
Chapter 1496: Start the furnace again

The storm continues, and the hurricane has formed a tidal wave that destroys the world. As the last few days come, this super-big gamble with the entire sect as a bet has finally reached its peak moment.

On the fifth day, the six sects formed a blood alliance, and their names were recorded under the command of Tianjian Villa. Among them... Xiaoleiyin Wuxiang Temple, which has not been easy for thousands of years, has been passed down from generation to generation, and an envoy with a palm treasure joined!

On that day, the teleportation array at Tianjian Villa continued all night long, with countless supplies arriving from all directions. Xu Yangyi was personally in charge. As the core, he had to show his face in front of all the monks.

Tell them who is the next candidate for the Five Kings and Two Queens.

Who is the real king!

It is precisely because of the 270 million Void Stars that everyone can take twenty Void Crystals and stand here.

On the sixth day, the day before the final madness, the Mandala Loose Cultivator Alliance and hundreds of sects presented a precious alliance manual. Mandala's A-level forces defeated the Celestial Immortal Sect, and the Hundred Alliance's A-level forces were called Wuxiang Yinhuo. The Mandala Wannian Buyi family slaughtered the Su family, and brought a treasure envoy with 50,000 tons of heavenly materials and earthly treasures to join the alliance.

The seventh day, the final madness. It was also the time when the largest force made its decision. On that day, there were not many people in Tianjian Villa, while the other two major sects relied on the reputation of the five kings and two queens to have unlimited access.

Seven days later, the dust settled.

Dust returns to dust, dust returns to dust, and everything seems to have returned to peace. But everyone knows that this is the beginning of the battle between the avenues.

One year.

the last year.

Everyone...see you soon!

Silently, the Seven Realms have been reshuffled by the five major forces, the first round of reshuffling. Everyone looked at each other across the starry sky with blood-red eyes, like corrupt wolves.

"Brush..." Fairy Lingbo waved her hand quietly in the Nether Sea Dragon King Palace, and a huge void light curtain slowly rolled up in front of her. Beside her, a rather happy fat man held a bowl of ice food with a smile, and said with a smile: "Master, there is no need to look any further. No one will accept other forces from now on. Although they are a little behind, I hope Definitely not small.”

Fairy Lingbo waved her hand lazily, and the jade bowl flew towards her. She gently held the spoon but did not drink. After a moment, he put it down again and said calmly: "It's not a little bad."

"Tianjian Villa has a total of 3.5 billion spirits. In other words, there are now monks equivalent to 3.5 billion spirits gathered here."

"And the Mahayana Gate of Nothingness has 4.3 billion souls. The Ten Thousand Snakes Palace... is as high as 5 billion!"

"There is also Taichu outside the river... The quality of this great battle is too high. Even the one I participated in was far inferior to this one. If we put them together..." Her eyes moved slightly: "I'm afraid... I can’t get the last position.”

"Oh, Master, look at what you said, what's wrong with your strength crushing them?" Fatty said with a smile: "And no matter what, they can only enter 100,000 people. With this restriction, then It’s always better for the kid.”

Fairy Lingbo glared at him, gently turned the jade spoon, and suddenly said: "I know, you have always been dissatisfied with him."

The fat man's smile was a little stiff.

"But, if you don't accept it, you have to accept it." Fairy Lingbo stood up, a layer of coat fell out of thin air, and said calmly: "He is stronger than you, much stronger, and not as strong as the monks from the Seven Realms. Go, Open the treasure house and give the Immortal Formation of Nothingness to that boy."

The corner of the fat man's mouth twitched: "The rubbings of the previous generation's mountain-protecting formation of the Void Mahayana Sect? Master... this..."

"Go if you are told." Fairy Lingbo disappeared: "I'm looking forward to... Liu Mianfeng's expression when he sees it. Ha..."

Everything is progressing in an orderly manner under the premise of killing. The seven realms are still the same seven realms, and the people are still the same people, but now everyone can feel the heat of the burning fire.

Underneath the calm was the crazy hustle and bustle three hundred and sixty-five days later.

The whole world is preparing for war!

Starting from Xu Kunlun in the east and reaching Mandala in the west, any participating sect is doing its best. The same is true for Tianjian Villa. As soon as the seventh day arrived, they opened the highest level of the mountain protection formation. Invest regardless of spiritual stones. All paper cranes are prohibited from flying in and out, and all living creatures are prohibited from entering and exiting. Anyone who disobeys the order will be killed.

This place has become a huge military camp, with more than three billion spiritual monks gathered here, and every hilltop is overcrowded.

"Kill!!" In the central square, a large formation of tens of thousands of people was rehearsing, shouting "Kill" to shake the air, and exhaust the turbid waves. Chu Zhaonan personally supervised, the treasure light was shining in the sky, and the monks from all directions were gradually merging and forming a rope. Every day, the most elite monks are selected from them to join the real combat troops.

Thousands of people have been selected now, all of them are the best of the best, and all of them come from Class A forces. This is the difference in background. Perhaps only half of their army is this kind of killing machine. However, the Temple of Ten Thousand Snakes and the Mahayana Gate of Nothingness may all come from the powerful trump cards of Class A forces.

This is the gap, the gap in background. Even if the numbers are the same, there is definitely a difference in the spiritual power drawn out.

