
Chapter 1304: The Fall of the Evil God, the Gate of History (V)

Without saying a word, Xu Yangyi immediately rushed outside with all his strength.

Needless to say, the divine guide...he also had a call in his heart at this moment.

Ancient, old, majestic and sacred, it emanated from the center of the abyss arena, and only the players could hear it.

From the soul, but deeper than the soul.

Originating from the void, it is more condensed than the void.

"Boom!!!" At this moment, the Eighteen Hells of Tiragandes and tens of thousands of arenas burst out with white light at the same time, engulfing all the arenas!

From the soul, but deeper than the soul.

Originating from the void, but more condensed than the void.

"Boom!!!" At this moment, the Eighteen Hells of Tiragandes and tens of thousands of arenas burst out with white light at the same time, engulfing all the arenas!

"What the hell is going on?" In the invisible pyramid, the True Seeer and his group stood in the middle of the suspended stone path and exclaimed.

Tremors were trembling in all directions, the void was buzzing, and right in front of them, a huge arch that was dozens of meters high was making a bell-like sound. It was not too high. But it gives people a sense of insignificance. Standing in front of it, it seems that the residence of Yahweh is behind it. The kind of pressure that comes from the soul makes people dare not push it away.

On the left is a relief sculpture of a sixteen-winged angel, with a distorted face and evil magic rippling all over his body. On the right is a huge eyeball, with overwhelming magical power and extremely twisted.

The two monsters collided left and right, and where their hands touched was the crack in the door.

The violent vibrations made people unable to stand at all. Alpha stared at the door and gritted his teeth and said: "On the left is the fallen angel, and on the right is the abomination... These two things are ancient mythical creations, and no one knows their origins. Just Just now...a ray of light flew from the sky and shone on the relief of the fallen angel. Half an hour later, another ray of light fell on the relief of the god. Then the place seemed to collapse. What is the connection between... ?”

Suddenly, the reliefs on the two gates suddenly burst into brilliance. The gods and fallen angels seemed to have come to life, with a red and a basket of two-dimensional light bursting out of their pupils. Demonic energy steamed all over the body, and in the next second, they all moved towards the center, and a shadow completely shrouded in light slowly appeared in the vortex in the void.

"This is..." A true knower looked at this scene blankly, and suddenly knelt down. Not only him, but all the true knowers, none of them could stand up. They all knelt on their knees and touched the ground with their foreheads. Extremely pious and extremely fearful.

"This is..." Alpha's voice trembled, he was sweating profusely, and there was only a blank in his mind: "Yahweh..."

"The real projection of Yahweh... is countless times scarier than the projection of Farakon, the God of True Knowledge that I saw... What kind of creature is this!"

In the trembling void, there was silence here. The other party walked out calmly with such gentle movements, but it seemed as if he was stepping on the highest peak of the entire sky, overlooking all the mountains and small mountains.

That's an unparalleled momentum.

That is the intimidation of being extremely confident in oneself, extremely powerful, and looking down on the world.

He is the king of the universe and starry sky. At this moment, all the true knowers feel this way.

"Later comers." This projected figure does not have the contempt that Taixu looks at Zunsheng, and Zunsheng looks at Nascent Soul, but a kind of tranquility in which all things in the universe are equal to all living beings. The projection slowly said: "You have stepped into the ancient restriction."

"Six major races, each race sent three Yawei to blockade this place. You have set foot on my road. This road was built for the world of non-returning immortality. My name is Beichen..."

Alpha trembled all over, Beichen Haotian... It immediately remembered the name on the Divine Forbidden City it saw outside the cave.

It turns out...did it come from the Immortal Realm? It should be the most powerful existence on that plane... This new knowledge point makes it feel extremely excited in the danger of being destroyed in the next second.

"This is a prison, a prison based on ancient times. For each race, three Yahwehs, two first-generation Yahwehs, and one second-generation Yahweh were dispatched."

"Human race, it's me, Khaos, Chiyou...Kaos and I teamed up to seal this place and set up a ban on not returning to the immortal world. And Chiyou, as the leader of the next generation of Yahweh, it...has been in countless Ten thousand years later, he buried himself here.”

Chi You?

All the true knowers secretly exchanged glances. Their desire for knowledge, secrets, and truth has now exceeded the fear in their hearts.

Alpha bit his lip, and another mystery was solved. Tens of thousands of years ago, a demon came to hell. Why did such a big battle break out between the other party and two of the Seven Lords? It seems that the other party is probably looking for this place!

How many secrets are hidden in the history of Tiragandes?

The projection seemed to look around and let out a sigh: "Not only it, but also the second generation of Yahweh who came here voluntarily, they all understand why they came here. They...all buried themselves here..."

