
Chapter 1177: Hypocrisy

"Pounce!" In an instant, Xu Yangyi spurted out a mouthful of blood. There was a terrifying deathly whiteness in all directions. His bones made an overwhelming sound of breaking, his pale skin was red, and his muscles were torn apart in this extreme explosion. .

Yes, there is no evil spirit invading Soul Hunter. But the soul hunter withstood the explosive fields opened by the three killing demons before they died. The law of conservation of energy is the truth and the only way to hurt the holder of the Devouring Talisman. At this moment, the impact of the waves is revealed. The ghost hunter violently devoured Xu Yangyi's body.

Mao Baer didn't say a word. Without hesitation, he pressed his paws on Xu Yangyi's vest and channeled his demonic energy. It knows very well what it would be like if there were no Soul Hunters. It would be light to be torn into pieces!

Who did this kid offend? You want to kill him at all costs? Even this kind of monster was sent out!

Swish, brush, brush! The soul hunt that swallowed up the talismans and spread was at the center of the explosion. The shock wave rising to the sky was like a tsunami that was about to overturn this lonely boat in the sea.

Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth, his body seemed to be torn apart from the inside, his whole body was turbulent, no part was intact, and blood almost flowed out from his seven orifices. But he didn't dare to relax at all and tried his best to stimulate the soul hunter.

Rumble... The violent explosion lasted for more than ten minutes before it calmed down.

Fragments of demonic energy floated in the air for a full 120,000 meters, all shrouded in billowing black air, and the air was mixed with violent flame elements. After a few more minutes, the demonic energy dissipated, and Xu Yangyi's surroundings turned out to be completely white.

Like a mirror, no intact stone remains. Only Andrina's Bone Castle was left standing there. Extremely dazzling.

However, right in the center, the long river formed by Soul Hunter was indestructible. With the blessing of the Swallowing Talisman, it withstood the impact of the endless tsunami.

Wow! At this moment, the soul hunter was completely shattered, and a figure fell to the ground like a stone. With a frightened dog bark, a dog suddenly spread its devil wings and picked up the figure in its mouth to prevent it from falling to death.

"How is it?" Mao Baer was so frightened that his hair stood on end, he put Xu Yangyi on the ground and asked anxiously.

The other party's condition is very bad.

His spiritual power was completely disordered, his bones were shaking, his muscles were shaking like cramps, and he could barely hear his breathing.

"I can't die..." Xu Yangyi said with all his strength from between his teeth: "There is also Master...'s pill in the storage ring... Give me one... to ensure that... I will be alive... …”

Mao Baer did as he was told, and a pill flew into Xu Yangyi's mouth. He closed his eyes and adjusted his breathing with all his strength.

Descadripo Valley…

very good……

I accepted this great gift.

I never expected that you, as the incarnation of the Demon God, would still dare to challenge the majesty of the original family tens of thousands of years after the Demon God disappeared... You are still just a saint! Facing the Demon King, the Demon Lord was so bold, but the other party just didn't let the explosion spread!

"Wait to die..."


In a huge crater, with a sprawling town below, with a roar, a giant covered in flames rushed up from the lava, looking angrily into the distance.

"Not dead... not dead?!"

"That idiot in Descadripo Valley... used the Killing Familiar, and he didn't kill the opponent yet!!"

"The Devil's Furnace is about to erupt! If it takes action on the plane of a primitive family, it doesn't have a pig's brain to think about the consequences it will bring!?"

"Especially... this didn't even kill that talented human being... Idiot... Do you really want us incarnations to be found and killed one by one?! Such a monster... can't be killed at once, for hundreds of years Then, just wait for someone else’s steel sword to come to you!”

Its roaring voice echoed throughout the bottom of the volcanic valley, and it took a long time to calm down. Then it gritted its teeth and opened a whirlpool of flames.

"You are playing with fire." It looked at the opponent's endless demonic energy, green eyes lit up inside, and gritted its teeth and said: "He has only practiced for more than four hundred years, and he has become a saint, and he is so powerful. Holy Saint! You..."

"Shut up!" Descadribogu said coldly: "Trash, coward! Fortunately, we are still the incarnation of the devil, and now no human dares to touch him! Lord Mammon left a mark on him inexplicably, and none of us can I know when it was left, maybe which incarnation left it..."

With a rustling sound, the huge figure seemed to stand up and said with gritted teeth: "But, this is the mark of the master. As long as it is left, the other party will only die! He must have touched Lord Mammon's restricted area in some places!"

"If it doesn't work this time, then next time! If it doesn't work next time, there will be a next time! Creatures that challenge the majesty of the devil will only die in all the worlds!!"

"I also have a killing familiar under me, Lord Fire Demon, and I know you do too! As long as you lend me your four killing familiars, I will not participate in this abyss arena!"

"Descadripo Valley." Before it could finish speaking, the Fire Demon Lord had already interrupted it, and his voice turned cold: "Do you know... why you were the only one to take action this time?"

