
Chapter 1626: Setting sail again

"Are you the master of this plane?" Xu Yangyi asked. .

"Yes. And you are the first intelligent life form to come to Longstall." The tiger man was neither arrogant nor humble, bowing slightly and replied: "For a long time, we have been searching for intelligent life forms in outer space. Unfortunately, There is nothing but astral beasts. Now, you have proved to us that there are also highly intelligent and even more powerful life forms in outer space. "

"I'm honored." Xu Yangyi smiled and said: "I am a pacifist. In this way, I have some cultivation treasures from other planes here to exchange for spiritual energy supplies."

Angel stuck out her tongue on Noah's Ark with a look of disgust.


Are you really a man?

Can I have a little face?

Obviously it's troublesome... She almost heard Xu Yangyi's inner voice: It's not impossible to force them to resupply under high pressure, but it's hard for the other party to do their best. Instead of doing this, it's better to do it in one step. After all... my time is very precious...

"I really can't watch the live broadcast...I feel like complaining all the time..." She rolled her eyes and continued to practice in seclusion. I really don’t want to see the face of a shameless person.

In the sky above the Golden Eagle Flower, Xu Yangyi casually threw out a storage ring. He didn't need too many gifts to congratulate him for becoming the Five Kings of the Seven Realms. Although Xu Kunlun has been taken to the temples by Emperor Wa, the people above are real, so these things are also real.

The tiger man did not reach out, and the bodyguard beside him grabbed it with one hand. He looked at it for a few seconds before nodding and handing it to the consul. The other party immediately closed his eyes, his consciousness deepened, and he opened them suddenly in less than ten seconds. His voice changed slightly with excitement: "Are you...are you sure?!"

Xu Yangyi nodded slightly.

Just a few bottles of elixirs and a few magic weapons. He had long discovered that there were no real magic weapons here at all. As for galactic trade... without a price difference of a thousand or ten thousand times, how could it be possible?

It was too cost-effective to exchange pills from the Seven Realms that were only at the level of a master of alchemy and some scrap metal that he looked down upon in exchange for a whole plane that worked hard.

"The refining methods are all recorded in it. Let's see if you can master it." He glanced at the consul whose face turned red instantly with a half-smile, and said with a smile: "Then... let's get started?"

"The supplies are gone, we'll leave right away."

"Okay!" The consul lifted up his robe, turned around and fell into the void: "Deal!!"

"Lingyu will be flown over soon, and supplies will be supplied until... you are satisfied!!"

As his figure fell, the five national masters immediately followed him. The deer man said solemnly: "Mr. Consul, what is inside?"

The Archon held the storage ring tightly in his hand and said hoarsely: "Good stuff..."

“Absolutely good stuff!”

"This is..." He couldn't help but take a look at the ordinary storage ring, but with a fascinated look: "Something that can make the entire plane take off!"

"Open up new paths to make us stronger! This... is simply a godsend!"

"Is it so good? What on earth is it?" The five national masters were itching and wanted to rush over to take a closer look.

A treasure given by a powerful Taixu... and it is the cultural exchange of other advanced civilizations! Practicing and practicing together! Can they really sleep tonight without taking a look? !

You can even become a demon!

"Don't worry." The consul took a few deep breaths: "I will hand it over to the scientific research team first and make sure it is harmless. In addition, all the national teachers must participate in the specific research. But..."

He took a deep look at the sky: "Send this evil god away first..."

"Such a terrifying existence has stopped on our planet... It really makes people feel uneasy every extra minute..."

"Sir." A snake man said hoarsely: "Actually... it's not all bad for him to stay..."

"Stupid!" Before the consul could speak, the other four national masters shouted in unison: "Yes, we admit that it is also beneficial for him to stay! But this is a double-edged sword. The good side is that our civilization may It is possible that it will rise through this, but the rise of a civilization can be achieved even if it takes time.”

"But what about the bad side?" The Archon took a deep breath with some fear: "...One the destruction of the plane..."

"I can feel that he is by no means an approachable creature... That phrase 'It's not difficult to destroy a plane' is probably his true character!"

"Which super-high-level monk didn't walk through a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood? Do you expect them to be merciful? Why don't we take the initiative and go with the flow!"

Three full days later, Noah's Ark, which was staying outside the Longstar plane, let out a gentle buzz and flew towards the depths of the galaxy again. This incident directly caused Longstall's practice speed to increase suddenly. Unfortunately, no one paid attention to this.

When I first look at the starry sky, I find it bright, but after looking at the starry sky for a long time, I find it boring.

It is always so dark here, and it always seems to be the same scenery. If you stay there for a long time, you may even feel that you are the only one alive in the entire space, and that time has stopped.

If it were a one-person interstellar journey, I'm afraid no one would be driven crazy.

Fortunately, they are not the same person, and the other becomes the only color. In the life of a farmer plowing fields and raising cattle, time flies by.

