
Chapter 1494: Emperor Star Ziwei (IV)

The snake mother opens her golden mouth, countless flags roll in the wind, and countless spiritual lights blaze into the dark night.

Thousands of rays of rays of light bloom in the Purple Mansion, and thousands of auspicious auras penetrate the Huangting. In an instant, the monks of His Highness Wan She were like a sea and cheering like a mountain.

"Death for Your Majesty!!" "In this battle between queens, we will surely ascend the throne!" "Wherever the army comes, we will be invincible!" "Your Majesty, everyone will return!"

Almost at the same time, hundreds of teleportation circles were forcibly opened in the void.

Within a huge teleportation circle, a flame-filled head poked out, fully ten meters in size. Jiejie smiled and said: "A-level power, the Holy Path of Fire, Brother Hanxue, would you like me to lend a helping hand?" "

Before he finished speaking, another teleportation circle was opened, and a lame man walked out with a loud laugh: "Thousands of years have passed, and one of the subordinates of the Snake Mother, Jiyinmen, wants to see you!"

Swish, swish, swish... As teleportation circles rise and fall one after another, endless flags wave in the sky, and the overwhelming aura makes the Ten Thousand Snakes Palace eclipse.

"The A-level force Yuntian Sect asks for an audience. The 3,700 Kaitian martyrs of our sect are only waiting for His Majesty's order!" "The A-level force Qiqiao Sect asks for an interview, and all five thousand embroiderers are entrusted to the hands of the Lord." "This is. Waiting for the thousand-year grand event in Xiaoxiang under the moon, how can I be missing from the Fang family? The four young masters of the Fang family brought Fang Shiqi and Fang Shiba to pay homage to Lord Snake Mother."

The spiritual light fell, the precious light boiled, and endless figures jumped between the sky and the earth, dazzling under the brilliance of the Ziwei Emperor Star.

At this moment, a ray of purple light rose from the giant snake ice palace, and Lord Hanxue came on the wind. He put his hands behind his back and looked at everyone proudly.

Suddenly, there was only silence between heaven and earth, heavy breathing and violent heartbeats, boiling like oil.

"Everyone." Venerable Hanxue's flaming eyes swept over everyone and shouted: "Follow me into the world of great struggle!"

"Who else could give me a thousand-year opportunity?"

"Kill!!" "Kill!!" "Anyone who stops me will die!!"

boom! Thousands of treasures were in full swing, flags were roaring, and the momentum was no weaker than Liu Mianfeng's.

"1.8 billion... 1.9 billion... 2.1 billion..." At Tianjian Villa, the Ten Thousand Saint Lord has opened a seven-realm power map, and the light spots above representing the Ten Thousand Snakes Hall and the Void Mahayana Gate are rapidly rising! In less than ten minutes, they all exceeded the two billion mark!

As for the union of the three sects, there are also countless rivers coming from the Seven Realms, Liuhe and Eight Wastelands. It can be foreseen that in the next year, the forces of the three emperor stars will all expand crazily. one has it easy.

Is this situation good?

It's really good. After all, I got the Ziwei Emperor Star, and the Seven Realms obeyed my orders. Countless sects who didn't want to take the risk and didn't dare to take the risk would immediately come.

But is it really good?

Everyone's eyes were solemn, and so was Xu Yangyi's. They know very well that it is not the best because... there are too many choices!

Three Emperor Stars, three Heavenly Dao Seeds who came in response to orders, two of them are Five Kings and Two Queens! It goes without saying that by then... their strength will probably still be the weakest!

"Damn it!!" Master Tiangu hammered the void hard, causing the void to rattle. He said bitterly: "How could it be like this! Could it be... that the Great Sage is playing tricks on us!"

"The current situation can only be said to be not the worst. Good? It may not be good!" Zen Master Yixin also gritted his teeth and said: "Although in the world of great struggle, one force can only allow up to one hundred thousand people to enter, but... we may not be able to attract The favor of a family that has been handed down from generation to generation... is also a saint!"

