
Chapter 767: Earth Heritage (Part 3)

What greeted them was thousands of red lights, more ferocious than lava. If these are tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or millions of monsters, then what erupts from behind him are millions of sharp swords! The monsters in the sea are being restrained like a violent storm.

"Ding, ding, ding!" However, when the King of AOE's Apocalypse Six Eclipses hit these monsters, they made a metallic sound. You can even see countless fire splashes. These monsters didn't even move.

Xu Yangyi's pupils shrank suddenly, so hard, if it hit him...

"Dragon Steps on the Mountain!!" The thought flashed through his mind without any hesitation at all. As soon as his feet touched the ground, the Dragon Stepping on the Mountain jumped up with his body following the recoil. In an instant, only black was left on the spot. The storm is like a school of piranhas in the Amazon.

The sound of gold and iron interlacing was endless. At this moment, an old voice sounded in his ears: "Get out of there."

"Fish intestines?" Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed, and his spiritual consciousness expanded again. At this moment, he was still in the state of the Alchemy Cauldron Self-Heart Technique. His spiritual consciousness was so strong, but he still couldn't find any trace of the fish intestines.

"There is a problem here." Yuchang's voice was very urgent: "I... am now caught by a strange thing. No... it's stuck. I don't know what it is. If you leave, they can't do anything to me."

In silence, Xu Yangyi looked down at the black cloud-like shadow below, which had spread tens of thousands of meters away. The cave below was actually bigger than the cave above. The number of these weird creatures is also unusual.

"This junior is not in the habit of abandoning his friends and running away." After a while, he said calmly: "Phantom."

The phantom flew out and flew invisibly to a black shadow. The side of the other party blurred for an instant, forming a small illusion.


Still no use!

The magical power cannot hurt, the spiritual consciousness cannot penetrate, and the black shadow wrapped by the phantom does not even change its trajectory at all. Xu Yangyi really feels a headache this time.

"The power of one is small, but it is extremely strong, and it seems that there is no spiritual consciousness, and it can be perfectly hidden..." He looked at the dark cloud-dense sea bottom below with a headache, and had no idea of ​​breaking into it: "This is really Is it a living thing?”

"Maybe they are not living things." A voice suddenly said: "I probably know what they are."

"Mistertin?" Xu Yangyi said in shock: "You..."

"If you hadn't come here, I wouldn't have woken up at all. However, this recovery was very short, only about twenty minutes." Mistertin said: "Don't talk, do as I say. You lift me up. , showing an inch.”

Doubtful, Xu Yangyi did as he was told.

An incredible scene occurred.

As soon as the talisman on the back of his hand showed an inch of Mistatin, the black clouds below quietly paused for a moment, and then suddenly raised their heads, like countless dragon scales all standing up, which made people's scalp numb.

The next second, a black light shot straight towards Xu Yangyi. He subconsciously tried to block it, but Mistertin immediately said: "Don't stop it! Its target is me!"

"Ding" Before he could finish his words, there was a crisp sound, and the strange creature had attached itself to Mistertin.

"This is..." Xu Yangyi grabbed it as fast as lightning and took a look. As soon as he took a look, he couldn't help but gasp.

This is not a living thing.

This is...a fragment of a certain magic weapon!

In his hand was a gear-shaped bearing with connected steel pipes. However, it is definitely not steel. I don’t know what kind of material it is made of, but the spiritual energy cannot penetrate deeply at all. About the size of a palm, it was obviously twisting in his hand like a living fish, but it was actually a cold weapon. In contrast, it was very strange.

"God Jade." Mistertin sighed and looked at the terrifying black whirlpool below: "There are so many... Is this the God Jade that emptied the entire earth?"

"What is that?" Xu Yangyi frowned.

"A... how should I put it, a treasure that surpasses all the current heaven, material, and earth treasures. This kind of thing... If the level is not enough, you will die on the spot if you put it on. But if the level is enough, it is the best heaven, material, and earth treasure. , Soft, comparable to hair. Even if Yuchang and I try our best, we can’t cut it off.”

"In the past, Odin's armor was made of a set of celestial jade. It emptied all the reserves in Northern Europe. Therefore, the only scar on Odin's body was the right eye he dug out in order to drink from the fountain of wisdom, because in other places, he simply dug out Do not move."

He said with emotion: "This is something that can only be used by gods. I never thought that who is so terrible that he has gathered so many gods of jade! And it is actually used to make a tool? This... is too extravagant. "

"It is precisely because this treasure of heaven and earth has such a deep relationship with me that it can wake me up from my deep sleep for twenty minutes."

Xu Yangyi's eyes fluctuated, he looked deeply around him, and said slowly: "If it is for the billions of people on the earth, then it is not a luxury."

Mistettin thought for a while, then suddenly moved: "You mean..."