One hundred years, two hundred years...three hundred years later, Angel condensed Nascent Soul, and Xu Yangyi finally got used to Yawei's way of strengthening the rules. This is the oldest method, although it is slow, it will never go wrong.

He also discovered the benefits of this method. The further you go, the harder it is to condense the rules. There are countless symbols floating in the universe, but not many are suitable for joining his own rules.

What's more terrifying is that some symbols are obviously very similar, but after careful observation, they are found to be similar but not. Such subtle differences can only be discovered by hand.

The records of Taixu in the Seven Realms are all about the rapid growth of the rules, and the method used is to absorb as many similar symbols as possible to make the chain of rules more solid. Little do they know that doing so will allow too many symbols that are similar in form but different in spirit to enter the chain of rules. This will make the rules more and more difficult. Maybe Taixu's advancement was faster than Xu Yangyi's method before, but it will be slower and slower as time goes by, and he will be surpassed by him.

Taixu, who was condensed by the quick method, can only be Taixu in this life, maybe he is lucky. After all, according to the classics he has read, if the degree of integration of all symbols in the chain of rules is above 60%, he will be qualified to impact the unique. If we have to use a metaphor, the rule chain of the quick-learning method is impure steel, with a lot of carbon slag in it, and the one condensed by his slow and careful method is definitely a fine steel chain.

More importantly, the so-called slow and careful work will get faster and faster as the proficiency increases. Especially... for him who has the Glory Talisman.

He has not tried to use the Glory Talisman yet, and is still familiar with this method of expanding the Talisman. Once used, he will make rapid progress in the Taixu realm.

With the superluminal speed of Noah's Ark and the plane folding, it was not until the 320th year that they came to the second plane. Although they had long been prepared for a long-term war, the unchanging starry sky journey for more than 300 years still made them feel exhausted.

When they saw the plane, the two even had a sense of relief as if they had finally seen the land after drifting in the vast sea.

They did not attract attention as before, but landed on the plane quietly. This is an elf plane, but far away from the ancestral land of the elves, because it is full of dark elves.

They do not believe in the goddess of nature, nor do they plant the world tree, but become mercenaries of all the surrounding planes. They hate peace, destroy nature, and live only for blood and killing.

The more chaotic the place, the more loopholes there are. With Xu Yangyi's strength, he naturally wants to live as long as he wants.

What makes him a little cautious is... here, there is a Taixu.

He is called the Great Elf King of Huiyue, but he is just a little cautious, because the other party's spiritual power is only 400 million.

The two of them lived comfortably as elves, and it would be much easier to solve the problem with Taixu when they wanted to leave. After all... as Taixu, they know more about what 2 billion spirits represent.

After staying in this plane for two years, they set out on a journey to the galaxy again.

One plane after another passed by their feet, and they saw too much, including humans, machines, ghosts, and Zerg... When the 500th year of space travel, Xu Yangyi finally became fully familiar with the method of the gods casting the chain of rules, and opened the Guangyao Talisman with confidence.

In the sixth hundred years, he advanced to the middle stage of Taixu, and the chain of the training of the rules of life had gone from incomplete to semi-complete.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, a thousand years have passed.

"It's been two hundred years since the last plane..." Angel yawned boredly, leaning against Xu Yangyi, and Yu Chang sat on the other side. The three of them held a deck of cards in their hands. She glanced at the cards in Xu Yangyi's hand calmly, and Yu Chang glared at her, then threw out the cards with a smile: "King Bomb!"

"No more playing!" Yu Chang was angry and threw the cards: "Friend Xu, you are too much! As long as Angel is the landlord, I have never won!"

"Well... bad luck." Xu Yangyi put away the cards with a smile, and raised his head slightly: "The next plane... is the dragon plane."

"We have already passed one seventh of this journey. Have you noticed that the closer you are to the Temple of the Gods, the more planes there are and the more prosperous they are."

"Yeah..." Yu Chang looked out the window with some emotion: "The strength is getting stronger and stronger. Now basically one out of ten planes has Taixu."

"For the next plane, I may need to stretch my muscles a little. It will probably take another 150 years."

Yu Chang nodded: "How far are you from being unique?"

At this moment, Xu Yangyi could not feel any spiritual energy on his body, just like a mortal. He smiled slightly, and a burst of aura of great perfection of the great void burst out, and countless chains of the rules of life hummed out from the void, already complete!

"Just one step away." He gently pulled the chain of rules and stroked a crack on it: "When this crack is complete, it will be time to enter the unique step... About a hundred years, before reaching the dragon plane, I will definitely be able to do it."

"Unique step..." Yuchang said absentmindedly: "In the universe, Yahweh does not come out, you are almost invincible..."


Noah's Ark flew straight ahead, and at the end of the void, a plane with thousands of dragons flying together, like an open mouth, was waiting for them to come.

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