
Main text Chapter 94: Seven Stars Demon Slayer (Part 2)

"Boom!" Xu Yangyi's heart flashed like a thunder. He never expected that the imperial weapon... could even determine life and death!

The questions in my mind were finally answered. Although this answer is very one-sided and seems to have revealed a small corner, it actually hides more secrets!

His eyes flickered. Living Emperor Weapon, has he identified with his own way?

What path have you identified with yourself? If there must be an opportunity for activation, it would be the shock that the eight monks gave him when they faced Zhu Hongxue. But...he clearly understood what a monk is! What is practice!

Which Nine-Fifth Master would agree with what a monk is! What is practice?

He was silent, Bi Bo flicked his fingers, and a lotus floated out from the thick fog. The moment it touched the imperial weapon, suddenly, a sound like swords clashing sounded crisply in this area. Sky!

"Dang!" Although this sound is short, it has a long aftertaste, as if it came from thousands of years ago, with countless murderous auras, making people's hearts tremble!

Xu Yangyi suddenly felt his heart beating wildly, and then slowly calmed down as the sound spread out like ripples.

It was like... something grabbed hold of my heart and squeezed it hard.

He just breathed a sigh of relief, but his pupils suddenly shrank!

At this moment, the imperial weapon trembled slightly, and a blood-like mist quickly formed a movie-like curtain, appearing in front of the two of them!

"This is it!" There was a violent vibration under Xu Yangyi's feet. Bibo seemed to have seen the most terrifying thing. The whole demon body trembled and almost threw Xu Yangyi into the lake!

Above the blood curtain, groups of scenes that seemed to smell the smell of blood appeared like ripples, and finally... were clearly displayed!

"I...I am not willing to..." No one could be seen, only a pale hand could be seen, slowly raising it: "This is the could..."

"Crash..." The man's hand lowered feebly and passed across a field of exquisite tables and chairs. The exquisitely carved objects and antiques on them suddenly fell to the ground and turned into pieces with a harsh sound.

At this moment, in front of him, facing the dark night outside the house, suddenly, a stream of light like a fairy light lit up! Like the sun in the dark night! It’s impossible not to notice!

Immortal light, golden light, and lotuses growing in the sky! In an instant, the sky was filled with golden light as if a golden curtain had been lowered! Mesmerized!

"Ha..." In the thick fog, two groups of green flames trembled violently, and the thousand-year-old demon couldn't believe what he saw.

"Brush!" At this moment, the blood curtain suddenly shattered. The scene was as quiet as death.

It was only three seconds, a short time, but the silence left behind seemed like a century.

"Senior?" Xu Yangyi finally spoke, because Bi Bo opposite him seemed to be dead.

There was no answer, it was as if a huge heartbeat could be heard, echoing in the space.

"Senior?" Five minutes later, Xu Yangyi cupped his hand again and asked for the second time.

"I...I understand..." Ten seconds later, Bibo's voice sounded again, but he seemed to be out of his mind and worried.

"This is... the blood-stained imperial weapon..." The huge green flame looked at Xu Yangyi complicatedly: "Just now... it was the obsession of the master of the imperial weapon when he died... There is a professional name for it in the cultivation world... Thousand Years grudge……"

"It carries the obsession and resentment of a king, spanning thousands of years... Junior... be careful, even I don't know much about the Emperor's Artifact." His voice finally returned to normal: "There are too many things. Because the owner's obsession is too strong, he will see the last scene of this thing being sealed..."

"But that's not the most important thing."

Bibo sighed: "Junior, can you see the last ray of light?"

Without waiting for Xu Yangyi to answer, his voice was extremely cautious: "That... is also an imperial weapon!"

"Before the master of this imperial weapon died, another imperial weapon attacked!" His voice already had a subtle tremor: "Junior... please remember clearly... this attack The imperial weapon...I saw it when I was born...I saw it!"

Xu Yangyi felt keenly that Bibo's body was trembling at this moment?

The thousand-year-old demon is trembling because of an imperial weapon?

He took a deep breath and cupped his hands: "Senior, please speak."

"Remember its name...Junior..." Bibo's voice was hoarse, as if he was trapped in the most terrifying memories of the past: "It's called...Xia Yujian."

He smiled bitterly: "This name may be unfamiliar to you, but you must have heard of its other name..."

"Xuanyuan Sword..." Xu Yangyi said, suppressing the shock in his heart before he could finish.

Silent again, another full minute passed before Bibo continued: "Gypsophila filled with stars, rootless lotus...golden light like yarn, powerful the Xuanyuan Sword! That's has history The most powerful imperial weapon Xuanyuan Sword ever!"

"Someone... killed this king with an imperial weapon! And this small box... had a fight with Xuanyuan Sword! Because of this, it was cut in half! What you are holding is the upper half!"

