
Chapter 1048: Principles vs. Divine Principles (Part 3)

"This is impossible." She was stunned for two seconds, and then, countless versions of her appeared in every corner of the illusion at the same time.

This is not a doppelgänger technique, but a way of allowing oneself to be in all spaces at the same time. Each one of her is her true self. And every one of her is not her true self. Kill her in one dimension, and she will still exist in another dimension. It will have an impact on her future path, but it will never lead to her death.

"Monster..." somewhere in the field, Yuchang let out a long sigh.

Xu Yangyi squatted on a tree and licked his lips bloodthirstyly: "Isn't it particularly satisfying to kill such a monster?"

Yuchang was silent for a moment, then said with a wry smile: "You can't kill her..."

"Her domain... is truly invincible... a near-immortal existence..."

"I know." Xu Yangyi gently brushed his fingers over the fish intestines, and could feel the other party's enthusiasm for defeating Shenze in his calm tone, and the sword was buzzing: "But, I want her to know , the price that must be paid for provoking another talisman holder."

"Moreover, my field is now only about ideas. Such a good whetstone can't be found even if I break through iron shoes."

At the same time, Su Xingyao had completed the third detection.

still have not!

Not only can’t the formation eye be found, but also the opponent’s spiritual energy can’t be found!

This is absolutely impossible!

She was already in every place at the same time. Even if she could touch Xu Yangyi, she couldn't find him at all. It was as if Xu Yangyi himself had disappeared into his own realm!

"Swallow the talisman." She pursed her red lips gently, and the ominous premonition in her heart became stronger and stronger. At the same time, she deeply felt that a pair of eyes were staring at her vitals. She looked around, but there was no trace.

This is hunting.

And she... is actually the prey?

She suddenly felt a little ridiculous. This ascended person who had never returned to the world... was actually testing the knife on her! Use the owner of a space god to test the integrity of your own domain!


"As long as you understand how to use the seven talismans, once you open this head, the holder will truly understand how to use it." She suddenly opened her mouth and said in Xu Yangyi's unexpected words: "The talismans have only one function. , but the usage is ever-changing. Even if the seven talismans are in the hands of people who don't understand, they are only real immortal weapons in the hands of geniuses like us."

"It seems that you had a profound enlightenment between life and death. You understood this level, and then immediately tried other uses, and it was very successful."

While speaking, her eyes seemed calm, but like a taut string, she swept around: "Come out."

"I've seen you."

A sneer came, and Xu Yangyi's voice sounded from the front: "Are you teaching me how to be a talisman holder?"

The next second, the Infinite Star Sword appeared at the place where the voice came out without any time. However, only a muffled sound was heard, and a towering tree collapsed.

Not here?

Su Xingyao frowned and retracted her hand, and at the same time, she suddenly turned around. A strong murderous intention instantly enveloped her heart. Without hesitation, the protective spiritual light shield immediately erupted.

However, first, it was too late.

Second, Xu Yangyi's guess was correct. As a holder of the Divine Code of Space, he did not need defensive magic weapons at all, nor did he need magical powers. He only needed the most common layer of protection. When she sees it, she erases it.

So... faced with the brazen blow from the physical cultivator, she had no time to stop it and it exploded from her body!

boom! ! ! The powerful spiritual power of physical training exploded against her back, the golden light was bright, and the trees in all directions fell down. The terrifying wind pressure shook the world. Xu Yangyi also didn't hold back from this attack.

Finally got a chance to touch her body...

I can finally break this indifferent face under such heavy pressure...

How could you hold back!

The injury I suffered before was a unique way of "greeting" that was called a test but was actually a killer move. How could I hold back!

"Boom!" Su Xingyao's body flew straight out like a cannonball. Countless ancient trees crashed to the ground along the way, and streaks of white breath quietly blended into the air from the broken places.

"Thank you." Xu Yangyi's next words sounded quietly.

Crash... Eight hundred meters away, Su Xingyao gritted her teeth and stood up, but as soon as she stood up straight, a mouthful of blood spurted out. There were traces of blood in her seven orifices, and her body was crooked. He suddenly knelt down on the ground.

This is another of her weaknesses.

A fragile defense, although this weakness has never been touched.

Xu Yangyi was the first. The only monk who touched her body in her long life.

"Five ribs were broken, and the internal organs were displaced." Xu Yangyi whistled, and his voice suddenly became low: "Stand up."

"You just made four moves, and this is just the first move of mine."

"You...are not old enough to fall yet."

presumptuous! !

These two words suddenly appeared in Su Xingyao's mind. At this moment, she almost felt that something called emotion was about to burst out of the sealed body.

She shouldn't feel these things, but in this battle, this man challenged her restricted area again and again, and actually made it loose.

