
Chapter 1023: First confrontation

"Diyin!" Master Diwei was like the reincarnation of the demon god. With a long laugh, the spiritual power of the middle stage of Yang Sheng fully exploded, forming a terrifying tornado under his hands.

Flying sand and rocks, trees uprooted, the ground shattered, flying stones and fragments formed a prelude to death. It resounded through the sky for tens of thousands of meters.

"Rumble..." The vehicle Xu Yangyi was in had already lifted into the air without any resistance following the inverted tornado. No one spoke or even breathed. The violent death tornado rang in his ears, mixed with his chaotic heartbeat. The restraint of the car made a rattling sound under the tornado, and his hand had quietly squeezed the magic formula.

His eyes were fixed on Mr. Jiang.

One sentence determines life and death.

"Huh?" In the sky, the eyes of Master Diwei flashed. Venerable Hanxue and Young Master Wumian also raised their eyes full of murderous intent.


Of all the cars, none showed signs of resistance from the monks, only here...

He must be here!

"There is no enmity between you and me." The hand on the ground burst into brilliance while crying, and the heartbeat in his ears was suppressed, and he said hoarsely: "It is a crime to have a jade."

"Boom!" The golden light in the sky was like a transcendent Buddhist kingdom. The violent wind blew through the curtains, rolled up the wind and sand from the sky, and hit the faces of the two people in the carriage.

"What's going on!" "Potato, what happened?" Mao Baer and Wangchen couldn't sit still anymore and jumped out immediately.

No one paid any attention to him. Old Master Jiang still held the Grandmaster Order tightly in his hand and did not issue it.

Their gazes met, as if they wanted to pierce people's hearts and see into the depths of their souls.

"Stop!!" Just when his hand was about to be completely clenched, an angry voice suddenly came from the horizon. Six spiritual beasts that looked like horses but not horses pulled a very luxurious chariot and rushed like meteors. Come. In front of the chariot, a figure stood proudly and said angrily: "Who dares to cause trouble in our Yunfeng City!!"

The seven chariots were already in despair. When they heard this voice, they immediately screamed: "City Lord, help me!" "We have no idea why we provoked these saints!" "The laws of the seven realms clearly stipulate that you must not be wanton. Killing! There is a river of blood at the gate of Yunfeng City. City Lord, help me!"

At the same time, Mr. Jiang finally spoke. At this critical moment, he finally met Xu Yangyi's eyes: "Can I believe you?"

"Don't ask me why."

He let out a long sigh: "You don't really regard me as a master."

"I'm not stupid, I can see that. What I want is a true disciple of Yi Man, not a verbal agreement."

The string of time was broken as soon as it collapsed. The two masters and disciples who had never believed in each other actually had their first heart-to-heart conversation at this time.

"If you are willing." There was no flinching in Xu Yangyi's eyes. He could withstand the pressure of the two queens. Such a master, he is sincere.

"Then, I will live up to you."

After saying this, Xu Yangyi closed his eyes.

Life and death are determined by fate, success or failure depends on heaven.

In the realm of the sky, City Lord Yunfeng was furious, and the space was imprisoned. He could not feel who was inside. He took a step forward, shrunk to an inch, and was outside the confinement in an instant. He said in a cold voice: "No matter who you are."

"Stop now! Follow me to the Yunfeng City Law Enforcement Hall, and I can still show you some dignity."

"If you insist on going your own way, even if you are saints, it is impossible to violate the laws of the seven realms in such a grand way. I can only inform the Territory Lord to come and solve it. Even if the Territory Lord can't solve it, there is still Senior Taixu!"

Before he finished speaking, two streams of light flew in front of Yunfeng City Lord. He only glanced at them and immediately gasped.

"In the Hall of Ten Thousand Snakes, the true disciples of the Snake Mother are doing things for the Snake Mother, and the rest of the people are avoiding it." "On the Luanxing Island, Master Wumian, the true disciple of the Venerable Kong Kong, is doing things for the Venerable Kong Kong, and the others are avoiding it."