"Not only that!" Jiang Lao said with his beard and hair growing and grinding his teeth: "One hundred thousand... almost all of them are one in a thousand, but we can only choose one in a thousand!"

The pressure is too much!

This is the power of the collective. Water can carry or overturn a boat. No one can move forward and retreat freely among hundreds of thousands of monks, unless they are too weak. However, in the age of great struggle, any creature other than spiritual power is not allowed to enter! Xu Yangyi has long been blocked from the Taixu Road!

There are also Mammon, Woodpecker, Emperor Wa, and Butterfly Mother, all of whom are watching. Everything will end in the age of great conflict, and now... Heaven seems to want the four talisman holders to fight for victory. burden!

Suddenly, a teleportation circle opened in the air, the void buzzed, and a terrifying power filled the sky.

"This is..." The Wan Zhong Shengjun was stunned, took a sharp breath, and immediately prostrated: "I have seen you, sir!"

Kaka kaka... Boundless blood surged, the sky light bloomed, and streaks of bloody brilliance jumped into the void, turning into a sea of ​​blood around the terrifying blood mark.

"It's so deserted..." A hoarse voice appeared. Everyone took a look and immediately stood up with excitement!

The origin of the blood world, the contemporary blood ancestor!

Xu Yangyi's eyes lit up. The icing on the cake is never as good as giving someone help in the snow. It seems...someone also wants to suppress him!

Once the three weakest alliances on paper ascend to the throne, they will definitely be better off!

How many people can remember the flower on the brocade?

"Original Blood Realm, five thousand immortal guards, top vampires, little friend Ben Lei, would you like me to get involved?"

With these words, the crack opened, and a pure white figure hundreds of meters tall appeared hazy in the void. Can't see clearly. At the same time, all five thousand Immortal Guards appeared in all directions, shrouded in darkness, their eyes as red as the ocean lit up, like thousands of miles of blood lamps.

"Of course!" Xu Yangyi laughed. However, before the laughter faded, another voice appeared: "I've seen Lord Blood Ancestor, but I didn't expect it to be so lively here. Is there still a place for me, the Meng family, a long-established family in Santu River?"

The moment the last word fell, another piece of brilliance shone, and a total of three thousand shadows slowly condensed in the air.

The chill, the iron law, has not yet condensed and appeared, but it conveys this kind of atmosphere. The Wan Zhong Saint Lord looked up to the sky and laughed, bowed and said: "We will definitely welcome you!"

But, before he finished speaking, another light bloomed. A thousands-meter teleportation circle was drawn in the sky, the blue sea was tidal, and the bright moon danced, instantly becoming a mirror of heaven and earth. In the mirror, two thousand figures slowly appeared. Chu Zhaonan's expression turned serious and he spoke solemnly: "Five Kings and Two Queens! Real Mirror Realm! This is..."

Fairy Lingbo!

Brush blah blah... clouds and mist surged around the mountains. A deserted figure named Feng Xu Yufeng spoke like the person he was: "Five kings and two queens, the saint Mei Taxue of the Dragon Palace of Youhai, led two thousand forbidden dragon guards and were ordered to come to the rescue."

"Okay... okay! Okay!" Zen Master Yixin laughed and held his hands in his hands: "Fellow Taoists, I will give you a big thank you when the job is done!"

"It's not urgent..." Suddenly, a voice gritted its teeth and said with a smile: "This time... I'm afraid it won't be so simple."

It was Xu Yangyi. He never let go of his gaze in the sky.

Everyone was stunned. Blood Ancestor was the first to react. A golden eye suddenly flashed in the huge space crack and looked towards the sky. Immediately afterwards, everyone gasped.

It’s not over…

It’s not over yet!

There are a total of five major forces and three emperor stars. However, three of them have passed and it is not over yet!

The Ziwei Emperor Star hangs high in the sky, its purple glow remains the same!

