
Main text Chapter 500: Golden Pill Finger

In the fleeting moment, the "Brush" knife flashed past, and the remaining broken rattan petals of Baishichun froze in mid-air before they had time to protect themselves.

"Pop!!!" The next second, there was a crisp sound, and the entire spirit body exploded completely!

"Swiss, swish, swish..." Countless bursts of red light rushed towards Xu Yangyi's body one by one. In less than ten minutes, like a river flowing into the sea, no trace of the entire spiritual body was left.

At the same time, in Xu Yangyi's mind, the voice of the King of Eternal Alchemy Sutra buzzed.

"Bai Shi Chun, elixir."

"The lower-level elixir can cause every attack of the absorber to have a negative effect. For those whose realm is higher than one's own, the effect will be halved. The higher the realm, the smaller the chance."

Negative effects?

Xu Yangyi felt his body without any discomfort, just like the photographic memory he had absorbed.

He groaned and raised his hand, and purple flames appeared vaguely. At the same time that the Ten Directions Purgatory was activated, he clearly felt a hot toxin spreading at his fingertips.

"Fire poison." He waved his hand thoughtfully, and then, the black energy of the Six Eclipses of the Apocalypse lingered, and this time, there were dots of ice on his fingertips. With his hand as the center, the temperature dropped to an incredible level. the point.

"Every time you use a new magical power, there will be an accompanying effect." He looked at his hands in ecstasy and secretly said: "And...the intensity is different. The first fire poison is obviously stronger than the second freeze. . In other words, its strength is uncertain, so..."

His eyes flashed: "Is there any possibility that... it will have a more advanced negative effect? ​​For example, slowing down the opponent's spiritual energy, or slowing down the seal. Or even...death?"

After a moment of silence, he smiled and shook his head: "I am greedy."

"However, if this thing is paired with the Linzi Jue, it is enough to create a boundary area centered on me. I am now using physical skills, punching to the flesh, which means that the Linzi Jue is always open around the opponent. And Under the opponent's panic, he continued to weaken his opponent. Even..." He clenched his fists and took a deep breath: "Countless ants may be able to kill the stronger ones at a higher level."

For example...the false Grand Duke!

He raised his head and looked at the top of the training room with scorching eyes: "These are all my guesses. Maybe, this elixir is an unexpected match for me. Now that the trumpet has sounded and the Holy War is coming, I can get one more point." An improvement is just one point. As for actual combat, let’s let my first opponent test the sword.”

After making sure there was no problem, he still didn't go out.

Instead, he took out several bottles of elixirs with a solemn expression and placed them in front of him. Sit cross-legged.

Immediately afterwards, all the spiritual energy in his body began to surge rapidly.

From his previous base building mid-term 70%, it has risen all the way.

75%, 82%, 88%, 93%... 99%!

It hasn’t stopped yet!

There was a hint of determination in his eyes, the clarion call of the Holy War had been sounded, so before the full-scale war started, any improvement would be a trump card to save his life.

The next moment, there was a "boom", and streams of white spiritual energy burst out from his body, quickly filling the entire space, like a dream!

"Buzz buzz..." Outside, Liuguang Shaohua trembled desperately. Angel was about to step forward, but Zhenren Yue held him back.

"Dad." Angel asked worriedly, "Is he, is he okay?"

"It's okay." Master Yue's eyes were like fire, and he looked at the pagoda attentively: "He is advancing."

"Oh... ah?" Angel replied habitually, and suddenly jumped up: "You, you said he advanced? Advanced to the late stage of foundation building?"

"Yes." Master Yue's words were filled with infinite complexity. What kind of monster is this? After four months of training, before entering, he was at most 75% of the mid-stage foundation building stage. Four months later, he reached the late stage of foundation building stage!

Once you enter the later stage, you have the qualifications to ask the door of Jindan! How many monks were stopped before the later stage? The later stage of foundation building is the real watershed for top monks, who can already be called great monks!

"This child is definitely not a thing in the pool." For a long time, he did not disturb, but strengthened the magic circle: "Old man Gusong, I'm afraid you will never imagine what kind of genius monk you let go by what you did back then."

He pondered and poured a cup of coffee. Although he was anxious, he also knew that advancing to the later stages of foundation building would be a big hurdle. If you go up there, you can win the golden elixir. Can't go away, continue to be unknown.

Suppressing his anxiety, he brought the coffee to his mouth. But at this moment, suddenly, he heard an extremely small but extremely clear sound in his ears.


It was as if glass had been broken. However, just this sound made his hands tremble and the coffee spilled on himself. But he stood up without knowing it. For the first time, Xu Yangyi had a shocked look in his eyes.

"Oh, Dad, you didn't lose any teeth? Why did you miss them?" Angel was holding a tissue to wipe, but was pushed away by Yue Zhenren.

He didn't even look at his daughter, but looked straight at Liuguang Shaohua without blinking.

"Angel." After a few seconds, he said in a deep voice: "From now on, you will never marry except him."

"Dad... I'm so shy..."

"It's not a joke..." Master Yue took a deep breath and closed his eyes: "I would like to correct you."

"Old man Gu Song let go, not the genius."

"But a monster."

He knew very well what the sound just meant.

Break the barrier with one blow!

