
Chapter 1324: Space Folding

I don’t know how long it took, but Madsen woke up leisurely.

"The dream... it must be a dream..." He shook his head and said in fear: "How is it possible to summon the top demon of the original family? This... this is unrealistic, and the feeling just now... is simply... ...It's like facing the abyss of demonic energy, it's too scary..."

"What is a dream?" A voice from behind asked with a smile.

Madsen breathed a sigh of relief, but still had lingering fears: "Just now, I did a terrible..."

Before he finished speaking, his whole body was already stiff.

His eyes suddenly straightened, and then his teeth began to tremble. Under the dark night, the candlelight flickered, pulling out a terrifying figure behind him.

"" He couldn't speak clearly. He didn't dare to turn around and bowed humbly: "Madsen, the magic apprentice from the lower realm, pays homage to the noble Lord Demon..."

"Turn around." Xu Yangyi's voice said calmly.

Madsen did it, but still didn't dare to look up. He just saw the black boots in front of him. The style was very strange, as if... somewhat similar to the legendary Eastern genealogy, and he heard a dissatisfied voice above him: "Look up."

He swallowed dryly, raised his head tremblingly, and immediately gasped.


Humanoid demon!

The man in front of him is very handsome, with a strong build, about 1.9 meters tall, with flying eyebrows, and is full of wildness. He is wearing a black robe with dark patterns of oriental genealogy that can only be seen in ancient books. It is low-key and luxurious. Her long hair was tied up casually with a dark blue ribbon, and she was sitting majestically on the chair opposite her, looking at herself.

The moment he saw the other party, he felt five thunders hitting his head, and there was a buzzing in his ears. Even though the other party had suppressed his demonic energy very much, the terrifying power of the sea still swept over him like a tide, making it like a mayfly. Feeling cold all over.

He... actually summoned a high-level demon from the Eastern pedigree?

"Big, big, big, sir..." He spoke tremblingly, but he didn't know what to say.

"Bring me your plane star map." Xu Yangyi was not interested in talking to a Qi Refining monk and casually ordered.

Madsen followed the instructions almost like a puppet. Xu Yangyi looked at the star chart for a long time and frowned slightly.

The black iron plane...

There is still a long way to go to the Seven Realms, but in comparison, the time has been shortened by at least half. It's a pity... He doesn't have a boundary anchor in his hand, so he can't determine the star position. Even if he could, he wouldn't have much interest in this plane with poor products.

How many properties does a top talent Nascent Soul's plane have? And there is only one person in Nascent Soul, oh, he is called the Great Magister here... So what is the name of a monster like Alpha?

He shook his head with a smile, put the star chart on the table, and began to capture the next wave of desire in his mind.

One year later, three million light-years away from the Black Iron Plane, an extremely hungry astral beast roared at a waiting plane ahead. The astral beast was only at the Nascent Soul level, but that tiny plane was even more powerful. Unable to bear it, all seven golden elixirs were dispatched. Here, they were called the seven supreme sages. They built foundations in large numbers. The Qi Refining monks followed behind them, drawing a long front under the crystal wall system.

The astral beast's eyes were red, hungry... so hungry. The hungry desire makes it unable to calm down the monster that only follows instinct. It is eager to rush into the small plane opposite to eat to its heart's content, but the opponent's magic circle is not weak either. It suppresses the desire and waits non-stop. Circle around.

"Lord..." Among the seven sages, an old man, wearing a black robe, said worriedly: "How could such a disaster befall us..."

He looked back at the continuous city below and closed his eyes in pain.

What kind of monster is this... so powerful... Once it cannot be defended, the entire plane will be reduced to ashes...

At this moment, there was a flash of light above the head of the astral beast, and the seven sages blinked, and then watched in shock as a figure in black robes appeared above it.

"Is it an astral beast this time?" Xu Yangyi glanced at the astral beast at his feet with disgust. However, the other party suddenly felt that there was something above his head, and he roared and rushed towards the figure without hesitation.

The next second, under the stunned eyes of the entire plane, the monster they thought was unparalleled turned into a rain of blood.

Xu Yangyi frowned and simply sat cross-legged in the air, trying to capture his next desire again.

Not too far away...

It is about more than 20 million light years away from the Seven Realms, and about a dozen jumps are needed.

"Oh my god..." He sat in silence. The seven sages and the endless monks behind them were completely stunned: "This, this, what on earth is this?"

"That monster is dead?" "Um, what's going on with this black-haired human?" "It's too scary... I feel the boundless power in the other person... Is this, is this also a monk?"

No one dared to disturb him. He sat here quietly. Half a year later, he opened his eyes and casually grabbed his hand in the void. Suddenly, a crack with a radius of several kilometers appeared, and he calmly walked in.

Everyone on all planes felt relieved. Only the seven sages stared blankly at the terrible scars in the sky, and they all had an idea in their hearts.

