
Chapter 698: Dan (Part 3)

"Hush..." He breathed a sigh of relief, and then a majestic shadow of Guanyin appeared in the sea of ​​fog, and slapped the earth-shaking palm towards the chaotic depths ahead!


The outside world and the inner world were shaking together! !

All the cultivators were stunned for a moment. At this moment, the hundreds of thousands of meters covered by the red spider lily seemed to explode from the inside! A silent sound, but a loud sound that resounded in everyone's heart, suddenly sounded in everyone's heart.

That... was like the collapse of the inner world.

Inside the red spider lily, they could not see the move of the formless Guanyin, but they could feel the feeling of hearing thunder in silence!

Loud noise, silence.

A few seconds later, a series of "clattering" crisp sounds suddenly came from the sky above Nanzhou!

Physical barriers, broken!

All the cultivators were stunned. It was unknown how long it took before someone shook and knelt down in sweat.

Two strikes to break the barrier...

The previous strike was just thunder, and the next strike was to destroy the world!

"This is not an ordinary barrier... This is a golden elixir barrier! It cannot be broken by external spiritual energy, which shows that this ancestor has the highest talent! How could it be broken by two strikes?!"

Thousands of cultivators around knelt on the ground in unison.

Zhongnanhai and the pictures of the golden elixir also took a breath of cold air.

"Ding..." At this moment, in the room of Zhongnanhai, the voice of Tiandao sounded again: "Spiritual power increases rapidly, repeat, spiritual power increases rapidly. Detecting spatial fluctuations, Mr. Xu has a 99% chance of breaking through the physical barrier, external spiritual energy pouring in, and entering the second stage of elixir formation..."

"One hundred and five thousand spiritual energy..."

"One hundred and thirty thousand spiritual energy."

"One hundred and twenty thousand, one hundred and thirty thousand spiritual energy..."

"Swish..." I don't know which politician stood up silently, pursed his lips, looked at the screen with burning eyes, and breathed a little hurriedly, leaning forward, holding the handrail tightly.

This number...

Rushing towards the late stage of golden elixir! !

A real person who just formed a golden elixir can actually have the combat power of the late stage? ! This is simply a fantasy!

No... not only that! On the other hand, his combat power is so strong, how terrible is his physical barrier! The current "new era" is definitely not the old cultivation civilization that does not understand cultivators at all. They know too well what this is. Such a terrible physical barrier was broken by a blow. This A-level wanted criminal... The strength may exceed his expectations!

"145,000 spirits, 148,000 spirits, 149,700 spirits..."


This time, the drip was even crisper than before, and the green indicator light above everyone's head suddenly turned yellow.

"Top master, 150,000 spirits!"

"Mr. Xu's strength is comparable to the late stage of the golden elixir. Second only to the real person Gusong."

There was silence.

Other politicians stood up. Faced with such a freak, they didn't know what to say.

An A-level wanted criminal, turned around and had the strength of the late stage of the golden elixir! Such a... well, a thorn. How to use it in the future? Where to use it? What conditions are offered?

A monster who just returned to China and performed a thousand-mile solo ride, breaking through the blockade of three provinces and fifty-one cities, and finally the upright Tianzai felt that the other party had unlimited potential and directly let the other party pass. You tell me that he will listen to the government's arrangements?

What a joke!

The Dan formation is still in progress, and everyone has a splitting headache.

He is strong... and doesn't listen to orders... This kind of person is so annoying!

"The spiritual energy continues to rise."

"What?" Finally, a minister couldn't help but slam the table and stood up: "Still rising?!"

After a pause, the voice of Tiandao continued: "Correct, continue to rise. Now it has reached 153,000 spirits."

"This is impossible..." "What on earth did he go through?" "Is there a malfunction in the main brain of Tiandao?"

There was a commotion.

Even the politicians who usually remain calm couldn't believe the situation in front of them.

"Quiet." The chairman spoke with a gloomy face, and he felt that his head was about to explode at this moment. Before, he just felt that Xu Yang was strong and was relieved that China had added another supreme fighting force. But now...

This combat power is too strong! If you don't give them face, the consequences will be disastrous! Especially, this person has a "bad record" and has just performed a drama of riding alone for thousands of miles.

No matter how you think about it, it is not optimistic!

"Please answer me, his actual realm?"

Tian Dao paused: "The early stage of Jindan is about to approach the middle stage."

The chairman rubbed his eyebrows and sighed.

It seems that... after the whole Jindan is completed, it is very likely to break through the middle stage.

In other words, others in the middle stage are very likely to become the strongest among Jindan!

He has already regretted watching the satellite live broadcast marked as "S-level event". God knows what realm this Mr. Xu can reach in the later stage!

"I must remind you that after breaking through the physical barrier, he is almost a stable Jindan. We must now consider where his fiefdom is. What are the specifications? Which channel will broadcast the exciting signing ceremony for the whole people. What time will it be broadcast. His treatment..." The prime minister beside him pondered.

"I know!" The Chairman almost gritted his teeth in response. This Mr. Xu... is really a headache. He said without thinking: "The Imperial Capital."


"The Imperial Capital, the Forbidden City! The Golden Throne Hall of the Forbidden City! After Master Anxiang left, there was no Master in the Imperial Capital. At least... let him be under the national treasure, otherwise... I really dare not put him in Longsu Province."

He pointed at the screen with a wry smile: "Look, with this kind of power now, do you think it is possible for him to advance to that legendary realm? The Forbidden City... is also under the surveillance of the Cultivation Court. I think, there are national treasures, the core of the Chinese National Defense Array, and Tianzai Zhenren sitting in charge. It should make him change his mind about China."

