
Chapter 1588: Return to the Clan

Xu Yangyi smiled: "Of course."

Smile away grudges.

Entering Taixu, the feeling that the sky is high and the sky is far away makes the grievances of Zun Sheng gradually go further and further away. In fact, there is no grudge or grudge. In a world of great strife, who wouldn’t fight for it? Standing in their position, they can already affect their whole body with one move, so there is no need to settle for such a grudge that is not considered a grudge.

The snake mother herself didn't even notice, and she breathed a sigh of relief silently. With a gentle smile, an extremely small bag flew out: "This treasure is called the 'Three Realms Yuan Bag,' and there is nothing that cannot be contained. The internal space is unlimited. It can be filled." Living things, dead things, all imaginary things, even spiritual consciousness can be received."

A flash of physical pain flashed in her eyes: "This is the first spiritual treasure refined by me, and it is of great significance. With it, fellow Taoist, in the future, seeing fellow Taoist in Wan She Palace will be like seeing me. And... there is another thing inside A small gift."

Xu Yangyi raised his brows, very sincere... He liked this kind of sincerity very much.

As the fifth king and second queen, the fiefdom must be in the River of Flowing Fire. In other words, it is imperative that the entire sect of Tianjian Villa be relocated. To establish one's own power, one needs too many things, including countless magic weapons. In order to obtain elixirs and Ruhai's secret techniques, we also need to establish good relationships with major forces, such as the Dan Alliance, the Weapon Refining Alliance, etc. Otherwise, no one would get started even if he had no name and no supplies.

Wealth Dharma Couple Land, practice the Four Treasures, wealth ranks first.

"As the third elder of the Weapon Refining Alliance, here is a list of hobbies and needs of all the elders of the Weapon Refining Alliance." The snake mother exhaled. She has absolute confidence in this gift.

"Ha..." "Zi..." "What a great gesture!" As soon as he finished speaking, there was an unbearable gasp from below. Even Xu Yangyi was slightly surprised by the other party's determination to reconcile.

The things given by the Five Kings and Two Queens are naturally different from the simple treasures of heaven, materials and earth from other forces. These things cannot be measured by Lingyu.

It can be said that the Snake Mother sent a ticket to the Weapon Refining Alliance! A strong foundation for the sect!



They almost cursed the snake mother to death!

You give away this kind of thing and raise your authority so high. How can they get rid of the "vulgar things" in their hands? !

Have you ever considered our feelings! Do you think we also control tens of thousands of light-years of star fields! Did the Wannian family’s money come from the wind?

A thousand gold for a smile... This time I'm afraid it will cost ten thousand gold for a smile!

"Let's go." Xu Yangyi was a little tired. He had just advanced to Taixu, and he still needed to stabilize his realm. He waved his hand, nodded to the two Five Kings and Two Queens, and then disappeared into the Void.


All the monks below almost stood up suddenly, then held on tightly, looking at the two queens with pleading eyes. Unblinking.

Don't leave... Our idea just now was just a joke... You said you... why did you leave without even taking this gift? Come on, come on... let's sit down and talk about life...

"King Xuanyuan, please stay." King Jiehai also walked through this step, how could he not know. He laughed and said, "Do you know, fellow Taoist, that Wan Xiu is coming to the ceremony?"

"I don't know." Xu Yangyi shook his head.

The Snake Mother smiled and said: "No wonder... when any queen ascends the throne, the seven realms congratulate her and call her Wanxiu the coming ceremony. Today, the Grade A sects of the seven realms have gathered together. Do you see it, fellow Taoist?"

All eyes in the audience stared at Xu Yangyi. One kind: If you dare to say no, I will kill you and show you the taste. Xu Yangyi frowned sharply, was he murderous?

He said calmly: "This matter should be handled by the sect."

My place is still far away from the mountain gate, so it can only be said that it is within the sect's sphere of influence. In view of the gathering of thousands of cultivators here, Tianjian Villa has already opened the mountain protection formation. But no trace of consciousness reached his location.

In other words, the sect doesn't know yet that the new five kings are him.

It's not that the sect doesn't want to know, but that he has just been promoted to Taixu, and his spiritual power is still unstable and difficult to control freely. The terrifying spiritual pressure has always lingered in this world, suppressing everyone in Tianjian Villa. The other party didn't dare to take the risk of spying, and because of the gathering of dragons here, they didn't dare to send people to test the tightness of the wire. Due to the dilemma, this strange predicament was formed in which the young sect leader achieved Taixu at the door, but the sect knew nothing about it.

"'s time to know..."


Tianjian Villa, the main peak. At this moment, the Ten Thousand Level Saint King, Venerable Wu Xiang, and other elders were gathering together, his face so dark that it could drip water.

The situation is quite strange. A great master of Taixu condenses Taixu right above his sect. This is equivalent to a slap in the face in public! But do they dare to say a word?

That's Taixu...and not an ordinary Taixu! It’s the Five Kings and Two Queens! Didn’t you see that there were countless monks watching the ceremony around and they were all staring at this place? Once they refuse, they will probably be burned to ashes by the public's anger.

Furthermore, the responsibility for preventing a Taixu from advancing was too great, even a Grade A force could not bear it. Taixu, that is the mainstay in the battle with Taichu, the backbone of the Seven Realms!

And the most worrying is this?

