
Main text Chapter 514: Battle of the Strong

"So fast!" Xu Yangyi's eyes immediately followed. In the air, a figure was as fast as lightning. He could not be seen at all. He could only hear the sound of breaking wind in the wind. Those falling meteors could not touch him at all.

"Snake of Hell!" All of Dorothy's hair flew up, and she waved her staff again. The sixth ring of fire rose silently to a height of 30 meters. At the same time, the ground of the stadium cracked inch by inch! The five or six-meter-high and half-meter-thick flame snake composed of endless flames came out in response, spraying countless sparks into the air.

In an instant, red flames flowed in the sky. Under the light and shadow, Savidian VII's silver-white figure was finally seen. He looked like a killer walking in the dark, silent and unrestrained.

"Sir." A marquis beside the Pale Dragon had a gloomy face, with a hint of worry in his eyes: "Savidean VII..."

"He will win." The Pale Dragon smiled without any concern: "He is a true genius. He is one level higher than ordinary geniuses. If it weren't for the sudden demotion of Bloody Moon, the champion this time would belong to our Corvinus family."

"I can count the number of people with his qualifications on my fingers. Maybe we should add Mr. X. The marquis actually defeated the Holy Spirit in the late stage. But, it's a pity..." He sighed: "There can only be one voter in each half. Compared to the unfamiliar X, I believe that anyone in the Corvinus family will choose Savidean VII. After all..."

He glanced at Xu Yangyi behind him calmly: "He is a killing machine trained by His Majesty the Sixth."

"I hope Mr. X can wisely give up his choice after seeing this scene."

"Boom boom boom!" The loud noises continued, and the meteorites smashed the ground into a huge charred pit.

In just over ten minutes, the situation on the field was in full swing.

The white and red figures intertwined to produce violent sparks. The strange night killer faced the ancient inherited wizard. As a red light curtain exploded, the two figures suddenly separated.

"Savidean VII." In the boiling flames that melted the ground, Dorothy's hoarse voice sounded: "Are you looking down on me?"

"No tricks. Do you think you can survive against a six-ring wizard?"

"Haha, Dorothy, how terrifying a magic network does six-ring magic need to supply? The specialty of a magician is large-scale attack and defense, so don't flatter yourself. Six-ring wizards..." Savidean VII sneered: "It's not like I haven't killed one before!"

"Swish!" The next second, two green spots appeared in all the flames.

"Hunting technique." Savidian VII's voice rose from the infinite flames: "One."

"The Prisoner's Nest of Ten Thousand Wolves!"

Xu Yangyi looked at the field in silence. He remembered that Elisana seemed to have used this move on him. However, it did not pose any threat to him.

However, in an instant, he knew he was wrong. It was outrageous!

The same move, in the hands of different people, is a completely different concept!

As Savidian VII made this move, all the light disappeared.

It was a very strange feeling. Obviously, the whole field was burning with flames, but at this second, all the flames lost their color, and even the light could not enter at all.

"This is..." Xu Yangyi took a deep breath. He might not be familiar with other moves, but he was too familiar with this one!


"The same barrier as the Lin character! He actually has it! Is this brought by the magic weapon, or something else?" In this session, if he was most wary of the Bloody Moon, then Savidian VII, and finally Zhu Hongxue. I didn't expect that the werewolf, who had never fully exploded, was so powerful.

Especially... there was a touch of silver in this barrier. I don't know what it is, but it is definitely not the body of Savidian VII. Even this little bit made Xu Yangyi very cautious.

"It's the power of the Grand Duke again." He looked at the scene with a burning gaze: "It seems that if you don't master it yourself, just observing it will not be able to clear the reason."

The sky is dark. In the extreme darkness, wolf howls sounded, and thousands of green lights covered the sky.

"Ω!!" At the same time, Tao Le's voice sounded without hesitation, and a little light appeared in the pitch-black barrier.

A little red light.

Then it evolved into a blazing flame that reached the sky!

"Zila La!" Endless flamingos flew up from it. They should have been red all over the sky, but now they disappeared into the darkness, as if they were swallowed by an invisible beast.

There was total silence at the scene. Whether it was the Marquis or the Earl, everyone could see that the two did not hold back at all, and the battle between masters was often a matter of a thought.

No one wanted to miss the wonderful moment.

Suppressing the mood of calling out the dream eater again, Xu Yangyi stared at the main field, but now his eyes could no longer see the battle in the field. He could only see two vague shadows.

At this moment, Savidian VII seemed to move.

