
Chapter 1046: Principles vs. Divine Principles (I)

"I have seen the controllers of time and space before. They are...too scary." Yu Chang's voice was trembling: "Zhang Daoling, Taigong Wang...their domains are the two great divine rules of time and space, and they were also the only two great divine rules on Earth at that time! Even the contemporary pope, the peak of the light principle, is not their opponent, and you actually met one..."

"However, it is not without weaknesses. Her realm is a weakness! The distortion of space involves the rules of the world. She can't use it too much. And..."

He paused: "She can't distort things that can't be seen."

"Can't see it?" Xu Yangyi was silent for a while, and a hot fighting spirit flashed in his eyes.

He will never let this opportunity go!

This is the fate of the talisman holder, and no one can escape.

"Since you are so confident...then let me see how strong the two great divine rules are!"

Boom! The whole world of killing changed quietly, with fairy clouds lingering, white cranes soaring, and countless giant trees rising from the ground. And Xu Yangyi's figure completely disappeared in it.

This is not the original killing domain.

But it is a new one that he has built. Killing!

In the dark space, the black tide is like the sea, and the holy light shines on the opposite side.

"The first move." Su Xingyao opened her hands again. This time, countless stars shone in the darkness, piercing through the darkness and the void. In the blink of an eye, countless star swords were suspended in the air, aiming at Xu Yangyi's field like a honeycomb. Forming a huge sword ball.

"I hope you are still confident after this move. Still... can survive."


Her red lips opened slightly, murderous intent burst out, and endless sword rain fell from the sky and rose from the ground.

God's punishment fell from the sky.

Three thousand swords rained, and Xu Yangyi's pupils suddenly opened. These star swords were extremely fast, with only one purpose, which was to force him out.

He kept calculating the time for the sword rain without dead angles to arrive in his heart, two seconds... one and a half seconds, one second...

At this moment, the hair all over his body suddenly exploded! The next second, ten thousand swords pierced his body!

Thighs, lower abdomen, arms, shoulders, calves... Seven or eight swords had pierced his body. He stood there in shock. Half a second later, severe pain came from his body.

His reaction was very fast. The moment he felt the danger, his spiritual power was all raised and spread all over his body. But Su Xingyao's magical power was almost faster than thinking! As soon as the thought came up, the swords were already pierced all over his body!


He spit out a mouthful of blood, and the star sword in the wound turned into starlight and dissipated. He looked at the wounds all over his body in shock, suppressed the pain of muscle cramps, and looked at the void in shock.

Without any reaction, without any preparation, he watched himself being pierced by thousands of swords! Even the spiritual energy dissipated, and the painful reaction was transmitted to himself!

"Erasure of space..." Yu Chang's voice was extremely bitter: "This is the power of the Space God Rule. As long as you attack, you will hit the target. The opponent has no chance to dodge at all!"

"Any field is blank in front of her, as if it is nothing..."


Xu Yangyi opened his mouth with difficulty and swallowed a pill. No wonder the opponent had such confidence and defeated him with one move.

If he hadn't reacted quickly and had a good position just now, he might have been pierced by thousands of swords in that move.

"There is no point in dodging. Under the space that fills the world, you have nowhere to escape." Su Xingyao glanced at the towering barbs and said indifferently: "The gap between the God Rule and the Code is not measured in miles. Only the two gods of time and space can compete with each other."

"What surprised me is that you are lucky and can still survive."

"Second move." Su Xingyao waved her hands lightly, and Xu Yangyi seemed to be in the center of the dark stage, and the audience in the audience lit up their mobile phones.

The stars are like a sea, shining on the eternal sky.

"Ten directions of the star field, a sword flying flowers."

Buzz! The stars responded, the void was boundless, and the killing intent was infinite.

"This number..." In the spiritual consciousness, Yu Chang gasped in shock, opened his lips several times, and was still speechless.

The killing intention was determined!

No one was spared, the talisman holders met, the sharp knife in the smile, the alliance after the sword was drawn, this is the norm. In front of the road to immortality, no one can retreat, and no one is willing to retreat.

After four moves, the result will be clear. But if Xu Yangyi can't withstand all four moves, this former saint of the Zhenwu Immortal Realm will not mind wiping out his existence.

The weak are not qualified to stand on this stage.

Xu Yangyi looked deeply at the overwhelming star swords, humming, trembling, and the starlight was shining. Among them, Su Xingyao seemed to be a reborn immortal. He clenched his fists fiercely: "I will not hand over the Devouring Talisman."

Resisting the bloody taste in his throat, he said fiercely: "It... said that it can lead me to see the 'truth.'"

"I only have this one way now. Cultivation is a narrow road where the brave wins! Whoever steals from me, I will take his life!"


But in cultivation, especially at this time, without this resentment, you will never reach the top.

As soon as the thought fell, the galaxy shook and the stars exploded! Endless star swords fell like rain with sky-high murderous energy.

