
Chapter 1498: Oath!

"Dad, what is it?" Hongxian asked curiously.

Xu Yangyi shook his head. It's not that he doesn't want to say it, but it's hard to say.

This thing... is indeed a one-time use, but only once in a hundred years. It takes half an hour to charge up and can deploy an ultra-long-distance teleportation circle! And do whatever you want! No formation time required!

What’s even more terrifying long as you know the exact location of the other party, you can instantly reach the destination 10 million kilometers away!

For the vast universe, this is already a very close distance.

It seems that at least one thing about Yaizi is true. The law of all things took away its powerful body, but gave it an incomparable escape card.

Sublight speed was just an excuse, so it had been stalling for time, desperately trying to wait until the portal opened. But this time it was too much. When encountering a monster like Xu Yangyi, who holds the source of brilliance in his hand, he doesn't even give the opponent half an hour to prepare. Moreover, the enhanced brain area can judge the effect of each other's words.

This is the super precious elixir, the so-called one-time elixir, and the top elixir under dragon and phoenix... Xu Yangyi took a deep breath and clenched his fist fiercely.

This thing... is so useful to him!

"I have to think about it carefully..." He looked around deeply: "Walking on the bridge between Emperor Wa and Mamen... I finally have a key to leave..."

Under the strong pressure, his mind was fluctuating. He closed his eyes and meditated, and a golden light flashed between his eyebrows. Soon, his brain entered an overload state again, and traces of blood spread out. However, he didn't realize that it was really bloodshot now, which was much better than the first time when blood flowed like a fountain.

After activating the Glory Talisman several times to develop his brain, his brain has gradually begun to accept this overload operation. The time is also stretched to 0.1 seconds and 0.2 seconds, which is difficult to discern with the naked eye.

Drops of water penetrate the stone, quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes, looking up to immortality in the long loneliness is always the only way to practice.

Time passed slowly, and half a day later, he opened his eyes again, his brows furrowed deeply.

"'s not enough." He sighed, his previous thoughts were too exciting. I used the Brilliant Talisman to develop my brain again, and found that I had overlooked many things that could be fatal.

"First, how to get Zi Qi's soul?" His hand was writing unconsciously on the ground. He let out a long sigh: "The answer can't be done."

"The Shining Sun Devil Wolf will definitely follow up in the Age of Great Conflict. The condition for me to get the soul is to get the address of the Hongmeng Contract Book. But what are the conditions for getting the address?"

"Will Emperor Wa give it to me? What should I exchange for it? Now it seems...I'm afraid I only have one bargaining chip."

He sighed and gritted his teeth: " freedom."

"Accepting the Heavenly Dao initiation from Emperor Wa, becoming the Five Kings and Two Queens, and taking charge of the Seven Realms for her. But even so, there is a second problem."

His frown deepened: "That's... Emperor Wa's attitude towards Mammon."

"Obviously, Emperor Wa is not Mammon's opponent. Otherwise, she would not have allowed Mammon to roam the seven realms. As long as she did not do anything big, she chose to turn a deaf ear. Then... when the incarnation of Mammon stands in front of Emperor Wa, will she? Will you choose not to take action so as not to offend this ancient demon?"

"I can't get Zi Qi's soul back without taking action. I can't place my hope on Emperor Wa. She is too cold... But at that time, I had already received the initiation of Heavenly Dao. It is very likely that I will rely on Emperor Wa's will... This... …It’s simply an unsolvable knot!”

So what if I got the key to leaving the door?

The address of Emperor Wa's Mamen Hongmeng Contract Book and Zhao Ziqi's soul could not untie the knot between these four. In the end, he could only choose between leaving sadly or becoming a puppet.

And...even if I leave, can I really do it?

Yazhen is very strong, and this elixir is almost invincible when it comes to escaping. However, this definitely does not include playing tricks under the eyes of the most ancient demon god and in front of the mother of mankind.

The only good news is that Emperor Wa is not a human being, but a weakened Yuanshen. Mammon is not the original body, but the first incarnation of the Sun Demonic Wolf.

However, he couldn't even let Zi Qi's soul fall into the hands of the devil. Just like how he desperately wanted to get the radiance of origin and rescue Angel.

This is His way, His creed.

In this life, people always have to work hard for some stupid or impossible things. Absolute rationality is an inhumane stone. The so-called excessive forgetfulness is nothing more than an extremely egoistic iceman.

At this moment, a piece of golden light broke through the restriction, and the extremely dignified voice of the Ten Thousand Layers Saint Lord appeared in the cave, bringing only four words full of killing intent.

"The time has come."

As the sound turned into golden light, it disappeared. Xu Yangyi slowly stood up.

Calm, like a giant beast waiting to be hunted. With a little force, the muscles all over his body exploded. The bones were twisted and made a rattling sound. As his fists were clenched, strands of spiritual energy quietly dissipated, and the void roared and shook in all directions. A few seconds later, the vibration shook the entire cave, and endless gravel fell.

"Come on." He licked his lips, walked to the cave door, and opened it gently. With a dull sound of clicking, a ray of light cut through the darkness, and then grew larger and larger, turning into a sea of ​​light to welcome him.

If you don’t do it or try, you will be timid and become a puppet, and you will never be able to see the truth you want.

My avenue, here I come.

With one step forward, the spiritual crane soared into the sky, and the blue-black brilliance turned into shooting stars and shot up into the sky.

