
Main text Chapter 526: The Elephant is Invisible

As the words "Promise you" from Savidian VII appeared, thousands of black lights suddenly appeared in the sky. Then, an ancient sheepskin scroll more than ten meters long appeared.

It's full of words. At the same time, his hands were torn apart inch by inch. He pressed his hand on it without hesitation.

"Bang!" Blood splattered everywhere, and a six-pointed star emblem immediately appeared. However, this hexagram is entirely composed of the English words of Savidian VII.

"Fufufu..." In the air, an extremely excited laughter came, trembling: "You finally agreed... You are very smart, let me fulfill your last dream!"

The parchment was swallowed up by a ball of crimson flames and disappeared. At the same time, Savidian VII's blood-red eyes looked at Xu Yangyi.

That look was full of resentment, madness, and hatred.

"Roar!!!" He let out a shocking roar, got down on all fours, and rushed towards Xu Yangyi at full speed. During the impact, his body changed drastically. Snow-white bone spurs emerged from the ground under his skin, and his body quickly grew in size, and... on both sides of his shoulders, there were two squirming muscles, either sunken or protruding, as if his body was a bag, imprisoning the crazy demon inside. Same.

Its body had expanded to ten meters in a few seconds, and every bone was misaligned. All the hair on his body is falling out quickly, replaced by scales as black as dragon scales!

It's not a wolf at all!

Instead, it was transforming into something... that Xu Yangyi couldn't understand at all.

However, Xu Yangyi did not panic. There was even a hint of pity in his eyes.

"Originally, after you were seriously injured, you still had a lot of opportunities."

"A wisp of Grand Duke's power, even if you are sealed in this box, I admit that you are indeed very strong."

"But, in order to ensure that you kill me completely, you chose to crush the box and sign a contract with the devil. You..." He shook his head: "The moment you abandon being a human being, there is no value in killing me."

"Kill me?!" Savidian VII laughed, his voice having two different tones. One is his arrogance, the other is complete evil: "You are not qualified to kill me unless I am the Grand Duke!"

"You don't understand! This feeling, this feeling of letting the power run... you absolutely can't understand! If I had known it was like this, why would I have been worried?! Hahahaha!"

As it ran wildly, the ground rumbled. Xu Yangyi neither evaded nor escaped. He held his right wrist with his left hand, and a sharp blue light burst out from between his arms.

"Originally... I planned to save this move to go between the holy weapons."

"Swish, swish, swish!!" Roads of green light filled the heaven and earth, even trying to dispel the extremely dense darkness between heaven and earth. Savidian VII, who was running wildly, immediately slowed down. He looked at Xu Yangyi in surprise.

The power of the Duke!

Not a trace... but all of it!

"Tear!" Two heads were torn out from the left and right shoulders of Savidian VII, and he looked at Xu Yangyi in surprise. They all exclaimed in unison: "Early Era of the Duke!?"

"This is impossible..." The head on the left looked at the infinite green light in front of him in surprise and uncertainty. That feeling... seemed like he had felt it a long time ago...

"A killing move at the level of an archduke?" The head on the right stared at the head on the left with eyes wide open. They didn't believe it anyway. In the blink of an eye, the crushed bug turned into an elephant.

"No way... a cultivator in the Marquis stage who can release the tricks of the Grand Duke stage... there may not be one in two hundred years..." The two heads exchanged glances, and finally managed to project here, and the host entity signed a devil's contract , and the result...I didn't even leave the door, and I encountered this kind of thing?

"I don't believe it." Zuo Fang lowered his head and let out a whimper with gnashing teeth: "A genius comes out every two hundred years! I, Cerberus, can't be so unlucky!"

"Boom!" The seven eyes of the two heads on the left and right shone at the same time. In the open mouth, green and red flame balls lit up at the same time.

"Hell Dragon Breath!!!"

"Boom!" The green dragon's breath carries the smell of decay, and the red dragon's breath carries the hot air, like the two poles of Tai Chi, tearing the space crazily. The already broken ground was boiling like water.

The dragon's breath rushed straight towards Xu Yangyi. However, just as it approached, a flash of green light flashed, ancient runes suddenly appeared, and the two dragon's breath disappeared without warning.

"Si Lala..." The forward body stopped like a sudden brake amidst the exclamations of the two heads. There was even a cloud of dust in front of him.

"Why stop!!" Savidian VII looked at Xu Yangyi with blood-red eyes. Everything... happened because of him. Now, even if he wins, he is no longer himself. However, before his will disappears, he must kill this yellow-skinned beast! You must see with your own eyes that his body was dragged into the river of fire in hell, tied to red-hot iron chains, and tortured for eternity!

He could not forget how arrogant and arrogant the person who kicked Elisana down was when he walked out of the cocktail party he hosted.

He could never forget that at the auction, the Pale Dragon himself sent him to the Alps. Even the father could not excuse himself.

