya fell in love, and in order to protect Maya, he accidentally touched the Seven Star Sword, and then was controlled by it, and he had the goal of liberating the Seven Star Sword.

"Frost Moon."

This surname seemed to make Saka think of something, but a demonic green light bloomed on the Seven Star Sword again, and his eyes were filled with red blood.

"You must be the most suitable sacrifice."

Saka's voice became extremely strange, as if surrounded by thousands of undead, filled with bursts of deathly silence.

Water defeats fire, but fire is stronger than water. Although the Blue Flame Blade Ghost's ability can restrain the Seven Star Sword, if the Seven Star Sword can swallow the Blue Flame Blade Ghost, its own abilities will also undergo a qualitative change. As long as it can obtain this power, even if it is not On the day of the red moon, it can also be reborn.

Therefore, it manipulates Saka and wants to drink Misu's blood.

As a former holy sword and now a demon sword, the Seven Star Sword has experienced countless battles, but compared with the abilities given by Arceus himself, there is a huge gap.

Moreover, the blade of the Seven Star Sword is another layer of seal for it. Although Saka has rich combat experience, the improvement brought by the Blue Flame Blade Ghost also allows Misu to deal with it with ease, but Tiger on the side does not know what to do. Rate this battle.

Whether it is Misu or Saka, the strength they have shown cannot be said to be weak, and they have a foothold in the first half of the Grand Line.

But Tiger is a person who can compete with others in the new world. From Tiger's perspective, after excluding the strange abilities of the Seven Star Sword and the Blue Flame Blade Demon, the two of them are just noobs pecking each other.

This also reassured him a lot. Even if there was an accident, he would still be confident to stop the other party in time.

"I heard that you are also a person who wields a sword for justice? If you really think so, then you shouldn't be controlled by this demon sword."

"Justice. So what determines justice? It is not the legal order, but strength! Only the strong can become an omnipotent god!

Give your strength and you can get everything in the future world! "

A strange force burst out from the Seven Star Sword again, seemingly trying to control Misu's mind. However, as Misu's swords passed by, several cracks appeared on the Seven Star Sword.

Looking at the Seven-Star Sword that was beginning to collapse, Misu didn't react. She didn't expect that the sword could be broken so easily.

Logically speaking, after the Seven Star Sword is destroyed, her goal is over.

But the ability of the Cangyan Blade Ghost made her understand that this matter was not over yet. The strange power still existed and had entered Saka's body. The green sword-shaped symbol revealed on his chest was new proof.

"The day of the red moon has not yet arrived. Your power is worth the risk."

Saka's voice was completely different from before. It was not him who spoke now, but the strange will of the Seven Star Sword, and a blade made of green demonic fire also replaced Saka's left arm. It seemed to be learning from Cang. The behavior of the Flameblade Ghost.

"Sister, do you have any new tricks? I think there's something wrong with this guy."

"Tiger, do you know why the Lord gave me this power?"


"Because I can use this move perfectly and unleash its full power."

Some people's abilities are randomly selected, such as most of the grassroots cadres of the beasts, while the specially trained new generation has their abilities selected based on their physical condition. Misu and Cangyan Blade Demon are very compatible, especially Cangyan Blade Demon. An exclusive move of the Flame Blade Ghost - Sword of Regret.

The Sword of Regret is a special attack that concentrates the nostalgia for the world on the tip of the sword to slash the opponent. If you want to exert its maximum power, you must abandon all nostalgia for the world. Only in this way can you exert the maximum power.

The more nostalgia you have for the world, the harder it will be for this sword to exert its intended effect. It is a sword of fire that can only be used by those who have abandoned the world.

As a survivor of Freifans, Misu usually faces the world with a smile, but beneath this smile, she has an unknown despair.

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