
Chapter 1175: It seems like an old friend is coming

Ka Ka! The axe was tightly grasped in his hand, and then the Shura Hell opened, the six axes opened the chaos, and endless demon phantoms flew from the void cut by the axe, instantly covering an area of ​​10,000 meters!

"Devil Dance 3,000!!"

Boom... The whole black street was shaking. At this moment, Xing Tian could no longer finely control his aura. Xu Yangyi's domain control range was too large! The illusion of the red line, the killer hidden in the darkness, the real despair came after the collapse... Its consciousness was all put on not touching the domain at all, and it didn't dare to be distracted at all.

Swish... The six hells opened, the demonic energy was magnificent, and all the golden sword rain collapsed instantly. However, the next second, these sword rains condensed again, and after the collapse, one turned into ten, ten turned into a hundred, and a hundred turned into tens of millions, and swarmed towards it again!

Endless, immeasurable, Ganges sand.

If it was a sea of ​​swords before. Now, it is a group of swords! Ten thousand swords in the sky!

"Damn it..." It gritted its teeth and looked at the top of its head. Just as it was about to raise its two axes, suddenly, a feeling of exhaustion filled its heart.

"Exhausted spiritual energy?" It took a deep breath. Before it could hate, it used up its last spiritual power. The axe burst into a black light all over the sky, forming a giant axe, dancing in a circle of moonlight.

The dance of Gan Qi!

Its killer move, Gan Qi passed by, and endless demons roared, bringing ripples of tens of thousands of meters. The entire black street, the buildings within sight of this area collapsed layer by layer, and countless ground collapsed with this ripple.

Just before, it felt a piercing murderous intent.

Very light.

But absolutely deadly!

Like the most sophisticated killer, meeting the target on the street, and then wrapping the dagger with silk cloth, stabbing it three inches below the opponent's ribs.

Silently, but with infinite murderous intent.

It knew that the killer in the dark had finally moved.

It was like catkins, but it was more powerful than ten thousand pounds. The hastily used Ganqi Dance did not stop the opponent at all. The opponent was like a shark in this sea of ​​spiritual energy, rushing straight to his throat.


At the critical moment, all the axes were stacked together. Then there was a muffled sound like a bell, and a circle of blue-black light bloomed in the void, and its figure fell hundreds of meters straight. The soil on the ground flew, and it was dragged out of a long gully, and finally crashed into a piece of broken tiles with a loud bang.

"Damn..." Xing Tian did not roar, but just looked deeply at his axes. There was a hole in the center of all the axes.

One finger pointed.

Six axes overlapped and were pierced by the opponent's finger! If it weren't for his extremely rich combat experience, and the opponent also had no killing intention but only fighting intention, the pale finger might have pierced either the throat or the soul.

In his heart, a feeling of wanting to kill the enemy but being powerless arose spontaneously. When he really faced this extremely disgusting field, he felt the feeling of being restrained and in a cage. The divine sense must be used to control one's own magical power, otherwise, once too many of the opponent's domains are destroyed, the next step is to instantly counterattack. However, if it is used on magical powers, there is no trace of the opponent's ghosts at all!

"I give up." Facing the endless black tide, it simply dropped the axe and said.

As this sentence ended, the black fog in front of it suddenly dispersed, and its eyes flashed again.

Right in front of it, a golden river with a radius of 100 meters meandered, but it felt a sense of nothingness and chaos from it.

That was not a long river...

It was a golden, well-camouflaged, all-devouring demon stomach.

It was only a hundred meters, but the moment it saw this thing, its hair stood up.

This kid... There are endless treasures on his body, and any one of them is a treasure!

The black cloud dissipated, and Xu Yangyi's figure appeared in the middle, calculating the time, five minutes.

"Just now... was it the Deception Demon?" Xing Tian gritted his teeth and said, "The magic power of the Deception Demon... Yes, only they can reach this level... I should have thought of it earlier..."

"But you didn't think of it, so you lost." Xu Yangyi said lightly: "Do you think there is anything else that can be improved?"

"Is this Saint Lord just your whetstone?" Xing Tian sneered and unconsciously tightened his axe.

Xu Yangyi said calmly: "If you can restore your own strength instead of borrowing Mao Ba Er's body to fight me, you should be an opponent."

He paused and said sincerely: "After this Saint Lord Jindan, there are almost no opponents in the same realm. The only one Su Xingyao also lost to me. It is even more obvious in the middle three realms. It's not that I haven't killed opponents in the middle and late stages of the Venerable Saint."

"I can feel that your axe is quite obscure when it moves, and the magic energy is not smooth. The spiritual consciousness does not match your name. As the saying goes, there is no false person under a great reputation. I don't believe that you are just that."

Xing Tian did not speak again.

From the other party's words, it felt a strong self-confidence. Facing a war god like itself, it was confident and fearless.

The heart of Tao is harmonious and indestructible.

Just like... just like the Lord of Arms in his youth, before he met the Yellow Emperor.

It looked at Xu Yangyi with a complicated look: "If this Saint Lord can restore his body one day... I will let you see the strength of the war god."

Xu Yangyi smiled: "How about the problem just now? Is there anything else that needs to be improved?"

Xing Tian fell silent and deduced all the processes just now. The more he deduced, the more shocked he became. After a few seconds, he looked at Xu Yangyi in surprise and took a breath: "Combined field... How did you come up with it?"