Are we... really worthy of being called sages?

Three years later, in an unknown star field, a mechanized spaceship was sailing rapidly, filled with rich people traveling through the stars, each of them looking like a bark man. They are very excited because they are the first people in this plane to embark on interstellar travel.

At this moment, a bark creature opened its mouth wide, and then everyone screamed in surprise, and then immediately returned to calm. But they huddled together like rabbits, looking outside the spaceship in shock.

There, an unknown creature was looking at the universe, ignoring the spaceship, as if their existence was not as important as the sand in the universe in the eyes of the other party.

A few minutes later, the figure stepped into the void. It was silent for another half a minute, and the whole spaceship was boiling!

"Did you take a picture! Did you take a picture?" "What was that just now? A cosmic creature?" "Am I dazzled? It has long been proven that there are no creatures in the universe that can travel between stars! Am I seeing it right?"

Another year, Xu Yangyi finally saw a plane with a little Chinese ancient style. This time the movement was relatively large. I don’t know who was summoning a powerful existence. When he received this desire, another existence also received it and launched a domain consciousness attack on him, and then... there was no more.

Weak, weak, too weak!

He suppressed a nameless anger in his heart. Before Su Xingyao, he had almost no opponent in the Nascent Soul. After the evil god, there was not even a general who could fight against him among the saints!

This feeling of loneliness and inability to fight made him very unhappy. He did not hide it when he entered this plane. Like a meteor, he rushed directly into the palace.

A saint has appeared here. He is telling all creatures of the same realm not to mess with me, otherwise... you can't afford the consequences.

Wait here obediently until I leave, and I won't do anything.

The whole empire was in chaos, and the emperor and ministers began to pray for the protection of their gods. However, the creatures guarding this plane remained silent this time.

Another half year passed, and Xu Yangyi left after eating and drinking. Until his figure disappeared, the two consciousnesses in this plane breathed a sigh of relief and quietly touched their heads.

"He... is a Venerable Saint?" "No doubt, a Yang Saint."

"So which plane did he come from? I... I felt like I had just met the legendary Taixu... I just had a little contact with him, and it was like I was trapped in a cold winter. Not to mention fighting, I didn't even dare to speak loudly. I really can't imagine that there is such a Yang Saint!" "No matter where he came from, it is absolutely wise not to provoke him. I can't imagine that there is such a monster among the Venerable Saints..."

Year after year, Xu Yangyi counted silently in his heart. Since leaving Tiragangdis, about five years have passed in total. A total of twenty-two years of interstellar folding have passed, crossing dozens of planes, and only three million light years away from the Seven Realms. The next folding should be in the Seven Realms.

It shortened the time by three times compared to going to hell.

When it came to the control range of the Seven Realms, there were finally more plane flying boats in the sky, and the style gradually unified, becoming a complete ancient Chinese style.

At this moment, he was in the form of a demon, stepping on the corpse of a star beast. In the early stage of Venerable Saint, unfortunately, he didn't last half an hour. In this journey of more than 20 years, he has caught the desires of star beasts at least five times. For humans, it is easier to capture the desires of these creatures that rely on instinct.

He clenched his fists, and a plane flying boat flew tens of thousands of meters above his head. He closed his eyes and felt the spiritual power in his body. These twenty years have not been in vain. He has completely stabilized the strength of the middle stage of the Venerable Saint. Moreover, because there is no spiritual power in the universe, he uses magic crystals to nourish himself every moment, and billions of magic crystals are not considered to be lost at all.

And the infinite truth is fused with the powder of eternal refined gold. The demon body and human body are actually one. Only when the demon body is completely transformed can it be the realm of Taixu. If you practice like this at ordinary times, the demon energy can still be transformed into spiritual energy. It's just that the speed is a bit slow.

This shows that the two bodies have not been completely fused. He has begun to think about the eternal refined gold left by Su Xingyao, but the universe is by no means a good place. It is better to go to the Seven Realms to find a great master of refining.

Now his strength is not only stable, but also close to the late stage of the Venerable Saint, about one-fifth of it is left. Once he has practiced for a hundred years, or completely merged the human body with the demon body, and eliminated those invisible barriers, the later stage is just around the corner.

Then... the main body will be promoted to Taixu!

It's not the pseudo Taixu of twenty minutes.

"Seven Realms..." He opened his eyes, took a deep breath of the wind in the universe, and his heart beat faster. The reason why he stopped here was that he was thinking about what to do after returning to the Seven Realms.

Calculating the time, he has been out for more than a hundred years, and was pulled to Tiragangdis for sixty years of interstellar travel, more than fifty years in Tiragangdis, and more than twenty years back. In nearly two hundred years, Tianjian Villa may have changed a lot.

And... Mammon's true body is likely there!

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