Archean Eon Art

Episode 15 Chapter 8 Blood Drops (Part 2)

"Blood Dropping Realm?" Meng Chuan opened his eyes.

After the most critical mind has completed the transformation, the whole body has transformed everywhere. At this moment, all the particles of the world resonate, and the body surface blooms with colorful light. Meng Chuan could feel the amazing changes in himself.

As soon as the figure moved, it teleported out of the quiet room into the night sky.


He had already left Jiangzhou City, and in the night sky outside the city, Meng Chuan stood in the sky.

"Five magical powers." Intangible power gathered on Meng Chuan's body and turned into a cloak, which made Meng Chuan smile, "It seems that in the future, we can directly use the magical power of the 'Immortal Armor' to condense the robe, even if it is broken Even cracks can be restored instantly, which is much more suitable than ordinary robes."

The supernatural power "Immortal Armor" can form a transparent film on the surface of the skin, which greatly improves its toughness, and it can easily resist the attacks of general peak king gods and demons. It can even be turned into robes, armor and even weapons! It's just that the effect of the weapon is mediocre, and this supernatural power is mainly for body protection.

"The field of lightning and magnetism."

Meng Chuan opened his vertical eyes between his brows.


This is the field where all the lightning and magnetic fluctuations of the particle world converge. With Meng Chuan as the center, the entire radius of a hundred miles is swept by the lightning and magnetic fluctuations.

It just attenuated rapidly when it penetrated into the ground below, Meng Chuan fell to the ground with a whoosh, and the lightning magnetic fluctuations penetrated a full ten miles into the ground before stopping.

"It used to be three miles around me, but now it has been increased to ten miles?" Meng Chuan showed joy, "In this way, my detection efficiency has increased by more than ten times."

"That is to say..."

"Even if the demon kings are hiding in the vast ocean territory, I can sweep the whole world and the ground in more than a year." Meng Chuan was very excited. This was the happiest moment after he reached the Blood Dropping Realm.

"There are other changes in the field of lightning and magnetism."

Meng Chuan felt the strengthening of the field of thunder and magnetism. Anywhere in the field of thunder and magnetism could breed 'lightning'. Each lightning bolt was very powerful. The converging bombardment of dozens of lightning bolts was enough to kill a Fenghou god and demon. And this is not the key point, the key point is the convergence of the 'thunder magnetic fluctuations' of countless particles of heaven and earth to form this supernatural power, and finally another ability appeared.

"Try it." Meng Chuan stood on the ground in the field, and with a thought, a blood blade disk appeared in front of him, and a blood blade flew out.

call out!

The blood blade turned into a ray of light,

The speed is extremely fast. However, when flying within the range of the lightning magnetic field, it is always pushed by the lightning magnetic field, the lightning circulates in the blood blade, and the blood blade is continuously accelerated by the terrifying thrust.

Faster, faster, faster!

After the blood blade circled eight times within a hundred miles around Meng Chuan, its speed reached its limit! Under the suppression of the laws of heaven and earth and under the acceleration to achieve a balance, the speed can no longer increase. But the blood blade at this moment... is already 60% faster than when Meng Chuan was driving it before, and its power is several times that of before.

"After I got the blood blade disk, I practiced with the help of comprehension runes. Two months ago, "Endless Knife" also deduced to the point where the legal realm was perfected. The blood blade disk kills the enemy. I believe it can also be compared to the new creation realm." Meng Chuan secretly said , "But with the acceleration of the Lei Magnetic field, the power of the blood blade can be increased several times, which is comparable to the top-level good fortune."

"The disadvantage is that there must be an acceleration process. And there are few changes."

You have to fly eight times around Meng Chuan and fly more than three thousand miles. If you are blocked early, the power will not be able to reach its peak. But... with the speed of the blood blade, flying farther around the enemy, it is not easy for the enemy to stop it.

Although there are many flaws, Meng Chuan is very satisfied with the power.

The blood blade and the thunder and lightning are very compatible, and the acceleration effect of the thunder and magnetic field is also very good, but I have more killer moves.

"God's wrath."

Meng Chuan doesn't need to practice the thunder and lightning magic pattern now, because the supernatural power 'Sky Wrath' is better than the thunder and lightning magic pattern.

After the physical body has been greatly improved, the thunder contained in it is also stronger than before.


In the dark night, a terrifying thunder erupted!

However, the Infernal Domain covers this place, isolating all light, shadow, and all aura, and the people in Jiangzhou City next to it don't know it at all.

