
Main text Chapter 221: Danxia Palace (Forty)

Just now, the fish swarm left the fish molt, and now, the fish swarm is back again! The three people who were less than ten meters away from the fish swarm clearly felt the strong contrast between ants and giant trees!

Sister Nine, Ye Lao Si, and Yi Lao Wu were like three lonely and helpless boats on the black sea, and like three white dots on an ink painting. Each of them was sweating profusely at this moment. All around, it was pitch black, so dark that their hearts shrank.

"Ka..." At this moment, a slight sound made everyone's eyes cast over.

That was... the sound of the coffin!

"Ka Ka Ka..." Then, a sound that made people's teeth ache came from the coffin. It was the sound of bronze rubbing against each other after rusting. A faint mechanical sound rang out rhythmically, and "sss..." twice, a bronze lever engraved with dragon patterns silently popped out of the coffin.

"Click..." "Click..." Then, there were three more sounds, and three levers lifted the coffin lid in the shape of a "well". At the same time, the coffin stood up strangely! Suddenly, a faint gray-black corpse gas floated out like smoke.

Sister Nine, Ye Lao Si, and Yi Lao Wu looked extremely solemn. Sister Nine had taken out a jade statue at some point. On it, circles of green light enveloped her whole body. Ye Lao Si held a dead branch in his hand, and the only green leaf on it emitted a faint green light, which also protected his whole body. Only Yi Lao Wu turned into a giant with golden light all over his body, holding a long knife in his left hand and a shield in his right hand to protect himself firmly.

Xu Yangyi focused his eyes on the coffin that was gradually opening. Could it be that the suction of the Qiankun bag caused the coffin to open?

Everything in front of him... was too weird. No one expected that one of the eight great forbidden areas, the bottom of Danxia Palace... actually hid a coffin?

"Swish..." In the silent silence, the coffins were finally opened, and a corpse that looked like a person slowly appeared in it.

"Heh..." "Is this... is this a living person or a dead person?" "How is it possible..."

When the full appearance of the corpse appeared, everyone took a breath of cold air.

This is an old man, very old. He has a head full of white hair, which is very neatly combed. Even the white hair looks like white silk. That is the result of applying extremely good hair oil on his hair. Countless years have passed, and his hair is still as new as ever.

He is not thin or fat. In the present, he looks like a very ordinary old man. However, his skin is like a baby. There is no sign of hair on his lower jaw.

Ordinary people have no hair, which is shaved off, at least the green stubble of the beard can be seen. But he is different, he... has no hair at all, and it doesn't grow at all.

He wears a red robe, with a white inner garment visible at the collar, and a black high crown. Two golden tassels hang down from the high crown, and the fingernails are a little long, showing a strange crimson color. An exquisite jade belt was wrapped around the waist, with an iron plate hanging on it.

The whole person, with his hands folded on his chest, looked peaceful. As if he was asleep, he didn't look like a dead person at all!

In silence, the three sisters of the ninth sister looked at the corpse with cold sweat on their foreheads, not daring to breathe.

After more than ten minutes, they began to retreat quietly step by step. Xu Yangyi and Fahui looked at each other, and the two of them sat on the flying magic weapon and began to approach the coffin cautiously little by little.

Everyone came to the coffin on the flying magic weapon. Fahui's eyes flickered, and suddenly a small stone popped out, circled around the coffin several times, and then nodded to everyone: "I have explored it with the relic, and this is indeed an ancient corpse. There is no sign of life, and there is no spiritual fluctuation."

No one dared not to be cautious.

A bronze coffin suddenly appeared in the thousand-year-old Danxia Palace. The person buried in it had been unknown for many years, but his face was as new as ever!

In silence, Xu Yangyi waved his hand and tried to take something from the air. However, contrary to everyone's expectations, there was no obstruction and he immediately summoned the iron plate on the other party's waist.

Even he himself was a little bit unbelievable, but he was cautious and did not hold it with his own hands, but let the waist plate hang in the air, and everyone focused on the waist plate.

The three words on it were still clear and eye-catching after countless years.

"Li... Jinzhong?" Qingjingzi frowned slightly. The person who could be buried at the bottom of Danxia Palace in such a strange way was definitely not an ordinary person. However, he counted his memories and could not find the name Li Jinzhong.

He turned his head and looked at the others thousands of meters away: "Who knows who Li Jinzhong is?"

"Li Jinzhong?! Daoist friend, you said Li Jinzhong?!" Originally, he didn't expect anyone to know, but unexpectedly, a cry came from behind. Xu Yangyi turned his head and saw Zhao Wuye standing there with his eyes wide open, his body trembling!

"That's right." Xuan Chengzi's eyes flashed, and he immediately asked: "Do you know who this is?"

Master Zhao Wu's eyes turned red. Without saying a word, he jumped off his lotus leaf at the fastest speed, took out a kite-shaped flying magic weapon, and quickly came to the lotus leaf where Xu Yangyi was. He pushed away other people like crazy. These geniuses who he usually didn't dare to look at seemed to be completely ignored by him at this moment. Now Master Zhao Wu only had eyes for that corpse.