"That's right." Xu Yangyi looked at the tens of thousands of meters of black tide with burning eyes: "I finally know...why the master wants to ask me XYD, what does D stand for."

"Because even it doesn't believe that this world-protecting artifact inherited from the earth will look like this."

"It may have had a glimpse of what it was like before creation, but it never expected that thousands of years later, in the Land of the Extreme Sun and the refining of Nanming Lihuo, the completed version of Qiankun would be completely different from the drawings he saw. It couldn't even be put together. Show your original appearance!”

Artifact channeling!

And it's not an ordinary psychic, Qiankun seems to understand the meaning of its existence, automatically decomposes, and every part is psychic! From a possibly harmless state, to the terrifying piranha tide now, what you see now is probably just a part of it!

He didn't dare to think about how many things were hidden in the vast sea of ​​lava.

"What should we do now?" Yuchang's voice contained a rare hint of anxiety. Even he had never encountered such a strange state.

Xu Yangyi smiled.

"Just because he can't do it, doesn't mean I can't do it."

Just as Mistertin was about to speak, an extremely strong feeling of sleep swept over him. He glanced at Xu Yangyi regretfully, with a trace of unwillingness in his eyes.


He was puzzled, and he also wanted to see how the other party could do it.

However, he didn't have this chance. As the talisman on his left hand shines, he becomes silent again.

"What do you do?" It fell into a deep sleep, but Yuchang asked.

"Since it is an instrument, it must have its core. Find out the core and its principles, and these things should settle down. To be honest, I feel like I have stepped on this core, and they will attack here crazily. . It should be the prohibition imposed by the seniors. Once they get close to the core, they will be killed without mercy. But the seniors may not have thought that these things will decompose and channel."

He smiled and said confidently: "Of course, they didn't expect that it was me who came here."

Yuchang was silent. After a long time, he finally couldn't help but say: "In terms of your current practice and civilization... I give this guy ninety-nine points. The last point is because I am afraid that you will be proud."

Xu Yangyi laughed loudly and sat down.

As long as you don't go down, the terrifying sea of ​​psychic parts below won't rush up. He has plenty of time.

Yes, this restriction seemed extremely difficult for others, but for him it only took time. Because he possesses two things that may seem ordinary, but their effects can be called artifacts here.

The elixir of photographic memory.

And... Bodhi seeds that increase people's understanding.

"As long as you give me time, I can even see how you made it." He sneered: "Who asked you to break it down in such detail now? Maybe, I can also help Zhuge Liang, who has no plans, add something. Two parts?”

If Cat Baer were here, he would definitely bite him in one bite: Can you please have some face?

Too bad it's not here.

Fish intestines obviously don't do that.

The eyes observe the nose, the nose observes the heart, and the heart is like still water.

He discarded all distracting thoughts in his heart. Looking at the tens of thousands of meters in front of him, he felt dizzy. He tried his best to ignore everything else and started observing the parts in his hands.

It's strange that spiritual consciousness can enter its body when it is held in the hand. Xu Yangyi pondered: "In other words, it must be in physical contact with a living creature before it can be touched? Can it be seen through by spiritual sense?"

His spiritual consciousness penetrated deeper into the universe inch by inch. The moment he broke through the outer shell, a golden light flashed in front of his eyes. He groaned, and his spiritual consciousness seemed to be struck by five thunders. Blood immediately flowed out from his nose and the corners of his eyes.

After calming down the chaotic spiritual consciousness, he looked at this small part in astonishment. He never expected that such a palm-sized piece of a world-protecting artifact could actually hurt his spiritual consciousness.

There was nothing else inside, but instead it was filled with talismans.

Each talisman is composed of other smaller talismans, as well as the first-level talismans that make up the small talismans. "Brush!" His spiritual consciousness seemed to enter a sea of ​​talismans! Looking at it, this small piece of parts actually amounts to tens of thousands of talismans! And even the smallest talisman is very mysterious!

In the past, when he encountered large talisman formations that he didn't understand, he chose not to look at them all. But you can’t help but watch it now! If we don’t crack the secret of Qiankun before the war of all realms begins, and don’t know how to use it, I’m afraid the Earth’s chances will become less and less.

One hour, two hours, three full hours passed, and he finally let out a long sigh of relief. Thanks to his photographic memory, the basic knowledge he had learned about talismans fully emerged in his mind. In three hours, he finally understood the meaning of the smallest level talisman.

Resonance talisman.

Any talisman is composed of the most basic runes, no matter how complicated it is. Just like mathematics, there are fixed formulas and algorithms, such as square root and square. These basic knowledge have been taught by Tiandao. A little bit of combination, a little bit of disassembly, even with Bodhi Seed and Danling, it still took a full three hours.

After putting down the parts, he realized that he was already covered in cold sweat. His head was throbbing with pain, and when he looked down at the dense sea of ​​​​Qiankun, which was tens of thousands of meters away, even he felt helpless.

Too much……

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