
Chapter 1514: Heaven and earth are cruel, and all things are chess pieces (I)

There is no way to avoid it, no need to avoid it anymore!

The sword energy of fifty figures spread across the sky, and the majestic spiritual power overwhelmed the sky. Zen Master Baoxiang shouted angrily, and quickly struck out several mysterious seals with his hands. With a loud shout, spiritual energy rose into the sky. In the pillar of light that spanned the sky and the earth, fairy mist shrouded, and endless green lotus grew in the void, swaying in the wind.

"Field...Ten Thousand Buddhas Watch the Sun!"

A scorching sun rises from the sky. In the scorching sun, a brilliant giant hand, like the Buddha who created the world, carries the undue power of thunder, destroys the stars, and slams towards the woodpecker.

On the other side, the ancestor of Yinfeng screamed, and the black clouds dispersed. A hundred-meter-long skeleton composed of countless bones rose from the clouds. It had three heads and a hundred hands, and was wearing a cassock. It looked like a skeleton Guanyin, with thousands of hands opening thousands of lotuses. The lotus holds thousands of treasures, and the thousands of treasures emit thousands of lights. If a ghost or a Buddha comes to this world, the King of Hell will be reborn, roaring and grabbing him.

"Fellow Taoists, work together! The Ark is right in front of us! There is no way we can retreat!"

Now that I’m done buying it, I can only break the waves!

Woo hoo hoo... A flute sound came, and a female Yin Zun danced alone under the moon. The shadows of peach blossoms fell and the blue sea surged. The petals turned into countless magic weapons and spread across the sky.

"Squeak!!" At the same time, the woodpecker's wings were fully unfolded, and a strong wind blew up. Each feather swayed the moonlight, scattering the stars. The wind blew the stars like rain, and the stars bloomed in the sky.

Taixu takes action!

"How dare monsters be so rampant!! Among the fifty saints among us, who is not the top of the seven realms? Do you really think you are too weak to destroy fifty geniuses by yourself!?"

Amidst the angry shouts, auspicious energy penetrated the sky, precious light leaked to the ground, and the fifty fields brought about a raging frenzy. Facing the surging sea of ​​stars and feathers, no one retreated, and the fifty saints fought hard against Taixu!

It seemed like time stopped, and the loud noise shook the earth. At this moment, the light lost its color, and the heavy rain lost its wantonness. Above the barrier of the Supreme Heavenly Dao Zhengshen, the underworld surged into the sky, and a sun visible to the naked eye rose in the sky, carrying countless circles of terrifying rings. Shock waves ravaged the sky.

There was no sound, time seemed to slow down, and all figures and demonic figures were swallowed up by this dazzling brilliance. The underworld water weighing more than 10,000 kilograms roared and exploded from all directions, turning into countless small water droplets that were invisible to the naked eye, and then evaporated in the air. An absolute vacuum zone was formed around this scorching sun, and even the void was evaporated!

boom! ! ! A terrifying shock wave swept across the sea of ​​underworld. The sea surface was calm, the void was calm, and the heavy rain was calm. Fifty figures all groaned and flew out of the sun.

"Damn it..." Xu Yangyi wiped a mouthful of blood from his mouth. Under the pressure, spiritual energy surged all over his body, and some meridians did not obey his command. Anxiety finally welled up in his eyes.


This monster... after evolving once, it turned into a completely different creature, and it was impossible to hit its body!

I have never encountered this kind of Taixu! From Kendramo to New Luyard, this is not the case in the incarnations of Mammon. Formless and formless... Just like facing the sky and the sea, human power is in vain.

At this moment, his pupils suddenly shrank. At the center of the sun...the dark feathers of starlight penetrated the light and pierced the night, and they survived such a terrible explosion unharmed, like maggots on the tarsus. Then he rushed out.


If the swords sounded in unison, at the moment when these stars flew out, countless feathers twirled in the air, and murderous intentions followed, all aimed at him!

Thousands of swords in the sky.

The woodpecker will not forget its shame.

The next second, the stars fall!

"Kill!!" Xu Yangyi shouted, his spiritual power exploded, black mist penetrated the sky, and huge tree roots towered into the sky, twisting into a huge wooden shield hundreds of meters in diameter in front of him.

Can't bear it...

At this moment, he knew the result.

This move is too powerful. The moves change like clouds and flowing water, the antelope hangs its horns, and the attack angle is unconstrained. However, they resisted Taixu's attack, and their spiritual energy was still surging. Even the talisman could not exert its full effect!

This blow...will seriously injure myself...

However, he was used to fighting alone and forgot.

He is not fighting alone!

There are countless people who follow his lead! There are dozens of sages who are willing to do anything to help Ziwei!

boom! ! Thousands of thunders fell, rain fell from thousands of peaks, and the terrifying wind pressure brought by the falling stars was like a blazing wave of fire, igniting the eyes of all the saints.

"Field..." Tu Su Fangrong felt blood rushing to the top of his head and his eyes were about to burst. He had only one thought in his mind at the moment.

Nothing can happen to Xu Yangyi...

He put everything on the line, risked everything, even if he died, he would ensure that the other party would step on his body, and he would be proud of the throne!

Nothing to do with loyalty.

The bond of interests is enough for him to fight to the last moment for the Wannian family to slaughter the Su family behind him!