City Lord Yunfeng only stayed for a second and left immediately.

I didn't dare to stay for a second second.

His figure was reflected in the eyes of the people behind him, and suddenly, there was a cry of "Can't be like this!!" "We are innocent!!" "Help, help! I don't want to die!"

The Earthly Crying Master looked up to the sky and laughed, his palms finally closed completely!

There was silence in the carriage.

The golden light representing death pulled out the long figures of three people and a dog, showing the tranquility of the end.

At this moment, Mr. Jiang opened his eyes, let out a long sigh, and a stream of light finally rose into the air. It turned into aura that filled the sky and condensed into a five-marked elixir!

Moreover, these five lines have been colored with gold, and the sixth line is looming!

He finally chose to resist all this for the Yiman disciples!

Xu Yangyi breathed a sigh of relief silently. Just now, his spiritual power had reached its peak.

One second...and another second later, if Mr. Jiang doesn't take action yet, he will do it himself.

Time seemed to be silent at this moment, and the aura of the red pattern filled the sky, making the heart return from the throat to the chest. The blood that was almost boiling all over his body returned to peace at this moment.

The tight string suddenly relaxed, and he realized that he was already covered in cold sweat.

Mr. Jiang looked at Xu Yangyi, as if he wanted to see his heart through his eyes, and suddenly smiled: "Don't let me down."

As his figure turned into a stream of light and rushed out, Xu Yangyi pursed his lips and bowed deeply towards his back.

He treats me like this, and I treat him like this.

At this moment, he truly became a disciple.

The moment Mr. Jiang's figure appeared, the spiritual energy of Yin Zun's middle stage surged out, and the giant hand in the air suddenly stopped.

The eyes of the three people flashed, and a look of astonishment flashed in the eyes of the Master.

No one expected that a Yin Lord would appear here.

Yin Zun is fine, today...even if Yin Zun blocks the way, they dare to kill him!

But... this Yin Lord is a grand master who is about to be promoted to Alchemy Lord, so they are really in trouble.

"Potato..." Inside the carriage, Mao Baer's face, which had never been serious, was extremely solemn at this moment. His huge body opened and shrank, and his voice was trembling: "Can you... go back alive..."

Xu Yangyi opened his lips slightly, exhaled a breath of turbid air, nodded, but shook his head.

"I don't know..." He stared at the sky: "Everything... depends on fate."

"Do our best and obey fate. Next, we have to see whether our acting skills are realistic or not."

"They...will never give up like this!"

"I've seen fellow Taoist." In the air, Young Master Wumian came to his senses first, cupped his hands and said, "I don't know why fellow Taoist is here."

"Don't you ask me who I am?" Mr. Jiang said calmly without giving in at all: "The second elder of Tianjian Villa went out to experience Breakthrough Alchemy. I really didn't know that Your Excellency Snake Mother and Your Excellency Lord Kong were so addicted to it. kill."

"You talk too much..." Mr. Wumian said calmly: "I hope you can treat what happened today as if you didn't see it. We are absolutely unwilling to enmity with a great master or even the future Alchemist, so..."

He smiled: "Who is in your car?"

The car was protected by Mr. Jiang with a talisman. Unless his spiritual sense was superior to Mr. Jiang's, no one could use his spiritual sense to break through.

"What's wrong with my disciple? Could it be that you can't even trust me?" Mr. Jiang said calmly.

"Really?" Master Diwei squinted his eyes and said word by word, "Fellow Taoist... your heartbeat is too fast and your vest is soaked through."

Elder Jiang was slightly stunned, and subconsciously swept away with his spiritual sense. At this moment, three figures disappeared in front of Elder Jiang and turned into three streaks of green smoke. Elder Jiang was stunned and turned around suddenly.

Three streams of light went straight to the chariot.