Boom! ! Xu Yangyi could no longer hide it, and his whole body's spiritual power surged! At this moment, he really felt the line between life and death. All the spiritual power protected the vital parts of his body, but just as he moved his whole body, countless severe pains came again.

His eyes blurred, and the intense pain almost made him faint. He bit his tongue hard and finally did not faint on the spot.

Physically...the number of spiritual swords is doubled than before! One of them has even penetrated the lobe of the lung. Whenever he speaks or breathes, his mouth is full of blood.

Erase again!

There is no distance, no distance! Everything that belongs to the distance space disappears!

When you see it, the sword arrives.

Not targeting Xu Yangyi, killing him in zero seconds without any difference or range would be hard to beat.

"Damn it..." He gritted his teeth, and his back was already full of hedgehogs. Just as he was trying to stand up, the void around him shone brightly.

There is no pause.

It's called Four Moves, but it's actually a killing move. The weak are not worthy and have no destiny to stand on the stage of the seven strongest men in the seven realms! Only the strongest genius, the darling of heaven and earth, can stand here! There is only Taixu in the future, Dubu!

Only then are you qualified to inquire about the Immortal Sect and embark on the road to fight for immortality.

"Weakness is also a kind of happiness." All the platinum doors opened simultaneously, and Su Xingyao looked at Xu Yangyi with a rare pity: "At least, I can die in ignorance."

"And I can't even pretend to be deaf and dumb. Because I'm too sober."


The moment the word fell, a circle of ripples suddenly appeared outside her body, and suddenly, a white-gold shield finally appeared in the space.

This is Su Xingyao's body-protecting spiritual light shield.

At the same time, Xu Yangyi's figure skyrocketed, his Asura form, and the stars in the dense forest spread out, rushing towards her at an extremely fast speed.

Invincible from a distance.

It's not the same level. The opponent can kill people in the blink of an eye at the end of the world, but he... can't do it at all.

Only close combat!

The field of high expectations was completely shattered without any performance at all, and every inch was long and every inch was strong. An inch short, an inch dangerous.

Only in this way can he have a glimmer of hope!

"You are stubborn." Su Xingyao was not moved at all. The terrifying spiritual power caused her protective shield to twist quickly. Without even looking at it, the spiritual power disappeared in the next second.

I don’t know where she was transferred to, but it’s not in this space.

But in the next second, her protective light shield suddenly began to tremble crazily. Waves of majestic spiritual power actually caused the space to begin to shatter!

She finally took a serious look at Xu Yangyi, and for the first time she wanted to cheer for this man.

He is very strong and has stronger willpower. In this state, he can actually launch such a counterattack. If it were anyone else, his body would probably start to get cold.

Opposite her, Xu Yangyi's eyes were as bright as stars, and he shouted loudly. All his strength was concentrated into one punch. When he twisted his waist, the space made a rattling sound, clearly showing his strong physical strength.

"Boom!!" The fist pierced the sky, hundreds of meters away, and the sky was shattered with one punch. The Carrara space was shattered, and dark cracks quickly exploded.

The first sound was like a splendid fireworks overture, and then, the space-shaking salutes sounded loudly one after another, and four dark blue arms shot out like a torrential rain around them.

The speed was so fast that it actually aroused faint thunder all around. As everyone shouted, rumbling sounds continued from all directions. Heavy winds and rain.

Thousands of thunders are falling, and thousands of rains are coming!

There is no trace of every punch, and the spiritual power of the Void Spirit Immortal Body cannot be measured at all, let alone seen. But the fierce boxing wind had already blown Su Xingyao on the opposite side as if she was in the eye of a typhoon, with three thousand black hairs floating almost in parallel.

She knew that this was the opponent's last fighting spirit. As long as he was defeated, he would not survive the fourth move.

In the battlefield for the talisman holder, there is no victory or defeat, only life and death.

She suddenly sighed softly.

"If it were any other monk...even a false saint, I'm afraid he would frown."

"But you met me."

The moment the last word fell, Su Xingyao's body suddenly disappeared. Xu Yangyi's whole body was covered with chills. There was almost no gap. He already felt that there was an extra person behind him.

True teleportation.

Why shrink to an inch? Before this kind of erasure of space, it was simply too weak. Not even qualified to carry shoes.

He suddenly understood why Su Xingyao appeared here suddenly. She should have erased the distance between herself and the approximate location of the Desire Talisman.

He also had some understanding that this is how the so-called domain should be used.

But, it's too late.

Su Xingyao's hands had already pressed on his broad latissimus dorsi muscles.

"It's over." She whispered: "Again..."

Before the words came out, suddenly, the light shield all over her body flashed randomly, and it shattered instantly with almost no resistance!

The next second... the terrifying spiritual power rushed towards her, and with a cry of surprise, this time she couldn't even wipe it away, and she vomited blood and flew hundreds of meters away.

"I caught you..." Xu Yangyi wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, looked at the calm Su Xingyao in the distance with wolfish eyes, bleeding from the corner of his mouth, and his chest heaving rapidly, spat and said harshly.

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