
Text Chapter 7: The Boat of Friendship

Xu Yangyi returned to his room, it was already eleven o'clock in the evening.

"How is it?" A voice came from a closed room: "I have to remind you that the graduation exam is limited to one week. Five days have passed now. The provincial branch is waiting for Yuyang City Summary report of each branch... I don’t think I need to repeat to you how low the graduation rate of Tiandao is? How many people are watching the exams of each branch? "

"Found it." Xu Yangyi opened his computer, glanced at the page, and then frowned: "...Mao Baer...I have reminded you many times, you are just my agent, and my allowance is not until graduation. Only a thousand per month..."

"What's the problem?" A voice in the room asked in confusion.

Xu Yangyi looked at the long list of opened Taobao web pages and narrowed his eyes dangerously: "The cleaning charm of Duobao Pavilion costs fifty yuan a piece. It can be used for half a month and needs to enter the Qi training period... Emeishan Jiuyou Watching the snow falling on the Bitan Lake can increase one ten thousandth of your spiritual energy. The most important thing is that it tastes great... Five hundred yuan for a treasure? Live broadcast to explain the key to spiritual practice. You rewarded me five times with one hundred yuan, and you used all the rewards. My Alipay...get out of here."

The sound of locks being locked sounded in the room. Crisp and neat.

Xu Yangyi picked up his mobile phone and looked at it. Very good... There were only 800 yuan left in the deposit of 10,000 yuan.

"Ding dong..." At this moment, a familiar voice sounded on the page, and he glanced at it: "Are you sure Bitan Piaoxue will be mailed to Yuyang City? According to regulations, this is the last question for this online store. Once again, this store is a store dedicated to spiritual practice. There are no pictures. Please consult customer service for effect description. Disclaimer: Our store is protected by national policy S-level laws. If ordinary people buy our products at will, our store will not be responsible for any consequences. "

Contact customer service ID called Extinction.

Xu Yangyi quickly clicked the refund button with the speed of a single person for 21 years.

This store called "Five-Year Crown Brand - Emei Health Way" was stunned.

"You...cancelled?" Extinction asked uncertainly.

"I bought the wrong thing." Xu Yangyi typed without any guilt: "What kind of spiritual practice is this? It's just a joke. In what age do you still believe this!"

"No...fellow Taoist, didn't you confirm your identity as a monk just now? What now..."

"You're wrong." Xu Yangyi closed Taobao without any psychological pressure and opened QQ. There were very few people on his QQ. He found a husky's profile picture and flicked it: "We are going to clear the place tomorrow night. Let's talk about it when it's over. Let’s talk about today.”

"You can't say what you want to learn... I just want to listen to you..."

Xu Yangyi squinted his eyes for two seconds: "Are you sure?"

"What's the matter?"

"I will immediately declare to the school to change my agent. I cannot communicate with Martian species."

"The computer just broke down, so we'll clear the place tomorrow, right? No problem." Husky's avatar immediately flashed: "Don't worry, this is our first time working together, and I am 100% sincere!"

Xu Yangyi lit a cigarette, took a puff, and replied with one hand: "Is your sincerity that I use Alipay to pay for it?"

"That's not the point... Oops! Time for beauty sleep! SEEYOU!"

The husky's profile picture turned gray quickly. In no more than a minute, no less than a second, the boat of friendship capsized.

Xu Yangyi ignored him, slowly smoked a cigarette, and opened a Taobao store called "Ancient and Present".

"Are you here?" A customer service member named "Yan Nanzi" called and asked.

"It turns out to be Fellow Daoist Xu. The lecture you pre-ordered on 'On the Self-cultivation and Future Planning of Monks' has arrived. The speaker of this lecture is one of the ten great monks of the Golden Core Stage in China, Yunhe Zhenren, whose online name is 'Xianyun Yehe'. From science In terms of aspects, rational analysis, many examples, and evidence one by one, it analyzes how to deal with the resources of the human and demon tribes in the environment of the new spiritual practice era, and how to form cooperative relationships with large enterprises and super enterprises across the country and even the world. You don’t win at the starting line, you are born directly at the finish line.”

"..." Xu Yangyi paused: "I'm sorry, can I pay in installments?"

"Sorry, this online store does not accept installment payments. I'm afraid this fellow Taoist doesn't know that all of Yunhe's online courses come from the Tiandao General Academy. He himself is in charge of the 'Society and Cultivation Studies' and 'Society and Cultivation Framework Studies' Master's degree students and doctoral tutors. If you don't have the opportunity to listen to the lectures from the highest institution in the spiritual world, this is the only way to solve the mystery. Fellow Taoists, please read the previous lecture on "The layout of the Qi training period and how to identify high-quality connections." , has sold half a million copies. It is far more than the teachings of several other Jindan monks. Master Yunhe is also recognized as the best teacher."