"Welcome Young Sect Leader!" The moment he flew a hundred meters away, an earth-shattering cry resounded through the sky. Looking around, around the retreating mountain peak, there was a sea of ​​people. All the monks from the lower four realms were kneeling on their knees, and all the cultivators bowed their heads.

When he reached the top of the meeting, he could see all the mountains at a glance. Hundreds of thousands of monks knelt for one person. Thousands of sects and sects gathered together to form a majestic wave. The fighting spirit surged into the sky and the waves crashed onto the shore, hitting his heart hard.

The sound drifted away with the night wind. Just like Moses dividing water, the dark crowd automatically divided into two sides. As far as the eyes could see, a mentality of one success and ten thousand bones was born spontaneously. These people in front of him will use their flesh, blood and lives to pave the way to the sky for him to the throne.

He breathed a long sigh of relief, suppressed the surge of blood in his heart, suddenly burst out with spiritual power, and rushed through the sea of ​​100,000 people in the air.

"I wish the young sect master great success in his magical powers! He will become too powerful!" The figure just flew over, and his hair shook the earth, shouting in unison. The sound followed the shape, setting off turbulent waves layer by layer. Shake the cartoon stars.

"I wish that the young sect leader will achieve great success in his magical power! He will become too powerful! I wish that the young sect leader will achieve great success in his magical power! He will become too powerful! I wish that the young sect leader will achieve great success in his magical power! He will become too powerful!"

The murderous aura moves the three armies, and the clothes are flying thousands of miles away.

In an instant, he had flown to the main peak of Tianjian. Right here, there were more than ten people named Feng Xu Yufeng. In the center of the five main peaks, a golden scroll opened in the air without a single word.

He stepped on the ground lightly, and all the eyes from all directions looked over. Xiao Leiyin, Master Baoxiang of Wuxiang Temple, Deputy Sect Master of Potian Immortal Sect, Patriarch of Wuxiang Yinhuo Dao Yinfeng, Twelfth Son of Tusu Family... Wan Zhongsheng Jun, Master Tiangu, Zen Master Yixin... representatives of all the major forces in the three sect alliances are gathered here.

No one spoke, and the roar of people outside turned into a chilling silence. There was only determination in the exchange of glances. Each nodded slightly. The Wan Zhong Saint Lord stepped forward and said in a deep voice: "After a stick of incense, the gate of heaven will be opened."

Is it finally here... Xu Yangyi nodded solemnly. The Wan Zhong Shengjun turned his head and spoke to everyone present, but his voice spread like thunder in all directions: "Since everyone is standing here, there is no need for me to say more about the results you want and the responsibilities you have to bear. "

"The Heavenly Gate is about to open. I don't know how confused and anxious you are, but I still have something to say to you."

"Everyone!" His eyes were like lightning, and his huge spiritual consciousness swept around the scene, and his voice was like thunder: "The brave one wins when we meet on a narrow road!"

Silence, a few seconds later, layers of tsunamis rose into the sky, one person drank, and a hundred thousand responded "There is no retreat, there is death but no life!!"

The sound was loud, gradually ethereal, and dissolved into the night.

The Wan Zhong Shengjun raised his hand with an extremely sacred expression: "Here comes the pen."

The sound spread hundreds of miles, golden light bloomed in the void, and a writing brush floated down like a feather, falling into the hands of the Wanzhong Saint Lord. He pinched the golden pen solemnly, turned and walked towards Xu Yangyi: "Within an hour of the Tianmen opening, this sect will fall. The name is taboo, and if you betray it in a time of great strife, you will be punished by heaven."

He raised his hand and Xu Yangyi took it silently. This is the responsibility he should bear as the next five kings and two queens.

With the body of the Heavenly Sword, he will be famous for hundreds of generations.

Brush la la la... The pen moves like a dragon and a snake, and the nine characters "The young master of Tianjian Villa runs like a thunder" bloom like a dragon and a snake, blooming with great brilliance.

At this moment, the monk below felt an electric shock. A few seconds later, I don't know who shouted out "die for my king!" Immediately afterwards, the boulder entered the sea, thousands of waves rose, and enthusiastic cheers from all directions resounded in the void. The flags were waving, and the treasure light was shining. soaring. A warrior with a golden sword and an iron horse, capable of swallowing thousands of miles like a tiger.

"Dare you refuse to die?! My king is victorious!! Hundreds of sects gathered together, the throne is bound to be won!!"

Immediately afterwards, Master Tiangu took the gold pen and without hesitation wrote the words "Master Tiangu, the contemporary leader of Dry Bone Temple". One after another, everyone left their names on it. These writings were flying in the air, getting bigger and bigger. In an instant, they formed a row of hundreds of meters in size, clearly legible in all directions.

"The contemporary leader of King Kong Dao, Zen Master Yixin, the contemporary deputy leader of Potianxian Sect, Wang Bufa, the supreme elder of Wuxiang Yinhuo Dao, the supreme elder of Yinfeng Patriarch, Wuxiang Temple, the supreme elder, Zen Master Baoxiang"...

One by one, the names turned into battle posts, stirring up the situation in all directions. In the huge Tianjian Villa, with the appearance of each name, the sky filled with excitement, and the crowd was full of emotions!

Take the oath.

I swear I will win the first prize and I will win when the teacher comes out!

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