
Main text Chapter 449: Battle against the Nine-Tailed Fox (Part 1)

The terrifying black spiritual energy condensed the air into a hell of black flames. The flying spiritual energy seemed to be real, and even made tragic cries.

Zhu Hongxue suddenly raised her head to the sky, and a blood-red rune fluttered on her forehead! A red light shot up to the sky! Then, her body expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye!

In New York, more than a dozen, and only more than a dozen cultivators above the foundation building stage, raised their heads together. They looked up at the sky in astonishment.

"What a powerful spiritual power!" A white old man with white hair and beard suddenly stood up from the sofa and rushed out in one step: "Is this... the mysterious person in charge of the Tagule family?"

"Mid-stage marquis... but the feeling given to people... is as if they are facing the Grand Duke! Oh, yes... there is a little bit of the majesty of the Grand Duke... is she that strong?"

In a villa painted with a black wolf head in Manhattan, two men stood up at the same time.

"Is this her true strength?" "No wonder, no wonder we sent so many assassins, all of them returned empty-handed! She is much stronger than other mid-term marquises!"

Above the sky, with a roar and scream, the white nine-tailed fox that Xu Yangyi was extremely familiar with roared again in the air!

"Hahaha... refreshing! refreshing!!" The white nine-tailed fox looked up to the sky and howled: "Long time no see...long time no see form! This is the real appearance of this palace!"

The huge tail of dozens of meters was like nine evil dragons flying in the air, and the white hair on the body was surging like waves in the night wind. Blood-red eyes, black runes on the forehead, everything was so familiar.

Zhu Hongxue arched her body, her body slightly enlarged, and suddenly roared at the sky: "Ah!!!!"

"Boom!" Thunder rolled over, countless black clouds in the sky were shaken away, and the bright moonlight sprinkled down, coating the white nine-tailed fox with a layer of holy silver.

Compared with the huge nine-tailed fox, Xu Yangyi was just like an ant.

"Let me think about it, what will happen to you if I use that trick..." It stared at Xu Yangyi, and suddenly its eyes flashed: "I got it."

"I think you must have a deep impression of this trick."

Its nine tails all stood up, like nine poisonous snakes, facing Xu Yangyi, and on each tail, a huge, twenty to thirty meters long light ball shone.

"Three Realms Demon Spirit!"

As soon as the voice fell, endless white light penetrated the sky and the earth! The nine tails were like nine laser emitters, spewing out extremely solidified spiritual energy. One divided into two, two divided into three, three divided into countless! In an instant, the entire sky was interwoven into a terrifying white light purgatory!

"FUCK!!" Slade exclaimed, and together with Vennessa, the wings immediately wrapped themselves, and at the same time, countless runes swung on the bat wings, but when the white light came, the two of them took a step back together!

The power of a single blow was so great!

However... at this moment, the sky was full of white lights, reaping all lives like the sickle of the god of death!

"Swish!" Hundreds of white lights crossed and formed a huge white light net in front of Xu Yangyi. Behind the light net, Zhu Hongxue was so excited that she screamed to the sky: "Lie down... Fall!! It is your honor to die in my hands! Scum!"

Xu Yangyi said nothing. He took a deep breath. Just as the white light approached him, he quickly pinched a seal with both hands, and then... countless green lights burst out from his seven orifices and his whole body!

Void Immortal Body, start!

The Void Immortal Body, which has already stepped into the threshold, is by no means a passive skill. It contains twice the spiritual energy. Similarly, the power of his magical power is also twice! However, he still did not choose to use magical powers other than physical skills!

He gently pinched his ears with his left hand, and a silver light was pulled out along his hand, waving in the wind. In less than half a second, a radiant stick appeared in his hand.

Wukong's golden hoop.

"Swish!" Without hesitation, the golden hoop smashed down! No shadow of the stick could be seen, only a golden barrier could be seen in the sky! And in this barrier, Buddha's light was radiating!

"Om..." In the void, there was a silent tremor, and a white lotus bloomed on the tip of the stick. The next second, the white lotus suddenly shattered! This stick smashed out a sky full of spiritual petals!

The rocks collapsed, the waves crashed on the shore, and thousands of piles of snow were rolled up.

"This is!" Zhu Hongxue narrowed her eyes. This stick brought her a great sense of crisis!

"Buddhist magic weapon... but it's not his life magic weapon! Buddhist magic weapon has great restraint on all demons... He actually has contact with Buddhism?"

The two of them didn't have time to think too much. In a flash, infinite white light hit the thousands of lotuses. With a loud "boom!", the sky seemed to rise in the dark night, and everything was clearly visible!

"Huh!!" The huge wind pressure pushed Vennessa and Slade another hundred meters. When Winnessa's bat wings spread out, she couldn't help but exclaimed: "The person in charge!"

"Get out!!!" Zhu Hongxue's furious shout sounded, like a heavy hammer hitting her: "This boy... must die in my hands... Whoever dares to interfere... I will kill him!!"

"It doesn't matter who comes!!"

She lowered her huge fox head and stared at Xu Yangyi, licking her furry lips with her slender tongue: "You have made progress. You were beaten like a dog by me that day, but you can actually block one of my killer moves..."

Before he finished speaking, his pupils suddenly became sharp. Because Xu Yangyi did not retreat but advanced, and had turned into a green light, shooting directly at her head!