He only felt that the spiritual energy in his body had never flowed so fast before. The seal was completed in an instant, and he suddenly pressed his hands towards the ground: "Ten Thousand Levels of Dao Gate!"

flutter! Before the shock subsided, his spiritual energy surged and he forcefully used his field. He spurted out a mouthful of blood. Only then did he realize that he had suddenly grown prematurely and was actually burning his longevity energy unconsciously. But he ignored it and looked at Xu Yangyi with red eyes.

Boom! The sky is shaking, how can the domain of the twelve disciples of the Ten Thousand Years Family be ordinary? A gray curtain of light instantly covered the sea surface, and huge doors stood up in all directions, like mirages, with mountains and mountains, blocking Xu Yangyi's path. Face the Sword of the Stars.

However, the next second, the first level gate collapsed!

Indescribable speed.

Incredible strength.

Spiritual power is like a mountain or an ocean, the waves take the moon away, the tide brings the stars. In the loud noise that shocked the sky, all the gates of Taoism were broken wherever the feather passed. However, these little obstacles bought everyone a precious second!

"Domain... Formless Tathagata! Domain... Sand Swallowing Crane! Domain! Thousands of waves! Domain... Nothing can be broken!"

Boom boom boom... The monk who flew backwards didn't care about himself at all. With dozens of sharp roars, he burst out at all costs with red eyes. In just one second, countless runes lingered outside Xu Yangyi's body. A layer of yellow sand wrapped him into a sand ball with a boom, and another layer of water curtain was formed invisibly. Another layer of tree roots... In a breath, he actually had a hundred-meter-thick defense outside his body, forming a huge rune ball that encompassed everything.

The next second, the sky shook and the earth trembled.

In the sharp scream of the woodpecker, thousands of swords fell and the stars shone together. A circle of violent shock waves exploded instantly where Xu Yangyi was, like an undefeated flower blooming in the universe.

Boom! !

The black shock wave whistled across the entire venue. Except for Xu Yangyi, who was already well protected, the other saints groaned at the same time, as if they were hit in the chest by a hammer, and all of them spurted out blood, and flew backwards again a hundred meters with a groan. However, no one cared about their injuries, but looked at Xu Yangyi with red eyes.

After a few seconds, the light dissipated. A scene of ruin finally appeared in their pupils, all the fields collapsed, and the void responded with a wail. Right in the center, the wooden shield condensed by the killing field was full of cracks, but it was still trembling there.

Ka La La La... The wooden shield turned into ashes with a buzzing sound. Everyone was stunned and exclaimed in unison.

"What is this?" Tu Su Fangrong took a breath of cold air: "Why do I feel...Xu Daoyou's consciousness is expanding endlessly?"

"Yes...I feel it too...What is going on here?!"

After the wooden shield collapsed, Xu Yangyi was not injured, but at this moment, his face was covered with blood. His solemn expression was a little hideous because of the blood stains, and the golden light between his eyebrows surged.

So strong...

It is true that their spiritual power added up far exceeds that of the other party. But the spiritual power of a cultivator is not such a simple statistics. The compression and refinement of spiritual power is a qualitative transformation. This woodpecker...the spiritual power has been compressed to an extreme! Even...600 million is comparable to the five kings and two queens!

With the demon's Taixu body banned, this is almost an impossible opponent to defeat!

"Devouring Talisman...Glorious Talisman...**Talisman..." With every shout, a hazy light flashed between his eyebrows, heart, and dantian.

Not strong, but makes people feel incomparable awe.

"This is..." All the saints flew to his side without saying anything, surrounding him tightly in the center.

"Open them all for me...!" Xu Yangyi clenched his fists fiercely, and the three talismans were opened at the same time, and they were opened without restraint. Suddenly, the whole body was shining with golden light, as if a god had descended to the world.

Under the golden light, the woodpecker spread its wings, its feathers trembled, and it burst into a thunderous roar in the rain of the underworld, "Squeak!"

Then, it flew to the gourd vine as fast as lightning.

Boom! ! The sea tides surged in all directions, and the blazing flames and ice rain danced together. It was like a king in the world of destruction, and it was impossible to defeat it. Even in the face of gods, it was not afraid.

Xu Yangyi did not move, and countless thoughts in his mind were quickly analyzed. The talisman has one use and thousands of uses. Between life and death, it is often the time when various combinations of inspiration flash. Just when the severe pain occurred, he suddenly had a blessing and devoured his sensory nerves with the swallowing talisman. **The talisman suppressed the surging pain. Turned all the worries into the determination to win.

No five senses.

No pain.

Only the extreme thinking and extreme calmness remained. The disadvantage is... once a fatal injury occurs, he can't feel it at all.


But facing such an opponent, to win, you have to take risks!

"It blocks the road." Tu Su Fangrong asked with a sullen face: "Daoyou, what should we do?"

Xu Yangyi still didn't speak.

What to do?

The most feared thing is a pool of stagnant water. There is hope only when there is change. In front of this almost impossible to defeat opponent, strength is useless. To open up this dead end, his first choice is to give up strength.

Then, only wisdom is left.

How can we use this to pass through the vines?

Above, the roadblock is always on the gourd vine, cutting off all their hopes.

Below, the frenzy of the beasts may have already erupted. The battle at the top of the sky lasted for half an hour. They... have no time!

Right at this moment. The woodpecker tilted its neck.

It stared at Xu Yangyi intently, and suddenly made a puzzled "squeak?" sound.



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