At the same time, the three people in the chariot, even Xu Yangyi, couldn't help but sweat all over their bodies, soaking their heavy clothes with sweat.

Such a strong evil spirit... His pupils shrank into the shape of needlepoints under the attack of this fierce killing intent.

"What are you doing!" His mind went blank for a moment, and the next second, Mr. Jiang was furious! My heart suddenly rose to my throat!

"Shut up!!" Master Diwei's eyes were already blood-red, and he screamed loudly, shaking the sky. As he rushed forward, his palms flew up, with a loud bang, and the entire chariot suddenly fell apart.

Devouring the talisman completely, even if it offends Alchemy Master to death, he will not hesitate!

Only the three of them knew how terrifying and mysterious this talisman was.

In the carriage, bulkheads collapsed on all sides, and the demon's hand had already grasped the hearts of the three of them. Their breathing began to become weak. They wanted to speak, but could not speak at all.

Once a clue is revealed, death is inevitable!

Crash...the chariot broke into pieces, and two people and a dog suddenly appeared in the air.

Cat Baer barked and immediately pretended to be fainted. From now on, every expression, every heartbeat, and every movement of spiritual energy will be seen and remembered by these three demons.

The murderous intention rolled over, like a knife blade scraping the back, and the hair on the hair stood on end, but it only lasted for a tenth of a second. Immediately afterwards, Wangchen was the first to attack, looking at Elder Jiang in the air with an anxious face: "Second Elder, this... "

The eyes of the Six Paths were like entities, fixed on them. However, within half a second, it was released immediately.

Three golden elixirs?

How could it be a golden elixir?

The three of them looked at each other. Lord Hanxue walked up to Xu Yangyi. Lord Yin's great perfection of spiritual energy exploded, forming a dark hell behind him. He was only an inch away from Xu Yangyi's face. Looking into his eyes, even the other party could not see him. Not missing the twitching of his eyelashes, he hoarsely asked, "Are you afraid?"

"I, I..." The blood in Xu Yangyi's body is screaming. This is the instinctive resistance when encountering a truly strong person, but it can't be done now... Now as long as he frowns a little more, the next step is to raise the knife with his hand!

There will never be any hesitation because of Mr. Jiang.

He must play the perfect scene of an early Jindan facing the Yin Lord.

"I...I'm not afraid..." He seemed to want to escape and said tremblingly: "You, what are you afraid of...the master is still here..."

"I want to kill you." Venerable Hanxue didn't blink. He slowly stretched out his palm and gently put it on Xu Yangyi's throat: "Are you afraid?"

Before he finished speaking, a violent tide of spiritual power rushed into his meridians. Behind him, Mr. Jiang became furious: "Let go! Otherwise, I will file a lawsuit with the Dan Alliance and file a death warrant! I will never let you go!!"

Venerable Hanxue hesitated for a moment, but did not pause at all, and his spiritual power ran wildly.

He believes that... as long as he is a monk, if he is really Nascent Soul, facing this kind of pressure, his instinct will definitely explode!

Because he has killed too many people, even he himself can't tell whether he really wants to kill him or is just acting.

On the other side, Mr. Wumian put his fan on Wangchen's head, and his spiritual power immediately connected.

"Pounce!" Xu Yangyi spurted out a mouthful of blood immediately.

His teeth almost bit off his tongue. The mouthful of blood spurted out so realistically, and the look of fear in his eyes looking forward to his master's rescue was so realistic that Venerable Hanxue narrowed his eyes slightly.

Is it really not the case?

Who dares to gamble with his life? Are you betting that you won't dare to kill him?

He is the true disciple of Snake Mother, so even if he is really killed, Snake Mother will definitely be able to protect him!

"If you are really the owner of the Devouring Talisman and you are betting your life on this, I will let you win." A thought flashed through his mind, and his spiritual power became even crazier, rushing straight into every acupoint of Xu Yangyi.

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