"Once the red line illusion brings lethality, it may be activated in the early stage, killing with one blow with thunderous force. Or it may be activated suddenly like a poisonous snake, with just one bite, it will penetrate three points into the bone... And the opponent does not know the foundation of your domain. , I will definitely try my best to destroy what you transformed, but I know that it is the root system of Wolfsbane. Once destroyed... the God-killing poison can kill any creature below the level of Taixu... even Taixu will be difficult! escape!"

"If you don't destroy it, you will fall into a cycle of endless fear, and monsters like you are always staring at you. I think you are more like a devil than a devil. This field is approaching perfection, at least I can't see any loopholes in it. "

"And... that golden river at the end, I felt very scary. As long as it closed, I would be seriously injured even if I didn't die. Your domain is considered abnormal. Demons don't have a domain, but among those who have a domain, From what I have seen, you are expected to be among the top three!"

It looked deeply at Xu Yangyi: "From the domain, we can infer the mind of the monk. You can sum up these things. There is no big flaw. You only lack proficiency. You... are very strong. Although I don't want to admit it, you have Qualified to be the owner of this body.”

Xu Yangyi nodded. He had also used all his cards just now. What seemed like a few minutes of fighting actually condensed the essence of his practice up to this point. In this state, Xingtian didn't lose unjustly.

And he also knew that it was impossible for him to kill Xing Tian, ​​just as it was impossible for Xing Tian to do something to him. The other party was inhabiting the cat Baer. Although he wanted to destroy the dog humanely all the time, it was just talk. That’s all.

Therefore, the battle just now was just like what Xing Tian said. It couldn't bear others being the masters of the body. Although the will was separate, the body was one. Therefore, it wanted to try Xu Yangyi's strength with the ax in his hand. If the other party fails, it will immediately change the primary and secondary relationship.

Unfortunately, this iron plate is too hard, and it cannot be kicked without a solid body.

This is enough.

Xing Tian wanted to say something else, but as soon as he opened his mouth, what came out was a string of dog language.

"Woof! Woof woof woof! Woof woof!"

Xu Yangyi's calm expression was instantly broken. A dog was filled with black energy, entwined with golden talismans, and spread its devil wings. It was so majestic that it could not be overstated as the king of beasts. But suddenly...

It’s very hard to endure...

Xing Tian looked very unkind, and Xu Yangyi was worried for him. He was also considering whether to tell him how Mao Baer captured him.

For example... starting from the time when he first obtained the demonized inner elixir of the world spirit, how he was forced to retreat by Su Xingyao due to Cat Ba Er's shit, and then he concluded: You are a piece of shit.

I am Xingtian!

You are shit.

I am Xing Tian!

Not only did you get pulled out by a dog, you got eaten by some dog.

I... don't want to live anymore!

It’s such a comforting picture...

Seeing Xu Yangyi suppressing a smile, he knew without thinking that his head was full of evil. Xing Tian glared at him hatefully, and the golden devil patterns and devil wings turned into devilish energy and dissipated. The next second, the fat dog's head shook, The tongue sticks out naturally.

No need to look, that familiar voluptuous bitch is back.

"Eh? Where's Little Tiantian?" Mao Baer looked around: "We agreed to attack on our own, but why can't we see anyone in the blink of an eye?"

Xu Yangyi felt that this topic was too serious and he didn't want to take it. Before he could speak, Mao Baer jumped up as if he had seen a ghost and looked at him: "Don't come here!"

"I know that you covet my beauty! But this is impossible! I already have someone else in my heart! How can we fall in love if we are of different races!"

Only then did Xu Yangyi remember that he was still in demon form.

Taking a deep breath, he was the only one who could express rejection in such a charming way... He said calmly: "Follow me, I'm afraid someone will come here soon."

"Abducted? Or seduced?" Mao Baer looked at him with disgust: "You are so ugly."

I... choke you!

Being called ugly by a dog!

Xu Yangyi is not a handsome boy, but he is the kind of man who is full of wildness. He has nothing to do with the word ugly, and... and he was called ugly by a husky!

Seeing the demon's face changing, Mao Baer coughed: "I'm very familiar with your face, Xu Laohei, it's really you... you... are getting sexier and sexier."

No more...

I can't bear it anymore...

After enduring it for hundreds of years, it’s time to do some accounting. Xu Yangyi turned his head suspiciously and looked at Mao Baer as if he were looking at hot pot. At this moment, Mao Baer's hair suddenly stood up and he stood upright. He let out a low whimper from his nostrils and looked at him with great vigilance. about.

At this moment, Xu Yangyi immediately came back to his senses. Divine consciousness suddenly swept out, but everything around him remained the same.

Although it was the same as before, he immediately felt something was wrong.


very quiet.

This is the Black Street, where all the evil in this area is concentrated. The devil had no sleep. The moment Xu Yangyi took action, all the surrounding devils hid in their houses, leaving only horrified and envious eyes to watch this scene of a fight that far exceeded their realm.

But now, all the windows are closed.

Like animals that sense an earthquake, they all start looking for the best place to hide. I didn’t even dare to risk my head.

The sound of the burning flame disappeared, the sound of the wind became quiet, and everything seemed like a silent prison.

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