Archean Eon Art

The 25th collect the 15th chapter consummation (below)

The flames erupted wantonly, and Liu Qiyue's life was undergoing metamorphosis, first reaching the level of ordinary venerables, and then continuing to evolve, which was comparable to some side bloodlines of the Phoenix clan...

"As expected of the fire source liquid, it's better than I expected." Meng Chuan's current state is so high that he can determine his wife's evolution level at a glance.

Half an hour has passed.

Liu Qiyue, who was bathed in the flames, was like a flame god, and the flames emitted were enough to severely injure the emperor.

She opened her eyes, and with one thought, the flames were suppressed, and the wrinkles were much less, but her hair was still white and long.

With one thought, Meng Chuan moved his wife to the normal void.

"Qiyue, why do you still have gray hair?" Liu Yebai with long black hair looked at her daughter in surprise.

Liu Qiyue looked at Meng Chuan with a smile and didn't say much.

"Mother." Meng An and Meng You also looked at their mother with joy, and they all felt the change in their mother's breath.

"A Chuan, what did you give me?" Liu Qiyue asked softly.

"A special life-prolonging treasure, the effect is better than I expected." Meng Chuan nodded, "What do you think?"

"The bloodline of the Phoenix has improved a lot and is much more pure. Even the flames that are naturally cast are much stronger than before." Liu Qiyue said.

Meng Chuan could tell at a glance that his wife now has a lifespan of '4,300 years'.

Like those special beings with strong bloodlines, they are generally only three thousand years old at the Venerable level. Meng Chuan's lifespan was only 5,000 years at the beginning. Normally, life spans passed down from generation to generation are generally integers, with fractions... For example, 2,800 years of life and 3,200 years of life are almost all extended by life-extending rare treasures.

Liu Qiyue's own lifespan of '4300 years' means that the essence of life is only one line away from 'Pure Blood Phoenix' and 'Pure Blood Dragon Clan'.

However, this line is a natural moat! Even the fire source liquid, which was worth as much as the secret treasure of the Eight Tribulations Realm, could not raise Liu Qiyue's bloodline to a true pure-blooded phoenix. Even in the long river of time and space, it is very difficult to give birth to pure-blooded Phoenixes and dragons. Meng Chuan has been in the outer space for so many years, and he has never touched a pure-blooded dragon or phoenix.


That night, in the Huxin Pavilion of Meng Mansion in Jiangzhou City.

Meng Dajiang, Bai Nianyun, Liu Yebai, Meng Chuan, Liu Qiyue, Meng An, Meng You, the big family are eating and chatting in the garden in front of Huxin Pavilion. The elders are mainly asking questions, and the younger generations are answering. .

"Meng An, you have a son too?" Meng Dajiang was overjoyed, holding a wine glass, "I have a great-grandson? Where is he?"

"You have to leave the Cangyuan Realm first, cross a long distance in the outer space, and reach another place called Kunyun Secret Realm." Meng An explained, "My wife and son are all in Kunyun Secret Realm?"

"What? Outside the Cangyuan Realm?" Meng Dajiang, Bai Nianyun, and Liu Yebai were all taken aback.

"Why did you run outside the human world? Got married and had children?" Bai Nianyun was also a little shocked.

"This is fate."

Meng An smiled and didn't explain too much.

"Kunyun Secret Realm? It's very suitable for cultivation." Meng Chuan said with a smile. "That secret realm has countless practitioners? There are over ten thousand emperors and nearly a thousand great experts in the Tribulation Realm."

"What?" Everyone was a little stunned.

"In terms of the number of practitioners? The Kunyun secret realm is enough to equal ten river systems." Meng Chuan continued, "I have already controlled that secret realm. If I have the opportunity, I will send many practitioners from the Cangyuan Realm to Kunyun Cultivation in the Cloud Secret Realm, dad? You can also go there and have a look together in the future."

After all, the Cangyuan Realm cannot be compared with a secret realm.

So arranging practitioners in the Cangyuan Realm? Going there to practice is also one of the plans, the premise is that you can successfully overcome the tribulation.

"Have you controlled that secret realm?" Meng Dajiang was a little dazed, "There have been thousands of emperors and nearly a thousand masters of the secret realm, Chuan'er, have you controlled it?"

"There is also some luck." Meng Chuan said.

The family chatted all over the place.

We talked about the secret realm of Kunyun? We talked about the war with the demon world, we talked about the three former emperors of the demon world? We talked about the "Master Snow Jade" of Sanwan River System, we talked about Dongning City...

The peach tree on the side is blooming really well? The fragrance of the flowers spreads,

Meng Chuan smelled the fragrance of flowers? When he looked up, the stars in the night sky were shining brightly.

Although this kind of scenery is beautiful? But he has experienced it many times over the years, but today... he is extremely happy.

Because, there are his family members next to him.

"Father, drink slowly with your father-in-law." Meng Chuan got up alone, went to the nearby Yishu Pavilion, looked at the family members outside through the window, and with a wave of his hand, there was a picture scroll unfolded on the table, with pen and ink get ready.

It has been a long time, and Meng Chuan has no strong urge to paint.

