
Main text Chapter 76: Refining the Heart (Part 3)

"The four dharma secrets share four supernatural powers. They are the foundation of all methods of alchemy. Remember them."

"Brush..." Xu Yangyi finally stopped with his fingers and waited for half an hour, but there was no sound. Only then did he open his eyes.

The black ground was already covered with white scratches, and words were densely packed around him. If a current alchemy master saw it, he would kneel down crazily and worship these ancient miracles.

Taking a deep breath, his eyes were a little red due to the excitement in his chest. Without another word, he opened the door, and with all his strength, six big characters appeared on the stone door.

Anyone who enters without mercy will be killed without mercy!

The things inside will not be seen by anyone except him!

The three people outside looked at this scene with their mouths on the ground.

"What's wrong?" Li Mu opened and closed the stone door in astonishment, looking at the big characters on the door, and said inexplicably: "You must be sick..."

"Don't worry about it, we just take the money and leave... We have nerve problems in making alchemy." Zhang Gongchang looked at the laptop, flipping through the web pages one after another.

In the training room, Xu Yangyi looked carefully at the cauldron in front of him, listening to the majestic voice explaining the most basic techniques word for word.

Fire Control Technique, Wind Dance Trace.

It is said to be fire control, but it is actually wind control. Any monk can create a ball of flame out of thin air. This is the flame most commonly used by ordinary monks when they first start to make elixirs.

His spiritual consciousness was like threads, spreading around. Running the technique, he soon felt the direction of the wind.

Different from the ordinary flow direction, he could even feel the slightest surge of airflow in the windless training room, including the invisible vortices formed when they approached him.

"The neurons must have been developed..." He thought secretly in his heart: "After killing the madman, I have long been used to the feeling of seeing a new world. For example..."

He opened his eyes, looked around with squinted eyes, and murmured: "In the past, I would never have been able to see the direction of these air currents... I could not even win the first place in the world. But, after that time..."

He silently clenched his fists. This feeling that he had been accustomed to, only now he realized how beneficial it was to him!

For example, in a dark environment, he has countless extra pairs of eyes, alert to sneak attacks from the darkness.

"Now..." He took a deep breath and started running the technique suddenly.

The wind dances, the snow blows and the bridge is broken, and the rolling clouds rest on the pines.

In an instant, he clearly felt that the wind around him was moving.

It's like he himself has become a magnet, and the surrounding wind is like iron. At this moment, they are all pulled by him!

The spiritual "tentacles" all over his body were like invisible hands, controlling the wind around him and pouring them into the fire under the cauldron.

At the same time, with a slight wave of his right hand, a red flame crackled and burned under the cauldron.

Xu Yangyi's eyes were as calm as ever, carefully watching the jumps and traces of each flame. He needed to meet the most basic alchemy requirements, which was to let the flames not diminish or increase within six hours.

In the process of alchemy, fire is the cornerstone of all alchemy. When the fire is big and when the fire is small, if you make one wrong step, you will not meet the requirements. All the precious treasures of genius can only be wasted.

Fengwuhen, as the name suggests, induces all traces of wind into flames through spiritual consciousness. This is the fire control technique.

Xu Yangyi carefully manipulated the trajectory of every wind, carefully letting them return to the flames. but……

The flames jumped unusually, which was obviously a sign of unfamiliarity.

He didn't care. Nothing could be achieved in one step. While controlling the wind, he was doing the first step of statistics: to see how long he could hold on.

From the lecture just now, he already understood that in ancient times, it took about fifteen days to practice elixirs and Qi elixirs, and at least two months to build the foundation. In the golden elixir period, one year is common. As for the above... there are no records.

In other words, he must maintain his energy for at least twenty-five days before he can consider taking the next step.

Because, he didn't know whether he was talking about a skilled alchemy disciple in these fifteen days, or a beginner like him.

One hour, two hours...three hours passed, and the flame in front of him "swiped" and was completely extinguished.

And he himself was already in a cold mood.

He stood up and let out a long sigh of relief.

"It's more difficult than I thought." He squinted his eyes and looked at the suddenly dark training room. This failure was expected by him. Not only was he not depressed at all, he was even more excited!

This is alchemy.

The art of alchemy that has been lost for hundreds of years!

As long as you take out one, the entire spiritual world will go crazy because of it!

With elixirs and capsules, they simply cannot avoid the problem of evaporation of medicinal properties, so they are a last resort!

"Continue!" His eyes flashed, without any thought of taking a break, but he immediately started training on the fire control technique Feng Wuhen again.

After all, for the King of Eternal Alchemy Sutra, refining alchemy means practicing cultivation. He has not avenged his revenge, and even the shadow of his enemy cannot be found. The promise made to Huo Yun was not fulfilled either. And Su Lianyue's promise back then. Even if he wanted to stop, he wouldn't be able to pass this level.

One day has passed, two days have passed... one month... two months... half a year...

