
Chapter 1322: Advent and Summoning (Part 2)

After returning to the Seven Realms, the world of great war is about to begin. The direct descendants of the Five Kings and Two Queens are holding three more pieces of the Broken Godhead and watching eagerly. He has been away for so long, and he still doesn’t know what Tianjian Villa is like. He is in urgent need of powerful help. Reinforcements!

What reinforcements can be stronger than the hell plane that shocks all the worlds, has thousands of Taixu, and has eighteen unique steps?


This is a bloodthirsty, crazy, monster army with a strong desire to plunder!

As for the cost?

He licked his lips. Is the Holy Alchemist enough?

"Take this back and give it to the Grand Duke of the Remnants of the Holy Flame and Andelina." He threw out a jade box: "Tell them to build a teleportation array to summon this saint. I... will be back soon."

The benefits of communicating between two major planes are so great that it makes people tremble!

In fact, what excited him even more was Yu He...

Do you think you can escape the clutches of the devil if you leave?

Haha... so naive!

"Yes..." Malygos said respectfully. It had no intention of taking this jade box as its own, let alone whether it could be opened. Being able to show its face in front of several demon kings is enough to make up for the loss of being summoned inexplicably.

"Excuse me, does the great transcendent have any other instructions?"

Xu Yangyi shook his head, and the other party kept bowing and walked back to the door step by step. As the door closed with a bang, the whole vortex trembled and it disappeared into the void.

He did not fly immediately, but closed his eyes and considered it carefully. After a long time, he opened it, with a touch of joy on his face.

He stood up and walked slowly in the void with his hands behind his back: "With the existence of the Desire Talisman, my summons is not a passive summons, but... I can choose where to be summoned, just like I just touched the other person's desire Same!"

"Those black spider webs should be the concrete manifestation of my 'fame'. Only when the name is known to all the worlds can I be summoned. It seems that my reputation is quite famous now."

This is by no means simple. Once you can actively summon to other planes, it means...

Space jump!

I don’t know how long it will take to return to the Seven Realms. Once I can select a few points on the road to the Seven Realms and call them there myself, I don’t know how much time I will save!

This requires finding the location of the Seven Realms in the vast galaxy. With such a majestic galaxy, I don’t know how much time it will take. But even so, it is much better than flying back by yourself.

And the most crucial point is that he hasn't solved it yet.

"The two talismans should have merged into one. Why is this?"

Things were back to the starting point. He pondered for a long time, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

Finally... did he take something from Su Xingyao's coffin? Could it be related to this?

At that time, his will was so vague that he almost forgot about it. Now that I think about it, I immediately looked around in the storage ring. After a while, my eyes suddenly lit up and I gasped.

"So...that's it..."

A crystal as big as a fist floated in the storage ring.

It is so beautiful that even the purest diamond cannot match its flawlessness.

It is so pure that even the eternal nova in the universe cannot obscure its light.

If you only look at the literal meaning, the moon in the sea sheds tears, and the warm sun in the Lantian jade produces smoke. This poem is simply tailor-made for this crystal. Any gem can only feel ashamed in front of it.

Around it, everything in the storage ring was covered with a layer of ice. Xu Yangyi knew what it was just by looking at it.

Eternal gold...

Eternal fine gold as big as a fist!

The forbidden things of Yahweh cannot be obtained by the entire universe. With just a few powders, his demonic body and human body can be fused together. The infinite truth will also absorb the bodies of other races in the future, reaching the point where he can live forever. This thing is definitely not too much! A veritable super collection!

"Why is there eternal gold in her coffin?" He shook his head and suppressed the burning desire in his heart. Carefully stretch out a little bit of consciousness.

Just when his consciousness was about to touch the eternal fine gold, a strong attraction suddenly erupted from it, dragging his consciousness in immediately.

The void in all directions is constantly being destroyed and reborn, as if traveling through infinite space in an instant. A few seconds later, his eyes lit up and he was already in a vast darkness.

There was nothing around, only an illusive and immortal figure standing in front of him with his hands behind his back.

It seemed that it was within reach, but when I stretched out my hand, there was no trace of it, only the fragrance of my hand was left.

"Memory crystal." Xu Yangyi gasped. It was too extravagant. He actually used eternal fine gold as the carrier of the crystallization. Since eternal fine gold is said to be eternal, it must be immortal, so the other party's consciousness can be preserved for such a long time. .

Before he could think about it, Su Xingyao's figure had already spoken softly: "My name is Su Xingyao, and I come from a plane that may no longer exist, the True Martial Immortal Realm."

