Archean Eon Art

The 22nd collect the fourth chapter parting

The physical body has been cultivated to the original emperor, and the refining value of the original stone is about "1,500 square meters". Except that the physical body is stronger and stronger like a magic weapon, there are not many people who are stronger than the real body outside the domain in melee combat.

In the Heaven and Earth Hall, once again confirm the strength.

The strength of Yuanshen Tribulation Realm combined with melee combat still belongs to the "Four Tribulation Realm level".

Among the Tribulation Realms, the gap between the First Tribulation Realm and the Second Tribulation Realm is small, and the third Tribulation Realm is a qualitative change. It is obviously not so easy for Meng Chuan to reach the "Five Tribulations Realm Combat Power"


Jiangzhou City, even though it's autumn, is still extremely hot.

Meng Mansion.

"Father-in-law." Meng Chuan was accompanying Liu Yebai.

Liu Yebai was sitting on the chair, his hair was thinning, but his face was quite ruddy, many age spots could be seen on his face, and the wrinkles had long been as deep as ravines. At this moment, he looked at his grandson and granddaughter with a smile.

"Meng Chuan, I still remember clearly when these two little guys were born." Liu Yebai said with a smile, "It was in Gushan Mansion. After the two of them were born, you and your wife had to deal with the monster race." Very soon, Dajiang will also manage the Meng family's ground network in Dongning's me, I'm the one who has been taking them with them, and they are also very attached to me."

"Father-in-law worked hard back then." Meng Chuan said with a smile. He also remembered those years, when he had not yet become a god and demon.


Meng An and Meng You were also accompanying Liu Yebai.

"It doesn't feel like it's been too long, time flies so fast." Liu Yebai shook his head, "I'm getting old in the blink of an eye. People, at this time, I always recall the past, my childhood, and my youth when."

At this moment, two figures came from a distance, one was a white-haired old man and the other was a middle-aged woman.

"Father, mother." Meng Chuan got up immediately, while Meng An and Meng You got up quickly and were the first to greet "grandfather, grandmother."

The white-haired old man is extremely old, showing his aging state. As a god and demon in the Great Sun Realm, he is still very conscious and does not need support. He is still tall and a little fat. He smiles all the year round, and he is more kind.

"Today is rare. My son and grandchildren are all here." Meng Dajiang laughed.

"Yu'er is getting more and more beautiful.

"Bai Nianyun also looked at his granddaughter with a smile. A few years ago, under Meng Chuan's wholehearted guidance, Meng You finally became a king of gods and demons, but his practice was obviously much worse than that of 'Meng An'. It was because of a father who promoted the "Cloud, Mist, Dragon and Snake Body Technique" to the perfection of the emperor, and with his father's full guidance, it was difficult for Meng You to become king.

"Oh, Dajiang, look at you, how old you are." Liu Yebai smiled, he was relatively better.

"At least I have no hair loss at all." Meng Dajiang sat aside, looking at the old man, "Look, you have less hair, if you want me to tell you, just get a bald head."

"Come on, eat some watermelon."

With a wave of Meng Chuan's hand, a large watermelon appeared on the table, and it was quickly divided into pieces. The flesh of the watermelon was very red. Meng An and Meng You immediately picked up pieces of watermelon and gave them to their grandfather, grandmother, and grandfather.

Eating melons and chatting.

Meng Chuan watched this scene with a smile. His mother still had a lot to live, but his father only had more than three years to live, and his father-in-law Liu Yebai was better but only eight years to live.

Such a day goes by day by day.

When I was young, they held up the sky, but now they are all very old.

After chatting for more than half an hour, Meng Dajiang smiled and said, "Chuan'er, what day is it today? I called the whole family together. You usually come to accompany us occasionally. The two little guys, Meng An and Meng You, should be very busy. Bar."

"Yes, Dad, what's the matter today?" Meng You also asked.


Meng Chuan nodded slightly and looked aside at Meng An.

Meng An said, "It's me. I'm leaving the human world and going outside."

"Going to the outside world?" Meng Dajiang, Bai Nianyun, and Liu Yebai looked at each other and fell silent for a while. Although the three of them did not have a high level of cultivation, they were still the elders of Meng Chuan and Liu Qiyue, and they knew some simple information about the outside world.

