
Main text Chapter 223: Danxia Palace (Forty-two)

"Ah!!!!" A shrill scream, if it was normal, it would definitely scare people to sleep at night. But now, there was no ripple. Because, there were screams all around!

Everyone... all had no bones, even Yi Laowu was no exception, he fell to the ground and rolled all over, only the Buddhist Sect and the Taoist Sect protected his body. Now, the ground was full of screaming monks!

"You'd better remember it quickly." Suddenly, a woman's voice appeared: "Otherwise, we will all die here."

Xu Yangyi looked up and was a little surprised that the woman in front of him was not affected, but he understood it in an instant.

Quan Ningyue, born with the Nine Yin Absolute Meridians, the master of refining equipment Gao Muya transformed her into a half-talisman puppet in order to save her, and the bone erosion had no effect on her.

He nodded at Quan Ningyue, his eyes fixed on Wei Zhongxian.

Surrounded by black aura, he seemed like a demon god in the underworld. However, what particularly concerned Xu Yangyi was that his black spiritual energy that reached the sky... had not weakened at all!

"Hey..." At this moment, a voice like that of Jiuyou sounded again!

"Heh..." Fahui suddenly raised his head and looked at Wei Zhongxian, who was already suspended in the air thousands of meters away, with his five limbs spread out for dozens of meters!

And... there is still one!

His heart was cold.

Yes... just now was the first eclipse, and there is the second... maybe the third... or even... the ninth! The tenth!

Can he... survive it?

"Buddha bless..." His voice trembled for the first time, and he closed his eyes and chanted faster and faster.

Qingcheng Sanjian, his face was ashen, Xuan Chengzi said nothing and cut his left hand artery with a sword. Suddenly, blood gushed out like a spring! It dripped into the oil lamp, and the light became brighter.


Xu Yangyi took a deep breath and suddenly shouted: "Fellow Daoists! What are you waiting for!"

"Are you sitting here waiting to die?"

"There are only four of us who can move here! Can you survive?" He turned his head and stared at Wei Zhongxian, who was floating in the air like a demon god, like a wolf, and licked his lips fiercely: "The early stage of foundation building... It's just the early stage of foundation building! He is not a living person! He is like a machine! He is a real walking corpse! I am afraid of him!"

"Go up, or I can fight for a way to survive..." He waved his hand, and Yanyue came out against the wind, and black flames flashed all over the sky. He said in a deep voice: "If you don't go up... you will die!"

"Everyone." He clasped his hands: "Xu is going!"

When this magical power was released, the situation became clear in an instant.

To get the living emperor weapon, it is impossible not to knock down Wei Zhongxian's corpse puppet!

And the power of the opponent's magical power... is beyond everyone's imagination! It doesn't look like the magical power of a foundation-building cultivator at all! Now... It's not the time to think about the living emperor weapon, but if you don't fight a bloody way out, everyone may die here!

"Swoosh!" His figure left a residual shadow, and with an indomitable momentum, he chopped off Wei Zhongxian's head!

You have been dead for hundreds of years. Today, Xu will send you down again!

"The third..." The third word has been uttered, but this moment is completely different from before!

All around, everything began to get colder! The temperature was so low that it was unbelievable!

"Amitabha..." Xu Yangyi's figure shot past, reflected in the eyes of the Dharma Assembly, he closed his eyes, and when he opened his eyes, his fighting spirit was ignited again!

Yes... yes. How talented are the few of us! If you don't fight and kill a future, how can you walk this path of cultivation!

Knowing that Danxia Palace, I came. Knowing that you are a foundation-building cultivator, an old ghost from hundreds of years ago, how can I not kill it?

He never thought that Xu Yangyi would go all out to attack, not only to survive, but also to fulfill his own heart tribulation. Here, in Danxia Palace, he will get rid of his inner demons.

Once Wei Zhongxian's corpse puppet is killed, it will only be Xu Yangyi.

Before he finished speaking, the figure of the Dharma Assembly had disappeared. The next second, he held the lotus lamp in his mouth, and took out a finger bone in his left hand!

That finger bone exuded Buddha light. Golden runes appeared around it. Obviously, this was the magic weapon that Shaolin Temple gave to the Dharma Assembly!

"Well said...well said!" Ling Xiaozi's eyes flashed with brilliance: "How can we sword cultivators lose the sharpness of sword cultivators!"

"Evil demons, behead them, evil spirits, behead them, and heart tribulations, behead them!" He patted his head, and a golden sword ball suddenly appeared. His body and sword merged into a brilliant light, and followed Xu Yangyi and shot away!

"Until now, I miss Xiang Yu, who refused to cross the Yangtze River! If I survive this round of magical powers, what's the point of lingering on!"

In the sky, six brilliant sword lights cut through the dark clouds of the world and rushed straight to Wei Zhongxian thousands of meters away!

Xu Yangyi led the way, followed by Fahui, Lingxiaozi, Xuanchengzi, Qingjingzi, and finally, Quan Ningyue who was in the middle stage of Qi training!

Five people in the late stage of Qi training, one in the middle stage of Qi training, two descendants of super sects, and an A-level legion, launched a direct challenge to the old monster who could kill hundreds of Qi training with a flip of his hand!