Without seeing how he moved, the black shadow flashed in the original place, and five deep gullies exploded on the ground, as if a terrifying claw fell from the sky. Then, with a loud bang, the fire hell broke!

The light and heat disappeared in an instant. Then, everyone took a deep breath. The Earl was even more stunned.

Because... Savidian VII's claws had already grabbed Dorothy's throat.

"It's not extreme speed..." Xu Yangyi looked at the black and white wolf solemnly: "This is... space rift!"

"He didn't grab the opponent with extreme speed, but directly erased the space between the two!"

"Is this also the power of the Grand Duke? Or is it his bloodline talent?"

"I admit defeat." Dorothy immediately and neatly admitted defeat. As the battle ended, the name of Savidian VII shone on the tree map on the left.

The scene was very quiet, without any noise. At this moment, silence is the best form of worship.

"Ouch!!!" Savidian VII suddenly let out a substantive roar at the Corvinus family. The clothes of countless earls were blown around and their clothes rustled. Then, their faces all glowed red. If the silent silence at this moment was not too solemn and their status was too low, they would all want to scream.

"This is your encouragement to us!" "No, this is a declaration of victory! You must be the number one in this term!" "Even if Bloody Moon is demoted to half-step Grand Duke, he will not be your opponent! "You deserve to be the first person under half a step!"

Xu Yangyi heard the whispers. Only he knew that this sound was not for the Covinus family, let alone any encouragement.

This is...a demonstration.

A demonstration against his great spiritualist!

No one spoke, everyone clearly realized the strength of the seeded player, one of the two giants in Europe and America. Lifting weight with ease, his huge body walked in the sea of ​​​​fire, just looking for an opportunity to kill the enemy with one blow. Be decisive and ruthless in your actions, without any hesitation. Rich combat experience and strong strength. Although it was just a move, it was enough to cause all the families to stand ready.

And this is no easy opponent. The master of six-ring magic and the descendant of the black witch is enough to make her name resounding throughout Europe and America.

If he hadn't met Savidian VII.

"If I'm not wrong, your biggest opponent is probably him." An old and kind voice suddenly sounded in the ears of Zhu Hongxue, who was wrapped in a black cloak from the Tagule family: "If it weren't for him, this Grand Duke would not The old immortal Savidian did a good job in education while agreeing to Bloody Moon’s entry into the Holy Coffin and being demoted to a half-step Grand Duke.

"Do you have confidence? My child. I kissed you personally, not wanting to get a disappointing answer."

Zhu Hongxue stared at the field for a long time and then said softly: "I think even the entire Tagule family doesn't know my origin. You know it. Nothing in Europe and America can be hidden from the Grand Duke."

"Of course, my child. Killing thousands of people for the title of Grand Duke, tsk tsk... If it weren't for this, I wouldn't bet heavily on you." The old voice smiled leisurely: "It seems that this Grand Duke has a very good vision. Accurate, isn’t it?”

He couldn't see his face clearly in Zhu Hongxue's black robe. It took him a long time to say, "Please believe me, junior."

"Now that I have returned to the original stage, I have this confidence. In half a step, I will be invincible. In other words..." There was an unprecedented confidence in her voice: "This holy war, The juniors are the strongest.”

"very good."

The sound stopped, and Zhu Hongxue glanced at Xu Yangyi calmly. Originally, she never thought that Xu Yangyi would stand in front of her, but the owner of the voice just reminded her, revealing the permanent trauma in her heart that she didn't want to mention.

Who forced her to go to Europe and the United States?

Who could escape from her with the level of cultivation during the Qi training period?

"If you can't stand in front of me with the support of the living emperor's weapon, then I think too highly of you. You can only be my prey. Who allows you to die in the hands of others?"

"I sincerely wish you all the best. Let you see how strong I was back then! It is definitely not what these European and American bastards can match!"

"Only this kind of me is worthy of the Living Imperial Artifact. Not the maggot-like you!"

"Don't let me down." She buried her head deeply in the cloak: "Otherwise... whipping the corpse will not be enough to vent the hatred in my heart."

The second battle is over, time for rest. Xu Yangyi's eyes quietly drifted towards the elves. Soon, he met Stanford's understanding gaze.


"The speed of the holy sword must be faster." Xu Yangyi said deeply as he looked deeply at Savidian VII, who was cheering from the Covinas family.

After a few seconds of silence, Stanford said in a deep voice: "Is it because of the battle just now?"

Xu Yangyi was noncommittal.


"Almost zero."

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