
Chapter 664: Moon in the Well (IV)

Also saw Zhao Ziqi rushing over, and his fate was the same as Angel's.

And the Stargazer, with his whole body shrouded in golden light, looked at him in disbelief.

He did it...

He actually did it...

Using his own life to get rid of the puppet...He...He actually managed to do this!

"Thank you..." He sighed silently: "I...will remember you..."


"In my long life, I will remember you, a young and unknown lightkeeper..."

"Boom!!!" The whole space began to tremble, and terrifying space cracks filled the stars. However, in the dark and bottomless cracks, countless white lights sprinkled down.

Sacred, majestic, and magnificent.

Xu Yangyi used up his last strength and raised his middle finger to the mad master: "Go to"

"If...I were you...I would have hit the Stargazer with the first blow just now..."

"Instead of the flower in the mirror..."

From the beginning, he knew one thing.

There must be a real monster in the tower that can annihilate Taichu.

Otherwise, Taichu would not be so timid as to live among the stars by boarding others.

This thing is what killed Antonio in the Void Infant Realm. He firmly believed that only the oldest monster had this strength.


"Hua La La!" The space was completely broken, and a sacred light was seen. In the white light, a figure like a dragon was sleeping among the sea of ​​clouds, and above the sea of ​​clouds, a sphere of about 50 meters, with the same texture as the flower in the mirror, was suspended in the air.

"Shua Shu..." At the same time, among the hanging lanterns of the Ten Thousand Worlds, the main body of the Tower of Babel opened layer by layer, and pieces of golden light burst out. The golden lotus opened, and in the center, there was a platform with a radius of ten thousand miles. In the platform, a tower made of spiritual light was shining like a beacon.

The golden light cut through the sky and never extinguished. It sprayed out from the earth like a fairy scattering flowers and sank into every corner of the universe.

At this second, the monitors of all countries saw an incredible scene. The earth is like a firework, colorful and golden, but these lights never fade, as if a huge diamond is placed in Africa, shining with endless light.

The universe is dispelled from darkness and ushered in a bright light.

"My God..." "What is this?!" "Eye of the Sahara... What happened?!"

At this moment, all the mortals in all cities on the earth looked up at the sky.

The golden light formed a golden wave in the sky, starting from the Eye of the Sahara and spreading all over the world.

Wherever it passed, all the clouds retreated and all the nights disappeared.

Everyone in the world was amazed. I don't know how many people took cameras, mobile phones, and DVs to shoot this rare spectacle in a century.

Under the Danxia Palace, Xiao Qing's hair was flying. She thought she would be excited at this moment. However, she was not excited.

For some reason, the figure of the young monk under the Danxia Palace suddenly appeared in her mind.

Unwilling to admit defeat, stubborn, she chose the third path out of the two. Until now, she still can't forget it.

"Goodbye..." After a long time, she sighed: "Only those who have responsibilities can be monks... You... go with peace of mind..."

"Leave the rest to us."

Kunlun Mountain, Death Valley, tourists suddenly found butterflies flying all over the sky. With a huge earthquake in the center, the ground collapsed layer by layer, and a terrifying aura, comparable to Xiaoqing, barely emerged.

"Tragic fate..."


On Qingcheng Mountain, an old man who was playing the guzheng stopped and looked at the golden tide passing by in the sky with great complexity. After being stunned for more than ten minutes, he lowered his head and stroked the guzheng.

"You... still can't escape fate..."

"Dang..." A song of Linjiangxian was played, and the string broke before the first sound was heard.

Ancient Roman Colosseum, in a ruin in Romania, the headquarters of the Tira Song family... Several extremely ancient eyes from all over the world stayed for a moment, and then nodded deeply.

"The world-connecting lamp... finally lit up..." "Once in 1,400 years... the war of all worlds that lasted for 500 years is about to begin again." "A lamp keeper has gone... Goodbye..."

In the depths of the universe, those great worlds that dominated one side all opened their long-sleeping eyes.

In their planes, golden lights also lit up. In an instant, more than 600 great worlds and tens of thousands of small worlds under Xu Kunlun were connected by a faint golden channel.

Each other was trying to capture each other's star positions.

One after another, magnificent voices came from various worlds. Some of them were land, some were planets, and some were even a tree or a monster.

"Fire Cloud Realm, the whole world is ready for war." "Tai Zong Realm, the whole world is ready for war." "Dark Destruction Realm, the whole world is ready for war..."

Between the stars, it is no longer dark. Instead, it is a thousand rays of light.

The night disappeared, the stars disappeared, and there was only endless white fog. In the white fog, a huge figure like a dragon was motionless. As if sleeping.

It was so majestic that even Xiao Qing couldn't compare to it. The Quetzalcoatl's main body, which was large enough to circle the equator, was sleeping in the clouds. Just above it, a 50-meter-wide sphere was emitting dazzling golden light in all directions.

