
Main text Chapter 151: Jindan takes action (V)

For eyes, navel for mouth, left hand for head, right hand for knife, then, the knife, like a spirit, danced into a silver ball of light that could not be splashed by water!

"Dangdangdang!" In an instant, countless petals hit the knife curtain, and pieces of colorful ripples visible to the naked eye rendered the entire space colorful! A terrifying spiritual energy raged wildly beside the knife curtain!

At this moment, in the pavilion of Master Fuyun, at the critical moment, the old eyes suddenly opened again!

A ray of light passed by, and almost without any thoughts, the voice of the Fuyun Patriarch sounded quietly: "Plant spirit!"

"Boom!" A violent wave of spiritual energy lifted all the people around him! Each of them was a cultivator above the late stage of foundation building, but they couldn't even withstand the sudden burst of spiritual energy from the Fuyun Patriarch!

"Puff puff puff..." Several mouthfuls of blood spit out from the mouths of several foundation building cultivators who didn't dare to get up at all. They didn't understand what happened at all. …≦,


Only the Fuyun Patriarch knew that this was a godsend!

Fortunately... Fortunately, I came this time! I was just going to take a look at the quality of the elixir, but I never expected that the old giant ghost would have such a big feud with this old thing without records!


He didn't care. He didn't care about the tree either.

He knew very well that if he hadn't accidentally entered the center of the Yongle Great Blue Hole, one of the eight forbidden areas, he might have turned into a handful of yellow soil. It's even more impossible for him to come to the Golden Pill!

Luck, he has the deepest feeling about this word among all the Golden Pill Patriarchs. Especially... Luck that can be plundered like Xu Yangyi!

"No one knows that I got this method in the center of Yongle Great Blue Hole..." He showed a sneer on his face: "Plant a trace of spiritual consciousness in the other party. With the gap between my realm and the other party, it will take less than ten years for him to become my third incarnation... Unfortunately, this method has too many restrictions. The other party must be within a thousand meters of me... and the movement is too loud, so it needs other spiritual power fluctuations to cover it up..."

"If it is performed in other places, it will be immediately discovered by the Dark Emperor's device that monitors us. Today... is really a godsend!"

A snake-shaped phantom that is difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, under the deliberate cover-up of Fuyun Zhenren, is derived in the direction of Xu Yangyi like lightning!

At this moment, the scene changes color! Zhenren Yue Congrao was so angry that he almost didn't hold back. The violent spiritual power shook the space of the Golden Dou Hall and began to be unstable! No one noticed that this snake-like black shadow with extremely strange spiritual power rushed towards Xu Yangyi from the ceiling!

Xu Yangyi couldn't know it even more!

Qigong cultivators can't even detect the moves of Jindan cultivators! Now, Fuyun is still trying his best to cover! At the scene, there are two Jindan ancestors' magical powers fighting each other!

In the interweaving of light and shadow, invisible murderous intent spreads!

"Hmph!" At this moment, a hum came from the attic of Tianzai Zhenren. In an instant, petals and giants froze in mid-air. Like a stuck puppet show.

In the attic, Fuyun Zhenren's face suddenly changed. He was too familiar with this sound.

Tianzai Zhenren! Half-step Yuanying!

Finally... moved.

His hesitation was less than 0.01 seconds. The next moment, the almost invisible black shadow snake suddenly accelerated! Three or four times faster than before, it shot away!

Two seconds... Fuyun Laozu's old eyes narrowed.

It only takes two seconds... Black Killing Order, something that has serious problems if investigated, I can take it back...

In the future, I will still be the high and mighty Fuyun Patriarch, and no one will know that he wiped his mouth leisurely and had a big meal.

Almost at the same time, Xu Yangyi suddenly raised his eyes! He looked around with great vigilance!

Murderous aura!

Such a strong murderous aura! Such a hidden murderous aura!


No need to think, he immediately recognized it, no need for any reason, it was Fuyun, and he took action!

Just now, the half box hanging on his chest suddenly made a violent buzzing sound, and at the same time, the silkworm in the sea of ​​qi also made a harsh sound, as if reminding him that if he didn't leave, there would be a tragedy!


At the critical moment, Fuyun Zhenren dared to deceive the world in front of the other eleven golden elixirs, which was beyond his expectation. However, he would never sit and wait for death!

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!" The silkworm raised his head and tried to lift his fat body, trembling, with his head pointing straight up. At this moment, Xu Yangyi seemed to have a telepathic connection, and he used all his spiritual consciousness to look up!

By chance, at this moment, the violent spiritual power stopped because of Tianzai's cold snort. In the colorful light, just under a white light, he... saw a black shadow snake!

It was very thin, but the sense of danger made his whole body's defense unconsciously open to the maximum state!

Time seemed to stop at this moment, he saw... saw that the shadow snake was linked to the attic of Fuyun Patriarch!

It was indeed him!

"How is it possible!!" He was surprised, and in the attic, Fuyun Zhenren was even more surprised!

At this moment, here, at this time, it can be said that it is the most perfect time to use the spirit! This technique has many flaws and the concealment effect is extremely poor, but he is the Jindan Patriarch!

When Xu Yangyi looked up and stared at the top of his head, the shock in his heart was no less than that when he fell into the center of Yongle Blue Hole that day and saw the scene that made him unforgettable!

