
Main text Chapter 375: Sky Burial (Part 3)

"Can you store spiritual energy even after death?"

"Brother..." Zhao Ziqi took a deep breath. With the same spiritual awareness as Xu Yangyi, Xu Yangyi could feel the other person's excitement at this moment: "Take away...take away a few coffins, if my guess is correct..."

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed slightly. Live or die, very simple.

Storage ring.

This thing can store all inanimate objects. But once there is life, it cannot be put in.

Ten minutes later, he walked to the beach, looked at the three coffins in front of him, and made a spell.

The next second, the coffin disappeared out of thin air and had entered his storage ring!

"There is no life... But if there is no life, how can spiritual energy be stored?" Even he felt completely incredible at this moment!

This situation violates the iron rule of practice summarized by the earth, the irreversible law: dead things cannot store spiritual energy!

He left quietly, and an hour later, he appeared in an abandoned building. With another wave of his hand, there were three muffled thuds, and three coffins appeared in the room.

"I want to see what you are." He took a deep breath, flicked his fingers, and the lids of the three coffins flew out.

His pupils suddenly shrank.

"This is..." He looked solemnly into the coffin. There was... no body in it!

But... three sculptures that look like jade but not jade!

It looks like a human, but is condensed to the size of only one foot! The whole body is crystal clear! It is green, but inside, there is a mass of spiritual energy visible to the naked eye, about the size of a fist.

Although it is small, it is extremely delicately carved. There were three people, some old and some young. The old man had aura as big as a fist. A young man, but only the size of a finger. They all wore crisp suits, had peaceful faces, and even had a flower on their chest. Even every wrinkle on the suit, every line on the face, and even every strand of hair are clearly visible.

"This..." Xu Yangyi's eyes flickered and he picked up a jade sculpture: "Is it a real jade sculpture? Or a real corpse?"

"It's a corpse. But it's not an ordinary corpse!" Zhao Ziqi's voice couldn't be more excited: "This is... a remnant of ancient times!"

"This must be based on the history of mythology." He was so excited that his spiritual bodies floated out, like fog, and only the outline could be seen. He said excitedly: "According to legend, in the age of mythology, there were too many things in China. Nation. Later, the Yellow Emperor became the co-leader of the Chinese nation in ancient times. At that time, the land was full of monsters and monsters, and it was a time when gods and humans were dancing together!

"However, at that time, China's territory was not very large. Around them, there were too many demon clans or other types of human races. As the Huaxia clan expanded, they began to be slowly forced outward. Migration. Some of them have great supernatural powers, and some have physiques that are different from ordinary people, but they are no match for the Huaxia clan!"

"The Zhao family originated from the Eastern Han Dynasty. The first patriarch was one of Cao Cao's men. Each generation has the practice of recording anecdotes and miscellaneous notes. Coupled with the profession of our ancestors, we know many things that cannot be recorded in the spiritual world. ..." His mist was shaking due to excessive excitement.

"That's right! Once upon a time, an ancestor recorded that when China had its first unified dynasty - the Qin Dynasty, all other ethnic groups disappeared..." Zhao Ziqi took a deep breath, his voice Floating up: "Brother... this is the key to the entire history... I suspect that it is also the real reason for the formation of the Small Thousand World!"

Xu Yangyi was silent for three seconds, then suddenly a flash occurred in his mind, and he asked in astonishment: "The Little Thousand World... was formed by the great supernatural monks from the ancient clans who opened up the world?"

"That's right!!" Zhao Ziqi shouted excitedly: "This is just speculation! But the ancestor of the Zhao family also thinks so!"

Xu Yangyi's eyes were like fire, and he pondered for a moment: "But this is based on the fact that the mythical years are true."

"Zi Qi." He looked at each other deeply: "We came out of Danxia Palace together, and you also know what's down there. Senior Xiao Qing has lived for thousands of years, and his understanding of that period of time is also obscure and ominous. . It has never been officially acknowledged that Jiang Ziya is indeed a person, but she has never said that the Battle of the Gods is indeed a thing."

Zhao Ziqi paused immediately and nodded: "Yes..."

No one spoke, and everyone knew that it was impossible to prove something that happened around five thousand years ago in modern times. And once it is confirmed...I am afraid that the entire world called the earth and the concept of spiritual practice will be subverted!

The Jade Emperor is indeed a real person!

Taishang Laojun is indeed a real person!

Chi You is indeed a real person!

Where is the wizard?

All the monks who are ranked in the Immortal Class are indeed real people! This shows that the path of spiritual practice goes far beyond the golden elixir! Not just Nascent Soul!

Although, there are many things that directly and indirectly indicate that that period of history is likely to exist. For example, why is there a sculpture of Sun Wukong in Xu Yangyi's foundation? Wolfsbane, this is also a mythical creature! Although science can explain it, then... what is the demon body in Nanzhou?

However, this can only be speculation without the most direct evidence. To find this era of forgotten history, it is impossible to shake the current cultivation civilization without conclusive evidence. No one dares to talk nonsense about this kind of thing.