"Killed by an immortal weapon, this king carried a millennium of resentment. When he was about to die, he used his mind to nourish him, with incomparable hatred... Only then did he create the only living emperor weapon in the five thousand years of China's history. !”

"That's must be like this...that's right..."

Bibo's voice has fallen into a loop, but this answer makes it hard for him to believe it!

who is it? Such bold regicide!

And... he actually took out the most powerful Hades Emperor's weapon, Xuanyuan Sword, which has long been lost!

And the Xuanyuan Sword... was actually stained with the blood of the Emperor! Who is this dead soul who died under the sword?

And this living Emperor's weapon itself is ordinary. But after being cut in two by the Xuanyuan Sword, it has been quietly passed down to the modern times with endless resentment!

He breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't dare to think about this secret. It was too terrible and beyond his scope of participation.

"Young man, do you... dare to take it now?"

Xu Yangyi looked at the simple box quietly and sighed in his heart.

Spanning thousands of years, the obsession did not dissipate, with endless resentment, hatred, and grievances, you forged this piece of Emperor's weapon with your body?

Which Emperor are you?

What kind of rich and colorful words have you left in history?

A long sigh, as if spanning ancient and modern times, and then he held the box tightly without hesitation.

But now, you belong to me!

No matter who forged you, no matter who you were, now, you are just my fate!

Bi Bo's eyes flickered, as if he was thinking about something, and finally shook his head imperceptibly.

"What a determined character... or... a newborn calf is not afraid of a tiger?"

"Forget it, forget it... I have no fate with this thing, the birth of the emperor's weapon... China's five thousand years of taboo... In the case of recognizing the master, this seat doesn't have to fight for this hand."

He sighed with great reluctance in his heart. Between life and opportunity, he chose the former. There was a touch of jealousy in the eyes of thousands of years. After a long time, he calmed down his mood, coughed lightly and said: "Every emperor's weapon has a successor. China currently has more than 30 successors. However, the successor of the dark emperor's weapon cannot leave the province. As long as he is in the province, he can shock the practitioners in the province."

Xu Yangyi arched his hands: "Thank you for clearing up my doubts, senior."

He looked at the watch, half an hour.

"Junior has a few more questions."

As if nodding, Bi Bo continued: "I know what you want to ask, and I haven't finished. You want to ask, what is engraved on this imperial weapon? Who does it belong to?"

Xu Yangyi nodded, this is exactly what he was confused about.

"Hehehe... kid... I don't know whether to say that you have too good luck or too bad luck... There is a line of symbols engraved on the edge of this unique Shengdi weapon that belongs to you. You may think it is a pattern, but I happen to recognize these patterns."

After laughing, Bi Bo's voice became solemn: "This... is hieroglyphics, and it means: unlock its secrets!"

"Young man, the emperor weapon in your hand is incomplete. I don't know why you activated it and took on its luck and cause and effect. But you'd better find the rest of it as soon as possible, otherwise..." He shook his head: "Shengdi weapon... Five thousand years, one nation, more than one billion people, only this one... The emperor who died in its hands, with how much hatred and hatred, who is it? Can it last for a thousand years? What will happen, no one can know."

"Are there any clues?" Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed, and he asked immediately.

"Of course..." Bi Bo laughed: "But now, should we talk about your conditions?"

Xu Yangyi smiled: "Since I'm here, I naturally know the rules, please tell me, senior."

Bi Bo said almost without hesitation: "The secret of the Shengdiqi... you must share it with me!"

"Don't discuss it with me, but... you tell it to me in person, and don't leave any paper or pen! And make a Taoist oath that you are willing to share it with me! All the cause and effect will be borne by you!"

This is his price!

He didn't dare to think about the Shengdiqi, especially after knowing that it was a regicide emperor weapon, he didn't dare to imagine what kind of consequences the cause and effect in the dark would bring!

Fortunately... he squinted at Xu Yangyi, who was just a little Qi training cultivator. He didn't know whether the cause and effect really existed. With his cultivation and knowledge, he was far from being exposed to these things...

Only those above the Jindan level are qualified to start pursuing cause and effect and tracing the previous relationship... A mere Qi training, how can you coax him?

Especially, this is an open conspiracy.

Everything is in his hands. What he has is nothing but the most important knowledge and information!

This is the advantage of living a long life!

If he doesn't agree, he will never know the most critical things!

He agreed to share the treasure and take responsibility for the cause and effect. This is the perfect way to avoid cause and effect.

After hundreds of years of fishing, finally... finally a real big fish is caught! This is totally worth the money!

Xu Yangyi didn't speak.

He thought about it quickly in his mind.

Undoubtedly, this condition obviously has a big pit, but he must agree now.

Whether it is cultivation or knowledge, he is not at the same level as the old demon Bi Bo.

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