"This power is not bad." Meng Chuan looked at it and nodded slightly, "It consumes 20% of the lightning in the body, which is comparable to a blow from a newcomer to the good fortune. Unfortunately, I have the secret treasure of the robbery, the 'Blood Blade Plate', which is comparable to the new good fortune with ordinary shots." The pure power of this supernatural power doesn't mean much to me."

The normal bleeding level is not so strong.

Meng Chuan has given up close combat now, because he is so strong with the help of the 'Blood Blade Disk'! Otherwise, you have to descend to the threshold level of the Good Fortune Realm.

"However, there are new changes in Sky's Wrath." When Meng Chuan cast Sky's Wrath, he also faintly noticed another method of casting it.


Meng Chuan cast it again.

This time, Meng Chuan's whole body was completely decomposed into countless particles in an instant, and the countless particles flew at super high speed along with the thunder, flying across the sky at super high speed.

"So fast."

The physical body is completely particleized and integrated into the thunder, and the flying speed has also skyrocketed, and the primordial spirit also controls the power of heaven and earth to cover up the breath.


Thunder condensed into a figure again.

"Can it be completely particleized and turned into lightning?" Meng Chuan exclaimed, "It's faster than me using the blood blade disk."

"Try again with the help of the blood blade plate."


The person turned into a thunderbolt and flew at a super high speed wrapped around the blood blade disk. The speed was even faster, and he flew back to the outside of Jiangzhou City after flying around.

"After particleization, the speed is indeed much faster." Meng Chuan secretly said, "I have reached the Dacheng of the Law Realm, and with the help of the blood blade plate, I can dodge one hundred and fifty miles. And after the supernatural power is particleized, it can reach about five hundred miles? It's a pity that in this state, I can't use many methods, and I can't use the field of lightning and magnetism either."

The body is completely decomposed into particles and merged into the thunder, which is fast.

But he couldn't use the field of thunder and magnetism, so naturally he couldn't detect the demon king.

Unable to cast the Immortal Armor, his own defense is also greatly reduced.

But it's about five hundred miles in a's really fast.

Moreover, Yuanshen and Zhenyuan can still be used, and they can also control and manipulate the blood blade disk.

"Sky Wrath escape, although the strength is reduced, but the escape speed is extremely fast, and the lightning in the body has almost no loss." Meng Chuan secretly said, "This magical power can be used for escape in desperate situations. It can also be used for rescue."

"The fourth supernatural power is a new supernatural power." Meng Chuan felt the change in himself.

The blood-dropping body is too powerful.

It is the strongest level of physical body known in the stage of conferring kings and gods. This greatly expanded Meng Chuan's 'dantian space', which was able to carry more true essence of the Boundless Realm. The gathering of more zhenyuan made the 'source of infinity' shrink smaller, and the zhenyuan became more pure. This is just a side effect.


Meng Chuan had an idea.

The "world domain" of its own countless particle worlds all exploded, and the domain was released. The "world domain" of individual particle world is very weak, but at this moment, under the mobilization of Meng Chuan, it gathers and releases the outside world, and when it affects the outside world, it forms a terrible domain.

This is a field that surpasses the "infinite field" of kings, gods and demons.

"It's amazing." Meng Chuan felt that the surrounding world for a hundred miles or so was under his control, and the power between the heaven and the earth completely surrendered to him.


Meng Chuan punched out, and all the particles in the physical body exploded, and he was blessed with the power of hundreds of miles from the outside world. With one punch, the void vibrates and twists, and with another punch, the void twists even more.

A punch that turned into a phantom blasted out, each punch was extremely powerful, and the chaotic gray world membrane wall gradually appeared.

"The world's membrane wall?" Meng Chuan stopped, "Can you break the world's membrane wall by using this magical power?"

"Using this supernatural power, all the particle worlds will explode with all their strength, and the outside world can also be controlled by a hundred miles away. The strength has greatly increased. I feel tired just by counting the breath." Meng Chuan secretly said, "The blood-dropping body, I am afraid it can only Can maintain ten interest time.

Meng Chuan has seen the introduction of this magical power in the inheritance.

The supernatural power of 'controlling the world' is one of the core supernatural powers of the blood-dropping powerhouse Zhantian Zhandi. With this supernatural power, he can perfectly control everything around him.

"The fifth magical power seems to be more special?" Meng Chuan began to feel the last magical power. According to the inheritance of the physical body, the magical powers possessed by the blood-dropping realm are the final number. Reaching the "Holy Realm" and "Mythical Realm" is also a transformation of the original supernatural power, which cannot be increased. And Meng Chuan's fifth supernatural power is not recorded in the inheritance.

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