
Text Chapter 467: Feast of Werewolves (VI)

Almost at the same time, a terrifying force attacked from behind Xu Yangyi.

He turned over gracefully in mid-air, and felt the clothes and spiritual energy on his back surge. The power was so strong that his blood and qi in his chest were a little unstable.

"So strong!" His eyes also turned cold, and he slashed with his sword, but he didn't stab anything.

There was a dead silence at the scene.

Everyone looked at the scene in shock. On the ground, the headless body of Versailles was still convulsing, and blood was all over the ground. Ilisana was stunned, and... the huge werewolf with his hair standing up was looking at Xu Yangyi.

The little white rabbit that was thought to be easy to catch suddenly turned into a white tiger. Versailles was killed in a few seconds.

The high and mighty Savidian VII took action himself, but he couldn't stop it!

"Versailles... is dead?" A marquis stared at the huge corpse in amazement, his lips trembling: "Just... dead?"

"Lord Versailles... was beheaded by a sword?" The younger generation behind him touched his neck as if by reflex, trembling for no reason, and felt cold all over: "Lord Seventh was not saved?"

"Unbelievable... How is this possible?" "I can't believe... At the Holy War Banquet, the retainer of Lord Savidian VII... was actually... actually... beheaded in front of us?" "Did Lord Seventh personally do it, or..."

The marquis in the crowd gritted his teeth and looked at Xu Yangyi.

This Chinese monk... is not ordinary strong!

As marquises, they knew too well that if they had gone up just now, they would have been in danger when facing Ilisana's hunting technique. However, the opponent was facing the attack from both sides, and at the same time, a half-step grand duke attacked brazenly, but this did not stop the opponent!

The killing intention is determined!

"Shut up!" A suppressed roar of rage came, and Savidian VII stared at Xu Yangyi, his teeth grinding. Every word around him was like a slap in his face.

He was in charge of the holy war banquet, and then someone died. The dead were his own followers and retainers!

Even if it was one of his dogs, it would be a big problem if it died here! Especially since the one who killed the dog was a mixed monk!

Now that he thought about it, he didn't understand Xu Yangyi's idea.

If you want to tear open the encirclement, you must first tear a point. And Versailles is this fatal point.

The boundary magic weapon attracted attention, and the apocalypse explosion distracted him. And his real target was Versailles from the beginning.

Killing a chicken to scare the monkey!

Kill one person every ten steps, and not a single leaf will be touched.

In front of all the people of the vassal family of Covenus, he, Savidian VII, did not save his follower! Watching the other party be beheaded!

"You should be thankful." Savidian VII's golden vertical pupils looked directly at Xu Yangyi: "Clown, you really pissed me off."

Xu Yangyi smiled and looked at him: "Sorry, I didn't finish what I said at the beginning."

"I prepared two plans, it's true. You rejected my first plan."

"Then, next, it's the second one..." His whole body of spiritual energy roared wildly, this time, it was completely and completely injected into the Yuchang Sword without leaving any room: "That is to take this move of mine."

"See how many people can survive at the scene!"

The terrifying spiritual energy rose again, and this time, it was more violent than before!

A series of blood-red runes seemed to be steaming, looming in the hall, and even this time, the spiritual energy swept over everyone at the scene, and they could feel their skin numb!

"Boom!!" At the same time, another extremely powerful spiritual energy suddenly erupted from Savidian VII, and all the people around him were blown more than ten meters away, like a small storm. And behind the other party, a half moon was looming.

"You come and try..." He suppressed the rage in his heart, and his whole huge body had already crawled on the ground, gritting his teeth and saying: "Come and try... Can I block this move..."

"If you can't defeat everyone here with one move, then today, I will slice you up and let everyone here eat you alive!"

"Buzz!" Xu Yangyi's clothes fluttered, as if he had encountered an invisible wall. He also became completely solemn.

"Very strong. I'm afraid I'm not his opponent now."

"This is the high-end combat power of Europe and America, much stronger than Elisana, who is from the same mother...even...I feel that even Wumie is not his opponent."

He looked at the other party and did not attack, but said calmly: "You can block it."

"Just you know." Savidian VII sneered: "Bitch, you dared to kill the people of the Corvinus family at the holy war banquet. It's too late to pray."

"But, what about the others?" Xu Yangyi ignored him at all, keeping the situation of the Apocalypse explosion imminent, and said lightly.

"Others, I will naturally heal them." Savidian VII said with his teeth like a blade: "Don't try to threaten me, yes, I admit that this move is very strong, and it can even make me feel like sitting on pins and needles, and others can't block it. But! I can take 70%! The remaining 30% can't seriously injure anyone!"