"Big man, your ambition is everywhere." Meng Dajiang said with a smile, "Since you want to go, let's go. At the beginning, I also had no hesitation, went to join the army, went to Chengguan to fight with the monster clan. Your father and your mother also just left Yuanchu Mountain. I have been fighting with the demon clan all the time, and when you were pregnant with the two of you, your parents often fought outside, and killed many demon kings."

"Go if you want to, but be careful." Liu Yebai also instructed.

"Be cautious in everything." Bai Nianyun also said, "Your father has also spent his days wandering outside the territory, so you should ask your father for advice."

The three of them have seen too much blood and fire, and they accepted it frankly.


Outside Jiangzhou City, under the night sky, father and son Meng Chuan and Meng An were walking side by side.

"Leave tonight?" Meng Chuan asked.

"Farewell to grandfather and the others, it's time to go." Meng An nodded.

Meng Chuan nodded, and flipped his hands to take out a golden talisman and a purple talisman, "This is the void shifting talisman, this is the time-space teleportation talisman, take it."

"Void shifting talisman?" Meng An looked at the two talismans in front of him, a little shocked.

He had known earlier that Yuanchu Mountain indicated that the last Void Shifting Talisman was gone, at least not in the treasury that the Venerable level could explore.

Unless the treasure of Patriarch Cangyuan is hidden, it can only be hidden at a higher level.

"The Void Teleportation Talisman can be activated with a single thought, and can cross several river systems in an instant." Meng Chuan said, "It can save lives under normal circumstances. The 'Time-Space Teleportation Talisman' is even more powerful, no matter where it is, once it is activated... can escape under normal circumstances, you just need to follow the induction and escape back to the Sanwan River System."

"Fleeing back to your hometown?" Meng An couldn't believe it, "Fleeing back to your hometown from a distant river?"

"You can come back no matter how far away." Meng Chuan flipped his hand and took out two black talismans, "These two are 'undead talismans', which can normally maintain an undead body for an hour, and can be activated naturally when you are fatally attacked. After activation, you You can escape with the help of 'Void Teleportation Talisman' or 'Time-Space Teleportation Talisman'."

Meng Chuan looked at his son, "A space-shifting talisman and a space-time teleportation talisman represent your two chances to escape."

"If you use them, it means you have to flee back quickly, and it's not suitable for you to venture outside the territory for the time being," Meng Chuan said.


Meng An looked at his father. He knew the value of the Void Teleportation Talisman. Before going outside the territory, he naturally read a lot of file information, and he also knew the map of time, space and river.

But he had never heard of the 'Time-Space Teleportation Talisman', and judging from the description, it was obviously far superior to the 'Void Teleportation Talisman'.

"There are only two chances." Meng Chuan looked at his son.

"Farewell, baby."

Meng An didn't say much.

"Remember, this is your hometown." Meng Chuan said softly, "If you can come back, come back often to see your relatives, don't stay outside for too long, too long, and you won't see many people .”

"Hmm." Meng An nodded heavily.

He also does not leave his hometown.

But he has to break through, break out of his future.

tear up.

The membrane wall of the world was torn, and Meng An flew directly out of the domain along the crack.

Meng Chuan watched this scene silently, his son was only at the rank of Venerable, and he was about to go to a secret place in the distant river region, even if he really became an emperor and had another real body. But if he didn't use the 'Time-Space Teleportation Talisman', he might have to cross the river and rush back to his hometown after reaching the Tribulation Realm.

How long will that take?

Hundreds of years? millennium?

Meng Chuan was complicated.

After rushing out of the crack in the membrane wall of the world to the outside world, Meng An, who was a little shocked when he saw the void outside the domain, saw the 'Sun Star' and 'Tai Yin Star', looked back at his hometown, looked at his father, and nodded slightly.

"Om." Immediately afterwards, the purple light enveloped Meng An, and disappeared in a flash.

The cause and effect of Meng Chuan and his son are deeply involved, and the blood sense is even clearer.

He could sense in an instant that his son had arrived in a very distant river region, much farther than the Wugu River region, and there was even a mysterious force blurring Meng Chuan's perception.

"It's time to practice." Meng Chuan turned and left, he had to prepare for the upcoming first catastrophe of Yuanshen.

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