Below it, a golden light column connected the bottom of the stars below and the sphere. As the flower in the mirror rose higher and higher, it drove the stargazer closer and closer to the sphere.

"The moment the flower in the mirror... connects to the moon in the well, the spirit of the weapon will wake up..." The stargazer finally took a deep look at Xu Yangyi's body below: "If you can reincarnate to Xu Kunlun, I... will escort you."

"No... No! No!!!" The master has gone completely crazy. It saw it. It saw the figure in the nightmare. The extremely powerful giant snake, with a human head and a snake body, will die as long as it is found by its clone, no matter what form it is.

It can't stop the combination of the moon in the well and the flower in the mirror. This is the rule of the upper world. It hasn't reached this point yet!

It doesn't want to die. It obviously has such a good opportunity! But it died here?

"Boy..." Its pupils were already bloodshot, and its huge eyeballs suddenly looked at Xu Yangyi on the ground: "Even if I die... I want you to die without a complete body!!!"

"Swish!" The tongue rushed towards Xu Yangyi like lightning, but at this moment. Its tongue was bounced back again!

It was stunned.

Outside Xu Yangyi's body, there was a green light. A golden silk thread was pulled out from the void, suspending Xu Yangyi's body. And a flower bud actually surrounded the other party and unfolded.

"What is this?" In the distance, Angel and Zhao Ziqi were stunned.

What is going on?

And... Xu Yangyi's life is slowly recovering!

"Huh?" The stargazer in the sky looked down in shock: "This... What kind of magical power is this?!"

The master was also stunned. Resurrection from the dead, is this a joke? !

The silk thread trembled gently, and the flower wrapped Xu Yangyi layer by layer, nurturing a very strong vitality in it.

"No... You... must die!!!" After the shock, a fierce killing intent surged in her heart, and her tongue rushed towards Xu Yangyi at full speed.

Playing with myself?

Provoking my IQ?

Even if I want to die, the spirit of the weapon will revive in at least ten minutes. The stargazer will not die under the protection of the moon in the well, but... the instigator of everything, you, must die!

Cut into pieces!

At the bottom of Danxia Palace, Xiaoqing was stunned.

"Green Lotus Magic... Lotus Reincarnation?" She looked at her left hand in astonishment, where a lotus mark was faintly visible: "How could this be? He was indeed dead just now! Lotus Reincarnation will not be activated in the instant kill state!"

After a few seconds of surprise, she pursed her lips and pinched out an extremely strange and ancient seal. Then, a green light broke through the Danxia Palace, rushed straight into the sky for tens of thousands of meters, and rushed towards the Eye of the Sahara at lightning speed.

Xu Yangyi felt that he had his will again.

"It's a close call..." He raised his weak hand to wipe the cold sweat, and sneered at the Lord who was already furious: "I probably didn't tell you."

"I have two lives."

Bloodline talent: life hangs on a thread!

Blue Lotus Magic: Lotus Reincarnation!

The last time it was triggered, it was too early, and it can be used now. This is the power of bloodline talent. It is usually not used, but once it is really used, it will be a decisive blow to turn the tables!

This is the capital that he can be the Lord of Death! The third path he chose!

Quetzalcoatl is resurrected, and the stargazer has such great confidence, which means that Quetzalcoatl is absolutely powerful and terrifying!

In the sky, the stargazer breathed a sigh of relief.

But, he then remembered something and immediately looked up at the moon in the well.

The golden dimming!

"Not good!!" He exclaimed in his heart: "This... because he is not a true dedication... the spirit of the weapon, the resurrection of the spirit of the weapon is not complete! No, the time will be delayed several times!"

"Not only that, the lighting of the world lamp, I don't know how long it will take!"

At the same time, all the heavens and the worlds found that the world lamp that had just been lit began to dim.

Every time Xu Yangyi's life was revived, the world lamp dimmed a little. When his heart began to beat again, the world lamp was indeed lit. But it was just starting! Every second, it was a little brighter, but it would take at least nearly two hundred years to be fully lit before just now!

In other words, the war of the worlds was supposed to start at the latest in a month, but now, it was delayed by nearly two hundred years by the lamp keeper!

"What's going on!?" "This situation has never happened before! The world lamp... can actually go out?" "What happened?" "Quick! Go and inform the master!"

"Dang!" The master's tongue hit the green lotus, motionless, but the green lotus was slowly blooming.

Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth. The crisis was not over, but had just arrived.

After being resurrected, he was weak and powerless. It would take him a long time to recover to his full strength. And... even if he was at his full strength, it would be almost impossible for him to defeat a monster of the size of the master.

And the other party... was already extremely angry and crazy.

The moment the green lotus fully opened was the moment when he and the master came face to face.

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