"Hmm..." The Prime Minister was thoughtful. No one had ever received such a high-level "treatment". He was considering whether it would make other Jindan dissatisfied. However, after just one glance at the screen, he stood up as if he had been pricked by a needle.

At the scene, there were all characters who were not surprised by the collapse of Mount Tai. However, at this moment, everyone took a deep breath and stood up.

Not only them, but all the cultivators at the scene... originally knelt on the ground, but at this moment, they all screamed and touched the ground with their foreheads, not daring to make a sound.

Although... the other party defeated Zhenren Gusong on the surface, but, after all, it was only a Jindan combat force. Now... he appeared in an extremely violent posture, making them face natural disasters directly. This kind of shock, for mortals, is far beyond the TV material!

"What is this?!" None of the Jindan Zhenren could sit still. Everyone saw that Xu Yangyi's Dan formation this time was extremely powerful. However, this scene now gave them a new definition of the concept of extraordinary.

"How is it possible!!!" Zhenren Fuyun shouted, his eyes were about to burst, and his eyes were full of envy, jealousy, and regret.

He stared at the light curtain, almost swallowing it.

"Boom boom..." In the direction of the red spider lily, all the spiritual energy actually formed a green tornado! Hundreds of meters in radius! It poured down to the center of the red spider lily!

A tornado stirred up the wind and clouds in all directions. The sun and the clouds changed color. As it poured more and more, circles of terrifying spiritual energy ripples that far exceeded the previous ones sprayed wildly in all directions!

The black wind from the sky blew the sea up, and the rain from the ground flew over the river!

The spiritual energy was poured into the top!

The spiritual energy of the body and the spiritual energy from the outside world merged into one, forming a golden elixir phenomenon!

"How can it be so big! Mine was only ten meters thick back then!! How could he, how could he attract spiritual energy within a radius of several hundred meters!?"

"Is it made of magic weapons? It must be! Hateful! Damn! I, Zhang Guangyao, was born in the lower realm! I don't have such magic weapons! Otherwise... Otherwise, how could I not reach the middle stage today!"

Qinling, Nangong family, the old man's face was pale, and his lips trembled as he looked at the screen.

Several elders around him looked like dead people, with stiff expressions.

"He... this... must have used some secret method..." An elder hissed, "Otherwise... otherwise it would be impossible... How amazing is Gusong Zhenren... It's only two hundred meters... His spiritual energy is actually... unexpectedly..."

The old man didn't speak, and his hands on the table were throbbing with blue veins.

What to do!

This person... can't be provoked! He has already felt that once this person reaches the golden elixir, he will definitely cause trouble for the Nangong family!

Although the cultivation court has regulations that Jindan Zhenren cannot attack and kill each other, but... once such a terrifying phenomenon of heaven and earth is announced, how many top families will depend on him? If he wants to find fault with the Nangong family, it will be very easy!

He felt regret for the first time.

At the same time, the cultivators in the entire west, and even some central cities, all looked up in astonishment, with a touch of shock and envy, looking at Nanzhou.

The movement was too loud and could not be hidden!

"Swish... swish..." Circles of green ripples swept across Wuhan, Xi'an, Guizhou, Urumqi... from six provinces to ten provinces! Almost half of China's territory felt that someone had formed a pill!

At this moment, it was already afternoon, and suddenly, a stream of cultivators' spiritual energy flew towards Nanzhou without hesitation!

"Swish!" A stream of spiritual energy was like a sword, and the sword filled the sky.

In Nanzhou, Xu Yangyi felt the spiritual energy pouring into his head. The meridians all over his body gave a cheer of extreme relief.

His dantian had formed a small vortex. But he absorbed the green spiritual energy endlessly, and the golden pill full of cracks was actually repaired bit by bit.

And... it was constantly moving up.

At this moment, it has moved from the Dantian to the center of the abdomen.


A sense of power that he had never felt before rose from every cell of his body. At this moment, Yu Chang suddenly exclaimed: "Why did your golden elixir... move?"

"I don't know either." Xu Yangyi frowned and wanted to speak, but Yu Chang immediately stopped him: "Don't speak."

"Next... is the time to be reborn. Karma, you must understand your first cause and effect. At the same time, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth completely transforms your body into a body that is more suitable for cultivation. Unlike foundation building, this transformation is thorough, from bones to flesh, you... have to endure it."

Before he finished speaking, a sharp pain instantly spread throughout Xu Yangyi's body. He almost cried out in pain!

He had never felt pain before, and he could even see that some bones in his body were broken and some were repaired. The meridians... were actually stretched, even broken, and widened.

He gritted his teeth and endured it. His desire for the golden elixir was not enough to make him give up. In fact, he never thought of giving up.

However, at this moment, he suddenly felt an itch on his left arm.

He looked at it in astonishment, and the Jidu Luohou sword actually fell off automatically. And a brand new arm was condensed little by little by the spiritual energy on his left hand.

Suddenly, he felt a dull pain in his chest.

There was a cross scar there, and now, there seemed to be a prismatic object looming in the scar, and just now, when I was distracted, the golden elixir had actually moved under the prismatic object!

"This is... the Quetzalcoatl that transformed into my body... It is said to be the seed of wolfsbane?"

"He and the golden elixir? Is this going to..."

Before he finished thinking, the seed and the golden elixir collided with each other with all their strength!

In an instant, blood spurted out of his seven orifices, and he gritted his teeth tightly, so he did not faint.

"What the hell is going on?!"

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