Six spiritual lights, with a momentum that will never return, no need to look back after shooting the bow, and burn the boats!

"Ten Directions Red Lotus... Canglong Aspires!" Xu Yangyi stared at Wei Zhongxian, who was like a demon in the air, with a crescent moon in his right hand, a piece of black flame, and a hundred feet of red light in his left hand.

Fahui bit the oil lamp, and the middle finger of his one arm showed a sacred golden white. Four vague and solemn words came out of his mouth solemnly: "Finger Magic Power!!"

Qingcheng Three Swords, three sword balls gathered into a golden light, and a murderous voice shouted out from the three people in unison!

"A new beginning!!!"

Quan Ningyue opened his hands again, two chilling blue lights lit up, and he shouted softly: "Destroying Soul Cannon!!"

Attack, without reservation! All killer moves!

This is all their trump cards! Achieve success in one battle! If they fail, they will die!

They are not fools who shout out their moves when they attack, but... at this time, there is only blood and heat in their hearts! This shout is to justify themselves! To cheer for themselves!

Or maybe... it is their last shout left in the world.

The power of foundation building, these people know better than others!

No defense at all.

The corpse of Wei Zhongxian whispered the fourth word.


"Om..." The living emperor weapon in his mouth once again emitted countless golden lights. A strange aura defense wall was formed outside him!

"Emperor weapon..." Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed, staring at the living emperor weapon in the other party's mouth.

No matter why you are here, if you hold it in your mouth, today, only one of us can walk out!

"Cang Long Wen Ding!" He roared, and the Cang Long Wen Ding in his left hand turned into a red beam of light and sprayed out!

"Boom!" At this moment! Change the world!

In the sky, there are no longer rolling dark clouds, but... heavy snow!

Flakes of goose feather-like snow fell, and the temperature around... dropped sharply!

"Ka Ka Ka..." Even the air seemed to have become ice! Wei Zhongxian's body was in the heavy snow, and the back of his head, which was pulled away from his body by the black spiritual energy, suddenly burst out with thousands of black rays!

"This is... Buddha Wheel?!" Fahui's eyes became sharp. How could this be... Buddhist practitioners practice the wheel of rebirth, and he has never seen any Buddhist practitioner appear Buddha Wheel, but it appeared on a monster!

"Amitabha..." He immediately realized that his mind was in turmoil, and immediately recited the scriptures in a low voice. With his heart as calm as water again, he simply closed his eyes, and there was no more interference!

Killing oneself for the sake of righteousness, sacrificing oneself for justice, now all are not, just for the sake of cutting out a brilliant future on the road of cultivation!

The sword comes out of selflessness!

The black wheel Buddha rotates slightly above Wei Zhongxian's head, and thousands of black lights shine. At this moment, he doesn't look like a foundation-building cultivator at all! More like a golden elixir ancestor! As if he is a real person who ascended in this lotus sea!

He gently pinched his hands: "Erosion... blood..."

"Kill!!!" Xu Yangyi's long sword is in front of him! Without hesitation, he used all his strength to chop Wei Zhongxian's head that flew dozens of meters away from his body!

"Kill!!!" Behind him, five angry shouts, five magical powers, all came!

"Boom!" A colorful aura flashed! Immediately afterwards, a more violent rumble sounded in the sky!

A piece of azure aura burst out! Like a sea, like a tide! The six people were rushed like fallen leaves in the wind, flying hundreds of meters backwards!

Xu Yangyi didn't blink, but at this moment, his thick eyebrows suddenly frowned.

He saw... the magical powers of others... were all deflected by the golden spiritual energy emitted by the living emperor weapon... Only he, only his two moves, actually hit the corpse puppet!

But... it didn't work.

The realm gap is too big, foundation building, Qi training, there is a world of difference. This sentence, at this moment, he felt it very clearly.

It was as if facing an insurmountable mountain. Even if he crossed the forest and the river at the foot of the mountain, he could not plant his flag to the top.

"The living emperor weapon "allowed" me to enter." His chest was burning, and he spit out a mouthful of blood. While flying backwards, he stared at Wei Zhongxian with a burning gaze: "This is my only advantage..."

"Junior brother!!" After flying backwards for hundreds of meters, Xu Yangyi just stabilized his body and heard an extremely shrill scream.

Ling Xiaozi supported Qingjingzi's body with one hand, his eyes were red. And Qingjingzi... was outside the protection of the ancient lamp.

Qing Jingzi's face was completely bloodless. It's not an expression, but it's real. There's not a drop of blood on his body!

Xu Yangyi was stunned for a few seconds, and suddenly turned his head to look in the direction of the lotus leaf!

He saw a person.

Zhao Ziqi, he didn't know when he appeared again, his eyes kept turning, and a strange Bagua shield formed around him!

"Cough cough cough..." A violent cough came into his ears, and the extremely weak voices of Zhao Wuye and Mao Baer sounded at the same time: "Friend Xu... you, you, you just... go with peace of mind... We, the Zhao family... can get here, all thanks to Ziqi's Tongyou pupil... As long as it's something from the underworld... I, we... can still, can hold on for a while..."

"This is... the Zhao family's secret method of spiritual transmission... You... don't worry..."

Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth, he looked around, and the others... were almost dead!

There were thousands of people when they came, but now... are there still twenty people left?

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