
Main text Chapter 40: Lion King Battle (V)

Xu Yangyi didn't say a word. At this moment, all the muscles in his body became active!

In the blood vessels, blood flows warmly. In the chest, the heart was beating violently.

Twist your waist, tighten your abdomen, and use your best strength on your fists! Come out with a bang!

"Boom!" The two people who were so close had their fists pressed together, and each could see the flames dancing in the other's eyes.

At this moment, the external object no longer exists.

At this moment, only each other is the only figure beating in my eyes.

A force like a sea wave passed from Xu Yangyi's fist. It was the power of Chu Zhaonan's fist. He immediately realized that he was stronger than the opponent!

He gritted his teeth gently, adjusted all the muscles in his body to their optimal condition, and without saying a word, punched out with his left fist.

No bells and whistles, no tricks, just pure strength!

Chu Zhaonan's speed was also not slow. Just as Xu Yangyi punched out his left fist, his left fist punched out at the same time!

Before the two fists met each other in mid-air, Xu Yangyi changed his fist into fingers and grabbed the opponent's throat with his five fingers. Chu Zhaonan had almost the same reaction. The knuckle of his index finger protruded and hit his temple.

At the same second when they were about to come into contact with each other, the two of them struck back at the same time, blocking their vital points.

The body moved almost instinctively. Xu Yangyi's left leg, the one that kicked away more than a dozen first-place finishers, carried a strong wind, picked up gravel on the ground, and kicked the opponent suddenly! The speed was so fast that it actually caused the sound of piercing the air!

At the same time, Chu Zhaonan returned his arms to defend, bent his right leg, and slammed his knee into Xu Yangyi's waist.

"Pah! Pah! Pah!" The two figures, isolated by the spiritual energy wall, chased the wind and the moon. Only those above the middle stage of Qi training could see their movements clearly. In the early stage of Qi training, the ordinary people in the family team all had their eyes widened. They only saw two figures coming and going, and a series of muffled sounds.

The slightest sound resounded around the two of them. With every punch and every kick, the two of them fought as if they had agreed to do so, without using a single ounce of spiritual power. They were fighting purely and most primitively physically. The sound of punches hitting the flesh was heard endlessly, but no one took a step back!

"Gudu..." A monk who was in the early stage of Qi training couldn't help but swallowed his saliva.

Fast... too fast! He was almost in the early stage and couldn't see clearly at all!

Is this a monster cultivated by Heaven?

Is this the strength that a provincial leader should have?

Not far away, a young man who had just embarked on a long journey of spiritual practice had his mouth wide open and his eyes wide open. He could not see clearly for a long time. He could only see countless afterimages of hands or legs going back and forth between the two of them. .

"This, is this still the early stage of Qi training?"

With a "boom" sound, the two figures finally separated.

Xu Yangyi raised his thumb and wiped away the blood stains on his mouth.

Just now, he was hit by three legs and ten punches in total, but the opponent was definitely having a harder time!

Chu Zhaonan was panting and licked the blood on the corner of his mouth. He knew how much he had hit the other party, and he even knew how much the other party had hit him.

Seven legs, twenty-five punches!

Now my internal organs are all aching!

"You are very strong..." Xu Yangyi spat with bloody spit, stretched out his hand and hooked: "Use the gun."

"Otherwise you are not enough for me to fight."


Chu Zhaonan gritted his teeth. He was already proud of his body. Unexpectedly, he encountered a humanoid monster here!

Recalling the tyrannosaurus-like strength just now, he was convinced that someone had previously spread the news that this man had killed a maniac, and it was definitely not false!

He himself is a living madman!

Closing his eyes tightly, Xu Yangyi didn't move, and neither did Chu Zhaonan. After more than ten seconds, he opened his eyes.

Calm, with a cold and hot fighting spirit.

His hand touched the gun at his waist for the first time.

"Ta..." The crisp sound of a button popping open was extremely soft, but it seemed to ring in everyone's ears.

Following this sound, there was a soft applause, the same, very soft, but very clear sound in the ring.

From Shadow Kill.

This sound seemed to remind everyone. Immediately afterwards, there was the second, third, and tens of thousands of sounds!

"Bah bang bang!" Applause resounded throughout the audience!

"Awesome! So awesome! I didn't see it clearly just now!" A young boy in the early stages, his face almost bleeding with excitement, shouted at the top of his lungs: "They are so awesome!"

Before he finished shouting, his mouth was immediately covered by the elders around him. A voice with great approval sounded in his ears: "This is the monk who should really compete..."

"Since ancient times, heroes have emerged from youth..." A monk in the middle stage of Qi training clapped his hands sincerely. Even he himself, if he wants to defeat these two early stage players, would not dare to claim complete victory.

"The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead..." A late Qi practitioner did not hesitate to applaud him, shaking his head repeatedly with emotion.

"Pa bang bang..." The continuous applause gathered into a torrent of sound and spread throughout the world.

However, the people on the stage were not distracted by this at all.