He is even more aware that currently, there is a record of breaking through the physical barrier in the late stage of foundation building. Third place, Montenegro. Ten punches. Twenty seconds.

Second place, Destruction of the Sun, five punches, ten seconds.

First place...

Tianzai Zhenren! Half step to Nascent Soul!

One punch, one second.

And now, the second one to break the barrier appears!

Xu Yangyi, Wolfsbane, same blow, same second!

"This talent is higher than this real person. Maybe he can go further than this real person in the future. Angel can marry him, which is the best choice at present."

Just as his mind settled down, Liuguang Shaohua trembled slightly, and streaks of white light appeared from it. A few seconds later, with a powerful spiritual pressure, Xu Yangyi's figure slowly appeared in front of the two people from small to large.

Angel covered her mouth and looked at him in surprise, and Master Yue also stared at him.

It is indeed the late stage of foundation building...

No gimmicks at all!

"Fortunately, I have lived up to my mission." Xu Yangyi bowed his hand respectfully. A burning fire flashed in Zhenren Yue's eyes. He waved to Angel who was about to step forward and said in a deep voice: "You come with me."

He turned into a stream of light and flew away, and Xu Yangyi followed immediately.

Angel looked at the backs of the two people with disdain and pouted. After a few seconds, he took out his mobile phone and slowly recorded: In 2056, Yangyao abandoned his wife and son at the Kaibin Hotel.

After thinking about it, she crossed out the word potato and changed it to husband. Then she smiled with satisfaction and put it in her pocket.

As soon as he flew out of the hotel, Xu Yangyi was slightly stunned.

Eight beams of light shot straight into the sky.

Master Yue didn't say anything, and he didn't ask. After flying for about half an hour, the two of them soared directly above the clouds. Yue Zhenren finally stopped and turned around, his eyes like swords: "Elves, dwarves, Voldemort, Vatican, sirens, half-dragons. And... vampires and werewolves."

"This is the emblem of a family that has decided to participate in the Holy War."

Xu Yangyi looked down. Although the distance was extremely far, he could still feel that there were countless monks hiding in the crowd in New York, looking at the light pillars in the sky, like a pilgrim.

Several skyscrapers exude terrifying auras, at least those of the late Marquis. However, it is as if the beast has divided its territory. No one was doing anything, he felt the aura of werewolves and vampires, they all stood there quietly.

No one spoke, everyone looked at the sky in silence. It's like being ready before a battle, just waiting for the horn of charge.

This solemn feeling, as if...waiting for something.

Yue Zhenren glanced at it and said calmly: "Tonight, the list of all the jihadi gladiators will be disclosed, and the lottery will be drawn immediately."

"Fortunately, you came out in time. Otherwise, I would have pulled you out."

Xu Yangyi was stunned by the suddenness of this incident, and then regained his composure.

"Aren't you afraid?" Master Yue smiled and said, "I thought you would at least say: Why so fast? I'm not ready yet."

Xu Yangyi calmly replied: "Now that we have decided, there is nothing to be afraid of."

"But I'm afraid." Yue Zhenren's eyes contained vicissitudes of life, and he looked at the crowd below. The monks hidden in the crowd were like fireflies in the dark night in his eyes.

Hundreds, thousands, thousands.

"I am already close to four hundred years old...I am afraid that I will never see the edge of Nascent Soul again."

"I'm really scared. I obviously have mastered such a big secret, but in the end I fell before time."

He withdrew his gaze, but did not look at Xu Yangyi. The hands on his back unconsciously touched the blood stains that had disappeared, and his voice was calm: "I lowered myself to the half-step golden elixir a few days ago. And several races The younger generation made some small discoveries.”

Xu Yangyi listened quietly. Master Yue's behavior was completely different from other real people. As long as it turned out, if it were other real people, even if it was uneasy, he would never lower himself to "play with the younger generation."

"That is, the gladiators of this class are stronger than the previous ones put together. There are even some who can injure the real person who has suppressed the golden elixir for half a step."

"I admit that at that moment, I hesitated. Holy Whip, two legendary demon hunters are sitting in St. John's Cathedral. If we alert the snake, we will no longer have a plan to plot a secondary world anchor. I am very afraid, in Among the monsters in this class, you have no chance of reaching the top three, so..." He finally looked deeply at Xu Yangyi and said, "Take this move."

"I will be reduced to the early stage of the golden elixir. If you can't take it with one finger, then you might as well not go this time."

Xu Yangyi was stunned for a moment, then raised his thick eyebrows. The blood boils in my heart.

"What? Are you scared?" Master Yue smiled lightly and said, "Don't worry, I won't kill you."

He stretched out a hand: "I only use one hand and one finger. If you can survive one move, you will win."

Xu Yangyi did not answer, but licked his lips, took a deep breath, and surged four times the huge spiritual power in the late stage of foundation establishment!

Actions speak for themselves.

Not scared, but excited!

I am excited that I have come all the way and finally have a golden elixir to try, and I can finally knock on the door of the golden elixir!

"Please enlighten me, Master." He cupped his fists with both hands, the white tiger shadow on his arm, and the green dragon shadow on his leg. The spiritual energy has been mobilized to the extreme.

Yue Zhenren stared at Xu Yangyi. After three seconds, he slipped out his right hand from his back and pointed his fingertips at Xu Yangyi: "Then, take it."

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