
Main text Chapter 69: Chasing (Part 2)

"Two people tracking, one person staying behind? Continue to monitor my residence?" Xu Yangyi sneered. From the time the other party approached to detect the smell and determine the target, the position of the hunter and the prey was no longer what they thought.

"It is indeed an elite." Xu Yangyi frowned slightly. Such a person is very strong, and more importantly, the other party runs very fast!

Just like the natives in the tropical forest, blowing a poison arrow at you, you can't see where it is from a distance. Because the other party has already hidden in another protective color at this moment.

He pondered for a moment, and walked towards the commercial building where the other party was hiding without hesitation.

On the floor, the hands seemed to have suction cups, and the two men lying halfway stopped suddenly.

The two looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

He actually came here?

Just like this... step by step, slowly walked over?

Was he discovered? Or was the other party taking a walk? Or was it just a coincidence?

"Maybe we've been discovered." The thin man growled, "Heavenly listening!"

His ears began to expand rapidly in an instant, and finally, they turned into triangular ears like a bat.

"The heartbeat has not changed, the blood has not changed, the body temperature has not changed, there is no sweat on the body, and the pulse has not changed... Damn it..." The thin man cursed inwardly, and his brows frowned for the first time.

On the rooftop, the woman who looked like a stone sculpture suddenly widened her pupils, and a bird on her body flew away with a cry. She also looked down in disbelief.

"Come over?"


"No, it's impossible. This is not ancient times. Any cultivator who wants to practice cannot hide it from the government. Even stateless people in the ordinary world have detailed records. This person has never been seen before. It is impossible for him to be a demon, let alone discover us!"

Xu Yangyi lit a cigarette, and the few smoke rose with the night wind. He walked over slowly and leisurely.

He knew that the other party must be extremely surprised at this moment. He needed time for the other party to make a judgment.

Once... enter his range, none of these people can get out!

The spiritual consciousness, which is much stronger than that of a Qi-training monk, extends like a tentacle, judging the distance bit by bit.

In the dark night, there is no wind, no sound, and no light. Only a surging fighting spirit rises in the dark.

An invisible battle of wits and courage, a struggle between courage and brain, has begun in the night.

This is a contest between hunters and prey.

"Eight hundred meters..." The thin man's eyes were like lightning, and he gritted his teeth and said, "He went to the nearby store to buy a bottle of drink. Then he threw the cigarette butts in the trash can next to him... Damn it..."

Xu Yangyi walked slowly for two hundred meters, and he still couldn't judge the other party's intentions.

Coming directly at him? Or by chance?

"Tiger King-03, have you notified the helmsman senior?"

"Dialing." The woman's voice came from the intercom: "But it's strange... I can't dial out!"

"I suspect someone is interfering with the signal here."

Seven hundred meters!

"Retreat!" Without hesitation, the thin man roared decisively.

Something is wrong!

Something is wrong!

This person... has a problem!

His nerves, which had been on the line between life and death for a long time, had already warned him. He felt a sense of crisis: If he stayed here any longer, he would die!

No one answered. At this moment, the three people shot towards three directions openly.

They were all real elites. Even when they left, they left a test.

If the other party was unintentional, no one would chase them when they suddenly saw the monks disperse.

However, if the other party really discovered them, then it would be the time to show their true colors! It also forced Xu Yangyi to show his cards! At least it could reverse the situation that had begun to tilt, so that it would not be like cutting meat with a blunt knife.

At that time, at least one of them could run away.

Xu Yangyi's eyes clearly saw the people who were running away in three groups from a high altitude a few hundred meters away.

Without any extra words, the next second, he suddenly jumped up, more than ten meters high, and immediately landed on the low house next to him.

Then... his whole body burst out with spiritual power, and he ran at the fastest speed, chasing the person he thought was the slowest, in a standard running posture!

Chase with all his strength!

Hunter and prey, who is the hunter on this moonlit night? Who is the prey?

"Dong Dong Dong!" Heavy footsteps sounded on the floor, and every step caused a fine spider web pattern.

He never touched the ground with his entire foot, but always with his forefoot, and his hands swung back and forth evenly, like a sail for a boat. The slightest trace of the battle, after three years, made a joyful cry in his heart.

He rushed towards the three people with an unstoppable murderous aura, like a giant elephant running in the building complex!

"We've been discovered!" The three people had completely understood it in their hearts at this moment.

The other party had discovered them long ago. They were also elite scouts. When they thought about it, they immediately understood why the other party had been motionless before!

Probing, and counter-probing, plus consuming their physical strength!

"This is a real warrior!" Tiger King-03 gritted her teeth. She could clearly see that the opponent was coming for her!

"Not only that, the opponent's true combat power... is far beyond the surface!" The thin man was scared. How could they not see the speed of the opponent's full sprint!

The camouflage man gritted his teeth, said nothing, and rushed in different directions with all his strength!

"Sacrifice... Flying Star... Spark..." Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed, and he used three moves in a row, but the spark still couldn't come out.

However, even so, his speed was already unbelievably fast!

Jumping from one building to another in the air, only a black afterimage could be seen in the air!

