Archean Eon Art

The 23rd collect the 11th chapter is willing to serve for the city lord

"A fragment of a wine glass, is this wine glass some kind of powerful secret treasure?" Meng Chuan was puzzled, he felt the desire to kill the demon sword, just like swallowing flesh and blood, he wanted to swallow this wine glass fragment.

But Meng Chuan didn't let it go immediately, but with a gesture, the fragments of the wine glass flew in front of Meng Chuan.

Big fingers, ordinary fragments of a wine glass, without any runes.

"It's just a fragment, not a fragment of a secret treasure. Even the material is very common. It doesn't look special on the surface, but its weight is terrible." Meng Chuan was a little puzzled, "The fragment is as big as a finger, but it is like the weight of a mountain."

"Such a heavy wine glass? I've never heard of it." Meng Chuan was puzzled.

It is true that some materials in Outer Void are very heavy, and the size of a fist is as heavy as a star, but no one uses such heavy materials to make wine glasses.

Maybe some huge beings will use super-large wine glasses, but the pieces of the wine glass in front of them are very small, and it is estimated that the complete wine glass used by normal humans is so heavy, what kind of life would use it?

"The material is special? But it looks very ordinary."

"Cut off a little bit first, and then carefully identify it in the future." With a thought in his mind, Meng Chuan controlled the fragment of the wine glass in his original domain, and forcibly broke it off. , temporarily put away.

As for the main body of the remaining wine glass fragments, the Demon Slayer Knife is no longer restrained, and it is allowed to swallow it instinctively.

The tip of the Demon Slayer Knife touched the shard of the wine glass, and began to swallow it instinctively.

This piece is ordinary, no matter how Meng Chuan checks it, there are no other special pieces of the wine glass except the weight, and the swallowing of the Demon Slaying Knife is like an introduction, drawing out its hidden true power.


Meng Chuan only saw the bloody wave rushing out of the fragments of the wine glass, filling the entire quiet room of practice in an instant. The terrifying bloody wave made Meng Chuan feel suffocated. Chuan's 'primordial body' has the effect of blocking, blocking 99% of the bloody wave.

But there are still very few that got into Meng Chuan's body and impacted Meng Chuan's soul.

"Evil spirit?" Meng Chuan felt the impact on Yuanshen.

"My physical body is in the Tribulation Realm of Primordial Spirit. If it is an ordinary physical body in the Five Tribulations Realm, the physical body can resist most of the remaining impact... Their primordial spirit may be severely injured, and those with weaker spiritual cultivation may even collapse their consciousness. "Meng Chuan was secretly surprised.

In Yuanshen Five Tribulations Realm, even if Yuanshen and spiritual will are very strong, it is not bad to be able to maintain 20% to 30% of strength without being blocked by a perfect physical body.

In the Five Tribulations Realm of the physical body, there are physical obstacles, but the soul is weak, and it will be very difficult to resist.

In the Five Tribulations Realm, only Meng Chuan, who is strong in both aspects, can bear it more easily.

If it is the Six Tribulations Realm...

In the Six Tribulations Realm of the physical body, even this bloody wave can't break through the obstacles of the physical body. Yuanshen Six Tribulations Realm, Yuanshen is so powerful, you will only feel that this is a breeze blowing on your face, and you will face it very easily.

"This bloody wave is very similar to the evil spirit in the home world, but it is infinitely more powerful, and it can threaten the realm of the Five Tribulations." Meng Chuan secretly said, "This is just a fragment of the wine glass. If it is a complete wine glass... Maybe it will affect the realm of the Six Tribulations." There is a certain threat.”

"What's the history?"

When Meng Chuan was thinking, he had swallowed the Demon Slayer Saber crazily.

It is the 'magic knife' in the history of the Cangyuan Realm. It likes to devour flesh and blood, and it will eat back at its master. If the master's primordial spirit is not strong enough, he will easily become a madman. Meng Chuan chose it in Yuanchu Mountain and named it "Demon Slaying Knife". The process of Meng Chuan's rise was also the process of killing the demon clan, and even slaughtered millions of demon kings in the world...

There are countless bloody evil spirits devoured, and Meng Chuan even used the Tao he realized to become the 'Tao' of the Demon Slaying Saber.

The Demon Slaying Knife also devoured the life and flesh of other races, and devoured the flesh and blood of the corpse of the 'Eight-Headed Star Devouring Snake', but it did not absorb too much evil and hostility outside the domain.

But at this moment, it was trembling and crazily swallowing the bloody wave. Reaching the level of the Five Tribulations Realm weapon makes it enough to swallow this power. Over time... the color of the Demon Slaying Saber gradually turns red,

The demon-slaying knife becomes more and more bewitching.

Meng Chuan is very sensitive to the Demon Slaying Knife. He feels that the Demon Slaying Knife is changing, which is the transformation of the nature of the weapon and becomes stronger.

Since it is developing towards a 'powerful' aspect, the Demon Slayer Knife itself is also very eager, so Meng Chuan naturally does not stop it.

Meng Chuan was not afraid of the bloody evil spirit attacking in an all-round way.

Being sucked into the Demon Slayer Knife, and the Demon Slayer Knife is under the control of his own master, the power of backlash is naturally weaker than that of a full explosion, and he is even more fearless.

"It's been three hours, and I have only swallowed so much. It is estimated that it will take ten and a half months to swallow it." Meng Chuan secretly said, "To deal with the snake demon star, let's postpone it for ten and a half months."

He felt that the Demon Slayer Knife that completely swallowed the Bloody Wave could greatly enhance his close combat strength.