"Hundreds of thousands of years, millions of years of cultivation...strength that is above all else, if we don't show up, they will be the strongest in all the worlds, but they have all given up..."

The voice was very slow, but it had a magical power that inspired people's hearts. They actually heard an unspeakable sadness and emotion.

The true knowers don’t have so many emotions. The eyes of all the true knowers are flashing at this moment. They understand...this not just the tomb of Yahweh! Here... seven Yahwehs are buried!

The so-called "source of dusk", "the first pillar of desire," and the six second-generation Yahwehs who volunteered to be buried with him and sealed him forever!

How epic this is.

Do I... really want to enter such a place?

Alpha suddenly hesitated. Is the tomb of a monster that can make so many Yahwehs, such supreme beings, give up the seal of life really safe? Is my choice... right?

But soon, this thought was replaced by a stronger desire for knowledge.

"I can't see who you are, but I have a question for you." After a few seconds, Beichen's shadow looked at everyone. Although they didn't know whether it was a shadow tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands, or millions of years ago, they felt that they were looking at Yahweh, and their hearts were beating wildly.

"Name the list of Yahwehs who volunteered to be buried here. Any one of them will do."

"Remember, you only have one chance."

Everyone was stunned.

No one spoke, because they didn't know anyone!

Cold sweat dripped from their heads. Five minutes, ten minutes, Beichen's voice was cold: "Is that so..."

Before he finished speaking, his figure suddenly disappeared. At the same time, in the center of the gate, the crack where the fingers of the gods and fallen angels touched suddenly burst out a silver-white light, illuminating this space abandoned by the gods.

"The door is open?!" An old true knower stood up in shock and looked at the gate in front of him in shock. The stone avenue was divided into two halves here. This gate blocked everything. They had studied it for so long but had no clue. Now it opened automatically?

This Yahweh named Beichen, judging from its meaning, if he didn't say it, wouldn't his group be wiped out?

Why did it open?

Looking at each other, all the true knowers were speechless. After a long time, Alpha said in a deep voice: "No matter what, we escaped death. And we got a way forward..."

Boom... Before he finished speaking, a violent buzzing sound came from behind. They looked back in surprise, but found that...

The road they came from disappeared!

The stones sank back into the void. There was only one way forward for them!

"Let's go." A true knower gritted his teeth and pulled his cloak: "We have no way out."

"Our existence is to unlock all the secrets of the universe. Fearless."

"Fearless." All the true knowers put their hands together, chanted softly, and entered the door shining with white light.

The void was still trembling. They did not see that half an hour after they entered, countless tree-like patterns filled the void from the road they came from. As their brilliance became more and more intense, the entire mausoleum burst into a sky-high brilliance, the invisible pyramid turned from virtual to real, and endless talisman plates were hung on it, completely turning into a white kingdom of God!


Swish! A ray of light rushed into the galaxy, disturbing the slumber of darkness and awakening the splendor of the kingdom of God.

In the darkness, the eighteen sleeping huge figures, like immortal stars, suddenly raised their heads and looked at the brilliance in confusion.

This is Tiragangdis, the nest of all demons.

And they are the kings and emperors of the demons. They are the guardians of hell and the spokespersons of the demon gods. Their spiritual consciousness can sweep the hells they belong to in an instant, and their magical powers can be calculated in light years. In other words, nothing can happen without their "permission".

But now there is.

The eighteen unique ones raised their huge figures. Their figures were so vast that they could annihilate the starry sky. Even if their huge spiritual consciousness was invisible, it formed a raging sea.

"What's going on?" "It can break through the crystal wall system and reach our scope. This kind of thing cannot be launched without our permission. Which colleague allowed the passing of the rules?"

"Sand..." Mephistopheles opened his huge bone wings and straightened his body from a rotating nebula. The huge skeleton ram stared at the rising stream of light, and it felt...

a little uneasy.

For no reason, it was like an invisible claw grasping the heart, making it a little difficult to breathe.

At this moment, the eighteen demon kings were suddenly stunned, and then looked at the hell they ruled in disbelief.

"This is..." The festering Lelakin spoke in shock. When he spoke, the nebula covering it was trembling. Before he finished speaking, countless snow-white lights suddenly rushed out of the festering hell. It has never happened in tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years... Without the permission of the demon king, it shines in the sky!

Silence, no one spoke, this is too weird, but before the other demon kings could react, the eighteen hells all sounded a sacred hum, and then countless white lights burst out from the void, gushing, clamoring, tearing the silence of the demons, and turning into a pure white light curtain!

The Kingdom of God is coming!

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