And these thousands of people are the troops that will truly enter the world of great war. A real sharp knife.

There are more than a dozen such phalanxes. Day and night, the desert is boiling with shouts of killing. Thousands of different flags are gathered under the name of the highest Heavenly Sword. Xu Yangyi himself, as the core, immediately announced his retreat after seven days.

The cave of the young sect master of Tianjian Villa.

Xu Yangyi was lying on the Arhat bed, thoughtfully studying the recipe for Taiye Chaos Pill. It is slightly difficult to break through this elixir within one year. And more importantly... something else has arrived.

"Long time no see." Xu Yangyi closed the prescription, raised his chin slightly, and said calmly: "Get up."

After becoming a sage, his long-term experience did not give him the opportunity to sit in court to handle a government matter, but the bowing of countless Nascent Souls and Golden Cores had unknowingly trained him to possess an invisible majesty.

Mousavis' tall body was lying on the ground, covered in cold sweat. After not seeing him for decades, it only felt that its master was even more unfathomable. In fact, most demons would tremble when they hear the name of the Mythic Transcendent.

The aliens who can kill Tongtian in Tiragandis are enough to be remembered forever by the demons who worship power.

He stood up tremblingly, not daring to raise his head. Xu Yangyi said slowly: "Where are the things from the Wolf Chief's plane?"

"Here." Mousavis immediately took a storage ring, and when he retracted it, there was another storage ring in his hand.

Xu Yangyi picked up the tea cup and spoke calmly: "There are a thousand pills in here, all of which are made by a holy alchemist. Although they are not made by this holy king, the quality is exactly the same."

One thousand!

Mousavis made a salivating sound in his throat and looked at his human master with blazing eyes.

"Ten of them are yours." Xu Yangyi took a sip of tea: "In addition, the disposal method is in the storage ring. I left a message. You handle it according to the method. There is a bounded anchor between this place and the Wolf Chief plane. , coming soon. I want you to go to Tiragandis to do something."


Mousavis felt that the skin all over his body was on fire, and he wanted to lie down on the highest mountain in hell and swallow the flames.

You're right...

What a grand gesture! My hard work and daily supervision of those smelly indigenous spiritual plants have finally yielded results! Dizzy with happiness, it didn't care about anything at all and nodded desperately: "Master, your mission is my mission! The humble Mousavis will always serve you!"

"This matter is very important." Xu Yangyi restrained his smile: "No matter what, you must do it. And you must come back within a year! If you do it, I will naturally give you a generous reward."

"Yes!" Mousavis spurted flames from his nostrils, Xu Yangyi waved, and it leaned over. Ten minutes later, it disappeared into the teleportation circle with awe-inspiring eyes.

There was silence in the room, Xu Yangyi closed his eyes again and meditated on the method of Taiye Chaos Pill. Time is like water, passing slowly.

One month, two months... three months...

In the blink of an eye, half a year has passed. Xu Yangyi finally opened his eyes.

In the past six months, he not only understood the formula of Taiye Chaos Pill, but also recalled the great sage Guanghan's alchemy technique using the galaxy as a furnace.

With a little gain, he seemed to see an endless river. Every move of the other party coincided with the rules, forming a strange beauty. Let her handle the medicinal materials not one bit more, not less.

It's just that time is too tight and he is no longer allowed to continue observing.

In the last half year, the world of great struggle will be fully opened. In order to ensure that he could condense the virtual crystal and have one more chance on the bridge between the two monsters Mamen and Wahuang, he must seize all the time. As for this crucial weight, he would never trust others to refine it.

"A good memory is not as good as a bad pen." He flashed and appeared in a huge space, covered with talismans in all directions, all made of rocks, as if they were an upside-down bowl dug out of the mountain. It is thousands of meters in diameter.

Holding his breath, a few days later, he opened the storage ring sent by Mousavis, and endless medicinal materials flew out, forming dozens of hills of spiritual plants. Suddenly, a strong medicinal fragrance filled the cave.

The energy and spirit have climbed to the top, and the attempt begins.

Forgetting everything in the seven realms, Nanming Lihuo moved his fingers like an arm, and all the medicinal materials surrendered. He devoted himself wholeheartedly to refining Taiye Chaos Pill, and soon, the first month passed.

There was a pile of black ash in front of him, and it was like flames burning in all directions, and it was extremely charred. He looked calm and waved his sleeves away.

On the 20th day of the second month of the second half of the year, the alchemy furnace was filled with precious light, mixed with pitch-black brilliance spurting out. He reached into the fire and grabbed an irregular pill as big as a fist.

He raised his eyebrows and crushed them, his expression as calm as ever. With a move of his hand, countless medicinal materials flew towards him.

The third month, the fourth month, the fifth month.

The fragrance of traditional Chinese medicine in the cave is astounding, and Nanming Lihuo transforms into the Phoenix Nirvana. A pitch-black elixir is swallowed in the Phoenix's bathing fire.

It is about the size of a thumb, crystal clear, and the universe seems to be rotating inside, which is mysterious and mysterious.

Hold it quietly in your hand and observe the elixir pattern carefully and meticulously. After half a day, he threw it to the red line without hesitation.


However, he can still pursue better!

If practice is of no use anymore, then pursue the perfection of external things.

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