
Main text Chapter 411: Dharma Realm (XV)

"Brush... Almost at the same time, a pair of eyes opened in shock.

"What am I?" Wuyue looked at his hands in ecstasy, as if he had experienced a big dream, and his head was hazy.

"Where is this place?" He stepped forward and looked around in confusion. There were dozens of tall stone Buddhas, each holding a person. However, everyone else was sleeping, and he was the only one who woke up. come over.

After reading it again, he was surprised to find that there was one person missing!

Xu Yangyi is missing!

However, he couldn't think too much, and the next second, he suddenly covered his head.

Endless thoughts rushed into his brain, as if... someone had stuffed other people's thoughts and lives into his mind.

At the same time...his realm was retreating rapidly!

In less than ten minutes, he reached the early stage of foundation building! Moreover, there is a tendency to go backwards!

"Ah!!!!" He finally couldn't help it, and screamed wildly. His mind felt like it was being torn apart, and the pain was so severe that he couldn't help but scream out. This pain came from the depths of his soul.

"Fang..." His eyes were a little red, and he looked at the different memories in his mind: "Fang... equation? This... who is this?"

He couldn't see that at this moment, at the position of his heart, an extremely sacred rune was slowly lighting up.

"Is there something...calling me?" He held down his splitting head and stared down: "Under here...right under here...just opened..."

At the same time, there is a deep space, where everything is almost twisted, with only a thick iron chain suspended in it, and the entire space is like a flat kaleidoscope, constantly rotating.

And in the space where the head can't be seen at all...a huge figure, shaped like a tadpole, with a huge mouth and hundreds of red eyes, is moving forward quickly!

Around his body, groups of black mist swirled, making "squeaking" sounds from time to time. Lightning struck his skin like a constant stream of sounds of gold and iron, reflecting ripples of blue light.

"Huh?!" Suddenly, Tadpole's countless eyes stared upward: "Someone is's Wolfsbane...he can actually enter the second level?"

"I... must speed up... the dream beast... must not fall into the hands of others!"

"It can only be mine... mine... owned by Ma Wen! Because... we are one!"

Similarly, in another space with exactly the same picture, but in a vertical space, a three-eyed ape puppet suddenly fell down.

It is very fast, because the high-speed friction produces endless flames, and even more... along with these flames, the puppet emits golden light all over its body! What's even weirder is that along with these golden lights, there is a golden hair on the top of its head, and from here on, pieces of it turn to stone.

"It surprised me that……"

The voice of the world spirit spoke with emotion: "Only a carrier can bring me in... I just need him to bring me in... I never thought... that he could actually get Wu Mie's approval... "

"The second door has opened... For many years, no one has been able to enter the second level... Even I don't know what the second level is... Where is the dreamwalker's body... This time, there are actually two The foundation-building monk comes in..."

"No!" Suddenly, the puppet opened its eyes and said doubtfully: "I still feel that... there is another foundation... in size... about two hundred meters in size?"

"Is this my illusion? He is also on the second level? How did he get in? This is impossible. Apart from me, who else knows how to enter the second level? Fellow Daoist Wolfsbane has achieved enlightenment and annihilation. did he get in! Who is he!"

After a long time, the puppet took a deep breath and closed its eyes: "There are other... ominous... ancient things... actually sneaking in..."


"Brush" Xu Yangyi's body blurred for a while and appeared in nothingness. Immediately, the aura shield was fully opened, and he watched everything in front of him warily.

This is a twisted space...

There seems to be a black hole in the center, and here you can see countless stone fragments slowly floating in it, although slowly but unswervingly, moving towards the central curve.

A darkness, a depth. Not without stuff, however.

In the boundless darkness, an extremely thick and long iron chain floated throughout the space. There is no end or beginning in sight, as if it has no beginning or end at all, and eternity stands in this space.

However, he did not look at this endless chain, but felt it, and then a touch of ecstasy immediately appeared on his face!

The rules of Kaiyun Realm...are broken! !

"It's the right time..." He didn't hesitate and immediately closed his eyes. The long-lost feeling of body and aura becoming one emerged spontaneously.

"Brush!" Above his head, a golden beam of light rushed up, as if opening the bridge between heaven and man, and the long-dormant spiritual power in his body suddenly boiled!

"Brush...swipe..." A stream of blue spiritual energy swelled in his meridians. The cover of the spiritual energy that had been suppressed for ten years was lifted, and the surging feeling made him feel a little frightened.

His spiritual consciousness immediately entered the sea of ​​​​qi. Normally, his spiritual consciousness was in the form of a mist-like human being. Only now, his spiritual consciousness condenses into a human form shining with golden light.

At the moment when his spiritual consciousness gathered, he felt something different.

The spiritual power in his body suddenly emptied, and then the entire sea of ​​​​qi surged up, forming a transparent but extremely thick barrier in front of him!