The other party did not answer. The Fire Lord's voice was as cold as ice. He said in a cold voice: "The devil created us, but we are independent individuals with independent thinking. We are not puppets."

"The demons have disappeared! They no longer exist! Do you understand! They are no longer in Tiragandis! They don't even know if they are alive!"

"Do we need to be responsible for its gaze? Do we need to be enemies with such a terrifying potential for a hint?"

"He is a saint! He is not the Nascent Soul that you can kill with one hand in that plane! Don't you realize that his strength is probably above you and me..."

"Enough!!" Before the voice fell, a sound of broken equipment sounded, and an extremely ugly face, like muscles attached to a skeleton, wearing scales, with three green eyes emitting flames, was close to the vortex of flames and roared: "Traitor."

"You traitors who betrayed the master!!"

"The Demon God will live forever! The Demon God is immortal! I am waiting...waiting for the master to come back, and you will be humble and servile!"

The Flame Demon Lord can Looking at this loyal person with pity: "I have said everything I should say. Master is coming back? That will be tens of thousands of years later? Hundreds of thousands of years later?"

"By that time, this king will have already turned into ashes, and you will also be reincarnated in the demon furnace. Haha... Since you are willing to wait, then wait slowly. I will not lend you my killing familiar. In addition, one of your life-saving trump cards has been used. Have you ever thought about the anger of the Anthony family and the Ferrers family?"

"Others are the original families, eighteen royal families... Consider the other lords around you who are eager to move your territory. Also, you'd better keep your mouth shut. The identity of the incarnation of the demon god cannot be appealed to the public. You should be clear about the degree..."

"Get lost!!"

With a roar, the call was unilaterally cut off. The Flame Demon Lord looked deeply at the light curtain, and muttered to himself after a long time: "Human race... As one of the most powerful races in the seven universes, the most terrifying thing is potential. You have caused a big trouble, idiot..."

No one knows what happened here. In the distant Black Street, on the top floor of the Bone Castle, Andrina was struggling with her mind. She knew that all the original families understood what she was hiding at this moment. But now she is more concerned about Xu Yangyi's situation.

It is very clear that she can't live without him. This is also the real reason why she dared to hide the Demon God's mark for Xu Yangyi.

No passenger on a boat dared to get off the boat first.

A few seconds later, she gritted her teeth and was about to leave. As soon as she opened the door, her face turned extremely pale.

All the nobles, as well as representatives of several original families, were looking at him indifferently at the door.

Thirty-seven representatives, no one less.

"Princess." A liquid demon that looked like flowing lava spoke hoarsely: "Can you tell me why?"

"I am not asking you as a representative, but as a member of the Gerile family, which is also an original family."

"So, please do not hide anything."

Andrina's face turned blue, her lips trembled several times, and her eyes could not help but look at the black street that had been razed to the ground.

Yi... you are really... damn it!

At the end of his sight, Xu Yangyi had already sat up from the ground. When Jiang Lao opened the Book of Hongmeng Contract, he specially left the last bottle of pills to prevent such things.

In the body, the aftermath of the shock wave has not disappeared. The pill has played its full effect, and the function has returned to normal, but the spiritual energy of the whole body is running wildly, like ten thousand knives cutting in the body.

"Hu..." He slowly opened his eyes and looked at the night sky with murderous eyes. He felt that he had been a little lax recently, and he did not expect the other party to be so bold. He should have been on guard against such things.

If he hadn't possessed the Devouring Talisman, he would have been seriously injured today. If he had missed the eruption of the Demonic Furnace, the Mammon Mark would have been like a maggot on his tarsal bone. The next eruption... I don't know if he still exists in the world.

"The Demon God Mark..." A hint of determination flashed in his eyes. This nuclear weapon had been launched, and he couldn't wait to get this damn thing out.

Otherwise, there would be no peace and a steel knife on his body.

He stood up while suppressing the severe pain in his body. He had recovered his human form. Looking around, only Andrina's castle was left around, and the rest was as smooth as a mirror. The self-explosion of the three saints was equivalent to the explosion of hundreds of super hydrogen bombs. If it weren't for the Devouring Talisman, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Just as he stood up, there was a demonic aura in the sky. A green carriage whistled over, and the majestic hell warhorse stopped not far in front of Xu Yangyi. Then, before the servants opened the door, Andrina had already rushed out like crazy.

"How are you?" Her long red hair danced in the wind, and she screamed before getting off the car.

Xu Yangyi's eyes were very indifferent, although he and Andrina had a kind of respectful relationship, and he and Mao Baer were somewhat incompatible. However, the two were completely incomparable.

Andrina's nervousness was the reluctance after tasting the taste of power, and she regarded him as a bargaining chip - he also regarded Andrina in this way. But Mao Baer could stab him in the back at the critical moment, of course, the knife was stabbed into someone else's body.

So, he was not moved at all.

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