Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 874 Thousand Years of Promise

"Stop it, Ace! Calm down!"

"Dad said it, this time is a special case! No need to chase Teach!"

On the Moby Dick, the members of the Whitebeard Pirates tried to dissuade Ace, but to no avail.

"Let me go! That guy is my subordinate. If he ignores it, how will the killed Sachi rest in peace?!"

Blackbeard has always hidden himself and mingled among the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates. Ace, who succeeded the captain of the second division, has a very close relationship with Thatch of the fourth division. Regarding Blackbeard's killing of Thatch, he Simply unacceptable.

"Ace, forget it, this is the only time. I have an ominous feeling that that guy's ambition will not keep running away. He will come back sooner or later, and we can naturally deal with him then."

"That guy killed his companions and ran away! After decades of taking care of you, you have lost all face. Dad, your reputation has been damaged! How can you sit back and ignore this? I want to go find him Settlement!"

Ace embarked on the path to chase Blackbeard regardless of the obstruction. Violating Whitebeard's iron law was a slap in the face, allowing him to escape from the new world smoothly, but it was a backhand slap again.

Ace got that recognition from Whitebeard. He couldn't tolerate this happening, and finally took his own specially made boat and embarked on the road to hunt down Blackbeard.

In fact, there is another group of people, or dragons, who are also preparing for action.

On Ghost Island, the Thousand-Year Dragon clan gathered together again. The day when the Thousand-Year Dragon returns every thousand years is approaching, and they are about to embark on a journey back to their ancestral land.

Previously, the reconnaissance team composed of the Millennium Dragons dispersed to various territories of the beasts, partnering with other pirates in groups of three or five to perform their own tasks, but now, they have all returned to Onigashima.

After the last Thousand-Year Dragon returned from Zuowu took off the appearance of the Archaeopteryx and landed, the Thousand-Year Dragon's group has also been assembled.

Faerun, who ate the primitive fruit, also turned into a dragon and landed on the ground.

This was the original agreement. The Hundred Beasts would provide them with a safe gathering place. They would serve as members of the Hundred Beasts Air Cavalry, and on the day when the Thousand-Year Dragons around the world reunited, they would gather information about the stone tablets and historical texts from other partners. .

The Thousand-Year Dragon began to eat under the leadership of the clan leader to store up strength for the future trip. Feren entered the building on the ghost island alone. He wanted to tell the people of the beasts that they were about to set off.

This was something that had been agreed upon long ago, and it was just a daily notification, but Yamato, who felt that Onigashima had become more dangerous, planned to take this opportunity to leave together.

She discovered that Kaido had changed, and explained what conspiracy was in an alternative way.

In the past, when he took action, he would make up excuses. Although most of them were because he was too weak, he still had to do face-saving work.

It's different now. Yamato's ability to resist is getting stronger and stronger, and Kaido is getting more and more excited. He simply shows off his cards directly. I just want to fight you. If you can't beat me, then you will be unlucky.

Onigashima is not a place to stay for a long time, so she decided to take advantage of Kaido's period of madness to end and seize the time to leave here.

"Faerun, wait, where are you gathering?"

"According to what you humans say, it is in the sea area of ​​​​Dongfang Lan. As long as we get there, we, the Millennium Dragon, will naturally know where it is."

Over the course of thousands of years, the location of their Dragon Island can be said to be in a "special place" every year. Only the Millennium Dragon can successfully find the location of Dragon Island by relying on the aura inherited from its blood.

"Dongfanglan, Donghai, is it too early for you to leave now?"

"Our route is very special, and there are other things to do along the way, so we will take a little detour and delay some time. If we start now, it is just right."

"Very good!"


"That's not what I meant. What I meant was, do you mind if I come with you?"

"That kind of thing doesn't matter, but the journey will be boring. For you humans, there will be no surprises along the way."

The gathering place of the Millennium Dragon is a secret, but it only appears there once every thousand years. Every time, some destined people will meet the Millennium Dragon by chance, and are lucky enough to see the entire Dragon Island.

Those are those who have been recognized by the Millennium Dragon. Some old Millennium Dragons will even take the initiative to find trustworthy people to help them return to Dragon Island.

This tribe of thousand-year-old dragons has been part of the Hundred Beasts for a long time, and Yamato's request is not excessive.

"It's okay, it's okay. It would be better to wait a little longer."

She can leave Ghost Island at any time if she wants. She is very free now, but on the other hand, she feels that she is an adult and cannot just go out and run around casually for fun.

So she has been looking for a valid reason, and the Millennium Dragon happened to deliver the reason to her.

The purpose of the meeting with the Millennium Dragon was to help Arceus find out about the stone tablet, so rounding things off, it was much more reasonable that she left with the Millennium Dragon this time to help Arceus find the stone tablet.

"We still need to prepare for a few days, and we will notify you then. But remember to stock up on what you need. The interval between our rests will not matter to you humans. No, your words should be fine."

Faerun and the others fly. If they take a boat, they will definitely not be able to keep up with their speed. They can only sit on their backs and go together, but with the physique of monsters like Yamato and the other flying Pokémon from Baiju, Let him react, he was a little worried.

Even without the help of other Pokémon, the endurance of the young lady in front of her is unmatched by ordinary creatures.

A few days later, the Millennium Dragon tribe took off on time, forming a long dragon in the clouds and flying towards the island in the bloodline. But beside them, there was a steel-armored crow and a flying shark.

In addition to Yamato who wanted to join in the fun, she also abducted several other people who couldn't bear loneliness, such as two siblings, Ulti and Peggywan.

"Xiao Pei, do you really want to fly by yourself if you don't come up?"

"Ah, if I can't help you, Yamato-san, I'll be fine flying outside by myself."

Peggywan refused Yamato's invitation in the car and chose to fly outside alone. On the one hand, he was enjoying the fun of flying. On the other hand, Ulti was beside Yamato now, so he felt that he was still outside. A stopping point is better.

After so many years, Yamato has become one of the few people who can suppress Ulti in all aspects. As someone who has inherited the skills of the head iron within the beasts, few people can convince her.

But Yamato's character perfectly checks and balances Ulti, allowing her to sit aside honestly.

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