
Chapter 1488: Galaxy Alchemy (Part 2)


The phoenix screamed, and the green light illuminated the nine heavens and ten earths. Xu Yangyi narrowed his eyes slightly and recognized it immediately. This is not a magical power, but a spiritual fire!

Unlike the Nanming Lihuo that was wiped out, this spiritual fire still has intelligence and is extremely high. It seemed to look at Xu Yangyi with a sense of induction, and then it spread its wings, and the sea of ​​fire surged, and the entire starry sky was stirred up!

"This is..." He took a breath of cold air, and the scene he had seen in the Eternal Pill Scripture King suddenly rushed into his mind, and his eyes shone brightly.

Refining the elixir without a tool!

The world is the furnace, and all things are the work.

Is this the realm of the elixir saint?

As the green phoenix sea of ​​fire surged, the planetary belts of natural materials and treasures in all directions exuded a kind of ethereal aura, and the rich medicinal fragrance formed a thick white mist like waves. Taking a breath made you feel that your whole body was open and your pores were stretched.

As more and more spiritual clouds emerged, the spiritual plants on it began to wither gradually. Waves of fire engulfed all the boulders, burning and refining. After more than ten minutes, there was a slight "wave" sound, and a vast white light bloomed with Guanghan Great Sage as the center.

The pure white boundary of skills and development, the silver tide covered the sky, mixed with dots of starlight and sprinkled on the sky. Like a piece of glass, the raging waves smashed down fiercely, splashing pearls and jade all over the sky.

In the center of the vortex of light, a golden Thousand-handed Guanyin statue rose in the distance, surrounded by shining stars. It was the most refined medicinal power that appeared when all the planetary belts were refined at the same time, not only with the aura of flowers, leaves and fruits, but also with the roots that gave birth to them and raised them.

The supreme alchemy method, the way opened the galaxy.

"Dad, what is this? It's so beautiful." Hongxian flew out and lay on Xu Yangyi's shoulder to watch this dazzling scene.

"This is the alchemy mind of Guanghan Great Sage, very brilliant." Xu Yangyi murmured. At this moment, the green phoenix suddenly folded towards the center and turned into a huge flame cauldron that stood tall and straight. The Thousand-Handed Guanyin sat in it, and as it waved its white hands, dozens of meteor-like light spots sank into the cauldron, and thousands of auspicious auras burst out.

It was so beautiful that Xu Yangyi didn't know how to describe this scene. Every time the condensation speed was incomparably fast, this huge Thousand-Handed Guanyin was like a precision instrument, and there was no pause at the processing speed that the eyes couldn't keep up with!

He stared at this scene intently. Being able to observe an alchemy saint opening the furnace is a great opportunity for any alchemist. As long as he understands it thoroughly, he can definitely make great progress in the way of alchemy.

However, the more he watched, the more he frowned.

"Too fast." He took a deep breath, and in his pupils, any light flew into the hands of the Great Sage Guanghan, and the afterimage passed by in an instant. Fruits, flowers, leaves... no matter what it was, the next second only left the medicinal essence wrapped in spiritual power as big as a human head.

"Three seconds." Twelve more petals turned into twelve points of light in the blink of an eye. He breathed a sigh of relief in disbelief: "Three seconds to process the treasures of heaven and earth, at least twenty actions per second! Is this... really something that a human can do?"

It's not that he can't do it. With the radiance of the source, he can guarantee that it will be faster than this! But... what about the accuracy?

For any processed medicinal material, Guanghan Great Sage will never look back for the second time. He is extremely confident, just like an oil seller who has oiled the holes of money over thousands of meters, only his hands are familiar with it.

I dare not imagine how much effort the other party has put in to reach this point. However, this effort is a disaster for Xu Yangyi who wants to observe.

It's like a high school student looking at a college student's question, knowing what theory it is based on, but not understanding it at all.

In the galaxy, Guanghan Great Sage's consciousness is so huge that he can see Xu Yangyi's expression with a slight sweep. He smiled indifferently.

I can rise from the humble, and the alchemy is my greatest confidence. No one can imagine that I have worked hard on the alchemy for thousands of years. Now she has followed the natural way and is not bound by any rules.

She has already used the Thousand Meridians Holy Wheel Pill Method that she would never use normally. How could a small Saint Grandmaster understand it?

It is a great blessing to be able to observe it.

She did not care whether Xu Yangyi could understand it or not. Opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared - although she also knew that this opportunity was just looking at the moon in the water, beautiful but never touchable. The next second, she was faster. She was no longer condensing one by one, but combining a group of medicinal materials together. As long as the medicinal properties were compatible, she could condense it with a casual pinch.

The Tao is invisible, there is no sword in the hand but there is a sword in the heart, there is no restraint, and the principle is understood.

One star after another fell into Guanyin's hands, and then a round of bright moons rose again, the stars fell in the fairy universe, and the fishing fires in the Milky Way rose. The Dragon and Tiger Pill had tens of thousands of medicinal materials, and only more than ten minutes had processed one tenth. The speed was unbelievable.

Xu Yangyi was extremely anxious!

I can't understand!

I can't see clearly!

I can't understand!

I can only feel that the other party's movements are in harmony with the Tao, forming a circle of their own. At this moment, Hong Xian whispered: "Dad... do you feel familiar?"


Xu Yangyi forced his boiling brain to sober up and slapped his face hard. He tried his best to move his eyes away from the wonders of the Xinghe Guanyin's virtual shadow and savored it carefully.