The last time I painted with passion, I just won the war, I painted "Spine"

At this moment, Meng Chuan also wanted to record this scene.

"More than two thousand years." Meng Chuan whispered in his heart.

Meng Chuan looked up, smiled and lowered his head to paint.

The stars in the night sky are bright and the Milky Way is mighty.

Under the night sky, a family is having dinner.

A hundred-year-old peach blossom tree bloomed just right, with petals scattered on the ground, and a family surrounded the table.

His mother, Bai Nianyun, chatted with Liu Qiyue and Meng You in low voices, and all three of them had smiles on their faces.

Father Meng Dajiang and father-in-law Liu Yebai were toasting and talking, Meng Chuan sat aside and smiled, and Meng An was busy pouring wine.

Meng Chuan paints very seriously, with a stroke of paint.

This painting was finished in just half an hour.

"Practice, pay attention to the direction of the heart, overcoming thorns and thorns, unstoppable." Meng Chuan whispered softly, "But the heart also needs a place to return to, and only when there is a place to return can it be complete."

Meng Chuan looked up at his family members under the night sky outside the window.

These family members are the home of my soul.

No matter how lonely and wandering I am, with them, I am truly invincible.

"Without them, no matter how strong you are, you will be lonely and incomplete."

"With them, I am complete."

Meng Chuan knew exactly what he valued most.

What's the point if you only live forever alone, and you are invincible alone, but you are alone in the world, without family or ethnic group?

What I want is that the ethnic group can prosper and prosper, and what I want is that everything in front of me will exist for a long time. Maybe 'where there is life there is death', but 'what is power'? Great ability is to be able to do things that ordinary people can't! Maintain what you care about... long enough.

"In order to enjoy more of these days, I will definitely succeed in overcoming the catastrophe." Meng Chuan looked at his family and said silently.

He can feel it.

During the time after his wife woke up, and even during the time of painting, my mind and will were slowly changing.

Family members are by your side, making your heart stronger.

In Meng Chuan's Sea of ​​Consciousness China, the primordial spirit that turned into the "primordial spirit star" slowly rotated, becoming more and more complete and powerful. Meng Chuan's path in Yuanshen is not exactly the same as that of Fei Yu's predecessor, but it is at least 80% similar, and he also cares most about spiritual perfection. Such a 'primordial spirit' may be lacking in attack and killing, but it is very strong in defense and stability.


Two days later, Meng You temporarily left the Meng Mansion and went back to meet her husband Yang Cheng.

"Ma'am." Yang Cheng looked at his wife who had landed outside the study, and couldn't help being taken aback. He put down the scroll and immediately walked out, staring at his wife, "Ma'am, you, have you become a venerable?"

My wife has practiced for more than three hundred years, so it is logically impossible to become a venerable.

"Father let me take the life-prolonging treasure, which raised my life to the venerable level." Meng You was a little absent-minded.

"It's your father-in-law?" Yang Cheng was pleasantly surprised, "That's great, it's really great."

Yang Cheng is a genius in Yuanchu Mountain.

He is the most dazzling genius among the generations after Meng Chuan, Xue Feng, Yan Chitong, etc., and he became a god and demon at the beginning, and married Meng You, and then became a god and demon of the king. The cultivation resources have been greatly improved. Under Meng Chuan's personal guidance, Yang Cheng also stepped into the rank of venerable at the age of 153, but Meng You was a step slower.

"Such a happy event, ma'am, why are you so preoccupied?" Yang Cheng was puzzled.

"I've been thinking about Yuan'er." Meng You said in a low voice, "Although Yuan'er was cultivated by the two of us, and his practice was considered diligent, he stopped at Fenghou Shenmo, and now he has practiced for more than two hundred and eighty years. It's not far away. I'm thinking, should I open my mouth, beg my father, beg my father..."

When he saw his father Meng Chuan taking out life-prolonging treasures one after another, Meng You thought of his son.

That was her child, and as a mother, she naturally cared.

"No." Yang Cheng said solemnly, "How precious is the longevity extension treasure. In the history of the human race, it was the time of Patriarch Cangyuan who extended the life many times. Now it is a great gift that the father-in-law is willing to extend your life for you. You must not Forcibly demand."

"I know, I didn't say anything, I just felt uncomfortable." Meng You said.

"The life-extending rare treasure is extremely precious, and the great power in the tribulation realm needs to be obtained by all means." Yang Cheng solemnly said, "A piece of life-extending rare treasure is enough to cultivate many gods and demons. What is the life-prolonging treasure? Really want to help my son... or rely on the two of us, if Yuan'er reaches the limit, I have already comprehended the Millennium Formation, and I can also arrange it so that Yuan'er can sleep before the limit. In the future If the two of us practice to become emperors, according to the sect's rules, after becoming emperors, some of the patriarch's treasures will be distributed to us, so that we can prolong the life of our son, this is the right way."

Meng You nodded slightly: "Yes."

"Father-in-law, you saved our Cangyuan Realm in times of crisis, and you have given a lot to the ethnic group, and now you are also devoting yourself to cultivating the younger generations." Yang Cheng looked at his wife, "As his daughter, you must not make things difficult for him."

"I understand, I'll listen to you." Meng You responded.

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