The next second, a figure appeared above her head. As if he had defeated the Buddha in a battle, he smashed his head down with a stick!

"Swish, swish, swish!" There were three soft sounds, and three green lotuses flashed under the stick head, and then turned into a rain of flowers all over the sky with a bang, and the blue-white petals sprinkled down all over the sky with a heart-stopping murderous intention.

"You actually took the lead in attacking me?" Zhu Hongxue was a little unbelievable and couldn't accept it and said: "The bastard back actually attack me now?"

"Who gave your dog the courage!!!"

With an angry shout, the hairs all over her body stood up, and then turned into sharp arrows that shot up into the sky in a black mass!

"Brush..." Above the sky, silver-white arrows rained down, breaking through the wind and waves, heading straight towards Xu Yangyi. However, Xu Yangyi didn't hide at all. Instead, he put on a strange mask in the blink of an eye.

"The Secret of the Heart of the Alchemy Cauldron!" "Wanling Town!!"

"Buzz!" There was a slight tremor in the sky, followed by an inexplicable consciousness, which turned into a sharp spiritual consciousness, invisibly going straight to the center of Zhu Hongxue's eyebrows!

"Shu Zi Dare!" Zhu Hongxue looked up to the sky and roared, her nine giant snake-like tails circling and waving, the talisman between her eyebrows flashed instantly, and a spiritual energy that was far more powerful than before surged from all directions!

At the same time, black will-o'-the-wisps solidified out of thin air! In the dark night, under the bright moon, thousands of black lights gathered above the head of the two-hundred-meter nine-tailed fox, swallowing the sky and filling the clouds. Even this space was making a crackling sound!

"So strong!!" Slade, Winnessa exclaimed in unison, and they all retreated another hundred meters! Now, they have retreated four hundred meters from the fighting circle!

"As expected of the head of the Tagule family..." Winnessa pursed her lips tightly: "This move... is comparable to the late stage of foundation building... No! Even more! It even has a hint of Dzogchen!"

Slade also had a solemn expression on his face: "I heard that she used to be a half-step duke. Is it true?"

"If not, it would be unbelievable that she would use this move in the middle stage of Marquis!" He looked into the air: "And this yellow-skinned monkey... could actually force her to use this move. She is definitely the strongest person in the middle stage of Marquis. The strong one!”

"Qingqiu Lonely Lantern!!!" After the light condensed, a cyan light spot, only one meter in size, condensed in the center of Zhu Hongxue's eyebrows. The next second, there was a thunderous roar that shook the earth! That one meter square green light suddenly shot out a beam hundreds of meters thick! A huge flame that is small at the bottom and big at the top!

"Boom!!!" Green flames penetrated the sky. At this moment, all the monks in New York were stunned.

"What a powerful aura!!" "Two extremely powerful marquis are taking action!" "Is this the head of the Tagule family? He is incredibly strong! Who is her opponent? Can she actually go all out?"

However, in this unforgettable moment, Xu Yangyi did not dodge or evade. Facing Zhu Hongxue's killing move, he also shouted: "The fifth eclipse of the apocalypse!!"

The head of the stick was pointed directly at Zhu Hongxue, and at that moment, infinite red runes began to spread rapidly around Zhu Hongxue!

"Swiss, swish, swish..." The silent red runes wandered around, breaking the blue barrier abruptly, and an equally powerful spiritual energy suddenly burst out!

Winnessa and Slade took a deep breath and flew away without hesitation!

The marquis-level spiritual consciousness told them that here... there would be a violent collision soon!

Yes, no one is avoiding it, this is a feud that has lasted for decades! Everyone chose to fight head-on!

"Buzz buzz..." The terrifying spiritual energy condensed in mid-air, and in a flash, the huge blue light beam suddenly flashed. The next second, a huge mushroom cloud exploded crazily with Zhu Hongxue as the center!

"Boom!!" Then came the second sound! From the center of the first red mushroom cloud, which was nearly two hundred meters in radius, a second big explosion rose! It's like Kuafu beating the drum, turning all the sounds at this moment into silence!

Hear the thunder in the silent place!

"Boom!!!" The third explosion came immediately after, completely detonating the first two shock waves! The black clouds in the sky were instantly swept away! At this moment, there is no cloud in a radius of several hundred meters!

One red, one green, two rays of light collided together at an incomprehensible speed! Immediately afterwards...

It was the huge explosion that shocked the sky over New York! !

"Shuzi!!!" Zhu Hongxue never expected that the other party would actually have a killer who could match her move. She wanted to fight quickly. She knew that Xu Yangyi had a living imperial weapon, so she did not hesitate to use this move in order to prevent the night from becoming too long. But... I didn't expect that the other party's ultimate move was no weaker than hers!

As she screamed, green and red collided, shining brightly on the world, swallowing up her and Xu Yangyi's figures in an instant.

"What's wrong?" On the ground, a student was listening to his headphones. He suddenly took them off and looked at the sky in astonishment: "Such a beautiful did the sky change?"

"It's such a loud thunder." "Yeah, it's going to rain so late?" "Let's go! If we don't go home, it'll be too late."

The sounds of pedestrians coming and going could not be seen at all. Above the sky, above the clouds, after the collision of green and red, what was left was a distorted sky!

Everything around seems to be attracted by the collision, slowly and slowly disappearing towards the center bit by bit.

Good luck!

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