Chu Zhaonan leaned forward like a predator, staring at Xu Yangyi. He stretched his hand to his waist and slowly took out the gun, the gun that had never appeared before.

This gun is about a foot long and is no different from ordinary firearms. It's just the blue runes on it that make people feel the fluctuation of death.

Xu Yangyi didn't speak, but every hair and muscle in his body was on high alert.

Here it comes... The feeling of threat that makes the center of my eyebrows ache is here again.

It's like drawing a cross between his eyebrows, becoming a landmark of death.

He clenched his fists and placed them in front of his eyes. He looked like an eagle, feeling every move of the other party.

"I have three bullets." Chu Zhaonan's voice sounded clearly in the sea of ​​applause: "If you dodge these three bullets, you will win."

Chu Tianyi was in the stands, his left hand already touching the ring on his right hand.

In it, there is a drop of concentrate of divine drunkenness.

As long as he presses the button in the ring, this drop of concentrate is enough to make the opponent fall to the ground.

However, he doesn't want this. If Chu Zhaonan could win, there was no need for him to use this method.

However, if you can't...

His expression was as calm as ever.

On the stage, the applause had subsided, and several family heads reached out to stop the family members from applauding. They don't want anyone to influence this fight between dragons and tigers.

Everyone can see that what happened just now is just a test, and next is the time to get serious.

Chu Zhaonan looked deeply at the man in front of him, and without hesitation, he pulled the butt of the gun with his hand. A trace of blood suddenly appeared on his hand. The strange gun seemed to have gained energy in an instant, and a wave of energy appeared on his hand. The spiritual pressure that made the monks palpitate in the early stage of Qi training instantly filled the whole place!

Xu Yangyi's expression was extremely solemn at this moment.

"The first shot." Chu Zhaonan said softly, "Oh!" The whole person was completely missing!

There was only a puff of smoke and dust left on the spot, and Xu Yangyi's whole body's senses were amplified to the extreme. After the five senses were strengthened by the small box, he immediately captured the opponent's whereabouts!

Half empty!

The absolute commanding heights!

In the early days, monks could not jump so high. Chu Zhaonan was now at least fifty meters above the ground! This is the physical skill that comes with gun fighting!

At the same time, a strange sound sounded throughout the audience!


There was no wind, but there was the sound of the vast grassland being blown by the wind!

"This is... supernatural power?!" A student exclaimed in shock, looking in the air in disbelief!

The so-called magical power, Baijie is also a magical power, but it is the simplest one among the recognized magical powers. If it is less than the first twenty solutions, it has no lethality at all. At least for monks in the late stages of Qi training.

Real magical powers are not only like the Baijie found on the roadside, they can cause changes in people, but they can also affect a small world!

For example...Chu Zhaonan is like this now!

"But can't supernatural powers be learned only after the middle stage?" Gao Ye, who was covered in bandages, looked at Chu Zhaonan who was like a king at this moment in shock, his lips were trembling: "He is only in the early stage! He was not the one who passed the level in the past few days. !”

"Then which one of these two monsters do you think is worse than the mid-term?" Luo Sanfeng pursed his lips and turned around with great reluctance: "Studying in the mid-term is just to study after reaching the standards of the mid-term! Although I really don't want to admit it... …”

With hot envy in his eyes, he looked towards the ring and gritted his teeth and said: "These two people... against the ordinary mid-term, others are no match for them!"

Magical powers were called...spells in ancient times.

"Sand...sand..." The voice of the grassland gradually resounded throughout the audience. Xu Yangyi did not move at all, but looked at the figure in the air like a hawk.

From just now, countless strands of weird aura have clung to his body like tarsal maggots, as if he was walking on a vast grassland with grass growing all the way up to his waist.

Unchanging and adapting to the ever-changing situation, he must know what Chu Zhaonan's trump card is.

In mid-air, Chu Zhaonan held the gun with both hands solemnly and took a deep breath: "Lin Ancao Jingfeng..."

"Brush!" In the underground arena, strong winds were rising around Xu Yangyi!

On the grassland, a strong wind came... His camouflage uniform was blown loudly and clung to his body.

Saw it... He could see the sky clearly in his pupils.

Chu Zhaonan's hands were shaking, and the sleeves of his camouflage uniform collapsed, revealing his muscular arms. At this moment, blood vessels bulged, and his face was very pale, as if he was enduring some great pain.

However, that small black hole facing him gave him extreme pressure!

"Dong...dong..." His heart beat faster. It was the body's natural response to the huge pressure, and the blood in his blood vessels was boiling.

"Are you telling me to run away?" A cold light flashed across his eyes. After strengthening his five senses, the monk became more sensitive to this unknown threat. However, at this moment, he suppressed his racing heart and boiling thoughts, and stood still as if his feet had taken root!

He's going to try this hard!

"General Ye draws his bow..." Chu Zhaonan's hoarse voice came from mid-air. Xu Yangyi understood clearly that this was the end of an ancient poem. He didn't know why he could still squeeze out this weird tranquility in a situation of extreme danger and forced calm.

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