The movements recorded by his photographic memory were displayed one by one, and every move and every style were pleasing to the eye and accurate to the extreme. The peeling of medicinal materials and the extraction of medicinal properties... He frowned slightly, and after a few seconds, his mind suddenly lit up.

It's indeed familiar!

This... is exactly the reason why he uses the infinite truth to make pills!

Don't look at the appearance, just look at the pharmacology!

Swish! He looked at the shadow of Guanyin again, and his pupils suddenly turned into black holes. At the same time, the Guangyao Talisman gently operated, allowing the brain area to open again. With the acceleration of thinking, those movements that were as fast as afterimages finally revealed their true appearance!

"So that's it..." In front of him, it seemed as if a whole new world had opened up. He was the apprentice in front of the gate of knowledge.

Every time, how the other party's spiritual energy was transported was not covered under the infinite truth.

Every move, how exquisite the treatment of medicinal materials was, those secret techniques that were not spoken finally left an impression.

According to the fusion of medicinal properties... However, the other party was much more rude than him. It was also a group of medicinal properties that were thought together, and with the technique, it could make the medicinal power completely intact!

I was confused about this technique and didn't know if it was correct. Now, I have an epiphany, and the technique of a top Dan Sheng is the same!

"Hmm?" At the same time, Guanghan Great Sage in the center of the Galaxy Flame Dan Ding was slightly stunned, and there was a pause in his hand for the first time.

The spiritual power has been input, and the sudden pause turned the medicinal materials in her hand into ashes. But she didn't care, but cast a divine sense towards Xu Yangyi in surprise.

Being spied on...

Just now, she actually felt a palpitation that someone had seen through the secret of the Thousand Veins Holy Wheel Alchemy.

The first reaction was: This is impossible.

A saint can't keep up with her speed. Even if he catches up, his brain can't react, so what is this feeling...

The lush and twinkling stars paused, and she clearly felt a sense of displeasure this time. Not from herself, but from the other party.


Displeased with yourself?

Displeased with yourself...stopping the alchemy? Just like a student heard the method of solving a problem, and the teacher stopped at the top?

Did he really understand?

"Interesting." After a few seconds, she put the surprise in her heart, and a hint of obscurity flashed in her eyes: "As the saying goes, there is no false person under a great reputation. Today, I will weigh your quality."

Swish... Behind the shadow of Guanyin, a circle of dazzling divine wheels rose, and in the radiant light, all the condensed light balls swayed and shone, and the shadows of plants rose slowly from the light and shadow again. Branches, leaves, flowers and fruits swayed gently, as if they were alive again.

Then, thousands of hands and thousands of faces danced into a ball of starlight gauze, and actually... began to process the already processed medicinal materials again! And those medicinal materials actually glowed with more powerful medicinal power!

"How did you do this?" Xu Yangyi's eyes suddenly flashed, like a glutton seeing a table of superb delicacies. The other party's aura was so mysterious and fast that even he couldn't keep up now.

But it doesn't matter.

After being photographically remembered, the worst that can happen is that I will use the Guangyao Talisman to observe. Just use the infinite truth to remember the opponent's principle now.

Although I don't know why the opponent suddenly used such a profound move, it just suits my heart.

One moves, one remembers, and the two are in perfect harmony. Time passed silently in a minute and a second. I don't know how long it has been, maybe half a day, or a day, or several days. The voice of Guanghan Great Sage came indifferently: "Main medicine."

Xu Yangyi suddenly woke up from this state of enlightenment, and immediately took out the Honghuang Sancheng Flower and flew over.

The petals turned into a stream of light, and when it flew out, it actually set off a colorful glow. It was like the stars pulling open the curtain of the sunset, dazzling. Thousand-handed Guanyin slowly spread out one hand, and petals flew into it. She looked deeply at it: "Honghuang Sancheng Flower... There is actually a rare flower in the world... The last time this flower appeared in the world was when the Seven Realms were first established. Little guy, you are very lucky."

Thousands of hands clasped together, the Dharma was solemn, and a grand sound burst out from the mouth of Guanyin's phantom, and circles of golden ripples burst out from the palm. The withered Honghuang Sancheng Flower actually ignited a flame, and the yellowish color on the surface slowly faded, and a layer of golden luster appeared.

"Go." Guanghan Great Sage flicked his finger, and the petals were like Guanyin shedding tears, as if in response, the medicinal materials from all directions rushed to the moon, and gathered towards the center, and a magnificent aura suddenly burst out!


At this moment, the sky seemed to have lost its sound and faded its color.

Even Xu Yangyi covered his eyes, this piece of light was too vast and magnificent, it was like the rebirth of the universe.

It took him half an hour to open his eyes. Everything in front of him was quiet again, but the spiritual plant planetary belt had disappeared. Great Sage Guanghan stood with his hands behind his back. Right in front of her, a pill the size of a thumb emitted a bright light like the sun, with golden light and lotus roots growing wherever it passed.

A medicinal fragrance that was simply soul-stirring spread quietly.

"Did it work?" Xu Yangyi suppressed the tension in his heart and asked in a deep voice.

Great Sage Guanghan did not answer, but looked at him deeply: "How much did you remember just now?"

Xu Yangyi thought about it and said respectfully: "One-fifth."

No one spoke, Xu Yangyi did not dare to look up, and did not see the shock that flashed in the eyes of Great Sage Guanghan.

Only when you follow the way can you know how difficult it is. She knew her alchemy strength too well. Not to mention one-fifth, one percent is destined to be a master!

After a long silence, she suddenly asked: "Do you have an alchemy master?"

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