Except for eating out every day, Xu Yangyi seemed to live in a stone room with no one around at all.

"Is he crazy?" The weather has turned to late spring, and everything is full of vitality. Not to mention Li Zongyuan, even the other three cultivators can't help but worry.

Because Xu Yangyi's time out of retreat is getting longer and longer. Too many times, he actually needs the help of the fasting elixir.

And... every time he comes out of retreat, his mental state is good, but his overall state is very bad!

His hair has changed from short and broken hair to shoulder-length hair. He is too troublesome to tie a braid behind his hair. If he puts on the ancient long robe with narrow sleeves, he will be a living ancient cultivator.

Some of his clothes have holes, but he seems to be unaware of it. Every time he comes out of retreat, he eats, takes a shower, washes with a cleaning talisman, and then enters the practice room again.

"Li Daoyou... what do you think Xu Daoyou is doing?" Another month passed, and Zhang Gongchang couldn't help asking: "What is he... doing in there?"

Li Zongyuan shook his head with a bitter face. In the past six months, his funds have long been gone. Fortunately, the market demand for condensed dew grass is large, so he can survive. Otherwise, even the three people's wages can't be paid.

But what are these three people counting? They were supposed to be counting, but there were six big words at the door: "Whoever dares to enter will be killed without mercy", and no one dared to go in.

He still pays them hundreds of thousands of yuan a month!

In his heart, he complained about Xu Yangyi. He didn't hate him to the bone, but he was definitely gritting his teeth.

"This is not a solution..." Li Mu sighed: "Daoyou Li, we also need to practice. I originally planned to find a quick money from you. However, in two years at most, I can only say goodbye."

"The monks open their eyes and close their eyes, often for years and months. If Daoyou Xu is in seclusion for three to five years, don't we have to wait for him for three to five years?" Wang Chunlai said reluctantly: "I haven't practiced for more than half a year... Ten thousand people are competing for crossing, and if you don't advance, you will retreat. Daoyou Li, after this month's bill is settled, I can only leave temporarily."

Li Zongyuan wanted them to leave now! However, if Xu Yangyi didn't speak, he didn't dare to make the decision.

"In that case, I won't stay any longer..." He sighed in a pretentious manner: "I don't know when Fellow Daoist Xu's cultivation will end..."

"Shua La..." With a rustling sound of the stone door, the stone door that had not been opened for more than a month opened again, and Xu Yangyi walked out in high spirits, but his appearance was not flattering at all.

His face was already untidy, although it looked more manly. However, because his skin rarely saw the light, it was now a little white and scary. His eyes were still slightly red - anyone who looked at fire for years would be like this. In contrast, it looked a little out of place. The whole person could be described as terrible.

However, his eyes were like sparks in the dark night, so bright that it was scary. The whole person had no trace of decadence. Like a weed in the wilderness, he was in high spirits.

Without saying a word, Zhou Tingting beside him flashed her eyes, and immediately ran upstairs and brought down a large table of dishes.

Xu Yangyi glanced at him and said nothing, but nodded slightly, picked up the bowl and ate the meal.

He ate it in a flash without saying a word. Zhou Tingting pursed her lips. She had carefully learned how to cook these foods, but she was very rational and said nothing.

"Click..." Xu Yangyi gently put down his chopsticks, took a tissue and wiped his mouth, nodded to everyone, and walked towards the practice room again.

Practice is like this. After opening your eyes, the world has changed. What is scary is not the loneliness of the body, but the loneliness of the soul.

Any cultivator knows very well that only by enduring loneliness can you keep it for a long time.

When you close your eyes, it is 2016, and when you open your eyes, it is already 2026. There are too many such situations. While lamenting the changes in the world, you can feel the stronger power in your body. The taste of it, you are not a fish, how can you know the joy of fish?

I am not you, so I don’t know you. Gains and losses, whether they are gains or losses, all depend on your heart.

Only those who stick to their original intentions and discern their true selves, coupled with various opportunities, can ascend to the supreme throne of the Golden Elixir.

20% of genius, 30% of opportunity, and 50% of sweat. Any supreme being standing on the throne of the Golden Elixir is an inhuman with high perseverance and firm mind!

Cultivation is to learn from nature and to cultivate one's own heart.

Half a year of retreat is nothing more than this.

"Master... Mr. Xu! Wait a minute!" At this moment, Li Zongyuan spoke anxiously: "The Bigu Dan Liquid is used up!"

Xu Yangyi stopped, and he even felt his tongue was a little stiff after not speaking for too long. After a pause of five seconds, he said calmly: "Buy."

Li Zongyuan almost spit out a mouthful of blood!

Buy? !

Who buys!

Where's the money!

Do you know that you are deaf to the outside world, and it is not easy for me to make money here to support my family!

All kinds of curse words were tangled in his mind, and his face showed an expression of wanting to curse but being tangled. After a few seconds, he put on a sincere smile again: "Mr. Xu, can we talk for a moment?"

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