"This boy...cannot be kept alive!" At this moment, he was filled with murderous intent. Because he actually smelled a dangerous smell from Xu Yangyi!

The Black Shadow Snake speeds up again! Almost turned into a black lightning!

Can't escape!

Xu Yangyi, who was facing him, found that he could not avoid this attack at all!

Being able to see and being able to hide are two different things.

He, because of the reminder of the strange silkworm, saw the attack of Ancestor Fuyun. However, due to the huge difference in realm, he could not avoid it at all!

"The sleeves hold the universe." A faint voice came from mid-air, and then, a circle of white ripples, like the arrival of a god, burst out from the attic of Master Tianzai. Wherever it passed, the power of heaven was mighty, and all the The leaves, giants, are like the spring sun turning into snow, turning into spiritual energy and dissipating in the air in an instant.

But... Shadow Snake didn't!

"0.2 seconds..." Ancestor Fuyun let out a long sigh of relief.


Big risks, indeed big rewards, once he thought of the living imperial weapon, his heart was beating wildly!

However, the next second, the smile that had just appeared on his face solidified.

"Brush!" All of this happened in a matter of seconds. How many foundation-building monks only had time to shout out "No!" The souls of the dead emerged. Now, that white ripple brushed past, and everyone's hair and clothes were flying fiercely towards the back!

Everyone felt like they were walking through the cycle of life and death, and even their vests were covered in cold sweat.

Before they had time to sigh, suddenly, a shadow giant that was ten meters tall appeared in front of Xu Yangyi without any warning! Immediately, an explosion broke out in mid-air!


The same violent spiritual energy ripples spread out! The shadow giant suddenly turned into ashes! And the shadow snake was annihilated at the same time!

Golden elixir magical power!

The whole audience, before they could react, immediately froze!

It turns turns out that Jin Dan is actually doing it!

In a flash of lightning, in just a few seconds, the five Jindan masters fought openly and secretly!

First, Master Yue was so angry that he took action. The hall was filled with drunken guests, and three thousand guests were drunk. Master Ju Ling danced with swords to meet the enemy. No one expected that Master Gu Song would suddenly attack at this moment! And another unknown ancestor took over this move!

In the end, they were all taken away by Master Tianzai with a single move!

Half-step Nascent Soul, four golden elixirs, passed a move right under their noses!

"Ha...ha...ha..." A young junior stood like a puppet for a few seconds, then suddenly fell down as if he had lost his soul. He actually fainted from fright!

Countless people with earth-colored faces had no idea that their feet were already hanging in the air in a corner of the underworld!

In silence, Master Tianzai seemed to be taken aback, and even Master Yue and Master Juling stopped completely.

In total... They were fighting fiercely, but someone was used as a gunman?

"Hahaha!" Master Juling suddenly laughed: "Fellow Taoist Gusong, whose move did you take just now?"

"Tsk tsk... This fellow Taoist is not weak in cultivation... It seems that someone among the dozen of us has improved? Such a big event should be congratulated together..." He stopped laughing and said with obvious displeasure. Yue's spiritual consciousness swept across all the pavilions: "I don't have any thoughts, I just go straight ahead. I don't have any control over what this fellow Taoist plans to do... But if you use me as a gun, you are too incompetent. I’m taking it seriously!”

"Grandpa..." A junior Qi practitioner below was so excited that he trembled. He pulled Grandpa's sleeve and said, "Just now, was it..."

Before he finished speaking, his grandfather immediately covered his mouth.

Everyone below was completely silent!

"Haha..." Yue Zhenren's voice also laughed conspiratorially: "I have been traveling around the world for hundreds of years... and I have rarely encountered such a thing. Could it be that this Taoist friend saw this real person face to face, so he specially prepared it? An unexpected surprise?”

In the pavilion of Master Fuyun, Patriarch Fuyun's old eyes have been fully opened and his hands are slightly clenched!

how come!

how so!

Old thief Gu Song! How much hatred does this real person have against you? ! Why did you interfere!

Faced with the sudden arrival of the right time and place, he chose to take action without hesitation, but he forgot one thing.

People, discord.

Shadow Snake... In front of a shadow stream sect master like Liu Guang Qiao Ying, others, perhaps Tian Zai, didn't notice it. After all, the opportunity just now was too good, but Liu Guang Qiao Ying, Gu Songzhen, couldn't help but notice it!

So... the shadow giant appeared in front of Xu Yangyi without any surprise!

no no! Now is no longer the time to think about the reasons! Master Fuyun closed his eyes in pain. His hand... hit the faces of the three masters!

Master Yue, Master Juling, and... half-step Nascent Soul, sweeping across, Master Tianzai!

How to put this into perspective!

He had a splitting headache!

Xu Yangyi's nerves completely relaxed.

At that moment, he felt as if he was suddenly on the stormy ocean, and he suddenly realized two things.

First, if Master Jin Dan really wants to take action against him, he will probably only have one chance to detonate the talisman seal...!

Second... he was very lucky... that he always maintained the greatest respect for Jin Dan. This time, making a deal with Ancestor Gu Song was his most correct choice!

If he hadn't chosen to cooperate with Jin Dan, he would probably be a dead man now!

"Golden elixir..." He took a deep breath and stared at the attic where Master Fuyun was still.

Now it is your turn. \u003c/dd\u003e

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