However, Xu Yangyi's next sentence made his hair stand up!

"Before the holy war is about to come?"

Before the holy war is about to come!

This sentence made the whole audience silent!

Everyone's eyes showed fear, even Elisana took a breath at this time and couldn't help but take a step forward.

Yes... with this move, if he faced the Half-Step Archduke in the middle stage of Marquis, and was the best among the Half-Step Archduke, even the Apocalypse Explosion would not be able to kill everyone instantly. Even serious injury is impossible.

But what matters is timing!

Normally, this is not important at all. Savidian VII has absolute confidence in killing Xu Yangyi, it is just a matter of time. But now...this is the critical point!

Not to mention the Covinas family's jihad banquet, if it was reported that all the attendees were slightly injured during the Marquis period and seriously injured during the Earl period, what a scandal it would be. None of this is important, the subsequent holy war is the most critical point.

The masters competed with each other with only a few centimeters difference. Can these injuries be healed before the holy war? Can you kill the enemy if you go into battle wounded during a holy war?

If not...if there is such a zero point zero zero error, the holy weapon will change hands immediately!

"This bastard!!" Elisana's eyes suddenly turned blood red. She had no idea that the other party would threaten the entire Covinas family by himself!

Moreover... this threat may seem soft, but in fact it is a hidden threat. No one can ignore the chain reaction it will bring!

There was silence in the hall for a while.

"Oh?" Xu Yangyi glanced at the suddenly silent crowd and smiled: "Why don't you take action?"

"Don't you hate me so much that you want to slap me to death?"

No one spoke, and everyone looked at Savidian VII. He is the host, and he has to make the decision on everything.

The glances, like substance, are usually respectful and adoring, but at this moment, they are like flames, making the other party's fur feel burnt!

kill him! kill him!

Savidian VII was roaring in his heart. This was already considered humiliating! A majestic and half-stepping grand duke, the marquis in the middle hijacked the princes to order the emperor!


He must not do that. There are still a few months left in the holy war. If someone happens to be injured and the opponent happens to lose that match, under the points system, not to mention others, his unsmiling father will have to be killed. Your own skin!

do not kill?

Are you holding this bad breath in your stomach? Burning his insides like lava?

I really want to... I really want to swallow the other person into my stomach, chew his bones, and let the other person's blood flow on my snow-white fur...

"I..." It can be said that Savidian VII gritted his teeth in anticipation. As a half-step archduke, he had not suffered such silent humiliation for a long time.

After a long while, he said with strong murderous intent in his eyes: "I allow you to join the Covinas family."

Xu Yangyi had a smile on his face, and aura lingered all over his body, alert: "Permission?"

Savidian VII did not speak.

"Buzz..." The roar on the sword got even louder!

"Enough!!" Elisana also wanted to kick this bastard to death, and said with red eyes: "Invitation!"

"On behalf of the Covinas family...invite! Please! You become the head of the New York area!"

Xu Yangyi just glanced at her lightly: "Who are you?"

"I am the fourth princess of the Covinus family." Elisana was so angry that smoke was rising from her head. She suppressed the rage in her heart and said coldly: "That's it. Let's know what's interesting...otherwise, the person in charge will die in office. There are many.”

Xu Yangyi nodded, and his next words almost made Elisana vomit blood.

"You do not deserve."


"Who invited me here?" Xu Yangyi looked directly at Savidian VII: "Who has to make this decision."

"You're so presumptuous!!" "Boom!" Elisana's roar was not over yet, followed by a loud bang!

As far as the eye could see, a neat gap appeared strangely on the ground in front of Savidian VII, as if a giant wolf suddenly took a bite on the ground. It's more than ten meters in diameter.

Savidian VII did not speak, but looked at Xu Yangyi with a gloomy gaze. The white hair on his body moved without wind, like silver waves. After several seconds, his voice was as cold as ice and he said without any emotion: "Are you sure you want me to invite you personally?"

"Boy... dozens of heads of the Covinas family die every year, but no one calls them out for their injustice."

A naked threat, Xu Yangyi just smiled. The fish intestines in my hand are buzzing even more!

"Okay." Silent reply. Savidian VII looked at Xu Yangyi like a dead man. He was not angry, but laughed: "Then, I, Savidian VII, formally invite you to join the Covinas family and serve as the person in charge of New York. "

He narrowed his eyes, which were already red with anger: "I hope... you can live longer in this position."

However, Xu Yangyi's next words made the whole audience gasp.

"thank you for your kindness."

"However, I do not accept it."

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