He still couldn't forget...the humility of blowing ice and snow in the Alps, looking at New York in the distance, praying to the elders to give him a chance.

All of this... is because of the person in front of me!

Why...when I asked you to die, couldn't you die well?, a mere person of color, don't stay in Asia and come to Europe and the United States to challenge my dignity?

You must die!

"Kill him!" Savidian VII roared, and rushed forward frantically, but there seemed to be a resistance that made it difficult for him to move forward.

"What are you going to do?" The killing intent was boiling, but he was pulled by his body. He looked up to the sky and howled: "Are you going to regret before the devil's contract is fulfilled?!"

"Idiot!" The head on the left roared: "This is a trick that can kill the early Grand Duke!!"

He looked at Xu Yangyi with extremely complicated eyes: " stupid pig! You have offended someone you shouldn't have offended!"

"I won't be too surprised even if this Asian rushes into hell in the future!"

At this moment, a clear sound came from the void.

Xu Yangyi slowly opened his eyes. It was his right hand that was raised, but in the eyes of others, it seemed as if he had raised the Xuanyuan Sword.

A sharp sword energy crossed the sky. In the darkness, a sword sound like a dragon's roar shook the space.

Holy sword, descend!

"Run... Leave here immediately!" The head on the right gritted his teeth and said, "I'm just a familiar! Do you understand the specifications of a familiar? The lowest of all demons! Do you want me to die with you?!"

Savideen VII was stunned.


The opponent who looked so powerful was just a familiar?

He signed a contract with a mere familiar?

Despair made his eyes dark. However, he did not retreat as the other party asked, but rushed forward with all his strength!

"What are you doing!! Stupid pig!!" "Stop!! Are you looking for death!!" "Hehe... deceive me... your lies are as pale as paper! Either tear that Asian into pieces, or we die together!!" The three heads let out a triple roar, and the huge bodies approached Xu Yangyi in an instant, and at the same time. Xu Yangyi's arm slashed out.

Just a light stroke.



Silent to the extreme.

In the extreme, the elephant is invisible and the sound is silent.

"No!!!" "Idiot!!!!" The two heads on the left and right screamed in extreme fear. As familiars, they knew too well what this was.

Grand Duke... a pure Grand Duke strike!

In the darkness, a white line appeared, a very thin white line, but it penetrated the entire darkness.

Three bloody mouths stopped ten meters in front of Xu Yangyi. Twenty-one golden eyes looked at Xu Yangyi in disbelief.

Dead silence.

No wind, no shadow, three seconds later... the whole space was shaking!

"Boom boom boom!" At the edge of the blood battle light shield, a shocking sound was heard! "Boom"! All the stones flew into the sky, leaving only blank ground on the ground. It was as if an invisible sword had scraped across the ground, leaving no grass or gravel.

The stones were shaken into the sky, and then turned into powder, and the entire table surface sank suddenly!

Dropped three meters!

The power of the Grand Duke, a range of one kilometer. Now trapped in the bloody battle barrier set up by the Pope himself, the power exploded wildly. The center was as calm as a lake, but the edge was like the most violent thunder. The violent shock wave shook the light shield and trembled.

"Crack, crack, crack..." Outside the light shield, all the archdukes narrowed their eyes slightly.

"The archduke's attack..." Antonio said ambiguously: "Finally used the holy sword..."

Savidean VI's eyes suddenly became sharp, and a murderous intent that was as real as substance suddenly emanated from him. Then, it was well concealed.

He knew that the seventh generation could not use this move even if he tried his best.

"Crack..." The armrest of the chair silently turned into ashes.

"Someone can actually make an archduke's attack... Is it X? Or the seventh generation?" Oswest glanced at the sixth generation calmly. Even he was a little shocked.

Killing enemies across small realms is not terrible. Who can reach the archduke is not a natural talent?

But... threatening them across a large realm is not something that can be summarized by ordinary geniuses.

"Swish, swish..." The invisible shock wave finally dissipated, and the three heads of Savidian VII standing in front of Xu Yangyi fell off at the same time. The incision was as smooth as a mirror, and a column of blood spurted out.

"Crack, crack, crack..." Just as the other party fell, the entire sky slowly opened. The light shield that Lawrence couldn't unlock finally turned into a little light and disappeared.

All around, there was silence. The darkness was slowly driven away by the light. Xu Yangyi closed his eyes and felt the almost empty spiritual power in his body. And the feeling of weakness brought by the instantaneous drain of spiritual power. He stood straight.

No one spoke, but he could feel the solemn atmosphere outside.

No one screamed, but he seemed to hear everyone's heartbeats accelerating.

Whether it was a marquis or an earl, the first place to comprehend the holy weapon in the top three of the ten-year holy war was about to appear.

When the light finally came in front of him, he saw the entire arena, and almost everyone had an expression of disbelief on their faces.

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