According to the last scene before the mountain gate closed, each one was a famous Class A force in the Seven Realms! Why did you choose Tianjian Villa?

Could it be...that the monk Ben Lei had offended came here to seek revenge? Use them as a weapon?

Tianjian Villa's mountain protection formations have already been erected. Just in case, the entire sect's spiritual power is trying to cover the 100,000-meter restricted area around the sect. However, the spiritual pressure of Daocheng Taixu is so terrifying that they cannot even expand to 10,000 meters, let alone 100,000 meters. Don't even dare to offend Tianyan.

"How is it?" Wan Zhongshengjun's face turned livid and he gritted his teeth and asked.

The scene was silent. The more it reached this juncture, the more no one dared to relax. Seeing that no one spoke, Venerable Wuxiang sighed and said: "Half an hour ago...he broke through 1.8 billion spiritual power...the other party ...Have mastered the rules, the achievements are too empty..."

Dead silence.

1.8 billion...

How terrifying!

If... if it weren't for their young master...

Even if Tianjian Villa turns into ashes, it will not be able to stop the other party at all!

This is a terrifying number that has never appeared in history!

At this moment, a stream of light suddenly rushed in, and the mountain guarding formation did not resist at all, and suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

That was a white jade token.

A bright moon is depicted in the center, with the shadow of a laurel tree in the moon. In an instant, the room is filled with fragrance, and a coercion that seems to come from the ninth heaven suddenly descends.

"This..." It's so familiar... Everyone's hearts were shocked, and they started to jump faster and faster. The Wanzhong Sage took the lead and pushed down the golden mountain to topple the jade pillar. Every monk present knelt down and worshiped on the ground, shouting: "Welcome to the Great Sage!"

At the same time, cold sweat broke out on their foreheads.

what happened?

It's always been the edict of Burao Mountain, why did it suddenly change to Guanghan Holy Palace? such a sensitive time?

"You are exempt from courtesy." Long Xuan spoke with a smile, and his voice floated out leisurely: "I, Long Xuan, the manager of the Guanghan Holy Palace, have met with you on behalf of the Great Sage Guanghan."

"I don't dare." "How dare you have the power of the Holy Envoy?" "I don't dare to call you king in front of Taixu."

Long Xuan smiled slightly: "It happened suddenly. Fellow Taoist Ben Lei was promoted to the Five Kings and Two Queens. He named himself King Xuanyuan and was witnessed by all the monks outside the noble sect. He became Taixu."

The scene suddenly fell into dead silence.

Breathing stopped, heartbeat stopped, eyes stopped, and thinking went blank.


This was the first thought of all the elders. They looked at each other with astonishment in their eyes. Long Xuan did not speak, waiting for them to digest this news that was enough to make the whole sect excited.

After a full five minutes, there was a glimmer of light in the eyes of the Wan Zhong Shengjun. However, he did not say anything else, just a long and choked howl: "The Taoist ancestor... I accept the disciples' worship!!!"

Boom! He banged his head on the floor, his forehead was bruised, but he refused to raise it, and his voice became hoarse: "Grandmasters... juniors... you are worthy of the sect!!"

As the leader of a sect, what he did was normal. However, all the other elders suddenly raised their heads, their eyes were red, and they had forgotten their superiority and inferiority in an instant. One elder looked like he was crazy and said in a trembling voice: "You, you mean, the people outside are Ben Lei?! Is he the master of Tianjian Villa?"

The third elder clutched his chest, his eyes dull: "You didn't lie to us?! It's really him! Are there so many people outside Tianjian Villa here because of him?!"

"He...he...he did it?" "Is he really too weak to advance!? Become the fifth king and second queen?!" "I...our Tianjian Villa...after countless years, we have been promoted to the first level again!" Power? There are also five kings and two queens!”

"Of course." Long Xuan said with emotion: "The Great Sage's own statistics indicate that his spiritual power is two billion, making him the most powerful person in history. There is no such person in the famous family. I would like to congratulate your sect."

Buzz... All the elders of Tianjian Villa feel dizzy at this moment. They didn't know anything anymore, only one thought: He did it... He actually did it... He really did it!

Happiness came too suddenly, and they were unprepared. No, maybe I was mentally prepared, but I was vulnerable to the facts.

"King Xuanyuan...the Lord of the River of Flowing Fire in the Seven Realms?" After several minutes, an elder spoke like he was dreaming. Then, the elder, whose soul finally returned to his body, let out a hoarse laugh. The laughter was low and continuous, and a few seconds later, heart-rending laughter rang out crazily in this space.

"Hahaha...ah hahaha!" "It's really's really him!!" "I can't I dreaming?!"

"Open a sect!!" Any force that dares to enter the world of great strife must be prepared for two things. First, if there is a force that pursues it, how to cut off its tail to protect itself and retain the fire.

Two... done! My own young master has become too weak! The grand ceremony, Wan Xiu's arrival, the ensuing sermon ceremony, the relocation of the sect, and the mountains of chores that followed, all the processes have been reviewed countless times in dreams.

Today...the dream comes true! The Wan Zhong Sage looked up to the sky and laughed, straightening his clothes and straightening his body. He didn't notice at all that his hair was a little crooked.

"Open the mountain gate to welcome guests from all directions! The whole sect is moving! Everyone is moving for this Holy Lord! Inform all guests from the Grade A forces that in one month, a grand ceremony for Wan Xiu's arrival will be held!"

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