He grabbed the iron plate in the hands of the magistrate and looked at it several times. His eyes widened and his hands began to tremble. Then, he looked at the upright coffin panting and panting in disbelief.

"Nine thousand years old..." For a long time, his voice was trembling, filled with extreme shock and extreme fear, and he trembled out these three words.

"Nine thousand years old?" Sister Ninth frowned. This name was very familiar. Half a second later, her eyes lit up and she looked at the corpse in even more disbelief: "Wei Zhongxian?!"

"Did you read that correctly?" Xuanchengzi looked at the sleeping old man in astonishment: "Is this Wei Zhongxian?"

This is simply impossible! How could a mortal be buried in such a place! How could he come in!

Xu Yangyi didn't speak, but his heart seemed to be opened, and he suddenly became cheerful!

In the Ming era of devout Taoism, several emperors died just from taking the "elixir". It seems that the world is separated forever, but...Xuanyuan Sword personally took action and killed an emperor, but history has not recorded it! There is a huge secret hidden in the middle!

And now, this corpse turned out to be Wei Zhongxian... holding the other half of the Living Emperor's Artifact in his hand, and he... was the suspected owner of the Living Emperor's Artifact, the "Jiyue Emperor" Mingguang Zong, who lived from the Taichang era to the Apocalypse era. !

Countless clues are pouring into the Apocalypse Years at this moment. Every one of them seems to be telling the world in a subtle way that something great must have happened during the Apocalypse Years!

It's not the Ming court...but the spiritual world...and the human world, a major event that happened together!

One thing... a true truth that history cannot record, and even goes against historical records!

"That's right...this is Wei Zhongxian!" Zhao Wuye looked at it for a long time and said with certainty: "His clothes...are those of the Supervisor of Ceremonies...If this is not enough proof, fellow Taoists, please take off his clothes. The undergarment around the neck.”

Ninth Sister's eyes flashed, she waved her hand gently, and a wind blade immediately cut the clothes around the other person's neck.

There, there is a conspicuous red mark!

This man...died by beheading! and! This head was put on later!

"Wei Zhongxian died of dismemberment by Emperor Tianqi, so there will be obvious cuts on his neck! If you fellow Taoists don't believe it, you can pull his limbs apart. There should be other abnormalities!"

Ye Laosi was silent. After a few seconds, several wisps of strong wind popped out of his hand. With a few swishing sounds, the corpse's shoulders and clothes on the thighs were all torn apart.

Four red marks appeared clearly on the pale skin!

"It's true..." Ye Laosi took a deep breath, turned around and didn't want to look at the coffin, and sneered with some disgust: "You are pretending to be a ghost, and you actually put a spliced ​​corpse here. He is also a eunuch."

"Fellow Taoist." Zhao Wuye said solemnly: "The eunuchs of the Ming Dynasty... are definitely not low-level people. They... are different from the eunuchs of the past dynasties."

"In the Ming Dynasty, in order to support the groups that fought against civil servants, the Tian family enlightened the eunuchs. It can be said that any of the father-in-laws who can reach the level of ceremonial supervisor is a contemporary scholar. Especially..." He said in awe He glanced at Wei Zhongxian's body: "This man... is also the director of the East and West Factory. He is definitely not comparable to those illiterate eunuchs in the past... compared to... Ye, Ye, Ye Daoyou?!"

His voice suddenly rose in pitch, and Ye Laosi frowned: "What's the matter?"

But he found that everyone was quickly moving away from him!

Something happened to me!

No... maybe... He looked at everyone in front of him, quietly and shockedly looking at him, getting farther and farther away, and he suddenly remembered... that he... had his back to this coffin!

Could it be... His throat suddenly hurt so much that he couldn't say a word, his face became paler and paler, and even his teeth made a "de" sound.

A hand as red as a baby's hand gently patted his shoulder. Old Ye was shaking like chaff, and little by little... he turned his head.

He saw...behind him, the dismembered corpse, with all five limbs separated! From his body, streaks of pure black aura pulled his head, hands, and feet. And his head, right above Ye Laosi, opened his bloody mouth!

It was still a human body, but his mouth opened to an incredible extent! The upper and lower jaws are completely disconnected! Just like a snake swallowing something several times bigger than his mouth, he bit it in one bite!

"Katz!" Ye Laosi's skull deformed in an instant. Wei Zhongxian's hands were pulled by the black spiritual energy and grabbed Ye Laosi's body, which was still convulsing! Send it to your mouth one by one!

The scene was as silent as a morgue! Only the chilling sound of cracking bones could be heard.

However, what they were silent about was not the death of Ye Laosi!

But... Wei Zhongxian's body, at this moment, has completely demonstrated his realm!

Early stage of foundation building! ! !

Xu Yangyi watched the scene in front of him intently. He was not scared, but excited!

Because...he saw it, he saw it clearly!

The moment the corpse opened its mouth, he saw... that the corpse had no tongue.

His tongue was cut off, and his lower jaw was forcibly welded into half of the box!

The other half is a living imperial weapon!

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