"Fuck!" Tiger King-03 couldn't bear it anymore. In just a few seconds, the distance between the opponent and them... was only 400 meters!

A truly dangerous distance!

In particular, the opponent's momentum and the spiritual pressure all over his body made her feel trembling all over!

Without hesitation, she took out a talisman, gritted her teeth, and stuck it on her leg. In an instant, her speed soared again!

But, the next second, she immediately found out...

Not as fast as the opponent!

The speed of both sides was much closer, but there was still a gap!

It was only a matter of time before they were caught up! Perhaps, it would take less than five minutes!

"Run!" Her heart sank, and she screamed with all her might, wanting the other two companions to hear.

There was no answer, and the other two knew better when they had to give up. They ran in different directions with all their might.

On the floor, two afterimages jumped on the roof, getting closer and closer!

In the body, the sound of bones being overwhelmed came. Without the blessing of the mysterious box, Xu Yangyi still couldn't use the spark. However, he seemed to be deaf to these sounds.

Tiger King-03 didn't dare to look behind him at all, and reached into his pocket. The next second, a little bird made of bamboo flew out.

"Swish!" As soon as the bird flew out, it immediately brought a touch of red light, and the bamboo joints on its body were reorganized. In less than half a second, it turned into a green bamboo sword, shining with several talismans, and instantly accelerated! Stabbed towards Xu Yangyi!

"Turtle Fu." Xu Yangyi didn't hide at all. Even if he recognized that this was a low-grade magic weapon, if he was blocked by the other party now, he would not know why the other party was monitoring him!

Others are the knife and I am the fish. After coming out of Tianxia Dubu, he no longer wanted to have this feeling.

Especially... when he could control it.

"This is..." At this moment, Tiger King-03 turned his head for the first time. This magic weapon was her life-saving trump card. She was very reluctant. But, she happened to see this scene!

"Heavenly Dao! He is a man of Heavenly Dao!" The sharp shout cut through the sky, and the other two companions just vibrated their ears and continued to run away.

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he licked his lips: "So... I hate the so-called elite."

"No matter how unfavorable it is, the message must be passed on."

"Then, don't even think about leaving!"

"Puff!" The sound of the bamboo sword entering the flesh came instantly, and his facial muscles twitched slightly. The next second, he immediately clamped his muscles to prevent the other party from flying out again!

One hand has firmly grasped the hilt of the bamboo sword inserted in her shoulder. She never stopped.

"Damn it!" Tiger King-03 was anxious. This bamboo sword was not just for one attack. As long as her spiritual power was endless, this bamboo sword could be like a butterfly flying through flowers, and the attack would never stop! Until the opponent was pierced into a sieve!

However... at this moment, it seemed as if it was held in the hand of the giant spirit. No matter how she moved it, it did not move at all!

The opponent's spiritual power and spiritual consciousness were all several times more than hers!

"Where the hell did this monster come from!" Her face was pale. The opponent was only 30 meters away from her!

"Swish!" A minute later, Tiger King-03 looked at the man who stopped in front of him with a pale face, without saying a word. He just quietly posed in a fighting posture.

The bamboo sword, held in the opponent's hand, could only tremble slightly. With her cultivation and spiritual consciousness, she couldn't get out at such a close distance!

"We are..."

There was no way, she had to explain why. Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous!

She didn't finish her words, because, in the next moment, Xu Yangyi's leg in slippers had been swept into a leg whip and kicked towards her!

In the air, there was a slight sound of breaking through the air!

In the pupils of Tiger King-03, the leg became bigger and bigger, "Bang!" With a muffled sound, the next second, the whole person, without any suspense, flew out like a meteor hammer! Suddenly fell to the ground! The ground trembled twice!

"Wow!" A mouthful of blood, which could not be suppressed at all, spurted out of her mouth! At the same time, the whole person's expression was already extremely terrified!

One kick!

Only one kick!

This is definitely not the power of an ordinary cultivator! Even ordinary elites who graduated from Tiandao can't kick themselves away!

In her heart, an incredible idea came up. She was immediately confirmed!

This is the power of the leader!

Only the leader can kick her to pieces!

Thinking of this, she was already full of regret. I wanted to test it before, but who knew that I didn't even have the chance to test it!

"Boom!" With a powerful kick, she was kicked more than ten meters away!

"You have no right to explain." Xu Yangyi cracked his knuckles, making a crackling sound, and walked over with a smile: "When you are monitoring me, you have to be prepared."

"Boom!" A punch was thrown at the terrified Tiger King-03, she screamed, and could only use her hands to protect her sweaty head!

“Puff!” A piercing pain came from her stomach, and her white foam sprayed half a meter high, completely losing her fighting power.

Not able to withstand a beating... Xu Yangyi retracted his fist with some regret. This was only his third level of strength. When he kicked Luo Sanfeng, he used 80% of it.

Tiger King-03 was trembling on the ground. It was not fear, but pain.

One kick, one punch, it was just like a giant elephant hitting. After an unknown amount of time, she coughed up blood and laughed miserably: "Damn... This, this is the leader... This must be... the power of the leader... Damn... Damn..."

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