She didn't know that if her current situation were placed on other geniuses, the intense sense of humiliation would be enough to make them go crazy, break their Taoist hearts, and collapse their personalities. Only here, the word "unbridled" appeared at this moment.

In my mind, the layers of shackles were actually loosened a little because of Xu Yangyi.

This special feeling disappeared quickly, and she immediately looked at the place where she was knocked away, but a scene that shocked her even more appeared.


No one is there!

She... seemed to have been hit hard by the invisible space, but this was even more impossible!

"How did you do it? This was because of the swallowing talisman. What did you swallow?"

There was no answer, but a strong explosive force rushed from the front, and her pupils suddenly widened.

Feel it...

But can't see it!

There is no fluctuation in space!

"Space barrier!!" With a low cry, countless spaces overlapped in front of her. The next second, all the spaces in front of her instantly shattered and turned into countless spiritual points floating away. However, at the same time, a stronger spiritual power burst out behind him! The distance is so close, she has no way to avoid it!

"Boom!!" A punch hit her back hard, and her graceful back suddenly bulged forward. A mouthful of blood was like a rain of flowers all over the sky, scattering flowers from the goddess.

It’s over…

She never thought that she would lose so quickly.

"I devoured the fantasy node." The wind from the fist penetrated her body, and her internal organs were almost shattered. She was blown three feet off the ground by the powerful force of the punch, but then, a leg whip rushed towards her with a loud bang, She was knocked directly into the air.

"And...devoured myself." Su Xingyao seemed to hear these words in her ears, her consciousness began to blur, and at the same time, there was a helpless smile on her face.

The talisman was not unfolded... Even if a god came to join him, he would not be a match for the combined swords of the talisman and the domain.

She totally got it.

The ethereal immortal body attacks without a trace.

Red line, an almost perfect illusion.

What's more important is the swallowing swallows the node that appears in any illusion, the eye of the formation!

Any illusion has nodes. Once this node disappears, the perfect illusion will be achieved...

It can really make people unable to get out for the rest of their lives!

real world!

In the end, what really made her feel powerless was...

The other party also devoured himself, making the other party truly invisible!

A killer's paradise!

The country of hunting!

"It's not a fair loss..." Before she lost consciousness, she glanced at Xu Yangyi's form below and closed her eyes.

"The fourth move." Xu Yangyi was about to take action when he felt that Su Xingyao's consciousness had begun to dissipate in the air. He frowned and stopped.

It's a close range, and it's a body-building killer move that explodes close to her. It's very rare that she hasn't lost consciousness yet.

There are still many things to ask the other party, and he does not want the other party to die.

Again, this is table stakes. The chips of life.

The last move was not executed, and Su Xingyao's doubtful eyes suddenly opened in mid-air. Then, with a slight wave of her hand, the space was reversed, and she appeared on the ground.

"Cough...cough..." Blood surged out like a fountain. She clutched her chest and coughed up blood for a long time before she said indifferently: "Why did you stop?"

"Just now, I didn't hold back."

Before she finished speaking, a golden elixir flew in front of her. She didn't shy away from it and swallowed it with a slight suction.

The essence of medicine repairs the broken body. While he was meditating with his eyes closed, Xu Yangyi's voice finally sounded: "I think we can talk now."

Su Xingyao's lips opened slightly, but she closed them without saying anything after a few seconds.

There was another strange emotion tumbling in her heart, which made her want to stand up and slap her away. But she was baffled by this feeling and suppressed it and ignored it.

She didn't understand that this feeling was called humiliation.

There was no day or night in the void, and she didn't know how long it took before she opened her eyes again.

"Just for revenge?" Her expression had returned to calmness, and some strange feelings that accidentally emerged returned to the prison again, and she said calmly.

"No, this is proof." Xu Yangyi sat cross-legged in front of her. When he heard her speak, he opened his eyes and said slowly: "Proof that he is qualified to form an alliance, whether it is me or you."

"Although the cost of this proof is the lives of both parties, it is worth the price."

Su Xingyao stood up slowly, waved her hand gently, and all the blood and stains on her body disappeared. Her appearance was exquisitely beautiful, and her cold and charming expression was restored again. She looked around quietly and said slowly: "You are very strong."

"I didn't expect that the swallowing talisman would be so complementary to your domain, forming a forbidden area that even I can't break."

She looked into the void and said faintly: "I said, as long as you can withstand four moves, I will form an alliance with you as a talisman holder. Information sharing is always the first step in forming an alliance."

"So, I will let you know what you are really facing. You are indeed strong, but... not enough."

After a long silence, Su Xingyao seemed to have made up her mind and said, "I have seen... the 'truth' that you have not seen, and from there... I have guessed their true strength."

"You and I can't hold out even a stick of incense in their hands. Believe me."

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