Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 867 Species Invasion and Biological Control in Wano Country

"Damn it, real men should fight hard! Why are you playing with sand!"

Blissgra, who crawled out of the quicksand, was a little frustrated. He couldn't fight with all his brute strength. This feeling of failure made him very unhappy.

"You young people are too grumpy. How can you waste your own abilities?"

Regardless of whether the defeat was aggrieved or not, a loss was a loss. The enemy would not choose a fair duel. Blissgra just complained and then left here with Doppon.

But Blissgra planned to take a shower first, and the yellow sand all over his body made him very uncomfortable.

They hadn't reached the point where it would take several days and nights to decide the winner, and Doppon took advantage of the Hippomon's ability, which caused the battle between him and Blissgra to end faster.

The battle between those with artificial fruit abilities around them continued. While Meowna and Wolf were watching the fun, Yamato came to Arceus.

"Father, are these the only two benefactors this time?"

"There haven't been many tasks recently, so the number has been smaller. Is there something wrong?"

"No, but foster father, father won't be back for a while, right?"

"Who knows? You also know that it's normal for Kaido to disappear every day. He might find someone to fight with again. What do you want to do?"

"There's nothing else, I'm just asking. If there's nothing else, I'll go catch ants. It happens that the two little guys there are almost trained. Let's take them to have fun. Wolf's ability should be quite suitable for this. Yes."

"Wait, catch ants?"

Listening to Yamato's plan, Arceus was doubtful for once. This was not more than ten years ago, and Meowna and Wolf were no longer three or four years old. They shouldn't be interested in this thing anyway.

And catching ants requires the use of abilities. What kind of ant is this?

"Ah, don't you know, foster father? It seems that some ants were brought in from the goods shipped in from outside. Those ants will eat the houses, and people in Jiuli hate them."

"Termites? Wano Country didn't have these before."

Houses in Wano are mostly wooden structures, and termites have always been a headache, but cleaning them shouldn't be that troublesome.

"They are bigger than them, and those ants have very hard shells, and their numbers have been increasing recently."

Listening to Yamato's description, Arceus thought this was a biological invasion.

Alien species have no natural enemies and breed wantonly in a comfortable environment, ultimately destroying the original ecological level.

There are many islands in this world, and there are countless islands that are isolated from the world. Such islands will naturally develop their own ecological environment.

The dinosaurs on the Ancient Island and the giant beasts on the Beast Island are all creatures left behind by natural selection.

When an alien species invades here, the original natural regulating power will easily lose its effect.

The people in Wano didn't take this matter seriously, no one reported it at all, and the people below didn't care about a few ordinary ants.

Although those ants were a lot more troublesome than the local ants, they were not the kind of army ants. Arceus wouldn't have paid attention to such a thing if Yamato hadn't mentioned it.

"Father, do you also want to catch ants?"

"No, forget it, you go take them two to play, I will arrange someone to deal with this matter."

Yamato did not delve into this matter. In her opinion, ants are not a big trouble. As insects, they are almost everywhere, and countless people have done various strange behaviors towards ant nests when they were children.

Arceus just wanted to prevent these things from becoming a real disaster and planned to control them.

The environment of Wano Country has experienced several improvements before, one of which was the huge ocean currents in the outside world. Due to those ocean currents, the corals outside Wano Country grew rapidly, and the Good and Bad Star Prevention and Control Project was finally launched.

There is no similar sea current in Wano, but as the place where Arceus stays most often, and coupled with the influence of the spread of power on Mount Fuji, the environment here is almost suitable for the survival of any creature, let alone extremely adaptable insects.

A few days later, in the green onion field in Jiuli, several green onion ducks were smashing their green onions on the ground. This was an ant nest. Those ants not only caused damage to the structure of the house, but also harmed part of the agriculture.

The green onion of Green Onion Duck is one of the victims.

Their green onions often need to be replaced, and the green onion fields here are another lifeline for them. Faced with these ants that have harmed the green onions, they are merciless, waving the green onions to destroy the ants below.

Originally, ants were also included in the scallion duck's diet, but the taste of these ants was very bad. It felt like eating rust to the scallion duck and was impossible to swallow.

At this time, a creature similar to an anteater emerged from the green onion field next to it. After a brief conversation, the green onion duck gave up its position and handed the place over to the anteater.

That is not an ordinary Anteater, but a member of the same Pokémon - Anteater.

After a simple investigation, the origin of these ants has been clarified. When the beasts were transporting fragile materials outside, the straw and soil used as filler were mixed with ants from the outer islands.

This kind of ants live on islands with a lot of metal minerals. During their long evolution, their bodies have been similarly affected. They also have special acids in their bodies that can corrode metals.

They had many natural enemies on that island, but in Wano Country, none of the creatures here were interested in these unpalatable ants.

In order to prevent them from overflowing in Wano, Arceus created some Molten Ant Beasts.

Professional things require professional Pokémon. When it comes to dealing with ants, Molten Antmon is obviously much better than Green Onion Duck.

As fire-type Pokémon, their tongues can burn high-temperature flames. In the Unova area, they usually hunt iron ants. Those iron ants wrapped in metal shells have no way to deal with the Molten Ant Beast, let alone these ants. .

The appearance of the anteater is very similar to that of the anteater, but it has orange-red patterns and a tube-like part on the abdomen connected to the tail.

The pores in the tail suck in air, and the temperature of the flame on the tongue also increases. The real tongue of fire penetrates deep into the ant nest, and a large number of ants are scorched and turned into their food.

The tastes of different Pokémon are completely different. Food that is difficult to swallow for Scallion Duck is delicious for Molten Ant.

The sharp claws dug up the soil outside the ant nest. The molten ant beast enjoyed its own delicious food and left here after a while to find the location of the next ant nest.

These ants themselves are not very powerful creatures. After having natural enemies, they were quickly contained to a population range that would not affect the environment.

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