Everyone knew how subversive this evidence would be. Both of them were a little silent. After a long time, Xu Yangyi smiled: "So, this is it?"

"This is most likely the Yue Nu clan." This time, Zhao Ziqi said with certainty: "A tribe that was annihilated in the long river of time. I don't know how many mortal archaeologists are looking for their traces. They last appeared today. In the Jiangnan area of ​​China, our Zhao family’s ancient books have different records.”

"It is said... that there are no living people in this clan. They are between death and life... Once they die, they turn into jade sculptures, containing the spiritual energy they have cultivated. Brother... these spiritual energy are different from all spiritual energy! Yue The reason why the female clan was considered a powerful clan at that time was because of their special physique! Their aura can be accepted by any physique and any technique!"

Xu Yangyi was stunned for a moment, then his eyes lit up and he breathed a sigh of relief.

This is unbelievable!

Zhao Ziqi didn't explain it clearly, but he understood it. The aura of each monk is like the blood type. The same blood type requires blood transfusion with the same blood type. The aura of Yue Nu's family is equal to the universal blood among blood types - type O blood!

No wonder... He shook his head and smiled. This kind of race can still survive in the cracks when all parties are competing for hegemony. Once a unified dynasty is born, I am afraid it will be moved into the laboratory immediately.

"And they can also instill spiritual energy into a monk, instantly improving his level! Therefore, the chance of giving birth to a great monk in this clan is hundreds or even thousands of times higher than that of other clans!"

Xu Yangyi sighed: "Every man is not guilty, but he is guilty of having a jade. If this is really Yue Nu's family, it wouldn't be surprising to escape here."

There is a deeper thought in his mind, maybe...the boundary anchor and the star position are not lost at all, but "someone with good intentions" deliberately made Kaiyun Realm separate from the earth.


He suddenly looked at the three jade sculptures, matching any skill... So, doesn't it mean...

King of the Eternal Alchemy Sutra!

Now that there is no fire, if these spiritual energy...can be delivered to myself...

His eyes looked out at the boundless sea and the endless coffins floating as far as the eye could see.

I...maybe, I can still advance here!

"No..." As soon as he finished speaking, Bodhizi thought about something else: "The person behind Zu Huai'en arrived so long before me. It's impossible for him not to have discovered it. Over the past few decades, his The realm is enough to search for the spiritual energy of the entire continent, and it is not surprising that he has reached the foundation building perfection, but he is only in the middle stage of foundation building? "

Thinking of this, without any hesitation, he focused all his spiritual energy on his five fingers and pinched the jade carving with all his strength.

There was a "kaka" sound, and my fingers slid back and forth on the smooth jade carving, but...

Can't be crushed!

With his spiritual power in the foundation building stage, these jade sculptures were not broken at all! In perfect condition!

"Brother...the legend of the Yue Nu order to prevent outsiders from coveting their aura after death, so...unless they are direct bloodline of the Yue Nu clan...otherwise, outsiders cannot open the jade carvings at all..."

Oh, it turns out I am the outsider.

Xu Yangyi was very angry and put the jade carvings back into the coffin. He saw that the mountains of spiritual power could not be used at all. He had no fire and no progress in his cultivation. How could he not be depressed?

At this moment, suddenly, a low "buzzing" sound came from the sea.

This sound, like a mountain, came not from the sky, but from the ground!

"It has begun..." At the same time, on the edge of a lonely mountain along the coast, a pair of old eyes opened: "Another ten-year reincarnation... has arrived..."

"But...this time, you are no longer so lucky. Although you had the foresight last time to detach the anchor...but with your current level of cultivation, how could you possibly take away such a spiritual creature?"

"It...must still be in this world."

He looked at Baiji City: "Fellow Taoist, you are here too... I believe that after today, you will definitely make a decision... The Sky Burial Festival will last for a full month..."

"Brother...what's going on?" Zhao Ziqi asked doubtfully, but Xu Yangyi had already stood up. Facing the direction of the sea, he was silent.

Zhao Ziqi turned around and saw that the whole cloud of smoke was shaking. He looked at the sea in disbelief and could not say a word.

On the sea... On the first day of the Sky Burial Festival, the first batch of tens of thousands of coffins slowly rose from the sea with a trace of sea water!

Little by little, they began to hang and float, and then... formed a black coffin river, moving steadily in a fixed direction in mid-air!

"Brush...swipe...swipe..." Nine fireballs hundreds of meters in size slowly appeared in the sky. At this moment, the cheers below reached their peak!

The river of coffins began to float slowly, forming a huge black torrent in the sky, flowing to an unknown place.

On the ground, there was a loud noise, and countless candles were lit at the same time. Countless people sang unknown songs. However, at this moment, Xu Yangyi and Zhao Ziqi were extremely dignified.

"Do you feel it?" Xu Yangyi said in a deep voice as the wind on the sea blew his clothes and sleeves flying.

Zhao Ziqi took a deep breath and nodded silently.

In this sea of ​​coffins, there is a spiritual power... an extremely powerful spiritual power, which is pulling these coffins over there like a black hole!

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