
Chapter 1565: Sorry, I am a villain (V)

It was too far away, but even so, this scene was enough to make everyone stunned. Three minutes later, the Sun Wolf turned around: "Is this the Sun Shooting?"


"The Sun Shooting is over, and Queen Nuwa wakes up?"

"It's possible."

No answer. But everyone could feel that the killing intent of the Sun Wolf faded strangely, and suddenly smiled: "You said... Can I extract your soul before the Sun Shooting Day?"

"I'm afraid it won't be easy." Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed with cold light: "Don't force me to activate the Spear of Longinus."

It turned out to be it...

The Sun Wolf's eyes finally flashed with caution. As the incarnation of Yahweh, it was also threatened by this gun. The inexplicable threat I felt came from it?

It seems so...but I always feel something is wrong.

The inexplicable unknown is the great terror. What should be known is already known. He raised his chin: "Don't forget, your friend's soul is still in my hands. Now, start immediately and go to Jianmu."

"I'm afraid it won't work." Xu Yangyi lowered his eyes. Rather than letting the other party guess, it is better to tell the other party directly. But the words of the Sun Wolf made his heart sink suddenly.

Jianmu... the battle over there has not started yet!

He is too familiar with Yuchang's character. The other party is very cautious. The arrow just now shot through the sky and earth, and the golden crow fell. How amazing is the power. How many times can a saint pull this arrow? They will never advance without seeing the rear ant become exhausted.

This is a string of pearls, and not a single pearl can be misspelled. His solution order is: Sun Wolf-Wuhuang awakens. Use the time difference to stagger this ice bridge, use the reward of Wahuang to solve the Sun Wolf, and then use the pseudo-list of gods of the Sun Wolf and Jiaozi to escape from Wahuang's hands, and do not accept her heavenly way and become Taixu.

Once a mistake is made, it will cause the Sun Wolf to have not been solved and Wahuang has already woken up. At this time... Zhao Ziqi's soul is still in the hands of the Sun Wolf!

The other party has not mentioned it now, not because he has forgotten, but because he wants to save this most critical card for the last.

The worst case scenario is that Mammon has not been resolved when the Queen Nuwa wakes up. The two gods are confronting each other, and he is caught in the gap and has no way to survive.

So... Mammon must not go over now!

Without waiting for the Sun Wolf to speak, he put his hands behind his back and said, "Why do you think we came to you?"

The eyes of several saints behind him moved slightly, and they coughed lightly, as if they were still immersed in the earth-shaking Moon Arrow just now, hiding the brilliance in their eyes.


Xu Yangyi's hand was writing slowly.

He wrote: the node.

With his back turned, he could not see the answer, but he would stare at the actions of these people below. At this time, he must completely trust the other party. He believed that these old actors would tell him in the right way.

"Continue." The Sun Wolf's huge body scratched the deck a little irritably, but unfortunately it could not pierce a trace at all. For some reason, Xu Yangyi mentioned the Spear of Longinus intentionally or unintentionally just now, but it did not erase his doubts. On the contrary, the feeling of uneasiness was getting stronger and stronger.

"That's Jianmu." Xu Yangyi's voice was very calm: "It formed a bow of heaven and earth, with unimaginable power, and we left here under its threat."

He turned around, stared at several saints behind him, and then sat down calmly, with the same expression: "If you go there, I guarantee that his next arrow will be aimed at you."

"Does that mean... I have to wait here until the shooting of the sun is over?" Yaori Demon Wolf said slowly as he looked at the other party who was sitting cross-legged in meditation.

Xu Yangyi closed his eyes and rested: "Or do you want to try the power of that bow?"

No one spoke.

The scene suddenly became dead silent, and the Yinfeng Patriarch suddenly smiled and said: "My lord, I have an idea."

"Speak." Unexpectedly, Yaori Demon Wolf did not take action, perhaps because his anxiety was getting worse and worse, but he could not find the source, and he was eager to listen to other people's ideas.

Even if this person was a maggot in his eyes.

"Why not... let's wait for the third node to pass?" The Yinfeng Patriarch said in fear.

Xu Yangyi's closed eyes moved, but he did not speak.

Only the third one... there are five more... is there enough time?

Slow down... the speed of Hou Yi shooting the sun must be slowed down...

This is beyond his power. He can only pray that either Yuchang blocks the opponent or the opponent takes too long to rest after shooting an arrow.

There are too many players on this chessboard... he can only take one step at a time.

At this moment, suddenly, the whole ship shook slightly again.

It was very slight, but this slightness made Yaori Demon Wolf stand up suddenly. No... it was too wrong!

At the same time, Noah's Ark burst into a golden brilliance, and countless spiritual lines flowed through it. In the extremely vigilant eyes of Yaori Demon Wolf, golden spiritual power gathered into the sea and poured into Xu Yangyi's body. In his stunned eyes, there were more and more runes around, and a sacred and mighty power emerged spontaneously.

All the saints exchanged their eyes, and then stood up silently. Yaori Demon Wolf was immersed in perception and didn't notice it, or maybe he didn't care if he found it. Then...

They quietly drew out their magic weapons.

