
Chapter 1233: King of Chu and Mei Jianchi (I)

Xu Yangyi's eyes shook slightly, and when he opened them again, he saw a familiar scene in front of him.

A palace of his own... He took several deep breaths, then turned into a black light and rushed towards the training room.

What a harvest!

Before the final sprint, I got this kind of help. It was really a good wind that sent me to the blue clouds with its power.

"Boom, boom, boom!" The doors opened automatically without any wind, and all the succubi and demons in the room were trembling as they watched the black light go away. Yuchang was also very anxious, but he tried his best to suppress his overwhelming emotions, but his voice fluctuated slightly and said: "Don't be anxious, what is yours is yours after all, refining magic weapons is a big deal, don't mess with your mind..."

"I know." There was another huge arch in front of him. As Xu Yangyi arrived, it opened suddenly, and the training room below was already visible. Xu Yangyi said solemnly: "But have you discovered something?"


"The top three in the Ferrers family... are probably the weakest in this class. If not at the bottom, they are at the bottom."

Yuchang's eyes moved slightly, and finally he sighed: "I still haven't hid it from you."

"I didn't want to point it out originally, just to keep you calm, but I should have thought that with your eyes, you couldn't see it."

Xu Yangyi said slowly: "I didn't expect it. It was just the attitude of the Grand Duke of the Holy Flame Remnants towards the Pale Eyes that made me make such a guess."

"The Abyss Arena is the supreme festival of demons. It is a supreme honor for any family to stand at the end. Even if you enter the top 100 out of hundreds of millions of contestants, you can gain unimaginable gains. Logically speaking, pale If the Eye of the Holy Flame goes on an expedition for the remnants of the Holy Flame, it will definitely support him with all its strength.”

He paused, his eyes became cold, the door in front of him was getting closer and closer, and he said in a deep voice: "But, he didn't."

"Instead, I gave him a slap in the face and supported me in front of my son."


Yuchang suppressed the excitement in his heart and spoke calmly: "Because it knows very well that it will be difficult for this year's top three in Ferrus to get into the top one thousand."

Boom... the door opened, revealing the deep underground corridor below. Xu Yangyi's black light escaped and said slowly: "So, it did not hesitate to lose the face of its own son and help me instead. Because... there is no trace of it in its son. There is no benefit at all.”

He took a deep breath: "It's really scary... If our inference proves that the original family that ruled the hell, the survivors left behind by the battle of the eighteen demon gods, it is actually difficult for even a thousand people in the top three to enter... I really don't know. What hidden monsters will appear..."

"The strongest battle between the plane saints..." Now that he has said it clearly, there is no need to hide it, Yuchang's eyes are burning with burning fighting spirit: "This is your best litmus test. I was wrong when I realized it. I should tell you that with your determination, it is impossible to hold back for this reason.”

Xu Yangyi smiled slightly, then nodded: "Of course."

"There are still people waiting for me on Earth, how can I just stop doing that?"

In front of him was the last door, sealed with countless talismans. Xu Yangyi snapped his fingers, and all the talismans broke. Then, a vast amount of demonic energy rushed out.

"Three-fifths of the initial stage of Zun Sheng is really beyond my expectation. Could it be that the King of Eternal Alchemy Sutra absorbs demonic energy more quickly? It is actually faster than I practiced at the beginning. It seems that it will only be a few years before you enter the middle stage. Inside." Looking at Yu He who was trapped in the center of the hall, he spoke slowly. Red threads flew out of his Dantian, and he asked weakly: "Dad, is this my younger brother?"

"Yes." "No! Get out!!"

Two voices sounded almost at the same time. Xu Yangyi slowly raised his hand, and then suddenly grasped it. The sound of the talisman's talismans was coming from all directions. The air seemed to be sucked dry, and Yu He suddenly screamed.

"Brothers and brothers, won't you be respectful?" After a few seconds, he slowly withdrew his hand. Yu He lay on the ground with cold sweat on his head. The huge devil wings covered his whole body, and the red line flew over leisurely, using The wings touched Yuhe who had no breath at all.

"Dad, isn't my brother good?"

"Not good." Xu Yangyi said quietly: "Destroying family harmony, not listening to advice, and being disrespectful to your sister will be enough to kill you three times."

"The surname is Xu..." The devil's wings made a sound of gnashing teeth, and the wings were trembling: "One day... one day..."

"I will personally defeat you! Seal you under the ground!! Let you taste my humiliation today!!"

Hongxian was startled, and quickly fanned Yuhe with her wings: "Brother, don't be angry, don't be angry, be good, daddy is doing it for your own good."

"Get out of here!!" Yu He was so angry that he almost vomited blood. The devil's wings raised a strong wind, and Hongxian was so frightened that he immediately flew behind Xu Yangyi.

Xu Yangyi nodded: "Then you have to work hard."

"Hongxian, starting from today, you will supervise its practice. If it doesn't practice or is cruel to you, you can call me directly."

Yu He was so angry that his Qiqiao was filled with smoke: "The surnamed Xu... Shi can not be killed! You let this trash that can be crushed with one slap look after me here?!"

"You dare to touch it." Xu Yangyi said lightly: "Also, who did you just call trash?"

Yu He trembled all over. The other party's voice was very calm, so calm... that it made her heart feel cold.

I'm just talking about this little bastard!

This sentence floated around his lips a few times, but he refused to say it. The two looked at each other calmly. Three seconds later, he lowered his head while grinding his teeth and snorted coldly.