"This means..." Blood Ancestor thought for a moment and blinked in disbelief: "Could it be that... this time... everyone... every contestant is between equal in strength? Anyone can win. To ascend to the throne of Five Kings and Two Queens!”

"This time... maybe all five stars will flash at the same time?"

It’s incredible!

The world with the smallest number of people in history is also the one with the highest quality, or... is it possible that all five people are destined to live in Ziwei's world of great struggle?

Unparalleled... not to mention unprecedented, there may be no one in the future!

This idea is too crazy. Just when they were worried, the Ziwei Emperor Star flashed again, and a ray of light sank into the Milky Way, heading straight for the Sea of ​​Immortality!

Buzz buzz... A sigil turned into a meteor, exploding into the air, and a mass of something so twisted that it couldn't even be called a sigil appeared. That is a ball of flesh, a huge eyeball, and it is also a nightmare of the Seven Realms for a hundred thousand years. That is……


Boom! ! The purple light turned into a flying fire meteor, soaring straight into the sky, breaking through the layers of restrictions, crossing the void, and in just a blink of an eye, it arrived outside the Seven Realms, where millions of Taichu crouched.

"Coming... coming! Hahahahaha!!" The Void Dog King laughed crazily. It has been a hundred thousand years... a full hundred thousand years, Taichu finally got the opportunity to set foot in the Seven Realms!

Princes, generals and prime ministers would rather have the seed!

"Arusuo...Jie Tiandao! Jie Jie!!" Its voice was like rolling thunder, and just behind them, a huge eye lit up, and Tengebal's eyes never moved away from here.

"Yes." A voice without any emotion sounded in the thousands of primordial beings. The figure covered with tentacles under the cloak opened its arms, letting all the meteors rush towards it.

"The Void Dog King..." Tengebal's voice was filled with unbearable excitement, and he said hoarsely: "You did a good job!"

Just when Taichu was going crazy, the Seven Realms had completely exploded!

"How is that possible!!" "Four Emperor Stars... But, how could Taichu be destined to be destined to Ziwei?!" "Is it a mistake? This is a mistake! This is our Seven Realms! How can Taichu get involved? ! "Oh my could it be Taichu! How could Taichu win Ziwei's favor?"

However, they were not given time to reflect.

At this moment, the Ziwei Emperor Star flashed for the last time.

A smaller ray of light went straight to a certain location in the Seven Realms. Breaking through the clouds, passing through the deep mountains, until they reached a ravine, and above the ravine, there was only one person.

The Master cried on the ground.

He opened his arms and all the purple light rushed into his body. After a few seconds, he opened his eyes and looked down with a sneer at the ravine that stretched hundreds of thousands of miles and was filled with clouds and smoke.

"Little guys, are you in a hurry?" His voice was very soft, with a hint of madness and a fiery fighting spirit in it.

"Zhichzhizhi!!" Suddenly, endless screams echoed down the entire ravine, and the mountains shook because of the screams.

"Very good." He turned around with a smile and licked his lips bloodthirstyly: "Do you really think that since I was born as a casual cultivator, I don't have the strength to fight?"

"Be careful... Ben Lei... you little bastards from the Five Kings and Two Queens... As long as I get a chance, I will let you see the hungry good children in the Netherworld..."


The entire Seven Realms are crazy.

Everything that happened that night made them dizzy and unable to calm down. Within countless sects, monks looked at me and I looked at you, with shock in their eyes, and then, there was a huge wave that seemed to shake the seven realms.

"Five...Five Emperor Stars!" "All of them God!" "The most powerful world of war in history!" "No matter who they are, I'm afraid they will be placed in another world. , they are all destined to be the five kings and the two queens!" "Since Yu is born, why is Liang born? The five emperors are competing, who will win or lose this time?" "The elders have stopped the messengers flying to each sect. I heard that they We still need to discuss it." "Of course! If the Five Emperors fight, we make a mistake... We don't even need to exist anymore!"

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