To deal with the Snake Demon Star, it is naturally the most peak state to deal with.


In the void where Qianshanxing was located, two figures arrived through the long river of time and space.

"Thousand Mountain Star."

Two figures appeared side by side, a man and a woman, looking at Qianshanxing from a distance.

The man was tall and tall, with one vertical eye, exuding a domineering aura, but he looked a bit simple and honest.

The woman is slightly petite, wearing a pale white robe.

"We have been in the Sanwan River system for so many years, and we have never seen the Qianshan star. Although it is recorded in history that the Qianshan star is in the surrounding void, we can't find it." The man exclaimed, "But now it has appeared."

"The surrounding void has a range of hundreds of millions of miles, but the place where Qianshanxing hides is very small." The petite woman smiled, "If you don't have the attainments in the void, you won't be able to find it at all."

indeed so.

If Patriarch Cangyuan hadn't found it long ago, it would take a long time for Meng Chuan to search the area hundreds of millions of miles away with the "Phantom of the Primordial Spirit World" that is millions of miles away. The law is also difficult.

It is much more convenient to have the cracking method recorded in detail by Patriarch Cangyuan. Of course, those cracking methods can only be done at the level of the Five Tribulations Realm.

"I don't know what kind of temperament that Dongning City Lord has." The tall man with vertical eyes hesitated.

"In any case, if he wants to build the branch of the Eternal Building, he needs enough manpower. We rely on him at this time, and he is willing to accept us in all likelihood."

"Should we wait for him to deal with the Snake Demon Star before coming here?" The tall, vertical-eyed man asked worriedly, "I'm always worried that he and the Snake Demon Star will have a falling out and anger the Cave Master Jingyun, and then he will be forced to Fleeing from the Sanwan River System, we also fled? I don’t want to leave the Sanwan River System, I still have to take care of the Venerable Monarch in my home world.”

"Pang Feng, you are too cautious in everything, so you can't grasp the opportunity." The petite woman shook her head, "When he solves the Snake Demon Star and publicly establishes a branch of the Eternal Building, there will be more catastrophes to follow him. When the time comes, it will be difficult to be reused. But now... we come here earlier, and the status under him will be much higher in the future."

The tall man with vertical eyes nodded slightly.

He is cautious by nature, but he also thinks what the woman said makes sense in this matter, so let's take some risks.

"If the Dongning City Lord is forced to flee the Sanwan River System by the Jingyun Cave Master, we can only flee with him." The tall man with vertical eyes shook his head slightly. They never thought of betraying the "Dongning City Lord" and a five-star Tribulation? That is courting death!

"When the opportunity comes, we must seize it." The petite woman did not hesitate.


The two of them quickly flew to Qianshanxing.

The Qianshan star array is mighty, and the two of them felt endless oppression when they got close to Qianshan star.

"You two came to Qianshanxing, what's the matter?" A figure appeared, it was Venerable Qinggu.

"A venerable?"

The two robbers murmured secretly, but they knew that the other party should be the subordinate of the Dongning City Lord, so they couldn't be negligent. The petite woman said kindly: "We have heard the name of the Dongning City Lord, and we are here to pay a visit."

Venerable Qinggu also felt apprehensive in the face of the two tribulations, but on the surface he said: "You two wait here, I will pass the message."


The two robbers were allowed to enter the Qianshan Star and came to the top of the mountain.

Meng Chuan, in a black robe and white hair, sat cross-legged and was comprehending Volume 3 of "The Void Illustrated Record" with his eyes closed. He opened his eyes only when he sensed a visitor.

The tall, vertical-eyed man and the petite woman were terrified by this look, and even saluted very respectfully: "Greetings, Senior Dongning City Lord."

"Pang Feng, Zhong Yu." Meng Chuan said calmly, "What are you doing here to see me?"

There are only so many tribulation realm powers in the Sanwanhe system, less than a hundred in total, and Meng Chuan knows every piece of information.

The two in front of me are both at the level of the Three Tribulations Realm, and they can be regarded as members of the ordinary Tribulation Realm.

"We both heard that the Dongning city lord swept away the looting forces in the Sanwan River system in just a few hours, and we are extremely admirable." The petite woman 'Zhong Yu' said, "And after we became robbers, our practice became more and more powerful. It is even more difficult, and I have always been eager to get advice. Now that Dongning City Lord has come to the Sanwan River System, I am very excited, so I rushed here immediately, wanting to worship Dongning City Lord, and willing to serve the City Lord."

"It's the same for me, Pang Feng. I want to worship Dongning City Lord and serve him." The tall man with vertical eyes said quickly.

There are only a handful of great powers in the Five Tribulations Realm that the two of them have seen in this life.

But every time I feel great oppression.

The look in the eyes of the Dongning city lord in front of him brought terrible psychological pressure. This should be a soul of the Five Tribulations Realm! I heard that the "Primitive Spirit Five Tribulations Realm" is much more difficult to deal with than the physical body Five Tribulations Realm. This is because I chose a powerful "thick thigh".

"Worship under my door?" Meng Chuan raised his eyebrows.

Now he is going to build Dongning City and the branch of Eternal Building, and there are many trivial things to arrange for his subordinates to do. Venerable Qinggu and the two apprentices are too weak to hold the field, and they really need some powerful men in the tribulation realm.

Originally thought that when the Snake Demon Star was resolved and the branch of the Eternal Building was publicly established, there would be a catastrophe to follow.

These two are fast enough! At least they were the first to come to worship under him, and judging from the information, these two robbers are not bad.

"Okay, you two will serve under my sect from now on." Meng Chuan nodded.

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