"It seems that you still have a lot to teach. But it doesn't matter, I have plenty of time." Xu Yangyi glanced at it, no longer paying attention, but his expression became solemn, and he played a string of magic formulas with both hands. Suddenly, a wave of waves rippled in the void. A blue-black light curtain divided the practice room into two sides.

He entered the other side in a flash.

This is just to isolate the space, and at the same time to supervise Yuhe nearby. As soon as he entered, Yuchang raised his eyebrows and said, "Are you sure your education method is okay?"

"Hitting children on a rainy day is just free time. I have been here like this since I was a child." Xu Yangyi answered matter-of-factly, then felt the devilish energy here and slowly closed his eyes: "If you can swallow General Mo Xie, you will To what extent?”

"It's not if, it's certain." Yuchang's expression also became solemn: "If the weapon spirit leaves the monks for too long and is not nourished by the monks' spiritual power, its strength will definitely decline seriously. They have been uncontrollable for at least hundreds of years, and you are here with me Around me. If one thing disappears or the other grows, I will definitely be able to devour them."

"It's hard to say exactly how far it can reach. No one can remember the memory of the nine swords uniting into one, but I'm sure..." It took a deep breath and said, "It's very strong."

"Far better than I am now!"

"I will never hold you back!"

Xu Yangyi's face was calm, his eyes were closed like a Buddha, without joy or sadness: "Sure still have this obsession, in fact, there is no hindrance between you and me. If we really want to talk about hindrance, back then on earth, Didn’t I hold you back for hundreds of years?”

Yuchang also closed his eyes and sat cross-legged in the void: "You don't understand..."

"This is the meaning of the existence of weapon spirits."

No need to say more.

Xu Yangyi asked this question to express his attitude. He chose the other party between refining the colonized armor belonging to the body first or helping the fish intestines to swallow the general Mo Xie first.

Fish intestines also reward loyalty.

There is never trust without reason. Any trust is built upon each other through repeated interactions until an unbreakable bridge is formed.

Time passed minute by minute, one hour, two hours... Six full hours later, the two of them opened their eyes almost at the same time.

The energy and spirit have climbed to the top.

"Senior, are you ready?" Xu Yangyi asked first.

Yuchang's expression was indifferent, and his murderous aura was contained in his heart. With a move of his hand, the fish intestines fell into the hands of the weapon spirit. With a slight flick, the dragon roared.


Xu Yangyi breathed a sigh of relief, touched his hand on the storage ring, and two rays of light shot out. It is Mo Xie, the go-getter.

There is no brilliance, it is extremely dim, and there is no trace of a holy sword at all.

"As expected." Yuchang slowly stood up, and the weapon spirit held the sword and stepped forward step by step: "The weapon spirit is sealed, and this layer of rust is a seal for their self-protection. Little friend, you don't have to do anything, just watch Just fine. This is my fight.”

As the last word fell, a bolt of sword light and stars fell down. What was cut out was not only the sword energy, but also an aura that Xu Yangyi could not understand that belonged to the spirit of the weapon and the holy sword.

Buzz! ! !

The two swords, which were originally ordinary to the extreme, suddenly burst out with brilliant brilliance after being struck by this sword light. Two rays of light, one red and one purple, spread from the sword tips, like veins, and infinite brilliance flashed under the rust, a kind of Indescribable power instantly filled this space.

It's powerful and familiar.

This is the breath from the earth.

Kakaka... With a buzzing sound, the rust turned into fragments and fell off layer by layer. Mysterious talismans wandered around the sword body, and a heart-wrenching sharp brilliance shone through the cracks in the rust. The void in all directions seemed to tremble because of these wisps of sword intent.

The cracks became more and more numerous, and the flashes under the rust became more and more dazzling. Five minutes later, with a deafening sound like the "dang" of a yellow bell, two brilliance like autumn water, followed by As the last piece of rust fell off, it instantly shone in this world.

The snow in the dark night reflects on the entire mountain top.

The moon on a snowy night illuminates nine heavens and ten earths.

Two swords lingering in the autumn water have appeared in the void. They are not luxuriously decorated, but they reveal a heart-wrenching sharpness. Their shapes are not simple, but they bring out a sense of history.

Go-getter Moye, the sword of true love, shines in hell again after hundreds of years.

"Do you need my help?" Xu Yangyi asked again.

"No." Yuchang was very sure: "You are the best help here."

At this moment, the two swords slowly levitated without any warning. Two pale spiritual hands, like fish intestines, reached out from the void and grasped the hilts of the swords. With a desolate sense of history. The two swords buzzed together as if hearing their master's call.

"Zheng!!" He picked up the strings with his bare hands, split the silk and divided the gold, and a sword cry from hundreds of years ago resounded through the void without any warning. The space in all directions seemed to be swept away by infinite sword energy, and everything within a radius of tens of meters collapsed, revealing the dark and chaotic void behind it.

The sword energy that had been suppressed for hundreds of years caused the surrounding restrictions to surge wildly, and the waves crashed onto the shore. Xu Yangyi narrowed his eyes slightly, and when he pinched the magic formula, the layers of talismans were like Nuwa patching up the sky. It took half a minute for everything around him to fall silent.

In this silent sword tomb, two shadows of nothingness slowly condensed, outlines of entities along the two swords, as if opening the door of time and space and walking in from the legend.

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