"I don't have enough money."

"Fellow Taoist, today we use a scientific method to analyze practice. This is not an era of practice, but a civilization of practice. How does the human body absorb spiritual energy? What molecules is the essence of spiritual energy made of? Or protons? Quantum? It is in the human body How does it circulate? How do the techniques passed down from ancient times promote its operation? These lectures by Master Yunhe analyze it in detail... I mean, it is your biggest loss to miss it, considering the financial constraints of many early monks. Our store does not support installment payment, but does support payment in kind.”

"Pay in kind?" Xu Yangyi's eyes lit up and he asked immediately.

Times have changed.

Practice is something that happened hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of years ago. Now, practice has become a kind of civilization. It is qualitatively different from the ancient practice thousands of years ago!

The so-called civilization is the sum of humanistic spirit, inventions, and public order and good customs that enhance human adaptation and cognition of the objective world, conform to human spiritual pursuits, and can be recognized and accepted by the vast majority of people. It is a collection of all social and natural behaviors that enable humans to escape from backwardness. It runs through the concepts of family, tools, language, writing, faith, religious concepts, laws, city-states, and countries.

Today's practice is quietly and silently integrated into everyone's life. From clothing, food, housing, and transportation to some secret mountain reclamation and land reclamation in the country, and the comparison of strength between countries.

The scientific age and the practice civilization that cannot be explained by science are slowly becoming an endless Tai Chi.

"It's very simple. If you hunt a monster, there is an auction house of Duobao Pavilion in every city. Our store has a close cooperative relationship with Duobao Pavilion. After the auctioneer of Duobao Pavilion appraises it, it will be sent to our store. If the price of the item and the treasure are equal, our store will ship it in seconds. If the value is not equal, please continue to work hard. If the value exceeds, our store will compensate you for the excess. What do you think?"

A contract was pasted on Wangwang. Xu Yangyi looked at it for a long time and nodded: "No problem, there will be prey tomorrow night. My agent will contact Duobao Pavilion."

"Okay, I wish you good health, a happy mood, no inner demons, no thunder tribulations, and rapid progress in cultivation."

Turning off the computer, Xu Yangyi needs a good sleep. The rise of cultivators, at least the rise of cultivators of the human race, is at the threshold of graduation exams!

The graduation rate of Tiandao is not high, but every graduate is an elite. But the group of cultivators is so large, and there are millions of people in China alone according to preliminary statistics! Does a real person need a smart and capable assistant? Does the foundation-building senior need a right-hand man who can help him solve problems and do things that are inconvenient to do? Does the Qi-training monk need to join some organizations to solve doubts? Seek help?

There are job opportunities everywhere, but... there are too few high-quality talents!

Every year, the graduation exam is an opportunity for everyone to show themselves. He knows very well that even if he reaches the Jindan level, his eyes are fixed on the list of graduation exams. Their think tank will evaluate the potential, quality, and strength of this student from all aspects. Most people enter the Tiandao branch, but once they are favored by the real people or some super organizations, although he doesn't know how the treatment will be, it will definitely be much better than now!

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. For tomorrow's demon slaying, his first demon slaying, he must win!

Time passed quickly, and nothing happened overnight. The next day, Xu Yangyi sat in his seat drinking tea as usual, watching the "subordinates" chatting casually, and picked up today's newspaper calmly, looking at all the people in front of him.

When one enters the practice, something called spiritual consciousness will be born. Simply put, it is a person radiating countless "tentacles," and contacting the world through the "tentacles."

In other words, they don't need to use their eyes to see things. In other words, "vision" is an obstacle for them to see through the truth and falsehood. For example, he can see some things that ordinary people in Sanshui City can't see at all, and ordinary people are indifferent even if they are in front of him.

Now, his newspaper is covering his face, as if he can't see anything. But the spiritual consciousness scanned the appearance of everyone present.

Some chatted and some ate melon seeds, and no one took him seriously.

Going to kill the demon by yourself requires firepower support.

He didn't expect firepower support to be of any use. The key is... After the two sides really went to war, they both risked their lives. One side is a superman among humans, and the other side is a living fossil handed down from ancient times. The youngest is probably more than ten years older than him. If he didn't kill the other side completely and the other side escaped, the whole city would be an unprovoked disaster!

As long as the firepower support can hinder it... just a little bit, the government and the members of Tiandao have the ability to completely suppress this matter.

In Huaxia, the power of the government is strong, which is completely different from the multi-party countries in Europe and the United States.

The question is, now... how to make these people who dislike him obey?

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