Changes always exist in the unexpected. Just as they didn't expect Mammon's real body to come, now... they also didn't expect this situation to happen.

"I really didn't expect it..." Tu Su Fangrong put away the flattering look on his face and sneered: "In the era of great contention... I actually have to face two Taixu..."

"Amitabha..." Zen Master Baoxiang took out his skinny hands from the monk's robe, looked at the Star Wolf who no longer paid attention to them because of the sudden change, and reached out to grab a nine-ring Zen staff.

In a certain room below the deck, next to an ancient cyan lamp, an incarnation of the light looked up to the sky and roared, the flames burned itself out and disappeared into the void. In the room with the palace lantern as the center, strips of light gold talismans circle the room with a kind of heart-stopping majesty, and then extend out in all directions, like the roots of the Sara double tree.

In another room, the golden Zen staff was shattered from the ground up. Under the Zen staff, the spirit body of a young monk writing a pen turned into a golden butterfly and disappeared. Just like the room just now, this place is also filled with gleaming runes like a sea. Just looking at it will make you dizzy.

One...two, three!

Three nodes are connected at the same time!

Now... six nodes have been opened! Just two short of Eternal Night being enabled. With the six nodes opened, the spiritual power of Noah's Ark has begun to converge on Xu Yangyi.

However, no one is omniscient and omnipotent, and the situation is too urgent. Xu Yangyi and his group also ignored the fact that the people who came had similar cultivation levels and strengths, and their incarnations would not be much different. Therefore, the carving speed is almost the same, leading to the current situation where several nodes are opened at the same time.


Being able to make a decisive decision and perform a big drama under the eyes of the Yaori Demon Wolf is already a combination of wisdom and courage. It can only be said that man’s calculations are not as good as God’s calculations, and plans are not as good as changes.

boom! A golden beam of light appeared from a corner of Noah's Ark, followed by a second, third... and sixth!

Endless scenes of creation surged through it. These six pillars of light spread to each other and quickly formed a curtain of light. In the eyes of the glaring demon wolf who was so angry and shocked, it tightly surrounded a radius of 100,000 meters!

"This is... divine magic..." Yaori Demon Wolf looked at the sky in a daze. If there was anything he didn't understand at this moment, he slowly lowered his head and looked at Xu Yangyi calmly: "Very good..."

Before he finished speaking, Nebula suddenly surged, and his figure rushed towards him as fast as lightning.

"Seeking death!!" "Stop!!" "How dare you be a monster?!"

The moment he took action, eight streams of light arrived in an instant. The eight spiritual treasures were roaring in the sky. The other party was truly murderous, not a temptation. Divine magic has appeared... This is obviously a fight to the death. Only one of the two parties can get out.

"Field..." Tu Su Fangrong's feet shone with light, and he pressed his hands suddenly: "Ten Thousand Levels of Dao Sect!"

Layers of giant doors rumbled up from the void, blocking Xu Yangyi one after another. At the same time, Zen Master Baoxiang soared into the sky, stepping on the green lotus of spiritual light, and a giant hand of green light fell from the sky. On the other side, Mei Taxue was holding an ice sword. During the movement, the wind and snow rolled violently, covering hundreds of miles of ice.

Every magical treasure was aimed directly at the Yaosun Demon Wolf's vitals, but it didn't hear it and roared: "Get out!!"

The void exploded, and the body composed of nebulae exploded with a loud noise. Xu Yangyi opened the realm without hesitation, and mountains of barbs swarmed out, only to see the thousands of gates in front of him collapse. As soon as the wolfsbane barbs formed a giant shield, blue starlight penetrated behind the roots, and in a deafening explosion, it was blown thousands of meters away.

"Pounce!" A total of nine people spurted out a mouthful of blood. All areas were completely blown apart. Just as they stood up, they all gasped.

In front of them, where the Shining Sun Demonic Wolf had been, the monster had disappeared, replaced by... a majestic nebula!

Infinite stars shine within it, and the gorgeous planetary belt annihilates within it, which is fully a thousand meters in size. Giant hands composed of nebulae stretch out from it, just like an aggregation of hands. These hands open together, There is a blood-red eye inside.

It’s like gazing at everyone in the starry sky. A demonic energy stronger than that of New Luyard was released into the void, and even breathing made his throat feel hot. Wang Bufa took a few deep breaths and said hoarsely: "This monster..."

"Even if it's a monster... we have to stop it!" The dozens of skeletons beside Yinfeng Ancestor were breathing out black energy and gritted their teeth: "Only the last two are left... Fellow Taoist Ben Lei said that once he can use that thing , this monster is no match!"

Sand... At this moment, all the hands started to move, and blue runes dragged the void one by one, forming a continuous ocean tide in an instant.

"This is..." Xu Yangyi blinked, and a feeling of hair standing on end suddenly rushed to Tianling Gai: "The rune of magical power..."

He looked at the tens of thousands of meters of rune sea in front of him, and his heart trembled: "This... is at least above the forbidden technique..."

Buzz! In just one second, a 100,000-meter rune combination was formed in the sky, and an angry voice rang out: "How dare a mortal... dare to deceive the apostle of the great Lord of Greed..."


"Pseudo-divine magic...Elegy of the Era."

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