As always, like her person, simple and direct.

"I don't know that you got my memory hundreds or even tens of millions of years later. But... latecomers, since you can get my memory, it means that the ban has been opened, so please feel free to listen. Go down, there may be the answer you want."

Her back was like a fairy in the snow, without any bend, and she said calmly: "The world of Zhenwu Immortal where I live is very powerful. The so-called real immortals and true gods are actually the same kind of creatures, but they are called by different names. However, for this kind of transcendence All living things in the universe have a common name.”


"Only the plane where the living Yahweh exists can be called the Immortal Realm. The Zhenwu Immortal Realm... is such a place."

"I always thought that my mission was to practice, to attack the supreme realm of true immortals, and to protect our plane. This is almost all the planes that dare to be called the 'immortal world', and the highest goal of every monk."

Her voice deepened: "I know that my talent is very good, so good that it is almost unprecedented. Master also said that I am the best candidate to challenge Yahwei. Moreover, the rules I have understood are millions of different things." It can be said that it is only a matter of time before I embark on the path of Yahweh.”

"Maybe a hundred thousand years, maybe a million years, but I am sure and convinced that I will reach that point."

Her beautiful back moved, as if asking the sky, with her hair hanging down, she slightly raised her head and looked at the sky: "Until that day..."

"I see Yahweh."

"It was so powerful, so...indescribable, exactly what I thought. I thought it was my talent that caught its eye, but it...just asked me a question indifferently."

She seemed to be reminiscing about something, maybe it was the beauty of the past, and after a few seconds she said: "It asked me...are you willing to dedicate everything to the heavens and the world?"

"It said that I... will live forever in another way, but forget who I am, throw away all my cultivation and start over, but... my name will be remembered among all Yahweh, and will be remembered by those who know all this. Creatures remember. And I’m not alone, there are six people with me.”

Xu Yangyi listened quietly. He admired Su Xingyao. She was super strong and invincible in the same realm. If you were in the same seven realms as him, it would be a world of great contention between emperors and empresses.

Unfortunately, the opponent still lost.

He has no regrets.

His silence was also a sign of respect for this evil being's most powerful opponent before.


After a long time, Su Xingyao's voice sounded again: "I agreed."

"Perhaps it is the awe of Yahweh, or perhaps...the vanity in my heart, the vanity of eternal life, great strength, and being remembered by such a god, I agreed."

Xu Yangyi closed his eyes, seven people... these are the carriers of the seven talismans.

Su Xingyao's voice was very resolute, and she had not wavered at all about this choice until now: "I followed a Yawei who did not return to the immortal world, and conquered too many planes, and used their desires to condense a... terrifying s things."

"I saw planes being annihilated under the finger of this god's servant, and I saw their miserable cries and helpless eyes. For the first time, I felt confused."

She said she was confused, but her voice did not change at all: "I don't know why I do this, I just know that I have to do it. Since I can't change, I might as well wait for relief. Finally, after the fourth plane, the person who accompanied me The gods told me that this is called the Godhead of Desire, and it was obtained from a sinful monster. It told me not to worry, we don’t need to bear these sins.”

She paused slightly, and then actually smiled: "It underestimated me."

Xu Yangyi also laughed.

Yes, she knew the answer to why she cultivated when she reached this point than anyone else. Since the other party doesn't say anything, there must be a reason why he can't. There is no need to deliberately enlighten. She is not as weak as those white lotuses.

Even if it is a flower, it is still a rose, with thorns and in full bloom, enchanting but not crowded.

Following this god came a place he had never heard of. "

"A huge void pyramid stands here. It doesn't look like a building, but more like a prison. And I was surprised to find that there are actually hundreds of gods gathered here!"

"Very powerful, very powerful. There are more than ten gods as powerful as the real immortals of our Zhenwu Immortal Realm. They gathered together, and the color of the galaxy changed at the flick of a finger. A god named Haotian dug out from the void. A space, together with other gods, opened tens of thousands of portals."

Xu Yangyi's eyes were solemn, getting closer and closer to the main line of the story.

Compared with the records in the Hongmeng Contract Book, Su Xingyao's experience pales in comparison. It’s not grand, and it’s not evocative either. Only now did he realize that Su Xingyao originally knew even less than he does now.

But... this is the journey of a small person under the general trend. In the battle that almost overturned the galaxy, he could not help himself and drifted with the tide. So-called geniuses and so-called monsters will no longer be valued by anyone if they win.

Listening silently is the best respect for these seven monks who have devoted themselves to suppressing demons.

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