" the physical barrier in the foundation building stage." He stared at the barrier in front of him. After practicing Qi, it became increasingly difficult to break through the physical barrier in the foundation building stage. The wall in front of him looked nothing fancy to the naked eye, but once he looked at it with his spiritual sense. You will immediately find that they are all densely packed with runes!

An invisible wall of talismans!

"Then, let me try to see if the physical barrier in the foundation building stage can stop me!"

When Pengcheng came in, what he saw was Xu Yangyi sitting cross-legged in the void, with infinite blue light shining all over his body.

"Is this...a breakthrough?" Pengcheng was stunned for a moment. He felt that the opponent was not far from the middle stage of foundation building before, but he never expected that he would break through here.

But then, a feeling of rage rushed up from his stomach, his eyes widened, he rushed forward a few steps, but stopped dead in his tracks.

"How dare he break through?! How dare he break through here?! Who gave him the courage! Is it so easy to break through the physical barrier?! Now he is promoted to the small realm... If this fool takes one more day to advance... wouldn't I want to be here? Spend a day with him!"

"I have been promoted for five days! No matter how talented he is! Unless he breaks the barrier with one strike! One day... every second now is extremely precious!! He wants to die, but I don't want to die yet!!"

The anger was so intense that his eyes were a little red. His life and death were at stake, but he still chose to break through! It was good to be able to break through quickly. He would have one more trump card when facing that terrifying monster, but... during the Qi training period, he could also quickly break through the physical barrier, and during the foundation building period... He just wanted to grab Xu Yangyi's neck and shake him awake!

However, he didn't dare.

Xu Yangyi's move before was extremely powerful. Interfering with the opponent when he broke through was tantamount to forging a life-or-death feud. He could only stare at the opponent with his red eyes open, his fists clenching loudly.

"You'd better pray that you can break through within a day... Otherwise..." He gritted his teeth and said: "Even if I form a life-and-death feud with you, I will definitely stop you! No matter the time or the place... Ruomeng The walking beast has awakened, I... even if I spend hundreds of years cultivating my strength, I will cut you into pieces with a thousand swords!"

However, just before he finished speaking, Xu Yangyi's body suddenly made a crisp sound, like glass being shattered.

Immediately afterwards, a spiritual light erupted from his body like a tsunami, instantly filling the nearby sky!

"Brush!" Pengcheng looked over immediately, his eyes widened suddenly, and he suddenly changed from sitting cross-legged to standing, looking at the other party in disbelief.

"Break the barrier with one strike!!!" After three seconds of silence, Pengcheng's sharp and distorted voice instantly resounded throughout the space!

"He broke through the physical barrier in the middle stage of foundation building with one blow?!" He looked at it in astonishment as the spiritual light points that exploded from Xu Yangyi's body in all directions, as if they were fragments of exceptions. At this moment, in this boundless dark space, it seemed as if A rain of spiritual light fell in front of Xu Yangyi, reflecting Pengcheng's stunned face.

His head seemed to have become a machine, and he looked stiffly at the light spots flying around him, and reflexively stretched out his hand: " is this is this possible!!"

one day?


Only one minute!

The spiritual point touched by his fingertips suddenly dissipated in his hand. At the same time, a powerful spiritual pressure that far exceeded before suddenly rushed out of Xu Yangyi's body!

Pengcheng stared blankly at the figure sitting cross-legged in mid-air, without any warning, a mixture of envy, jealousy, disbelief, and ecstasy suddenly rushed into his heart. He was shrouded in a spiritual light point with a radius of tens of meters, and he didn't know what to say.

Inside, Xu Yangyi also looked at the broken physical barrier with some astonishment. What surprised him was not that the barrier was broken with one blow. He was always like this in the early stages of Qi training. Although it is difficult to build the physical barrier, it may be because he has practiced not leaving a single step for thousands of miles. Still not to the point where I could stop him, or even use the Barrier Breaking Pill.

What surprised him... was that after the physical barrier was broken, all the spiritual energy swirled wildly in his sea of ​​energy, forming a huge cyan funnel!

Connecting the sky to the earth... stirring up the wind and clouds, just like a person in the wilderness seeing a tornado lifting up the sky!

This green tornado gradually rose into the sky, and immediately, all the clouds and mist above his head began to rotate slowly, as if something was condensed in the center.

The originally white clouds and mist gradually turned into cyan, until... there was a burst of ripples in the cloud cave in the center, and a cyan drop of water, about the size of a person, swayed in the air for a few seconds, followed by a pleasant "ding". There was a "dong" sound, dripping into his limbs and bones.

"Brush..." Suddenly, a warm green light lit up from the low place. Even the mist-like spiritual energy around it trembled, and then... it began to slowly... transform into a liquid state!

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